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Temirkulova S.B.





Almaty 2022









Performed by ___________________ Temirkulova S.B

Scientific adviser candidate of biology,

assistant professor ___________________ Mamilov N.Sh

Protocol No. ______ ―_____‖ _______ 2022 y.

―Approved to defence‖
Head of the department
of Bioresources and Biodiversity _______________ Kurmanbayeva M.S.

Normocontrol ___________________ Bilyalova G.Zh.

Almaty 2022


The diploma thesis is presented on 52 pages, includes 5 tables, 21 drawings. The

list of used literature consists of 52 sources.
Key words: Yssyk, water samples, biological analysis, evaluation, diversity.
Relevance: Physical and geographical conditions of the south-east of the
Republic of Kazakhstan is a favorable region for agriculture and human habitation.
Therefore, at the end of the last century, the transformation of the city of Almaty into
a multi-million metropolis began, which began to have an adverse impact on the
environment. As a result, many natural ecosystems have been transformed. The gorge
of the Yssyk River has been one of the most visited places for outdoor recreation for
many decades. At present, the anthropogenic load here has increased significantly
due to the mass recreation of people in the warm season, as well as the intensification
of economic activity.
Goals and tasks: The target of our study was to estimate the ecosystem services
of the Yssyk River. The objectives of the study were: to study the physical and
chemical indicators of water, the diversity of fish, the variability of morphobiological
indicators of mass fish species, to propose measures to optimize the use of ecosystem
An object was the Kazakhstan section of the Yssyk River, water, farms located
on the river, and common fish species. For morphobiological analysis, samples of the
most common fish species were taken - Naked osman (Gymnodiptychus dybowskii),
Tibetan stone loach (Triplophysa stoliczkai), and trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Materials and methods: For this research 5 water samples were studied
according to 8 physical and chemical indicators: color, smell, temperature,
mineralization, turbidity, pH, content of ammonium and nitrate ions. For this
purpose, were used the instruments of a turbonephrometer HI 96728 Hanna
Instruments for the determination of chemical elements and HI 96700 Hanna
Instruments. Biological and morphological analysis of fish was carried out according
to the generally accepted method. For the biological analysis of fish, a caliper and a
Scout-Pro OHAUS scale were used.
Scientific novelty of the study lies in the study and assessment of ecosystem
services of the Yssyk River. According to the results of these learnings, we have
announced one thesis at the Farabi Alemi conference.
Practical significance of the research the practical significance of the work is
determined by the need to improve the recreation and irrigation areas. Freshwater
ecosystems are used by humans for various purposes: for drinking water supply,
irrigation, technical and household needs, fish farming and recreation. Currently, all
freshwater ecosystems are experiencing a strong negative anthropogenic impact due
to the increased population and the needs of each person.


Дипломная работа изложена на 52 страницах, включает 5 таблиц, 21

рисунков. Список использованной литературы состоит из 52 источников.
Ключевые слова: Иссык, пробы воды, биологический анализ, оценка,
Актуальность: Физико-географические условия юго-востока Республики
Казахстан является благоприятным регионом для ведения сельского хозяйства
и проживания людей. Поэтому в конце прошлого века началось превращение
города Алматы в многомиллионный мегаполис, который стал оказывать
неблагоприятное воздействие на окружающую среду. В результате многие
естественные экосистемы были трансформированы. Ущелье реки Иссык в
течение многих десятилетий являлся одним из наиболее посещаемых мест
отдыха людей на природе. В настоящее время антропогенная нагрузка здесь
значительно увеличилась в связи с массовым отдыхом людей в теплое время
года, а также усилением хозяйственной деятельности.
Цель и задачи исследования: Целью проведенного нами исследования
являлась оценка экосистемных услуг реки Иссык. Задачами исследования были:
изучить физико-химические показатели воды, разнообразие рыб, предложить
мероприятия по оптимизации использования экосистемных услуг.
Объект: Объектом являлся казахстанский участок реки Иссык, вода,
хозяйства, расположенные на реке, и распространенные виды рыб. Для
морфобиологического анализа были отобраны пробы наиболее
распространенных видов рыб – голый осман (Gymnodiptychus dybowskii),
тибетский голец (Triplophysa stoliczkai), форель (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Материалы и методики: Исследовано 5 проб воды по 8 физико-
химическим показателям: цвет, запах, температура, минерализация, мутность,
рН, содержание ионов аммония и нитрата. Для этого использовали
инструменты турбонефриметра HI 96728 ―Hanna Instruments‖ для определения
химических элементов и HI 96700 ―Hanna Instruments‖. Для биологического
анализа рыб использовала штангенциркуль, весы Scout-Pro ―OHAUS‖.
Практическая значимость работы определяется необходимостью
благоустройства рекреационных и ирригационных зон. Пресноводные
экосистемы используются человеком в различных целях: для питьевого
водоснабжения, орошения, технических и хозяйственных нужд, рыбоводства и
Научная новизна исследования заключается в том, что в первые была
изучена и проведена оценка экосистемных услуг реки Иссык. По результатам
этих исследований мы озвучили один тезис на конференции ―Фараби Алеми‖.


Дипломдық жұмыс 52 беттен, 5 – кестеден, 21 суреттен, 52 әдебиет

көздерінен тұрады.
Кілт сөздер: Есік, су сынамалары, биологиялық талдау, бағалау, алуан
Өзектілігі: Қазақстан Республикасының оңтүстік-шығысының физикалық-
географиялық жағдайы ауыл шаруашылығы мен адамдардың тұруына қолайлы
аймақ болып табылады. Сондықтан да өткен ғасырдың аяғында Алматы
қаласын миллиондаған мегаполиске айналу процессі басталып, бұл қоршаған
ортаға кері әсерін тигізе бастады. Нәтижесінде көптеген табиғи экожүйелер
өзгерді. Есік өзенінің шатқалы көптеген ондаған жылдар бойы ашық ауада
демалу үшін ең көп баратын орындардың бірі болды. Қазіргі уақытта мұндағы
антропогендік әсерінен адамдардың жылдың жылы мезгілдерінде жаппай
демалуына, сондай-ақ экономикалық белсенділіктің күшеюіне байланысты
айтарлықтай өсті.
Зерттеу жұмысының мақсаты мен міндеті: Осыған орай, біздің зерттеу
мақсатымыз Есік өзенінің экожүйелік қызметін бағалау болды. Зерттеудің
міндеттері: судың физикалық-химиялық көрсеткіштерін, балықтардың
әртүрлілігін, жаппай балық түрлерінің морфобиологиялық көрсеткіштерінің
өзгермелілігін зерттеу, экожүйелік қызметтерді пайдалануды оңтайландыру
шараларын ұсыну.
Зерттеу объектісі: Нысан ретінде Есік өзенінің қазақстандық учаскесі,
суы, өзен бойында орналасқан шаруашылықтар, кең таралған балық түрлері
болды. Морфобиологиялық талдау үшін ең көп таралған балық түрлерінен –
жалаңаш османнан (Gymnodiptychus dybowskii), тибет талма балығы
(Triplophysa stoliczkai) және форель (Oncorhynchus mykiss) балықтарынан
сынамалар алынды.
Материалдар мен әдістер: 5 су сынамасы 8 физикалық-химиялық
көрсеткіш бойынша зерттелді: түсі, иісі, температурасы, минералдануы,
лайлылығы, рН, аммоний және нитрат иондарының мөлшері. Осы мақсатта
химиялық элементтерді анықтауға арналған HI 96728 Hanna Instruments
турбонефрометрі және HI 96700 Hanna Instruments құралдары қолданылды.
Балықтардың биологиялық және морфологиялық талдауы жалпы қабылданған
әдіс бойынша жүргізілді. Балықтардың биологиялық талдауы үшін
штангенциркуль және Scout-Pro OHAUS шкаласы қолданылды.
Практикалық маңыздылығы рекреациялық және суландыру аймақтарын
жақсарту қажеттілігімен анықталады. Тұщы судың экожүйелерін адам әртүрлі
мақсаттарда пайдаланады: ауыз сумен қамтамасыз ету, суару, техникалық және
экономикалық қажеттіліктер, балық өсіру және демалыс үшін.
Зерттеудің ғылыми жаңалығы Есік өзенінің экожүйелік қызметтері
алғаш рет зерттеліп, бағалануында. Осы зерттеулердің нәтижесі бойынша біз
Фараби әлемі конференциясында бір тезис жарияладық.

