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Q.1 Which in the most logical sequence with reference to the life cycle of angiosperm
(A) Germination, endosperm formation, seed dispessal, double fertilization
(B) Endosperm formation, seed formation, fertilization, seed germination
(C) Pollination, fertilization, seed formation, seed germination
(D) Fertilization, seed dispersal, edosperm formation, seed germination

Q.2 Only Angiosperms have –

(A) Seed (B) Vascular tissue
(B) Fruit (D) Endosperm

Q.3 Most reduced size gametophyte is of –

(A) Bryophytes (B) Pteridophytes (C) Gymnosperm (D) Angiosperm

Q.4 Microsporophyll of Angiosperms is known is –

(A) Androecium (B) Anther (C) Filament (D) Stamen

Q.5 Which one is female gametophyte –

(A) Embryo (B) Embryosac (C) Endosperm (D) Pistil

Q.6 Ovule of an angiosperm is technically equivalent to –

(A) A megasporangium (B) A microsporangium
(C) A micro spore (D) A megaspore

Q.7 In angiosperm megasporophyll is equal to –

(A) Gynoecium (B) Carpel (C) Ovary (D) Stigma

Q.8 Which of the following nuclei participate in double fertilization –

(A) The egg
(B) The secondary nucleus
(C) The two male nuclei
(D) All of the above

Q.9 After fertilization which structure produces seed –

(A) Ovule
(B) Ovary
(C) Embryo
(D) Endosperm

Q.10 Normal embryo is developed by the activity of

(A) Two polar nuclei of embryosac
(B) Secondary nucleus and male gamete
(C) Egg cef and male gamete
(D) Sy
Q.11 The fusion product of polar nuclei and male gamets is
(A) Nucellus
(B) Zygote
(C) Primary endosperm nucleus
(D) Secondary nucleus

Q.12 Haploid diploid and triploid conditions can be traced respectively in –

(A) Egg. Nucellus, Endosperm
(B) Antipodal, Egg, Endosperm
(C) Nucellus, Endosperm, Synergids
(D) Antipodal, Synergids, Endosperm

Q.13 The number of nucles taking part in double fertilization are

(A) Two 9B) Three (C) Four (D) Five

Q.14 Endosperm of maximum Angiosperm is

(A) 2n (B) 3n (C) n (D) n + 1

Q.15 Embryosae is
(A) 7 celled 7 nucleated
(B) 8 celled 8 nucleated
(C) 7 Celled 8 nucleated
(D) 8 celled 7 nucleated

Kingdom – Plantae

Q.1 Most advanced Gymnosperm belongs to –

(A) Cycadales (B) Coniferales (C) Gnetales (D) Cycadofilicales

Q.2 Which of the following is called father of forest –

(A) Pinus (B) Banyan (C) Sequoia (D) Cedrus
Q.3 All Gymnosperms are-
(A) Heterosporus (B) Vascular
(C) Seed plants (D) All the above

Q.4 Gymnosperm plants lack –

(A) Vessels (B) Fruits (C) Companion cells (D) All the above

Q.5 Resin turpentine is obtained from

(A) Pinus (B) Adiantum (C) Club mosses (D) Sequoia

Q.6 Which group is largest in gymnosperms

(A) Cycadales (B) Gnetales (C) Coniferales (D) Cordaitales

Q.7 Gnetum belongs to

(A) Pteridophyta (B) Bryophyta (C) Angiosperms (D) Gymnosperm

Q.8 Living fossils

(A) Cycas (B) Ginkgo (C) Psilotum (D) All the above

Q.9 Which of the following order of gymnosperae is totally extinct –

(A) Cycadales (B) Ginkgoales (C) Gnetales (D) Cycadofilicales

Q.10 Which of the following is commonly known as ‘’Yew tree’’

