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Biological Classification 2

1. Statement-1 : Linnaeus classified plants into trees, shrubs and herbs, on the basis of morphological characters.
Statement-2 : Aristotle divided animals into group - Anaima and Enaima.
(A) Only statement-1 is correct
(B) Only statement-2 is correct
(C) Both statement-1 and statement-2 are correct
(D) Both statement-1 and statement-2 are incorrect
2. In members of which kingdom, nuclear membrane is absent?
(A) Monera (B) Protista (C) Fungi (D) Plantae
3. In five kingdom classification, the kingdom that includes the blue-green algae, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and
methanogenic archaebacteria, is
(A) Monera (B) Protista (C) Fungi (D) Plantae
4. Which one of the following is not the basis of five kingdom classification?
(A) Cell structure (B) Body organisation (C) Reproduction (D) Reserve food material
5. Position of bacteria in the kingdom system of classification proposed by Linnaeus is
(A) Monera (B) Protista (C) Plantae (D) Animalia
6. Who was the founder of five kingdom system of classification?
(A) C. Linnaeus (B) R.H. Whittaker (C) Aristotle (D) T.O. Diener
7. According to five kingdom system, gymnosperms and angiosperms are grouped under the kingdom
(A) Monera (B) Protista (C) Fungi (D) Plantae
8. Which organisms are not included in the five kingdom system of classification?
(A) Protozoans (B) Viruses (C) Lichens (D) Both (B) & (C)
9. Who for the first time classified organisms on the basis of scientific approach?
(A) Aristotle (B) Linnaeus (C) Whittaker (D) Pasteur
10. Aristotle classified animals in two groups on the basis of presence or absence of RBC. The group which does not
have RBCs is
(A) Anaima (B) Enaima (C) Ovipera (D) Vivipera
11. Heterotrophic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms lacking a cell wall are included in the kingdom.
(A) Protista (B) Fungi (C) Plantae (D) Animalia
12. Match the following
Column-I Column-II
(Group of bacteria) (Their shape)
a. Coccus (i) Rod-shaped
b. Bacillus (ii) Spherical
c. Spirillum (iii) Spiral
d. Vibrium (iv) Comma-shaped
(A) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (B) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv) (C) a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii) (D) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
13. During favourable conditions bacteria mainly reproduce by
(A) Budding (B) Fragmentation (C) Sporulation (D) Fission
14. Select the correct statement.
(A) Cholera, typhoid, tetanus are well-known diseases caused by viruses
(B) Dinoflagellates, euglenoids and slime moulds are placed under kingdom Monera
(C) Members of kingdom Protista are primarily aquatic
(D) Dinoflagellates are the chief ‘producers’ in the oceans
15. Select the incorrect statement.
(A) Nostoc and Anabaena have heterocysts for nitrogen fixation

Head Office :- Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi nagar, Kota (Raj.) Pin code : 324005
Biological Classification 3
(B) Cyanobacteria often form blooms in polluted water bodies
(C) Heterotrophic bacteria are more abundant in nature
(D) The cell wall of Mycoplasma are made up of chitin

16. Heterocysts present in Anabaena is specialised for

(A) Nitrogen fixation (B) Food storage (C) Fission (D) Sexual reproduction
17. Mark the odd one w.r.t. cell wall.
(A) Halophiles (B) Methanogens (C) Thermoacidophiles (D) Cyanobacteria
18. Primitive bacteria living in salty areas are called as
(A) Methanogens (B) Thermoacidophiles (C) Heliophytes (D) Halophiles
19. Select the non-protistan group.
(A) Slime moulds (B) Dinoflagellates (C) Phycomycetes (D) Chrysophytes
20. Which of the following is correct?
(A) All slime moulds are haploid (B) Protozoans lack cell wall
(C) Dinoflagellates are non-motile (D) Pellicle is absent in Euglena
21. Match the column:
Column-I Column-II
A. Diatoms i. Cell wall less
B. Mycoplasma ii. Indestructible cell wall
C. Blue-green algae iii. Pellicle
D. Euglena iv. Peptidoglycanic cell wal
(A) A= (i), B = (ii), C= (iii), D = (iv) (B) A= (ii), B = (i), C= (iv), D = (iii)
(C) A= (iv), B = (iii), C= (ii), D = (i) (D) A= (i), B = (iii), C= (iv), D = (ii)
22. Match the column
Column-I Column-II
A. Amoeboid protozoans i. Paramoecium
B. Flagellated Protazoans ii. Plasmodium
C. Ciliated protozoans iii. Entamoeba
D. Sporozoans iv. Trypanosoma
(A) A= (ii), B = (iv), C= (iii), D = (i) (B) A= (i), B = (ii), C= (iii), D = (iv)
(C) A= (iii), B = (iv), C= (i), D = (ii) (D) A= (iii), B = (iv), C= (ii), D = (i)
23. Match the columns.
Column-I Column-II
A. Plasmodium i. Diatoms
B. Mixotrophic nutrition ii. Euglenoids
C. Red tide iii. Dinoflagellates
D. Oceanic chief iv. Slime moulds
(A) A= (iv), B = (ii), C= (iii), D = (i) (B) A= (i), B = (iv), C= (iii), D = (ii)
(C) A= (i), B = (ii), C= (iii), D = (iv) (D) A= (iv), B = (iii), C= (i), D = (ii)
24. Match the column
Column I Column II
A. Ascomycetes i. Club fungi
B. Basidiomycetes ii. Sac fungi
C. Deuteromycetes iii. Algae fungi
D. Phycomycetes iv. Fungi imperfecti