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………….......... 7
1 LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………....... 8
1.1 General understanding of ecosystem services............................................ 8
1.2 Ecosystem Services of Freshwater Organisms…………………………... 12
1.3 Problems of Conservation of Diversity of Freshwater Fishes.................... 16
1.4 Problems of conservation of ecosystems of mountain rivers……………. 17
1.5 General characteristics of natural conditions…………………………..... 18
2 МATERIALS AND METHODS……………………………………....... 21
2.1 Physical and geographical characteristics of the study area…………….. 21
2.2 Water analysis methods.............................................................................. 21
2.3 Methods for collecting and processing ichthyological data …………….. 24
2.4 Statistical processing techniques................................................................ 25
2.5 Methods for assessing the socio-economic condition of the study area… 25
3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS……………………………………..… 27
3.1 Results of the assessment of the ecological state of the river……….… 27
3.2 Results of studying the diversity of fish in the natural environment……. 30
3.3 Results of morphological analysis and condition of fish in the natural 35
3.4 General assessment of the state of the ecosystem of the Yssyk River and 39
proposals for its rational use.......................................................................
CONCLUSION………………………………………………………….......... 46
REFERENCES…………………………………………………………........... 48


Physical and geographical conditions of the south-east of the Republic of
Kazakhstan is a favorable region for agriculture and human habitation. Therefore, at
the end of the last century, the transformation of the city of Almaty into a multi-
million metropolis began, which began to have an adverse impact on the
environment. As a result, many natural ecosystems have been transformed. The gorge
of the Yssyk River has been one of the most visited places for outdoor recreation for
many decades. At present, the anthropogenic load here has increased significantly
due to the mass recreation of people in the warm season, as well as the intensification
of economic activity.
In addition, significant changes are happened in the river itself, for the most part
due to the influence of anthropogenic factors. This in turn contributes to the
stagnation of ecosystem services. Gradually, the situation may get out of control, as
water consumption will naturally increase as water needs get higher consumption. It
can be surmised that the leading sources of water pollution in the region are
endeavors and establishments that send out sewer water to meadows where filtration
is formed.
Aims and tasks of investigation. The target of our study was to estimate the
ecosystem services of the Yssyk River. The objectives of the study were: to study the
physical and chemical indicators of water, the diversity of fish, the variability of
morphobiological indicators of mass fish species, to propose measures to optimize
the use of ecosystem services.
The object was the Kazakhstan section of the Yssyk River, water, farms located
on the river, and common fish species. For morphobiological analysis, samples of the
most common fish species were taken - Naked osman (Gymnodiptychus dybowskii),
Tibetan stone loach (Triplophysa stoliczkai), and trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Material and Methods
For analysis, water samples were taken from the upper, middle and lower
reaches of the Yssyk River. Conducted physico-chemical and biological analysis of
Practical and theoretical importance of the study: The practical significance
of the work is determined by the need to improve the recreation and irrigation areas.
Freshwater ecosystems are used by humans for various purposes: for drinking water
supply, irrigation, technical and household needs, fish farming and recreation.
Currently, all freshwater ecosystems are experiencing a strong negative
anthropogenic impact due to the increased population and the needs of each person.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the study and assessment of
ecosystem services of the Yssyk River. According to the results of these learnings,
we have announced one thesis at the Farabi Alemi conference. Based on the results of
the study, the presence of nitrates in the middle and lower reaches was not detected.


1.1 General understanding of ecosystem services

It has now become clear that the natural diversity of animals and plants is
necessary to maintain a human-friendly environment. Those functions that various
types of organisms perform in their ecosystems, which are necessary for this, are
called ecosystem services [1,2].
Ecosystem values are not sufficiently taken into account when making decisions
regarding natural resources. In this context, the concept of ecosystem services offers
an essential opportunity to increase a framework for the rational use of biodiversity,
in addition other natural resources. Although the advantages of using ecosystem
services to build biodiversity assessments have been documented, classification
systems used mixed processes (means) to obtain services and the services themselves
(goals) within the same classification category. This restriction of their contribution
to biodiversity-related choices. The ambivalence of definitions of key titles, such as
ecosystem processes, functions and services, aggravates this situation. After
analyzing the definitions and discussing the main components of an effective
typology, this document develops a classification of ecosystem services that provides
a basis for decision-making in the field of natural resource management. However,
further work is required to address certain issues, such as the classifying of socio-
cultural services. Even though science can facilitate effective decision-making by
clearly dividing services and expressing their relationship to processes, final
decisions regarding biodiversity and other natural resources are naturally socio-
political and included a certain cultural context [1].
Ecosystems give a range of services that are of abecedarian significance to
mortal well- being, health, livelihoods, and survival [2]. Interest in ecosystem
services in both the exploration and policy communities has grown fleetly. In 1997,
the value of global ecosystem services was evaluated to be around US$ 33 trillion per
time (in 1995$ US), a figure significantly larger than global gross domestic product
(GDP) at the time. This actually crude underrate of the weal benefits of natural
capital, and a many other early studies stimulated a huge swell in interest in this
content. In 2005, the conception of ecosystem services gained broader attention when
the United Nations published its Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). The
MEA was a four- time, 1300-scientist study for legislator. Between 2007 and 2010,
an alternate transnational action was accepted by the UN Environment Programme,
called the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. The TEEB report was picked
up considerably by the mass media, bringing ecosystem services to a broader
followership. Ecosystem services have now also entered the knowledge of
mainstream media and business. The World Business Council for Sustainable
Development has laboriously supported and developed the conception. Hundreds of
systems and groups are presently working toward better understanding, modeling,
valuation, and operation of ecosystem services and natural capital. It would be
insolvable to list all of them then, but arising indigenous, public, and global networks,
like the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), are doing just that and are
coordinating their attempts [3].
Francis R.C. was one of the first who tried to estimate modern fisheries science,
its settled traditions, most common uses, and unborn directions. Reasons are
hypothesized as to why fisheries science has constantly led operation to fall detail of
its pretensions, and suggestions are given as to, how fisheries wisdom might evolve
in the future. It was suggested that, of loftiest significance to this elaboration, is a
mindfulness that the scientific approach used to attack a fishery assessment and
operation problem depends on the nature of the individual fishery. In some fisheries,
important consequences can be made by concentrating attention on the utilized stocks
themselves; in others, the structure of the utilized community and its relation to grope
productivity and dynamics should be considered in order to realize effective
operation [4].
While fish stocks in Lake Balkhash have been manipulated in order to gain fish
product by trans- receptacle fish prolusions since the beginning of this century, the
fishery in mountain water bodies of Central Asia and Kazakhstan has concentrated
largely on the taking advantage of indigenous fish stocks. Still, a further increase in
yields has been observed possible for some water bodies of the Kazakhstan Altai,
Dzhungarskiy Alatau and northern Tien Shan. These areas have several lakes and
gutters yet largely innocent by mortal conditioning, and budgets where fish stocks
have formerly been managed in some way. Piecemeal from the intensification of
prisoner fisheries, their coldwaters could be used forsemi-intensive culture of request-
size fish and for the product of grazing material for regular sock of coldwater bodies.
It's known that some of the indigenous fish species have the eventuality to ameliorate
fish yields in the being water bodies, or to be introduced in fish culture. Farther
possibility for adding yields still exists throughinter-basin transfers of fish species in
named mountain lakes and budgets. The northern Tien Shan mountain system
comprises several ranges. The ranges of Zailiyskiy Alatau and Kungey Alatau are
resemblant with Lake Yssyk-kul skirting it in the north. While numerous aqueducts
of the Kungey Alatau run into Issyk-kul, those of Zailiyskiy Alatau substantially
enter the River Ili, which itself ends in Lake Balkhash. South of Lake Issyk-kul and
in resemblant with it, extends the range of Terskey Alatau, and west of Lake Issyk-
kul starts Kyrgyzskiy Khrebet. Utmost aqueducts draining the last mountain range
feed into the River Chu, which ultimately ends in comeuppance of Kazakhstan, close
to the River Syr Darya. Fish stocks and fisheries in Issyk-kul, in water bodies of the
southern Tien Shan, and in the river Chu are dealt with in another paper in this
publication. Rivers of the two most northern ranges of Tien Shan give vital water
force for Lake Balkhash. The swash network is thick, each swash having
multitudinous feeders. There's plenitude of underground water which has a constant
temperature throughout the time. The water has a high dissolved oxygen content and
is low in minerals. Several mountain lakes in this region redounded from landslides
which blocked denes. Some of the heads formed by landslides are unstable and can
be broken through by slush and gemstone slides, which are relatively frequent. This is
a constraint hindering the establishment of stable fish stocks and it also prevents the
establishment of a salmonid- grounded fishery. Utmost slush and gemstone slides
take place in summer and are caused by rain, performing in a short-lasting but
unforeseen increase in discharges. Similar cataracts fleetly increase the water
turbidity and the high attention of suspended solids may clog fish gills performing in
fishkills. Lake Balkhash and the Alakol lakes, the ultimate positioned north of
Dzhungarskiy Alatau and east of Lake Balkhash, represent insulated drainages. Both
lakes are slightly salty. The largest swash in the Balkhash system is the Ili. The Ili
receives numerous feeders from the high mountains of the Zailiyskiy Alatau and
Kungey Alatau positioned south of it. Some gutters of Dzhungarskiy Alatau
positioned north of the River Ili drain south into the Ili, while others supply water
directly to the Alakol lakes and Lake Balkhash. Karatal, which originates on the
western pitches of Dzhungarskiy Alatau, is the second largest swash reaching Lake
Balkhash. Some of the gutters flowing towards Lake Balkhash reach it only in spring,
due to the seasonal change in discharges and the irrigation demand. The draining area
of Lake Balkhash is geographically separated from that of the Aral Sea, but both
water bodies partake numerous common fish species, utmost of which belong to the
Schizothoracinae and Noemachelidae [5].
The Balkhash perch Perca schrenkii is one of the indigenous and aboriginal fish
species of the Balkhash Lake milepost, including the Alakol Lakes system [5]. There
are two point of view about its origin: It either is a relic of the ancient fish fauna, or is
a postglacial meddler. A chapter in this volume provides strong substantiation from
DNA sequencing data that it's a true species and is the family species of P. flavescent
from North America. The Balkhash perch formerly added up to one of the most
essential traditional original fisheries, still, in the alternate part of the 20th century
other fish species were introduced into its native range, which came preferred as
food. Altogether, the Balkhash perch was introduced to the Nura River and the Chu
River basins. The native range of the Balkhash perch has come significantly
decreased and it's now rare in utmost of the Balkhash Lake receptacle. Introduced
populations of this species to other areas weren't successful. Although the external
morphology and life strategy of the Balkhash perch appear rather adaptable, this
species future is undetermined [6].
River geographies are connected, complex, dynamic, interacting social –
ecological systems [7], [8]. From headstream to deltas, healthy gutters give all the
introductory musts for the survival and experimental requirements of humanity [9].
In recent decades, the survival of numerous gutters is at stake due to huge water
diversions for mortal requirements. Significant hydrological differences are results of
large investments in water technologies and architectures for irrigation and
hydropower across the globe as well as land- use change [10]. Variations to a swash
geography are the result of divergent preferences and the choices of different
stakeholders. Anthropogenic use of land and water, while serving mortal
development, has defaced the delivery of ecosystem services. These variations either
directly impact ecosystem functions or accelerate natural processes that affect swash-
inflow administrations and therefore ES product [11].
With global warming, the dissension between the force and demand of water
coffers is decreasingly prominent in thirsty areas. Enhancing water resource operation
is an essential way to palliate the deficit of ecological water force and ameliorate
ecosystem services in thirsty swash basins. Still, former studies have infrequently
conducted full-scale function zoning of ecosystem services using two aspects order
and strength change, grounded on the changes in ecosystem services. In this regard,
two scientific problems need to be solved: quantifying the temporal and spatial
changes of ecosystem services and conducting function zoning of ecosystem services
in terms of volume and quality. According to the eco-environmental characteristics of
thirsty basins, this study measured four crucial indicators: carbon storehouse (CAS),
evapotranspiration (ET), temperature foliage blankness indicator (TVDI) and
groundwater depth (GWD). We used the affiliated model to observational dissect the
spatial and temporal disposal of these four pointers and the spatial accumulation
characteristics of increases and diminishments [12].
Ecosystem services (ES) are established and maintained by ecosystems and
ecological processes, representing natural ecological conditions and their effect on
mortal well- being [13]. Quantifying ES can give environmental directors and policy
makers with useful information to find out precedence protection areas [14].
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment suggested that ES contain four types of
services: supply, regulation, artistic and support. ESs are nearly related to human
well-being. According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, about 60 of the 24
ES assessed encyclopedically are demeaning. The sharp decline in ecosystem
services has a negative effect on mortal well- being and is a serious trouble to mortal
health and survival [15]. Thus, with this background, full-scale assessment of ES has
entered adding attention, and numerous experts and scholars have strengthened
exploration on ecosystems in order to maintain the force capacity of ES and keep
ecosystems steady.
Nature is appreciated by people in numerous different ways, while at the same
time natural ecosystems are being demeaned and demolished at an unknown scale.
One approach to evaluate and convey the value of nature to humanity relies on
formulating the important dependence of humans on nature in terms of ―ecosystem
services‖, or as nature‘s donation to people. In order to increase policy uptake and the
chances of success of protection and restoration efforts, high- position wisdom-
policy platforms have been settled up that served policy makers with desegregated
and concurred information beneficial biodiversity and ecosystem loss and also
presented protrusions to the future. Methodical reviews list between twenty and thirty
two ecosystem services, the most constantly mentioned bones being recreation and
tourism, water force, water quality control, niche provision, corrosion forestallment
like food force and climate regulation. Brackish Ecosystem services studies name
multitudinous provisioning services, like drag-plying rich soils for husbandry and
places for vineyards in the floodplains, wimp for construction, drinking water, and
food. Brackish ecosystems also give several managing services, like groundwater
recharge, deluge regulation, microclimate regulation, carbon insulation, water quality
control as well as artistic services, similar as the actuality of spiritual places, their
emblematic and aesthetic value, alleviation, giving a sense of place to people and
several recreational aspects — swimming, inclination, voyaging [16].

