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Monthly Household Income:

Number of people in the household:

Type of residence:

1. Are you aware of your consumer rights?



2. If yes, please list at least two consumer rights you are aware of:

3. Where do you usually get information about products/services before making a purchase? (Select all
that apply)



*Friends and Family


*Social Media

*Other (please specify):

4. How confident do you feel in understanding product labels (nutrition labels, expiration dates, etc.)?

*Very confident

*Somewhat confident


*Somewhat unconfident

*Very unconfident

5. Are you aware of eco-friendly or sustainable products?



6. If yes, what factors influence your decision to choose eco-friendly products?

7. What factors do you consider most important when making a purchase decision? (e.g., price, brand
reputation, reviews, etc.)

8. Have you ever felt misled by advertising when purchasing a product or service?



9. If yes, please provide a brief example:

10. What do you think can be done to improve consumer awareness among households?

11. Any suggestions for the government or businesses to enhance consumer protection?

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