Head Office :- Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi nagar, Kota (Raj.) Pin code : 324005
Biological Classification 4
(A) A= (i), B = (iv), C= (ii), D = (iii) (B) A= (iv), B = (iii), C= (i), D = (ii)
(C) A= (i), B = (iii), C= (iv), D = (ii) (D) A= (ii), B = (i), C= (iv), D = (iii)
25. Match the columns:
Column I Column II
A. Rust fungi i. Neurospora
B. Antibiotic source ii. Puccinia
C. Edible fungi iii. Truffles and Morels
D. Experimental genetics iv. Penicillium
(A) A= (i), B = (ii), C= (iv), D = (iii) (B) A= (i), B = (ii), C= (iii), D = (iv)
(C) A= (ii), B = (iv), C= (iii), D = (i) (D) A= (iv), B = (i), C= (ii), D = (iii)
26. Match the columns:
Column I Column II
A. Prions i. Cauliflower mosaic disease
B. Viroids ii. Chrysanthemum stunt
C. Plant virus iii. Cr Jacob disease
D. Animal virus iv. Polio
(A) A= (i), B = (ii), C= (iii), D = (iv) (B) A= (iv), B = (iii), C= (i), D = (ii)
(C) A= (i), B = (iv), C= (ii), D = (iii) (D) A= (iii), B = (ii), C= (i), D = (iv)
27. Match the columns and choose the correct option
Column-I Column-II
A. Ernst Mayr i. Discovered viroids
B. Whittaker ii. Gave the name virus
C. Pasteur iii. Proposed five kingdom classification
D. Diener iv. Darwin of 20 the century
(A) A= (iv), B = (iii), C= (ii), D = (i) (B) A= (iii), B = (iv), C= (ii), D = (i)
(C) A= (ii), B = (iii), C= (iv), D = (i) (D) A= (iv), B = (iii), C= (i), D = (ii)
28. Match the columns and find out the correct combination
Column I Column I
A. Treponema pallidum i. Plague
B. Yersinia pestis ii. Anthrax
C. Bacillus anthracis iii. Syphilis
D. Vibrio iv. Cholera
(A) A= (i), B = (iii), C= (ii), D = (iv) (B) A= (iii), B = (i), C= (ii), D = (iv)
(C) A= (iv), B = (iii), C= (i), D = (ii) (D) A= (ii), B = (iii), C= (i), D = (iv)
28. In the names Mangifera indica, Solanum tuberosum and Panthera leo, the words indica, tuberosum and leo represent
(A) Generic name (B) Generic epithet (C) Specific name (D) Specific epithet
30. Why the determination of relationship becomes more complex in higher taxonomic categories :-
(A) Number of common characters goes on decreasing in lower taxa
(B) Number of common characters goes on decreasing in higher taxa
(C) Because classification itself is very difficult process
(D) Number of common characters goes on increasing in higher taxa
31. Which of the following is not a correct statement :-
(A) Order is the assemblage of families which exhibit a few similar characters in comparisation to families
(B) Convolvulaceae and Solanaceae families are included in order polymoniales mainly on the basis of floral characters
(C) In hierarchy both broad categories and sub categories are used
(D) Class is a sub category which includes related order