1.2 Ecosystem Services of Freshwater Organisms

Ecosystems are explained as ―a dynamic complex of factory, animal and

microorganism communities, and the non-living terrain interacting as a functional
unit‖ in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. In discrepancy, a plethora of
language relating to ecosystem services has evolved in recent times and has
complicated attempts to communicate both the conception and its benefits to a wide
and assorted range of stakeholders. Ecosystem services are generally described as
―the benefits people gain from ecosystems‖ or ―the benefactions that ecosystems
make to mortal well- being‖ in the MEA and the Common International Bracket of
Ecosystem Services (CICES), independently. They contain the factors and products
of ecosystems that are consumed, used or enjoyed by society. The ―ecosystem
services frame‖ (also appertained to as the ―ecosystem services approach) focuses on
understanding how biodiversity, natural systems and the liaison between ecosystem
factors and processes lead directly or laterally to mortal weal benefits. It's different
from the further ―traditional‖ way of describing natural systems in terms of
biodiversity and ecological functions. The MEA popularised the ecosystem services
frame and the way society recognizes the connections between natural systems and
mortal well- being. In addition, they have two types of ecosystem services ―final‖ and
―intermediate‖ services. The severance is needed to avoid double counting in
valuation exercises. Final ecosystem services either directly bolster or deliver a
benefit or good to humanity and ameliorate well- being. A abecedarian specific of
ecosystem services is that they retain a connection to the under-lying natural and
ecological functions, processes and structures of the ecosystem that generated them.
Intermediate services aren't directly absorbed by people, however, support the
product of the final ecosystem services. Still, it's essential to note that the contrast
between intermediate services and final services isn't harsh and depends on the
devisee. Besides it's important to realise that a single ecosystem service can be the
product of two or further ecosystem functions and processes, while a single
ecosystem function or process may donate to two or further ecosystem services [17].
Brackish enwrapping lower than 1 of the Earth‘s face [18]. They're among the most
hovered invertebrates, as they're especially vulnerable to mortal differences
performing from species preface, overexploitation, fragmentation, the declination of
international conduits, and climate change [19]. Likewise, brackish fish show high
situations of endemism because of the particular characteristics of their submarine
ecosystems and their evolutionary insulation; their loss could have irrecoverable
consequences. Knowledge regarding the conservation status and ecology of brackish
fish is lower than that for terrestrial invertebrates due to impulses in conservation
exploration and operation toward further attractive species [20]. Research into the
ecological subjects, environmental musts, and pressures of brackish fishes is
considered pivotal to develop effective operation measures for brackish ecosystems.
Comprehension these environmental features remains a crucial concern of brackish
fish‘s conservation biology. This Special Issue of Water investigates the connections
of environmental issues, brackish fish biodiversity, and mortal effects from different
perspectives, however always concentrated on the protection biology of species and
ecosystems. Anatomized ecosystems include basins, gutters and aqueducts, lakes, and
ponds from high mountain to creek places, from immaculate to largely adapted
surroundings. The papers include eleven exploration papers, one review and a short
communication. The nature of studies included in this Special Issue is different,
considering a variety of scientific methods in a admixture of field motifs.
One of the published papers observes methodological methods to studying
brackish fishes and their protection status. The authors propose a methodological
study and enhancement on age approximation for four species of Labeobarbus rubric
using otoliths as a pivotal tool for conserving these species. According to the authors,
this kind of study is veritably applicable to Africa, especially Ethiopia, in order to
develop effective operation strategies to conserve aboriginal species [21]. Also,
Gebremedhin etal. review scientific styles, generalities, and processes related to stock
assessment and population dynamics in Africa [22].
Mountain ecosystems provide a variety of essential goods and services for
humanity. Altogether, there's a wide agreement that they're largely susceptible to
severe effects on biodiversity and mortal well- being under the impact of climate and
land use exchanges. Including general scientific opinion is that hastened global
climate change is being, and it'll have clear impacts on the unborn elaboration of
mountainagro ecosystems. Mountain ecosystem services and the well- being of
people living in these areas are particularly unsafe to climate change in view of water
vacuity and natural hazards associated with extreme rainfall events, pitch insecurity
and changes in the foliage structure. In addition, Bebietal. explore the critical liaison
between unborn climate and land use changes and the functioning of mountain
ecosystems through the consideration of snow avalanche disruption. In terms of
crucial ecosystem services handed by mountain ecosystems, it's extensively honored
that mountain ecosystems give an array of services, similar as wood and food
product, that support the livelihoods of highland husbandry communities, in addition
to the well- being of communities in the girding lowlands. Services serving lowlands
include long- term carbon insulation in woody biomass and timber soils, which
Harrison et al. Likewise, mountain timbers play a major part in tableland
communities through water- regulating services. Because mountain ecosystems give
goods and services to people who live in mountain regions and the girding lowlands,
it's vital to more understand how the conception of ecosystem services can effect
spatial decision- making processes. For illustration, husbandry provides colorful
ecosystem services in mountainous areas including nutrient cycling, niche
provisioning, aesthetics and artistic services, however mountain husbandry can also
be a trouble to the provision of other ecosystem services, through the use of chemical
diseases to enhance product [23].