(A) Pinus roxburghli (B) P. strobus (C) Taxus (D) P. sylvestris

Q.11 Gymnosperms differ from pteridophytes in having

(A) Presence of vessels (B) Presence of embryo
(C) Presence of seed (D) Companion cell

Q.12 Fossils of Williamsonia were first discovered by

(A) Williamson (B) Seward (C) Birbal Sahani (D) Kashyap

Q.13 Professor Birbal sahani discovered a fossil plant from 100 million years old fossil forest at
Rajmahal Hills, Bihar. This plant –
(A) Rhynia (B) Homeophyton
(C) Williamsonia (D) Red algae

Q.14 The characteristic feature of gymnosperm is –

(A) Seeds are naked (B) Fruits are absent
(C) Heterosporus (D) All

Q.15 In nature the largest ovules are found in –

(A) Sequoia (B) Ginkgo (C) Pinus (D) Cycas

Q.16 The plants of gymnosperms are –

(A) Homo and heterosporous
(B) Homosporous
(C) Heterosporous
(D) Monoecious

Q.17 Taxus belongs to –

(A) Ephedrales (B) Cycadales (C) Coniferales (D) Gnetales

Q.18 Vessels are found in –

(A) Coniferales (B) Gnetales (C) Cycadales (D) Ginkgoales

Q.19 In heterosporous plants like some ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms, the gametophytes are
(A) Monoecious (B) Dicecicus (C) Heteroecious (D) Autoecious

Q.20 If pollen tube bursts in mid way, the male gametes will not be anle to fertilize the egg in.
(A) Lower gymnosperms
(B) High gymnosperms
(C) Angiosperm
(D) (B) and (C) both

Q.21 Cedar wood oil is obtained from

(A) Cedrus (B) Ables balsemia
(C) Pinus (D) Junipenus virginiana

Q.22 The megasporophyll of gemnosperms is equivalent to

(A) stem (B) Carpels (C) Female cone (D) stamens

Nature and Scope of biology

Q.1 In ancient India which of the following is regarded as God of Medicine ?

(A) Susruta (B) Charaka (C) Dhanvantari (D) Atreya

Q.2 Who was the first physician in ancient India who developed the concept of digestion metabolism
and Immunity ?
(A) Atreya (B) Charaka (C) Agnivesa (D) Atreya

Q.3 Which of the following is regarded as Father of surgery ?

(A) Andreas Vesalius (B) William Harvey
(C) Susruta (D) Atreya

Q.4 Which of the following is honoured as Father of anatomy ?

(A) Susruta (B) William Harvey (C) Andreas Vesalius (D) Atreya
Q.5 A plant classified as dicot but without visible cotyledon is –
(A) Cuscuta (B) Nepenthes (C) Drosera (D) Dionaea

Q.6 Science dealing with nose and olfactory organs is

(A) Rhinology (B) Radiology (C) Dermatology (D) Kinesiology

Q.7 The physical sufferings are often caused by bad deeds in the previous birth. It may be called –
(A) Serenidipty (B) Teleology (C) Control experiment (D) Hypothesis

Q.8 Herpetology is study of –

(A) Reptiles and amphibians (B) Snakes
(C) Helminths (D) Mammals
Q.9 Lightest wood is
(A) Tectona (B) Morus (C) Hard Wichia (D) Ochroma

Q.10 The correct match is –

Scientists Associated with
(i) William Bateson (A) Red

Q.14 The correct match is

Column I Column II
(Scientists) (Contribution)
(i) Andreas Vesaltus (P) Micrographia
(ii) A.V. Leeuwenhoek (Q) De Humani Corporis Fabrica
(iii) W. Harvey (R) Species plantarum
(iv) C. Linneaus (S) Philosphic zoologique
(v) Robert Hooke (T) Anatomical exercise on the motion of the heart and blood
(vi) Lamarck