Head Office :- Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi nagar, Kota (Raj.) Pin code : 324005
Biological Classification 5
32. Which of the following is not used as taxonomic aid
(A) Zoological park (B) Soil (C) Herbarium (D) Museum
33. In which group of taxonomic aids only the means of recording descriptions are included :-
(A) Botanical gardens, Museum, Keys (B) Botanical Gardens, mesbarium, Keys (C)
Flora, manual, Monograph (D) Botanical Garden, Museum, Monographs
34. Taxonomists use to prepare and disseminate taxonomic informations :-
(A) Manuals and monographs (B) Museum and herbarium
(C) Zoological park and herbarium (D) Keys and herbarium
35. Largest Botanical garden, Indian Botanical Garden and National Botanical Research Institute are situated respectively
at :-
(A) Kew, Lucknow, Howrah (B) Kew, Howarh, Lucknow
(C) Lucknow, Howarh, Kew (D) Howarh, Lucknow, Kew
36. Which of the following taxonomic aid is useful only in case of animals :-
(A) Botanical gardens (B) Museum (C) Keys (D) Zoological parks
37. All the categories used in classification of organism constitute :-
(A) Taxonomy (B) Systematics (C) Taxonomic hierarchy (D) Taxonomic affinity
38. Archaebacteria differ from other bacteria in having a:-
(A) Different cell wall structure (B) Different cellular organization
(C) Parasitic nature (D) All of these
39. Nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria are :-
(A) Rhizobium, Nostoc (B) Rhizobium, Anabaena
(C) Nostoc, Anabaena (D) Anabaena, Azolla
40. The vast majority of bacteria are :-
(A) Symbiotic (B) Autotrophic (C) Heterotrophic (D) Nitrogen fixing
41 Which character indicates that Cyanobacteria are similar to higher green plants :-
(A) Type of cell wall (B) Nitrogen fixation ability
(C) Presence of chlorophyll 'a' (D) Presence of gelatinous sheath
42. Typhoid and tetanus are caused by :-
(A) Bacteria (B) Virus (C) Viroids (D) Fungi
43. Which one of the following prokaryotes lack cell wall
(A) Virus (B) Cyanobacteria (C) Mycoplasma (D) Protozoa
44. According to five kingdom classification protista includes :-
(A) Chrysophytes, Dinoflagellates, Porifera (B) Diatoms, Euglenoids, Virus
(C) Dinoflagellates, Protozoans, Slime mould (D) Chrysophytes, Bryophytes, Protozoans, Slime mould
45. Which organisms have silica in their cell wall :-
(A) Dinoflagellates (B) Slime mould (C) Diatoms (D) Euglenoids
46. Which organism is responsible for red surface of sea
(A) Euglena (B) Gonyaulax (C) Amoeba (D) Paramecium
47. Which unicellular, photosynthetic eukaryote lacks cell wall :-
(A) Mycoplasma (B) Amoeba (C) Euglena (D) Slime mould
48. Orange rots disease is caused by :-
(A) Bacterium (B) Fungus (C) Cirus (D) Mycoplasma
49. Select incorrect statement about fungi ?
(A) The cell walls are composed of chitin and polysaccharides
(B) These are heterotrophic organisms (C) They are autotrophic organsism
(D) They are absorptive in nature

Head Office :- Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi nagar, Kota (Raj.) Pin code : 324005
Biological Classification 6

50. In fungi, vegetative reproduction takes place by :-

(A) Fragmentation (B) Conidia (C) Zygospore (D) Oospore
51. In ascomycetes and basidomycetes, the dikaryotic cell is :-
(A) Haploid (B) Diploid (C) Triploid (D) Polyploid
52. Which of the following is not a member of class phycomycetes ?
(A) Albugo (B) Mucor (C) Rhizopus (D) Neurospora
53. The mycelium is aseptase and Coenocytic in :-
(A) Phycomycetes (B) Basidiomycetes (C) Deuteromycetes (D) Basidiomycetes
54. Septate and branched mycelium is found in :-
(A) Basidiomycetes (B) Deuteromycetes (C) Ascomycetes (D) All the above
55. Which of the following are not considered in five kingdom system of classification ?
(A) Lichen (B) Virus (C) Viroid (D) All the above
56. The name virus that means venom or poisonous fluid was given by :-
(A) Pasteur (B) Ivanowsky (C) Stanley (D) Both (B) & (C)
57. Viroid was discovered by :-
(A) Haeckel (B) Pasteur (C) T.O. Diener (D) Theophrastus
58. Bacteriophages are generally :-
(A) ss DNA virus (B) ds DNA virus (C) ss RNA virus (D) ds RNA virus
59. Select true statement :-
(A) Viruses are obligate parasites
(B) In Lichens, algal component is called phycobiont
(C) In Lichens, Fungal component is called mycobiont
(D) All the above
60. Which of the following are examples of insectivorous plants :-
(A) Bladder wort (B) Venus fly trap
(C) Cuscuta (D) Both (A) & (B)