Presumably the most important donation of the wide recognition of ecosystem
services is that it reframes the relationship between humans and the rest of nature. A
better comprehension of the part of ecosystem services highlight our natural means as
critical factors of inclusive wealth, well- being, and sustainability. Sustaining and
enhancing mortal welfare requires a balance of all our means — individual people,
society, the erected frugality, and ecosystems. This replan of the way we look at
‗‗nature‘‘ is important to working the problem of how to make a continual and
advantageous future for humanity [24].
One of the most introductory laws of physics is that it's insolvable to produce
commodity from nothing. All profitable products affect from the metamorphosis of
raw accoutrements handed by nature. Likewise, it's insolvable to produce nothing
from commodity. All mortal- made products ultimately break down, wear out and fall
piecemeal, returning to the ecosystem as waste. The birth of raw accoutrements from
nature and the return of disordered waste are known as outturn. In addition, we know
from physics that the metamorphosis of raw material inputs into profitable products
and waste requires low entropy energy, inevitable changed through use into high
entropy waste. Moreover, limited stocks of fossil energies regard for nearly 90
percent of all energy used for profitable product, creating stable overflows of carbon
dioxide and other adulterants into the atmosphere. Society in charge of the rate at
which reactionary energies are uprooted, and hence the inflow of waste into the
ecosystem from their burning. Numerous of the raw accoutrements physically
converted into profitable products alternately serve as the structural structure blocks
of ecosystems. Like mineral energies, society can largely find out how presto to
deplete available stocks. For illustration, we can clear cut a million tree timber in one
time, or crop trees a time for 10 times. By this means that we can cache
ecosystemstructure. However, we've further trees available at the end of the decade,
If we refrain from cutting down trees for a decade [25].
A healthy ecosystem comes out from a particular arrangment of ecosystem
structure. Briefly, ecosystems serve as a fund able of creating a flux of ecosystem
services over time. Ecosystems aren't converted into the services they induce, society
has little control over the rate at which a fund generates services, and services cannot
be squirreled. For illustration, a timber isn't physically converted when it purifies
water and regulates swamping. A given timber can refine or balance only a limited
quantum of water per period. However, further services aren't available at the end of
the month, If there's no downfall for a month or if humans refrain from using water
sanctification and deluge regulation for a month [26].
It is suggested that, note that important of the literature treats numerous fitting
out services as a stock of raw accoutrements. By the description offered then, still,
provisioning services are the reproductive capacity of ecosystems. Actually animals
and plants are only able of replicating at a given rate over a time, aren't physically
converted into their seed (regardless the material in the seed, egg, or invigorated), and
reproductive volume can‘t be squirreled [27]. Economics is constantly explained as
‗‗the study of the allotment of limited, or scant, coffers among indispensable,
contending ends‘‘ [28]. This explanation doesn't presume request mechanisms.
Consider one of the central challenges in economics is to find out how important
ecosystem structure should be transformed into profitable products, and how
important left complete to induce ecosystem services. Society is used to be able to
decide how to respond this question, still, it must hierarchize the advantageous ends,
and must also have an establishment comprehension of the nature of the scarce
coffers. These three cases — the advantageous ends of profitable exertion, the nature
of ecosystem services and particular arrangement of ecosystem structure that gives
rise to them, and the ways to allocate — have given rise to several essential debates
on the economics of ecosystem services. The thing of this composition is to light up
these discussions. The composition is made around three advantageous ends that are
taken as self-evident sustainability, fairness and effectiveness [29].
Exchange of land- use is a notable motorist of ecosystem service changes.
According to this article land - use exchange impact water- related ecosystem
services (for example: water yield, water sanctification) in the Guishui River Basin,
Beijing. In addition to this water- related ecosystem services in the Basin are vitally
important for Beijing, which presently faces a severe water extremity.
Comprehension the effects of land - use change on water- related ecosystem services
is essential for effectively managing this extremity. Besides, the study first
anatomized land - use change and corresponding variations in water- related
ecosystem services in the Basin from 1980 to 2011. The examination represent that
increases in forestland and construction land enhanced water yield and soil
conservation services while reforestation and urbanization degraded water
sanctification services. Last but not least the paper also developed four spatially
unequivocal land use scripts, correlate with water conservation, agrarian growth, a
meld. Each of script assessed the effect of unborn land - use changes that happened
with water- related ecosystem services. This exploration found out that water
sanctification and soil conservation services increased under both the water
conservation and soil conservation scripts, while these services dropped under the
agrarian expansion script. Apart from this water yield also increased under the soil
conservation script. Above all, the paper shows that ecosystem services are
temporally specific and greatly affected by different scripts. This discovery
emphasise the worth of studies to ameliorate land operation practices. First and
foremost, this exploration would be useful for those policymakers and stakeholders
that aspired to read the impacts of indispensable land- use programs on water- related
ecosystem services. The restriction and failings of this study, including delicacy in
estimating ecosystem services, are bandied [30].
According to Sagoff M. provides differences between profitable and ecological
criteria for relating, measuring, and assessing ecosystem services. It sugested those
profitable stakeholders (stoner groups) generally do well in relating these services
and assigning prices to them. These prices arise spontaneously in — and serve to
coordinate — request exertion related to the terrain. The applicable ecological
information which requests gather and apply tends to be dispersed, contingent,
particular, original, temporary, and bedded in institutions and practices. As well as
ecologists and other scientists, in discrepancy, frequently seek to understand how
ecosystems work and which populations and processes give ecosystem services. The
knowledge wisdom seeks, unlike the information requests gather, tends to be
consolidated, cooperative, collaborative, and agreement- grounded, wisdom pursues
generalities and principles that are dateless and general rather than deciduous and
point-specific. On other hand the dispersed and decentralized information organized
by requests with the collaborative and centralized knowledge specific of wisdom.
Also this article argues that the abstract distance between request - grounded and
scince - grounded styles of assembling information and applying knowledge defeats
sweats to determine the ―worth‖ of ecosystem services in any intertwined sense [31].

1.3 Problems of Conservation of Diversity of Freshwater Fishes

Firstly, it has been 20 times since two seminal publications about ecosystem
services got out corrected book by Gretchen Daily [32] and an composition in Nature
by a group of ecologists and economists on the value of the world‘s ecosystem
services. At this time both have been veritably largely cited and demurred off an
explosion of exploration, policy, and operations of the idea, including the start of this
journal. This composition tracks down the history leading up to these publications
and the posterior debates, exploration, institutions, programs, on-the- ground conduct,
and difficulties they started. Also surveys which has learned during this period about
the crucial issues from delineations to bracket to valuation, from integrated modelling
to public participation and communication, and the elaboration of institutions and
governance invention. Eventually, it supplies recommendations for the future. In
particular, it points to the weakness of the mainstream profitable approaches to
valuation, growth, and development. It deduces that the substantial benefactions of
ecosystem services to the sustainable good of humans and the rest of nature should be
at the core of the abecedarian change demanded in profitable proposition and practice
if we're to achieve a societal metamorphosis to a sustainable and desirable future
At this time in the once many decades, the meadow of ecological economics has
witnessed a spectacular rise of concern with the assessment of ecosystem functions,
goods and services. Beforehand references to the conception of ecosystem functions,
services and their profitable value date back to themid-1960s and 1970s. More lately,
there has been an nearly rapidly progress in publications on the benefits of natural
ecosystems to mortal society. Even though the increase in publications on ecosystem
wares and services, a methodical typology and comprehensive frame for integrated
assessment and valuation of ecosystem functions remains fugitive. Subsequently
these purposes, in turn, give the wares and services that are evaluated by humans. In
the ecological literature, the terms of ecosystem function have been subject to
colorful, and occasionally antithetical, explanations. Occasionally the conception is
used to describe the internal functioning of the ecosystem and occasionally it
concludes the benefits deduced by humans from the parcels and processes of
ecosystems. In this paper, author mentioned explicitly detail ecosystem functions as
―the capacity of natural processes and factors to give goods and services that fulfil
mortal requirements, directly or laterally‖ [34]. By using this description, ecosystem
functions are stylish conceived as a subset of ecological processes, moreover
ecosystem structures. It is suggested that each function is the outcome of the natural
processes of the total ecological sub-system of which it's a part. An additional, natural
processes, in turn, are the outcome of compound relations between biotic and abiotic
factors of ecosystems through the universal driving forces of matter and energy.
Although a broad range of ecosystem functions and their associated goods and
services have been appertained to in literature, according to experience suggests in
this paper that it's accessible to group ecosystem functions into four primary orders
1) Settlement functions – the point of this group of functions associated with capacity
of natural and semi-natural ecosystems to balance vital ecological processes and life
support systems through bio-geochemical cycles and other biospheric processes.
Additionally, supporting ecosystem health, these regulation functions give numerous
services, which have direct and circular benefits to humans (similar as clean air,
water and soil, and natural control services).
2) Cave functions - natural ecosystems give retreat and reduplication- niche to wild
plant and animal and thereby contribute to the conservation of natural and inheritable
diversity and developmental processes.
3) Produce functions – Chemosynthesis and nourishing apprehension by autotrophs
converts energy, carbon dioxide, water and nutrients into a wide variety of
carbohydrate structures which are also used by secondary directors to produce an
indeed bigger variety of living biomass. In addition, this broad diversity in
carbohydrate structures represents numerous ecosystem goods for mortal
consumption, ranging from food and raw accoutrements to energy coffers and
inheritable materials.
4) Data functions - because of utmost of mortal elaboration took place within the
environment of unbroken niche, natural ecosystems give an essential ―adduce
function‖ and beget to the conservation of mortal health by furnishing openings for
reflection, spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, recreation and aesthetic
experience [36] [37].

1.4 Problems of conservation of ecosystems of mountain rivers

In general, ecosystem services are the opt of ecosystem functions that are useful
to humans. Numerous of these are critical to our survival (for example, climate
regulation, air sanctification) whereas others ameliorate it(aesthetics). Mortal
domination of the biosphere has led to rapid-fire differences in the configuration,
structure and function of ecosystems [38]. Following that in numerous cases their
capacity to give necessary services has been either overwhelmed or eroded [39].
There's still little completed comprehension of utmost ecosystem services, still,
hampering progress in their conservation and operation. According to the story when
New York City decided to cover the Catskill Watershed rather than make a precious
water filtration plants, for illustration, it absolved the profitable eventuality of
ecosystem services. It's fascinating, still, how little ecological information went into
this decision. Itineraries reasoned that indeed if they undervalued the area needed by
half, it would still be far cheaper than erecting the water filtration plansts.
Multitudinous civic centres around the world depend on natural water sanctification
mechanisms to give safe drinking water for hundreds of millions of people, yet we've
little capability to prognosticate how important land must be defended and how near
land use must be confined to give water of sufficient volume and quality. Former
work explains and categorizes ecosystem services, identifies styles for profitable
valuation, maps the force and demand for services, appraises pitfalls to them, and
estimates profitable worths. [40] [41], however, it doesn't measure the beginning part
of biodiversity in furnishing services. In discrepancy, studies of biodiversity –
function frequently examine communities whose structures differ markedly from
those furnishing services in real geographies [42] and have been cramped to a small
combine of ecosystem processes [43]. Whereas each of these methods have handed
numerous precious perceptivities, a ground is demanded between these two methods
one that will give abecedarian, ecological understanding of ecosystem services to
help in contriving the stylish operation and policy tools for their conservation and
defendable use. Provided forecasts of global declines in introductory services, it's also
critical to develop and apply this exploration docket on the ecology of ecosystem
services, and to integrate it within being or uncornier-disciplinary studies of
ecosystem services.