(A) (i) – Q, (iii) – T, (iv) – R, (v) – P, (vi) - S

(B) (i) – Q, (ii) – T, (iv) – R, (v) – P, (vi) – S
(C) (i) – Q, (ii) – T, (iii) – T, (iv) – P, (vi) – S
(D) (i) – P, (ii) – Q. (iii) – T, (iv) – R, (v) – S

Q.15 Scientist associated with Indian Palaeobotany is –

(BHU 93, Manipal 97)
(A) P. Maheswari (B) Birbal sahani
(C) M.O.P. lyenger (D) Swaminathan

Q.16 Circulation of blood was discovered by

(manipal 95)
(A) William Harvey (B) Karl Landsteiner
(C) Watson and crick (D) Bose

Q.17 Rearing of bees is - (RPMT – 96)

(A) Horticulture (B) Apiary (C) Apiculture (D) Poultry

Q.18 Branch of science connected with diagnosis, prevention and case of mental disorders is
(AITMS 97)
(A) Paychiatry (B) Psychlology (C) Naurology (D) Neuroptyschiatry


Q.21 Irrational fear of disease is - (AIMS 97)

(A) Algophobis (B) Mysophobia (C) Pathophobia (D) Haematophobis

Q.22 Improvement of human race through Improvement of human environment is

(MPPMT 98)
(A) Eugenics (B) Euphenics (C) Euthenics (D) Anthropology

Q.23 Utilisation of living organisms for human welfare is –

(Manipal 98)
(A) Ecobiology (B) Applied biology (C) Basic biology (D) Biophysics

Q.24 Metamorphosis is studied under - (B.V. 2000)

(A) Neurology (B) Embryology (C) Cardiology (D) Physiology

Q.25 Study of human population growth comes under (Kerla 2000)

(A) Anthropology (B) Sociology (C) Demography (D) Geography

Q.26 Scientific enquiry about life in outer space is (Kerla 2000)

(A) Exobiology (B) Cryobiology (C) Investigative biology (D) Euphenics

Q.27 In 1928, a scientist discovered the first effective antibiotic. Scientist and antibiotics are –
(A) Fleming-steptomycin
(B) Fleming-pencillin (AIIMS 2000, Manipal 2000)
(C) Waksman-pencicillin
(D) Waksman-streptomycin

Q.28 Choose the correct pair (CPMT 2000)

(A) Sericulture-Fish (B) Apiculture-Honey Bee
(C) Pisciculture-Silkworm (D) Silviculture-Silkworm

Q.29 Match the column (Karnataka – 2001)

Column I Column II
(i) Palynology (P) Silkworms
(ii) Oncology (Q) Pollen grain
(iii) Phycology (R) Cancer
(iv) Sericulture (S) Algae

(A) (i) – S, (ii) – R, (iii) – Q, (iv) - P

(B) (i) – Q, (ii) – R, (iii) – S, (iv) – P
(C) (i) – S, (ii) – Q, (iii) – R, (iv) – P
(D) (i) – R, (ii) – Q, (iii) – S, (iv) - P

Page No. 137

Understanding of Life

Q.1 All living beings show –

(A) Irritablity
(B) Irregular shape
(C) Locomotion
(D) Absence of coordination

Q.2 Bending of a shoot towards light is –

(A) Irritablity
(B) Healing
(C) Regeneration
(D) A photochemical reacation

Q.3 Physical basis of life is –

(A) Cell (B) Nucleus (C) Protoplasm (D) Food

Q.4 Feulgen test is specific for –

(A) Proteins (B) RNA (C) Lipids (D) DNA

Q.5 Which type of organization is found in only living beings –

(A) Atomic (B) Mixture (C) Molecular (D) Subcellular

Q.6 Organisation formed by individuals of a species is –

(A) Population (B) Ecosystem (C) Community (D) All the above

Q.7 Number of chemicals found in living cell is

(A) 25000 (B) 2000 (C) 5000 (D) 500

Q.8 Which one is a micromolecule –

(A) Glucose (B) Protein (C) DNA (D) Glycogen
Q.9 Salt concentration of blood is –
(A) 0.9 gm/100 ml (B) 9 gm/100 ml
(C) 100 mg/100ml (D) 500mg/100 ml

