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# Planing Our Application

1. Answer Questions
- What are we building?
- Who are we building if for?
- What features do we need to have?

2. User Stories
3. Model our Data
4. Think through the pages we need in our Application

## Questions

1. What are we building? We are building a personal site.

A place where we can blog, share examples of our work, and have people
contact us.

2. who are we building if for? we are building it for ourselves, but also the
Sharing what we are learning by blogging is a great way to learn for
ourselves, but we
teach others in the process. show potential employers that we know what we
are doing.

3. what features do we want to have?

- Post
- Create / Edit / Destroy
- Markdown
- Syntax highlight
- Comments (Disqus)

- Projects
- Create / Edit / Destroy

- Contact
- Contact form
- Sendgrid

- User (Devise)

### User Stories

As a blank, I want to be able to blank, so that blank.

- As a User, I want to be able to create post so that I can share what i am

learning on my blog.
- As a User, I want to be able to edit e destroy posts, so that I can
manage my blog.
- As a User, I want to be write posts in markdown format so that it's easy
for me to writes posts.
- As a User, I want to be highlight the various syntax of code blocks that
I share on my blog.
- As a User, I want to show the visitors and potential employers examples
of my work, or stuff I've built.
- As a User, I want to able to have visitors contact me through a form on
my site.
- As a User, I want visitors to be able to leave comments on my posts.

#### Modeling our Data





**User** Ruby(Devise) Java (Check)

implements API oAuth google

##### Think through the pages we need in our Application

- Home
- Posts#Index
- Posts#Show
- Projects#Index
- Projects#Show
- Contact

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