1.5 General characteristics of natural conditions

The territory of the basin of Lake Balkhash is characterized by great diversity

and complexity of the geological structure. The significant latitudinal extent of the
territory and the complexity of the relief cause a great variety of soils and a variety of
vegetation. In the desert-steppe zone, which occupies the Northern Balkash region,
brown and gray-brown soils of the northern deserts, which are very often found in
combination with solonetzes and solonchaks, are most widespread. In the desert zone
of the Southern Balkash region, ridge and hilly sands, fixed and semi-fixed, are most
common. A narrow strip along the river. The floodplain-meadow soils stretch along
the silt, covered in the lower reaches by thickets of cattail, reeds and tugai vegetation.
All mountain regions are characterized by vertical zonality of the soil and vegetation
cover with an unequal number of landscape belts and their significant differences on
differently oriented slopes. In Zhetisu Alatau, on its northern slope, due to a
significant difference in heights between the piedmont plains and high mountain
ranges and the large dissected relief, the soil and vegetation cover is very diverse
In the lake Balkhash and the rivers of the basin are inhabited by more than 20
species of fish. The vegetation is represented by saxaul communities on sandy
massifs, ephemeral and grass-forb-sagebrush communities on clay and loamy soils,
grass-forb groups, halophilic vegetation on solonchaks and takyrs, tugai vegetation
and unique turanga thickets in river floodplains, as well as coastal floodplain,
meadow, swamp and aquatic vegetation. The southern coast of Balkhash, especially
in the areas of river deltas, is framed by a wide belt of reed beds. In the floodplains,
along the delta channels and the banks of 2 floodplain lakes, there are tugai forests of
willows, oleaster and turanga. Within the boundaries of the key ornithological
territory in the Ili delta, out of 574300 ha, tugai forests occupy about 5% (28715 ha),
shrubs (comb, chingil) - 10% (57430), wetlands (sandy coasts, coastal bays, stagnant
fresh lakes, rivers and channels, near-water vegetation) - 60% (344580), meadows -
less than 5%, deserts - 20% [45].
Lake Balkhash (Kazakh name Balkash) is the second largest non-drying salt
lake and the 13th in the list of the largest lakes in the world. The lake is elongated in
the form of a crescent from west to east for 605 km, with a width of 9 to 74 km. The
area of the water surface at the level of 340-342 m varies within 14120-18210 km2,
with a water volume of 72.2-106.0 km3. As of September 1, 2005, the water level in
Lake Balkhash was at around 342.5 m. The length of the lake‘s coastline is 2835 km,
the average depth is 5.8 m. The Saryesik peninsula, located approximately in the
middle of the lake, hydrographically divides it into two very different parts. The
western part (58% of the total area and 46% of its volume) is relatively shallow and
almost fresh, while the eastern part has a great depth - up to 26 m, and salty water.
Through the 3.5 km wide Uzynaral Strait formed by the peninsula, water from the
western part replenishes the eastern one. The western and northern shores of
Balkhash are high (20–30 m) and rocky, composed of Paleozoic rocks: porphyry,
tuff, granite, shale, and limestone. The southern shores are low (1–2 m) and sandy,
periodically flooded into high water (due which are dotted with numerous small
lakes), in some places there are coastal hills 5–10 m high. The coastline is very
winding and dissected by numerous bays and bays.

Figure 1 - Scheme of the orographic structure of the Ile-Balkhash basin

1 - mountain ranges, 2 - absolute terrain marks, m, 3 - glaciation areas, 4 – sands
Relief and geological structure. According to the nature of the relief in the territory
under consideration, the following physical and geographical areas are distinguished:
the low hills and low mountains of the Kazakh folded country, the plains of the
Balkash-Alakol depression, the systems of the Kazakhstan-Dzhungar mountainous
region, the Shu-Iley mountains and the eastern part of the Northern Tien Shan, the
Tien Shan mountainous region [46]. The territory of the Ile river basin is
characterized by the diversity and complexity of the geological structure. The
structure of the surface of the pool is very complex. The relief is diverse from the flat
deserts of the Balkash region to the dissected high-mountain regions of Tanirtau.
Absolute marks here range from 340 m at the edge of Lake Balkash to 4951 m -
Talgar Peak [47]. The northern and northwestern part, which occupies the main
region of the Northern Balkash region, is located within the Kazakh uplands. The
central part of the Balkash depression is an accumulative sandy-desert plain,
extending from the southern margin of the Kazakh uplands to the belt of mountains in
the south and southeast. In the northern part of the Balkash depression - the Plain
Plateau, elevations of 400-450 m predominate. In the southern part of the depression,
there are mainly sandy deserts: Taukum, Moiynkum, Saryesik Atyrau, Lokkum [48].


2.1 Physical and geographical characteristics of the study area

The territory of the Yssyk River is characterized by great diversity and

complexity of the geological structure. The important latitudinal extent of the earth
and the complexity of the relief determine the enormous diversity of soils and the
diversity of the plant world. In the deserted steppe zone, which occupies the river,
brown and gray-brown soils of the northern deserts, which are very often found in
combination with solonetzes and solonchaks, are most widespread. In the desert zone
of the Yssyk River, the most widespread are ridge and hilly lands, fixed, and semi-
fixed. In a narrow strip along the Yssyk River, floodplain-meadow soils stretch,
which are covered in the lower reaches by thickets of cattail, reeds and tugai
vegetation. All mountainous regions are characterized by vertical zonality of the soil
and vegetation cover with an unequal number of landscape belts and their huge
differences on differently oriented slopes. In Zhetisu Alatau, on its northern slope,
due to a significant difference in heights between the piedmont plains and the highest
mountain ranges, and the large dissection of the relief, the soil and vegetation cover is
very diverse. Vegetation in the open spaces of the river is represented by saxaul
communities on sandy massifs, ephemeral and grass-forb-sagebrush communities on
clay and loamy soils, grass-forb groups, halophilic vegetation on solonchaks and
takyrs, tugai vegetation and unique turanga thickets in river floodplains, as well as
coastal - floodplain, meadow. The southern coast of Yssyk, especially in the areas of
river deltas, is framed by a wide belt of reed beds. In the floodplains, along the delta
channels and the banks of 2 floodplain lakes, there are tugai forests of willows,
oleaster and turanga.

2.2 Water analysis methods

Figure 2 - Satellite images of the Yssyk River from Google Earth

The study was conducted in the period from June 2021 to February 2022. For a
general assessment of the state of the river, the ecological passport of the Yssyk River
was filled out based on a review of literary sources and the results of their own visual
observations. Water sampling for hydrochemical analysis was carried out in
accordance with standard requirements. The color and smell of water were
determined organoleptically. To determine the temperature, pH and mineralization
was used a complex device ―Combo pH&EC‖ of the company ―Hanna Instrument‖.

Figure 3 - Water sample locations

Figure 4 - HI 96728 Nitrate ISM

The content of ammonium and nitrate ions was determined by using devices of the
same company - respectively ―HI 96700 Ammonium LR‖ and ―HI 96728 Nitrate‖.
Biological analysis of fish was carried out according to the standard method.

Figure 5 - HI 96700 Ammonia LR

Figure 6 - HI 96728 Nitrate ISM

Figure 7 - The moment of the study of nitrates and ammonium in water

2.3 Methods for collecting and processing ichthyological data

For catching fish, small-mesh bait, fishing nets of various designs with a mesh
of 3-5 mm, and hook tackle were used. Large fish were analyzed in situ, small fish
were fixed in formalin and further processed in the laboratory. The trout for analysis
was taken at the MG group farm.
Biological and morphological analysis of fish was carried out according to the
schemes generally accepted in ichthyology. To designate morphometric characters,
symbols common in ichthyological works are used: the length of the whole fish (L),
the length to the end of the scale cover (without the caudal fin) (l), the distance to the
dorsal fin (aD), the distance to the anal fin (aA), the distance to pectoral fin (aP),
maximum body height (H), minimum body height (h), head length (c), snout length
(ao), horizontal eye diameter (o), head height through the eye (h c/o), height head at
the occiput (hc), length of the upper lobe of the tail (lCs), length of the middle rays of
the tail (lCm), length of the lower lobe of the tail (lCi), fish are brought into line with
the information contained in the Fish Base information retrieval system.
To assess the diversity of communities, the following indicators were used: S is the
total number of species in the community (species richness), D is the Simpson
diversity index, E is the uniformity of distribution according to Simpson, H is the
Shannon index, J is the uniformity of distribution according to Shannon. The
Shannon scores were calculated using the base 2 logarithm.
A variety of types of anthropogenic load, their different intensity and duration,
different physical and geographical conditions of water bodies encourage scientists to

search for expert methods for assessing the state of communities based on
morphological, pathological, anatomical and ecological indicators of fish. To assess
the state of fish populations, important indicators are the size, weight and fatness of
fish, as well as the sex ratio.
The assessment of the state of fish communities was determined on the basis of
morphological and pathological-anatomical parameters of fish. For the
morphopathological analysis of fish, we used the scoring method proposed by Yu.S.
Reshetnikov et al. The absence of pathology is scored as zero points. Depending on
the obtained ANN value, 3 states of aquatic ecosystems are distinguished:
I - zone of relative ecological well-being (INS for peaceful fish species no more than
II - zone of ecological disaster (INS for peaceful fish species from 5 to 8);
III - zone of ecological crisis (INS for peaceful fish species is more than 8).
The study of the modern ichthyological composition of water bodies within the
city of Almaty shows that introduction work is currently ongoing, resulting in the
emergence of new fish species in the Almaty region. The tenants of most ponds
specialize in the provision of paid services for recreational anglers, and in an
increasingly competitive environment, they seek to offer the latter new recreational
fishing facilities.