Q.10 Glucose concentration of blood for normal body function is

(A) 0.9gm/100ml (B) 200mg/100ml
(C) 100 mg/100ml. (D) 500 mg/100 ml

Q.11 Energy currency of a cell is

(A) Mitochondria (B) Golgi body

Q.12 Energy transfer or transformations are never 100% efficient. This is due to
(A) Entropy (B) Homeostasis (C) Aggregation (D) Adaptation

Q.13 During nerve conduction, electric energy is produced. What is the source of this energy

Q.14 What type of energy is needed to make up the loss of energy in a living system
(A) Heat energy (B) Free energy
(C) Light energy (C) Mechanical energy

Q.15 Use of tail as fifth limb by Kangaroo is an example of

(A) Short term adaptation
(B) Homeostasis
(C) Long term adaptation
(D) Energy transformation

Q.16 Long term adaptation is

(A) Inheritable (B) Formed due to evolution
(C) Permanent (D) All the above

Q.17 Which organ remains functional for a few hours even after clinical death
(A) Heart (B) Eyes (C) Kidneys (D) All the above

Q.18 80% of the living material of a cell is made of

(A) minerals (B) Proteins (C) Water (D) Fats

Q.19 Sweating is meant for

(A) Killing of skin bacteria
(B) Regulation of body temperature
(C) Removal of excess salt
(D) Removal of excess water

Q.20 99% of living system is formed of four elements –

Q.21 Ultimate source of energy is
(A) ATP (B) Sun (C) Glucos (D) Food

Q.22 Pox virus contains …… vitamin

(A) Riboflavin (B) Biotin (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Transcriptase

Q.23 If feedback inhibition a metabolic pathway gets ‘Switched off’ by

(A) Lack of substate
(B) Accumulation of end product
(C) A rise in temperature
(D) Competitive inhibition

Q.24 ACTH consists ……….. amino acids units

(A) 8500 (B) 39 (C) 4500 (D) 910000

Q.25 Hemocyanin of snail consists of ……… amino acids

(A) 910000 (B) 8200 (C) 39 (D) 4500

Q.26 The molecule which contain all the information for carrying all the life process
(A) DNA (B) m-RNA (C) r-RNA (D)t-RNA

Q.27 An example of short term adaptation is –

(i) Accumalation of melanin in the skin
(ii) The use of stored fat in animals undergoing hibernation
(iii) Dormancy of seeds.
(iv) Phototroplsm of stems and geotropism of roots.

(A) (i) and (ii) are correct

(B) (ii) and (iii) are correct
(C) All are correct
(D) None of the above is correct

Q.28 Long term adaptation helps in

(A) Evolution (B) Survival (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

Q.29 The species which grow on exposed rocks is

(A) Selginella lepidophylla
(B) Myrothemnus
(C) Craterostigma
(D) Nepenthes

Q.30 The largest macromolecule is

(A) RNA (B) DNA (C) Proteins (D) Fats

Q.31 Who pointed out that ‘’Life results due to a relationship of molecules and is not the property of
any one molecule ‘’
(A) Darwin (B) Wiesmann (C) L. Pauling (D) None of these

Q.32. What is the energy required in calories for formation of energy rich bond between
phosphorous and ADP molecule in DNA
(A) 2500 cal (B) 7600 cal (C) 12060 cal (D) 20000 cal

Q.33 Homeostasis refers to

(A) Positive and negative feedback
(B) Positive feedback
(C) Negative feedback
(D) None of these

