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Bhadrapur-02, Jhapa

Subject:- G.K F.M.- 25

Class- 3 (Three) P.M.-

1. Write the name of sounds for the following animals:- {5x1=5}

a. Bee
b. Chick
c. Cricket
d. Goose
e. Mouse

2. Write the name of homes for the following animals:- {5x1=5}

a. Ant
b. Rabbit
c. Termite
d. Tiger
e. Beaver

3. Tick the correct answers:- {5x1=5}

a. It has a trunk, leaves, branches, and roots. What is it?
A tree A cat A flower An elephant

b. What is the most common color of plant leaves?

Yellow Blue Green Red

c. Which part of the plant is Cinnamon made of?

Bark Root Leaves Stem

d. Which of the following turns red in the fall?

Neem tree Onion Maple tree Peepal tree

e. Which fruit comes from a plant that is not a tree?

A plum A peach A tomato An apple

4. Answer the questions in one word:- { 10x1=10}

a. Plants are called the of nature.

b. Who was the last king of Nepal?

c. How many chambers of the heart are there in human heart?

d. What is the main food of Giant Panda?

e. What is the fastest land animal in the world?

f. What makes the leaves green?

g. The process by which green plants prepare their own food is called:

h. Who was the first Kirat king of Nepal?

i. Who established Bir Hospital?

j. Which dynasty ruled first in Nepal?

Best Of Luck

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