Figure 8 - Triplophysa stoliczkai

2.4 Statistical processing techniques

Statistical data processing was carried out according to the guidelines of G.F.
Lakin and Press W.H. et al. [81] using the computer program Excel. To compare the
samples, we used Tst, ―difference coefficient‖ CD, and ―divergence‖ - d21.2.

2.5 Methods for assessing the socio-economic condition of the study area

An ecological research agenda for ecosystem services. Management of

ecosystem services is as complicated as managing ecosystems; past attempts to
manage even single components of ecosystems such as fisheries have demonstrated

the complexity and difficulty of this task. We can divide the ecological component of
this task into sub-topics, including: identifying the species or other entities that are
key ecosystem service providers (ESPs) and characterizing their functional
relationships; determining the various aspects of community structure that influence
function in real landscapes, especially compensatory community responses that
stabilize function, or non-random extinction sequences that rapidly erode it; assessing
the key environmental factors influencing provision of services, and measuring the
spatiotemporal scale over which providers and services operate. While each of these
sub-topics is a subject of active research in ecology, this approach will be most useful
in influencing environmental policy and land-use planning when applied in its
entirety. For maximum effect, it should also be integrated into interdisciplinary
studies of ecosystem services including socio-economic aspects, but for the purposes
of this paper, I will consider only the ecological component. Carrying out such an
agenda will present an enormous logistical, financial and scientific challenge, but it is
not outside our human potential. We have only to look at the enormous strides made
in medicine or space exploration, to name a few, to realize that is possible, given
careful planning and sufficient resources.


3.1 Results of the assessment of the ecological state of the river

According to the results of the conducted studies, the mineralization in the upper
part of the river varied from 69 ppm to 78 ppm, pH – from 6.32 to 6.75, the content
of ammonium and nitrates 0.0 – 0.04 mg/l. For the middle section of the river,
mineralization varied from 58 ppm to 66 ppm, pH – from 6.92 to 7.27, the content of
ammonium and nitrates 0.0 – 0.01 mg/l. For the lower part of the river,
mineralization varied from 74 ppm to 78 ppm, pH - from 6.10 to 6.49, ammonium
content reached 20.3 mg/l, and nitrates were not detected.
As a result of provided investigation the ecological passport of the Yssyk River was
I. General information about the river
1. River system (to which catchment does the water
Object 2): Ili River - Kapchagay reservoir
3. The main river or tributary (of what order is the lake): They feed the glaciers of the
Zailiysky Alatau
4. Where does the river begin (source): formed from the Cassina glacier
5. Where it flows into (mouth): Kapchagai reservoir
6. The length of the river: Length - 96 km, of which 22 km - in the mountain gorge,
which is named after the river - Yssyk Gorge.
7. Flows through the territories (districts, nearby settlements): Yssyk city
8. What tributaries does it take: right, left, no
9. Are there dams, dams, where 1963 is located, in the Yssyk gorge of the Zailiysky
Alatau, east of Almaty, the length was 1,850 m, the width was 500 m, the depth was
up to 80 m.
10. For artificial watercourses (channels, ditches):
11. The nature of the watercourse (dug, concrete banks, etc.): concrete banks
12. When was it created? 1990 Why was it created? For fish farming
II. Characteristics of the river and its valley at the study site
1. Description of the location of the studied section of the river (in the upper
current / closer to the source, middle, lower / closer to the mouth) in the middle
2. Location of observation sampling station
3. Features of the river valley: width and shape, the Yssyk was 1850 m long, 500 m
wide, and 50–79 m deep.
4. The presence of terraces, their number, what rocks are built - no
5. Vegetation along the banks of the river and on the slopes of the river valley
River floodplain: width_ 500 m_vegetation The lake is surrounded by rocks, forests,
alpine meadows. Almost all types of flora grow here.
Springs in the river valley (number, location)
6. Riverbed: width-depth: maximum – average.
7. The presence of islands, fords, channels, rifts and their location - no.
8. Features of the bottom soil sand and stone
9. Flow rate (on the farm) 300l/min. No water consumption if there is no evaporation
10. Assessment of water quality (you can use the tables from Chapter 4 for
11. Transparency: Measured by the Secchi disk, Varies by site and season: from 2-5
cm during spring and summer floods to 2-3 m during dry periods
12. In optimal condition it is not cloudy, but during rain it can be gray and it will be
impossible to see the fish.
13. Color: greenish blue to brown
14. Smell: above settlements without smell? In the area of residential buildings, a
slight hydrogen sulfide smell was sometimes noted.
15. Temperature + 2-4 ° C in winter to 32 ° C in the lower section in summer.
III. Life in the river and by the river
1. Coastal vegetation (specify prevailing and rare
2. Types of algae, wild rose, birch forest, broad-leaved ash tree.
3. Aquatic and bottom vegetation (predominant and rare Views)
5. Degree of overgrowth of the channel (% of the area) The lake is surrounded by
rocks, forests, alpine meadows. Almost all types of flora grow here.
6. Rare species: There are several plants listed in the Red Book - Kungei feather
grass, golden adonis, Cossack juniper, Schrenk spruce, edelweiss and others.
7. Fish: A common species of rainbow trout is a fish that lives only in running or
spring water.
8. Rare species - no.
9. Crayfish (availability and quantity)
10. Bottom organisms
11. Animals, birds, their traces There are more than 150 species of birds and almost
30 species of mammals, including deer, mountain goats, wolves, lynxes, bears and
leopards.7. Invertebrates on the banks of the river: crayfish, small-bristle worms,
polychaete worms.
IV. The use of the river and its valley and its ecological consequences
1. What settlements are located in the river valley and along the banks, on which
distance from the river? Yssyk city, Almaly settlement, Koktobe.
2. Industrial and agricultural enterprises, their location according to
3. in relation to the river: ESIK SAULET, LLP. Activities in the field of architecture,
with the exception of nuclear industry and nuclear power facilities.
Nur Eco LLP
Unifruit Production LLP
4. What kind of agricultural land (sown fields, pasture meadows)? - no
5. What area do they occupy? - no
6. How the river and valley are used for recreation (rest houses, children's camps,

etc.) - Primarily used for fish farming, for visitors, rest homes. There are also
children's camps.
7. Is the river used for navigation? Not
8. Is the river used for fishing? What are the ways to catch fish? net, fishing rod, nets
9. Is the river used for water supply and other household needs? For water supply to
farmers, for irrigation, water is also diverted through the canal
V. Sources of river pollution and other water protection measures
1. Natural sources and causes of changes in water quality
1-during the rain, mudflows often occur and destroy not only vegetation but also the
structure of the river.
2-when glaciers melt.
2. Anthropogenic sources of river pollution: Feed given on the farm. Rubbish
removed from factories. Household waste
3. Where are the dumping sites for untreated water? At the lower mouth of the river
4. Where are the disposal sites for treated wastewater located? What measures are
taken to clean them up? No
5. What is the width of the protected area of the river
6. Your suggestions for the protection and rational use of the river and its valley: to
introduce filtration channels for untreated and wastewater, which in turn pollute not
only vegetation but also residential areas.
7. What is her condition medium-stable
8. What have you done to clean up the river and its banks: garbage disposal.
Completion date: beginning - July 5, 2021, final -12 July 2021

The basin of the Balkhash Hollow is enclosed in an extensive in-continental

depression of southern Kazakhstan, situated in the central part of the Asian continent
and bounded in the south by the Dzungarian AlaTau. The major lakes in the basin are
Balkhash (Balqash Koi) Lake, Sasykkol Lake and Alakol Lake. The Balkash inland
basin drains into Lake Balkash via seven rivers; chief among these is the Ili River
(Ile, I-li Ho, Ili He). Only one river, the Karkyra (Kar-Kyra, Qarqara) River (Ili River
drainage), in Kyrgyzstan belongs to the Bal- khash basin. It is a montane tributary of
the upper Ili River that is inhabited by around 12 fish species, some of them endemic,
but no recent data exist for Karkyra River in Kyrgyzstan. The follow- ing species
may be present in the Karkyra River in Kyrgyzstan: Rhynchocypris brachyurus,
Schizothorax argentatus, Schizothorax pseudaksaiensis Herzenstein, (a very rare
species, reported from secondary tributaries of Ili); Diptychus gymnogaster,
Gymnodiptychus dybowskii Kessler, Triplophysa sewerzowi Nikolsky ; Triplophysa
strauchii, Triplophysa herzensteini and Triploshysa labiate. Human impact on native
fish populations. In the 1970s, valuable fish species, such as Amu Darya Trout,
Osman (D. gymnogaster) and Common Marinka (S. intermedius), were introduced in
most Kyrgyz rivers, but their stocks have never reached levels that would permit
commercial exploitation because of the low food supply. However, the Amu Darya
Trout have become established and are now desirable catches for recreational anglers.
In the Talas system, at least 16 species and subspecies from 15 genera are non-native
and at least ten non-native species are now established. In the Chu drainage, 22 non-
indigenous species were reported and at least 16 species have been successfully
established. Most exotic species are representaives of the Eastern Asian fauna,
introduced intentionally or unintentionally due to acquaculture, such as Abbottina
rivularis, Channa argus, Hemiculter leucisculus, Micropercops cintus,
Pseudorasbora parva, and Rhinogobius sp. Review of fisheries resources
management. Managing fisheries resources is the responsibility of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Water Industry and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. An
agency subordinated to the Ministry controls fish catches and artificial reproduction
volumes. Private and joint stock companies carry out commercial fishing with
licenses, issued by the State Forestry Service. The Ministry of Ecology and
Emergency monitors aquatic environments and ecological conditions. Various
institutions of the National Academy of Sciences conduct with aquatic research. The
Yssyk-Kul Biological Station of the Institute for Biology and Soil of the National
Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic conducts fisheries controlling the state
of forage reserves, fish populations, and their natural repro- duction. In 2001, a
scientific center for fish aqua- culture was formed within the Ministry of Agriculture,
Water Industry and Processing Industry. Its responsibilities include the scientific
expansion of stocking and measures for food fish conservation, and restoration [49].