Q.34 Dodo (flightless bird) recently got extinct from

(A) Indonesia (B) Mauritius (C) Australia (D) India

Q.35 The simplest amino acid is

(A) Glycine (B) Lysine (C) Tyrosine (D) Aspartic acid

Q.36 Steroid is
(A) Cholesterol (B) Thyroxine (C) Vitamin A (D) Fatty acid ester

Q.37 Water protects organisms from thermal shock due to its high
(A) Thermal conductivity
(B) Latent heat
(C) Dielectric constant
(D) All the above

Q.38 Homeostasis is
(A) Tendency to change with change in environment
(B) Tendency to resist change
(C) Disturbance in regulatory control
(D) None of these

Q.39 Cholestreol is
(A) Monoseccharids
(B) Protein
(C) Sterol
(D) Wax

Q.40 Maintenance of internal favourable conditions despite changes in external environment is

(A) Enthalpy (B) Homoestasis
(C) Entropy (D) Steady state

Q.41 Total heat content of a system is

(A) Free energy (B) Enthalpy
(C) Entropy (D) Kinetic energy
Q.42 A person exposed to cold environment does not show
(A) Shivering
(B) Vasoconstriction of peripheral vessels
(C) Increased secretion of thyroid and adrenal medulia
(D) Increased heart beat and volume per stroke

Q.43 Which is correct about energy charges in living cells

(A) First energy transfer then energy transformation
(B) Both occur simultaneously
(C) Both occur disocontineously
(D) First energy transformation than energy transfer

Q.44 Animals not possessing fixed temperature are called

(A) Homeotherms
(B) mexotherms
(C) Poikilotherms
(D) Heterotherms

Q.45 Which one is incorrect

(A) New individuals replace the dead ones
(B) Homeostasis produces a self regulated steady state
(C) Most homeostatic mechanisms operate through feed back systems
(D) Cell obtains instructions for divisions from a hereditary protein

Page No. 223

Cell wall, cell membrane

Q.1 Which cell wall component present in all three cell wall
(A) Pectin (B) Cellulose (C) Hemicellulose (D) Lignin

Q.2 Growth of cell wall during cell elongation takes place by

(A) Apposition
(B) Intussusception
(C) Both A and B
(D) Super position

Q.3 Plasmodesmata are

(A) Pores in cell wall
(B) Pores in cell membrane
(C) Protoplasmic connection
(D) A and B both
Q.4 Which element mainly occurs in middle lamella
(A) Ca (B) Mg (C) Na (D) K

Q.5 Lignified cell wall is characteristic feature of

(A) Vessels
(B) Sieve cells
(C) Sieve tubes
(D) All the above

Q.6 Cell membrane have how many enzymes

(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) More than 50

Q.7 cell membrane is composed of

(A) Proteins and cellulose
(B) Proteins and phospholipids
(C) Proteins and carbohydrates
(D) Proteins, phospholipids and some carbohydrates

Q.8 Which of the following is main enzyme of plasma membrane

(A) TPPase (B) ATPase (C) Peptidyl transferase (D) Catalases

Q.9 Cell wall is

(A) Dead and impermeable
(B) Dead and permeable
(C) Living and impermeable
(D) Living and selective

Q.10 Carbohydrates are present in the plasmalemma in the form of

(A) Hemicellulose (B) Cellulose
(C) Starch (D) Glycoprotein

Q.11 Synthesis of cell wall material takes place in

(A) Dictyosome (B) Mitochondria (C) Lysosome (D) E.R

Q.12 Tondifibrils are characteristic of which junction

(A) desmosomes
(B) Plasmodesmata
(C) Gap junction
(D) Tight junction

Q.13 According to fluid mosaic model (proposed by Singer and Nicholson) plasm membrane is
composed of
(A) Cellulose, hemicellulose
(B) Phospholipid and integrated protein
(C) Phospholipid, extrinsic protein, intrinsic protein
(D) Phospholipid and hemicellulose
Q.14 Torus is composed of
(A) Suberin (B) Chitin (C) Cutin (D) Lignin