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. D
14. C 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. D
27. A 28. B 28. D 30. B 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. D
40. C 41 C 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. C 50. A 51. A 52. D
53. A 54. D 55. D 56. A 57. C 58. B 59. D 60. D

Head Office :- Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi nagar, Kota (Raj.) Pin code : 324005
Biological Classification 7

Previous Year Question
1. Which of the following statements is wrong for viroids [NEET - 2016 Phase -I]
(a) They are smaller than viruses
(b) They cause infections
(c) Their RNA is of high molecular weight
(d) They lack protein coat

2. The primitive prokaryotes responsible for the production of biogas from the dung of runinant animals, include
the [NEET - 2016 Phase -I]
(a) thermoacidophiles
(b) methanogens
(c) eubacteria
(d) halophiles

3. Which among the following are the smallest living cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogenic to plants
arewell as animals and can survive without oxygen ? [NEET - 2017 ]
(a) Bacillus (b) Pseudomonas (c) Mycoplasma (d) Nostoc

4. Viroids differ from viruses in having [NEET - 2017 ]

(a) DNA molecules with protein coat
(b) DNA molecules without protein coat
(c) RNA molecules with protein coat
(d) RNA molecules without protein coat

5. Which of the following are found in extreme saline conditions ? [NEET - 2017]
(a) Archaebacteria (b) Eubacteria (c) Cyanobacteria (d) Mycobacteria

6. What is common about Trypanosoma, Noctiluca, Monocystis and Giardia ? [CBSE AIPMT-2006]
(a) These are all unicellular protists
(b) They have flagella
(c) They produce spores
(d) These are all parasites

7. In which group of organisms the cell walls form two thin overlapping shells which fit together ?
(a) Chrysophytes (b) Euglenoids (c) Dinoflagellates (d) Slime moulds

8. Pick up the wrong statement. [CBSEAIPMT-2015]

(a) Cell wall is absent in Animalia
(b) Protista have photosyntheitc and heterotrophic modes of nutrition
(c) Some fungi are edible
(d) Nuclear membrane is present in Monera

Head Office :- Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi nagar, Kota (Raj.) Pin code : 324005
Biological Classification 8
9. Select the wrong statement. [NEET-2016 Phase - II]
(a) The walls of diatoms are easily destructible
(b) ‘Diatomaceous earth’ is formed by the cell walls of diatoms
(c) Diatoms are chief producers in the oceans
(d) Diatoms are microscopic and float passively in water

10. Chrysophytes, euglenoids, dinoflagellates and slime moulds are included in the kingdom
[NEET-2016, Phase - I]
(a) Protista (b) Fungi (c) Animalia (d) Monera

11. The imperfect fungi which are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling belong
(a) Deuteromycetes (b) Basidiomycetes (c) Phycomycetes (d) Ascomycetes

12. Choose the wrong statement. [CBSEAIPMT-2015]

(a) Penicillium is multicellular and produces antibiotics
(b) Neurospora is used in the study of biochemical genetics
(c) Morels and truffles are poisonous mushrooms
(d) Yeast is unicellular and useful in fermaentation

13 Which one of the following is wrong for fungi ? [NEET - 2016, Phase - II]
(a) They are eukaryotic
(b) All fungi possess a purely cellulosic cell wall
(c) They are heterotrophic
(d) They are bothunicellular and multicellular

14 One of the major components of cell wall of most fungi is [NEET - 2016, Phase - I]
(a) Peptidoglycan (b) Cellulose (c) Hemicellulose (d) Chitin

15. Which of the following would appear as the pioneer organisms on bare rocks. [NEET - 2016, Phase - I]
(a) Liverworts (b) Mosses (c) Green algae (d) Lichens


1. c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. d 9. a 10. a
11. a 12. c 13 b 14 d 15. d

Head Office :- Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi nagar, Kota (Raj.) Pin code : 324005

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