3.2 Results of studying the diversity of fish in the natural environment

The recent constitution of the ichthyofauna of the reservoirs of the Yssyk river
was formed as a result of the natural perforation of fish from other rivers after the end
of the ice age and notably expanded due to the acclimatization of a large number of
species carried out by humans in the second half of the last century.
Table 1 presents a general list of fish species known for the Balkhash basin.
Overall 63 species of fish from 10 orders are known for the Kazakh part of the Yssyk

Table 1 - List of fishes of the Balkhash basin in 4 languages

# Latin English Kazakh Russian

Indigenous species:
Leuciscus leuciscus
Сібір тарғақ
1 baicalensis Siberian dace Сибирский елец
(Dybowski, 1874)
Phoxinus brachyurus Seven River's Семиреченский
2 Талма балық
Berg, 1912 minnow гольян
Phoxinus phoxinus Обыкновенный
3 Eurasian minnow Қарапайым гольян
(Linnaeus, 1758) гольян
4 poljakowi (Kessler, Balkhash minnow Балқаш гольяны Балхашский гольян

Table 1 Continued - List of fishes of the Balkhash basin in 4 languages

5 argentatus argentatus Balkhash marinka Балхаш маринкасы Балхашская маринка
Kessler, 1874
6 Ili marinka Іле маринкасы Илийская маринка
Herzenstein, 1889
Diptychus maculatus
7 Scaly osman Қабыршақты осман Чешуйчатый осман
Steindachner, 1866
8 dybowskii (Kessler, Naked Osman Жалаңаш осман Голый осман
Triplophysa stoliczkai Tibetan stone Тибет талма
9 Тибетский голец
(Steindachner, 1866) loach балығы
Северцов талма
10 sewerzowi Severtsov's loach Голец Северцова
G.Nikolsky, 1938
Triplophysa dorsalis
11 Gray loach Сұр талма балығы Cерый голец
(Kessler, 1872)
Triplophysa strauchii Spotted thicklip Тенбіл талма
12 Пятнистый губач
(Kessler, 1874) loach балығы
Triplophysa labiata Plain thicklip
13 Not determined Одноцветный губач
(Kessler, 1874) loach
Perca schrenkii
14 Balkhash perch Балхаш алабұғасы Балхашский окунь
Kessler, 1874
Alien species:
Rutilus rutilus
15 Roach Арал тортасы Аральская плотва
aralensis (Berg, 1916)
Aspius aspius
16 Asp Ақмарқа Жерех
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Abramis brama Шығыс тыран
17 Freshwater bream Восточный лещ
orientalis Berg, 1949 балығы
Carassius gibelio
18 Prussian carp Мөңке Cеребряный карась
(Bloch, 1782)
Silurus glanis Wels catfish
19 Жайын Обыкновенный сом
Linnaeus, 1758
Sander lucioperca Обыкновенный
20 Pike-perch Көксерке
(Linnaeus, 1758) судак
Acipenser nudiventris Fringebarbel
21 Not determined Шип
Lovetsky, 1828 sturgeon
Salmo mikiss mykiss
22 Rainbow trout Құбылмалы бахтах Микижа
(Walbaum, 1792)
Salmo mikiss irideus
23 Not determined Not determined Радужная форель
(Gibbons, 1855)
Үлкенауызды Большеротый
24 Ictiobus cyprinellus Bigmouth buffalo
буффало буффало

Table 1 Continued - List of fishes of the Balkhash basin in 4 languages

Rutilus rutilus
Солтүстік Каспий Северокаспийская
25 caspicus (Jakowlew, Caspian roach
торта балығы вобла
26 idella (Valenciennes, Grass carp Ақ амур Белый амур
Tinca tinca (Linnaeus,
27 Tench Not determined Линь
Abbottina rivularis Chinese false
28 Not determined Речная абботтина
(Basilewsky, 1855) gudgeon
Pseudorasbora parva
29 (Temminck et Stone moroko Not determined Амурский чебачек
Schlegel, 1846)
30 brachycephalus s Aral barbel Арал қаязы Аральский усач
Kessler, 1872
Rhodeus ocellatus Қызғырт кекіре
31 Rosy bitterling Глазчатый горчак
(Kner, 1865) балығы
Rhodeus sericeus Қарапайым кекіре Обыкновенный
32 Bitterling
(Pallas, 1776) балығы горчак
Carassius gibelio
33 Prussian carp Мөңке балық Cеребряный карась
(Bloch, 1782)
Cyprinus carpio
34 Common carp Тұқы Cазан
Linnaeus, 1758
35 leucisculus Sharpbelly Not determined
(Basilewsky, 1835)
36 molitrix Silver carp Ақ дөңмаңдай Белый толстолобик
(Valenciennes, 1844)
37 nobilis (Richardson, Bighead carp Not determined
Oryzias sinensis Chen,
38 Not determined Not determined Медака
Uwa, Chu , 1989
Gambusia affinis
Eastern Шығыс гамбузия
39 holbrookii (Girard, Восточная гамбузия
mosquitofish балығы
Sander lucioperca Обыкновенный
40 Pike-perch Көксерке
(Linnaeus, 1758) судак
Sander volgensis
41 Volga pikeperch Берш Берш
(Gmelin, 1788)
42 idella (Valenciennes, Grass carp Ақ амур Белый амур
43 molitrix Silver carp Ақ дөңмаңдай Белый толстолобик
(Valenciennes, 1844)

Table 1 Continued - List of fishes of the Balkhash basin in 4 languages

Rhodeus sericeus Қарапайым кекіре Обыкновенный

44 Bitterling
sericeus (Pallas, 1776) балығы горчак
Rhodeus ocellatus Қызғырт кекіре
45 Rosy bitterling Глазчатый горчак
(Kner, 1865) балығы
Амурский троегуб
46 uncirostris amurensis Three-lips Not determined
Berg, 1932
Pseudorasbora parva
Псевдорасбора, или
47 (Temminck et Stone moroko Not determined
амурский чебачок
Schlegel, 1846)
Abbottina rivularis Chinese false
48 Not determined Речная абботтина
(Basilewsky, 1855) gudgeon
Gambusia holbrooki Eastern
49 Not determined Восточная гамбузия
(Girard, 1859) mosquitofish
Oryzias latipes Japanese rice fish
50 (Temminck et Not determined Медака
Schlegel, 1846)
(Hypseleotris) cintus
51 Not determined Not determined Элеотрис
(Dabry de Thiersant,
Channa argus (Cantor,
52 Snakehead Жыланбасбалық Змееголов
63 Rhinogobius sp. Not determined Not determined Китайский бычок

The composition of the ichthyofauna of the tributaries of the Ile River, which
includes the Yssyk River studied by us, is also undergoing changes. Based on a
review of literature data and materials of my own research, we have compiled a
comparative analysis of the ichthyofauna in the secular aspect.

Table 2 - Changes in the composition of the ichthyofauna of the tributaries of the Ili River over the
past 30 years

Origin Years
English name Latin name 1991– 2001– 2011–
2000* 2010** 2021***
1 2 3 4 5 6
Order Carps – Cypriniformes, family– Cyprinidae
Naked Osman dybowskii (Kessler, Not determined
Rutilus rutilus aralensis
Roach А Not determined
(Berg, 1916)
Aspius aspius (Linnaeus,
Asp А 0 + +
Abramis brama
Freshwater bream А + + +
orientalis Berg, 1949

Table 2 continued - Changes in the composition of the ichthyofauna of the tributaries of the Ili
River over the past 30 years

Carassius gibelio
Prussian carp + + +
(Bloch, 1782) А
Cyprinus carpio
Aral carp aralensis Spitczakov, + + +
1935 А
Grass carp idella (Valenciennes, Ч 0 + +
Silver carp molitrix (Valenciennes, Ч + 0 +
Rhodeus sericeus
Bitterling Ч ? ? 0
sericeus (Pallas, 1776)
Rhodeus ocellatus
Rosy bitterling Ч + + +
(Kner, 1865)
Pseudorasbora parva
Stone moroko (Temminck et Schlegel, Ч + + +
Abbottina rivularis
Chinese false gudgeon Ч 0 + +
(Basilewsky, 1855)
Triplophysa stoliczkai
Tibetan stone loach
(Steindachner, 1866)
Order – Cyprinodontiformes, family Пецилиевые – Poeciliids
Gambusia holbrooki
Eastern mosquitofish Ч + 0 +
(Girard, 1859)
Order Needle fishes – Beloniformes, family – Oriziatidae
Japanese rice fish Oryzias latipes
(Temminck et Schlegel, Ч + + 0
Order Catfishes – Siluriformes, Order Sheatfishes – Siluridae
Bitterling Silurus glanis Linnaeus,
А + + +
Order Perch-likes - Perciformes, Order Perches – Percidae
Sander lucioperca
Pike-perch А + + +
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Order Odontobutidae – Freshwater sleepers
(Hypseleotris) cintus
Eleotris A 0 + 0
(Dabry de Thiersant,
Family Snakeheads – Channidae
Channa argus (Cantor,
Snakehead A + + +
Family Goby – Gobiidae
Chinese goby Rhinogobius sp. A + + +
Note - I - source data [137-143]: "I" - native species, "A" - alien species; "+" - taxon found, "0" -
taxon absent, "?" - species definition needs to be clarified

Tibetan stone loach and naked osman are more adapted to mountain rivers, so
they have been preserved. The replenishment of the trout in the river occurs due to
the fish constantly escaping from the farm.