Q.15 Carbohydrates which present in the cell membrane take part in

(A) Transport of substance
(B) Cell recognition
(C) Attachment to microfilament
(D) Attachment to microtubules

Q.16 Plasma membrane is fluid structure due to presence of

(A) Carbohydrate (B) Lipid
(C) Glycoprotein (D) Poly saccharide

Q.17 The most abundant lipid in cell membrane is

(A) Cutin (B) Cholesterole (C) Sterioid (D) Phospolipids

Q.18 Cell wall of lignified cell is

(A) Semipermeable and dead
(B) Permeable and living
(C) Impermeable and dead
(D) Impermeable and living

Q.19 Which type of cell surface junction abundantly occur in epithelial tissues
(A) Nexus (B) Desmosomes
(C) Zona occludense (D) Plasmodesmata

Q.20 Cell wall is present in

(A) Plant cell (B) Prokaryotic cell
(C) Algal cell (D) All the above

Q.21 Plasma membrane is

(A) Selectively permeable (B) Permeable
(C) Impermeable (D) Semipermeable

Q.22 Amphipathic molecule in plasma membrane is

(A) Protein (B) Carbohydrates (C) Phspholipids (D) All the above

Q.23 Primary cell wall formed by

(A) Intussusception (B) Apposition
(C) Intussusception and lignification
(D) Minearalization

Q.24 The singer’s Model of Plasma membrane differs from the Robertson’s model in the
(A) Number of lipid layers
(B) Arrangement of proteins
(C) Arrangement of lipid layers
(D) Absence of protein layers

Q.25 Ingestion of solid food by plasma membranes is called

(A) Endoosmosis (B) Pinocytosis
(C) Cytokinesis (D) Phagocytosis

Q.26 Ingestion of large molecules by animal cell is called

(A) Diffusion (B) Osmosis (C) Exocytosis (D) Endocytosis

Q.27 Endocytosis Includes

(A) Phagocytosis (B) Pinocytosis
(D) Both (D) None

Q.28 Influid mosaic model of plasma membrane

(A) Upper layer is non-polar and hydrophilic
(B) Polar layer is hydrophobic
(C) Phospholipids form a bimolecular layer in middle part
(D) Proteins form a middle layer

Q.29 Which one of the following is not a constituent of cell membrane

(A) Cholesterol (B) Glycolipids (C) Proline (D) Phospholipids

Q.30 Keeping in view the ‘’Fluid mosaic model’’ for the structure of cell membrane, which one of the
following statements is correct with respect to the movement of lipids and proteins from one lipid
monolayer to the other (described as flipflop movement
(A) While proteins can flip-flop, lipids can not
(B) Neither lipids, nor proteins can flip-flop
(C) Both lipids and proteins can flip-flop
(D) While lipids can rarely flip-flop proteins can not

Q.31 Plasmodesmata are

(A) Connections between adjacent cells
(B) Lignefied cemented layers between cells
(C) Locomotary structures
(D) Membranes connecting the nucleus with plasmalemma.

Q.32 Middle lamella is composed mainly of

(A) Phosphoglycerides (B) Hemicellulose
(C) Muramic acid (D) Calcium pectate

Q.33 The plasma membrane consists mainly of

(A) proteins embedded in a carbohydrate bilayer
(B) Phospholipids embedded in a protein bilayer
(C) Proteins embedded in a phospholipid bilayer
(D) proteins embedded in a polymer of glucose molecules
Q.34 Which one of the following structures between two adjacent cell is an effective transport
(A) Plasmalemma
(B) Plasmodesmata
(C) Plastoquinones
(D) Endoplasmeic refleculum

Q.35 In eubacteria, a cellular component that resembles eukaryotic cell is

(A) Plasma membrane
(B) Nucleus
(C) Ribosomes
(D) Cell wall

Q.36 Select the correct statement from the following regarding cell membrane
(A) Lipids are arranged in a

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