3.3 Results of morphological analysis and condition of fish in the natural


Results of the morphobiological analysis of the naked osman.

Description. Dorsal fin II-III (7) 8 (9), anal II 5 rays; scales in lateral line 93-113. In
contrast to the scaly osman, this species has a naked body, with scales only in the lateral line
and around the anus and anal fin (―split‖). -blue spots, belly white or slightly yellowish. Males
have a dorsal fin wide at the base in a normally unfolded fan-shaped form, while females have
a narrow, small dorsal fin, but females are always larger than males of the same age.
Naked Osman is a typical inhabitant of the mountain rivers and lakes of the Tien Shan. In
addition to the Yssyk-Kul lake basin, it lives in the upper reaches of the Syr-Darya, Talas, in
the Chu and its tributaries, in the tributaries of the Balkhash, Alakol and Zaisan lakes. On the
vast territory of its range, the naked osman is represented by several ecological forms and
geographical races, which is a consequence of the high degree of variability and adaptation of
this species to various conditions of existence. Osman males reach puberty at 4-5 years of age
with a body length of 18-22 cm, females mature a year later. The lacustrine form of the osman
spawns in the shallow zone of the lake along capes on snags (cemented slabs of sand, gravel
and shells), ridges of stones or pebbles. It begins to approach spawning grounds from the first
half of April at a water temperature of 7-8°C, and the spawning run continues intermittently
until September. The prolongation of this period is due to the portioned type of spawning, that
is, females in several stages lay eggs in separate portions as they mature.

Figure 9 - Gymnodiptychus dybowskii

Portion spawning in the lacustrine form of the Yssyk-Kul naked osman has been preserved as
an ancient trait inherited from the original progenitor river form. This provides him with good
survival in the conditions of a low-feeding lake, such as Yssyk-Kul. Individual absolute
fecundity in lake naked osman 25-50 cm in size and weighing from 200 to 20000 g varies
between 4070-32690 eggs, on average 1200-13000 eggs. Fertility increases especially sharply
in Osman females at the age of 12-14 years.

Table 3- Morphological and biological features of the naked Osman

Naked osman Our data, n=2 Река Чилик [50] [50]
Features min max M ±m ±s CV min max M M m
L 75 76 75.5 0.50 0.71 0.94 Not investigated
l 61 62 61.5 0.50 0.71 1.15 9.4 13.2 10.95 23.43 0.2
Q 4.25 4.28 4.27 0.015 0.021 0.50 Not investigated
Fulton 1.78 1.89 1.83 0.051 0.072 3.95 Not investigated
в % от длины тела (l):
aD 50.0 50.8 50.4 0.41 0.58 1.15 Not investigated
aP 19.7 24.2 21.9 2.26 3.20 14.58 Not investigated
aV 56.5 59.0 57.7 1.28 1.81 3.14 Not investigated
aA 66.1 75.4 70.8 4.64 6.56 9.27 Not investigated
c 24.2 24.6 24.4 0.20 0.28 1.15 24.0 27.1 25.55 27.0 0.3
hco 8.1 8.2 8.1 0.07 0.09 1.15 10.6 13.9 12.38 14.6 0.2
hc 17.7 19.7 18.7 0.97 1.36 7.30 Not investigated
H 21.3 22.6 21.9 0.63 0.90 4.09 18.1 22.4 20.11
h 9.7 13.1 11.4 1.72 2.43 21.33 Not investigated
Cs 22.6 23.0 22.8 0.19 0.26 1.15 Not investigated
Ci 24.2 24.6 24.4 0.20 0.28 1.15 Not investigated
Cm 8.2 9.7 8.9 0.74 1.05 11.72 4.7 7.3 6.57 5.8 0.1
hco/hc 41.7 45.5 43.6 1.89 2.68 6.15 Not investigated
hc/H 78.6 92.3 85.4 6.87 9.71 11.37 Not investigated
h/H 42.9 61.5 52.2 9.34 13.21 25.31 Not investigated

Results of morphobiological study of Tibetan stone loach. Tibetan stone loach

(Triplophysa stoliczkai) has a naked body, a fold of skin stretches from the eye to the
end of the snout. There is no leathery ridge behind the dorsal fin. The usual length is
10-12 cm, the maximum is up to 16 cm. It occurs in the mountainous parts of the
rivers of the Aral Sea basins, Lake Balkhash, the Indus, Tarim, Huang He, Yangtze,
Bramaputra rivers, in the rivers of Tibet, in Lake Kukunor. Forms a number of
subspecies. There is significant variability. It has been noted that charrs from the
southern (Indus, Chiram).

Index of unfavorable state was 0, that indicated rather good state of living conditions
for the Tibetan stone loach in the Yssyk River.

Figure 10 - Triplophysa stolickai

Table 4 – Morphological and biological features of the Tibetan stone loach

Tibetan stone loach Kolsay Lake

Our data, Yssyk River, n=23 Aksay River [51] [51]
Features min max M ±m ±s CV min Max M M
L 74 112 91.7 9.90 11.75 12.82 66 111 99 170
l 60 94 77.6 8.77 10.43 13.45 53 93 77 143
Q 3.02 9.82 5.49 1.724 2.086 38.00 Not investigated
q 4.09 7.68 6.18 0.850 1.307 21.14 Not investigated
Fulton 0.84 1.40 1.13 0.118 0.143 12.65 Not investigated
Clark 0.80 0.97 0.88 0.049 0.065 7.31 Not investigated
жир 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Not investigated
питание 0 2 1.0 0.40 0.71 70.71 Not investigated
в % от длины тела (l):
aD 51.2 60.6 56.1 2.33 2.79 4.97 47 53 50.60 51.7
aP 17.6 29.2 21.8 1.76 2.55 11.69 Not investigated
aV 51.3 58.3 53.9 1.36 1.72 3.19 Not investigated
aA 64.6 76.7 70.7 2.54 3.18 4.50 Not investigated
c 14.1 31.7 19.8 2.58 3.71 18.73 18 23.1 20.5 22.7
hco 4.4 6.7 5.4 0.58 0.66 12.23 Not investigated
hc 9.4 15.2 12.2 1.18 1.51 12.37 10.1 12.0 11.3 12.2
H 11.5 18.3 14.6 1.39 1.70 11.63 11.1 13.7 12.50 17.8
h 4.7 10.7 7.5 1.12 1.52 20.23 5.2 6.5 5.82 7.6
Cs 16.5 24.7 18.8 1.59 2.15 11.44 22 28 25.70 23.1
Ci 16.7 22.6 19.3 1.44 1.67 8.65 Not investigated
Cm 4.8 15.4 12.1 1.80 2.59 21.46 Not investigated
Other proportions:
hco/hc 33.8 45.5 39.3 2.48 3.36 8.55 Not investigated

Table 4 continued- Morphological and biological features of the Tibetan stone loach

hc/H 81.3 93.2 87.2 2.72 3.43 3.93 Not investigated

h/H 40.0 49.3 44.4 2.94 3.51 7.92 Not investigated

Results of morphobiological study of trout. Trout is a generalized name for several

types of salmon fish that inhabit various water bodies and are found throughout our

Figure 11 - Oncorchynchus mykiss

It is of commercial value, as well as of interest to amateur fishermen and sportsmen.

It is considered a noble underwater inhabitant, which is not easy to catch, requires
considerable skill and experience. This representative of salmon has the highest
culinary value. Its meat contains many vitamins and minerals that help strengthen
health. All species of trout have a similar body shape. She is slightly elongated,
laterally compressed. The head is medium in size, truncated. The mouth is medium,
the eyes are small. Males are slightly smaller than females, but have more teeth. With
age, their lower jaw can bend upward. The trout is covered with dense small scales.
On the back there are two fins - the main and false, which are also called fat. This is
true for all salmon. Abdominal, pectoral, anal and tail are medium in size. Brook
trout has a brownish color, its head and back can even be black.

Table 5 - Morphological and biological features of trout

Радужная Микижа
форель жилая [52]
My data of trout from the fish farm (Yssyk River, Кульсай
10 February 2022) 2+[52]
Features min max M ±m ±s CV min max min max
Not 28
L, mm 240 315 276,1 18,68 24,28 8,79 investigated 45
l, mm 225 295 254,7 16,76 22,30 8,76 Not investigated
Q, g 145 355 252,2 57,16 73,69 29,22 Not investigated

Table 5 continued - Morphological and biological features of trout

q, g 125 322 227,0 52,80 68,15 30,02 Not investigated

Fulton 1,27 1,84 1,49 0,145 0,182 12,26 Not investigated
Clark 1,10 1,71 1,34 0,124 0,168 12,56 Not investigated
жир 0 2 0,8 0,64 0,79 98,60 Not investigated
питание 0 1 0,5 0,5 0,53 105,41 Not investigated
в % от длины тела (l): Not investigated
aD 44,4 54,8 48,5 1,98 2,84 5,86 39.4 46.0 42 48
aP 19,0 21,6 20,4 0,92 1,04 5,11 Not investigated
aV 49,5 55,2 52,8 1,43 1,74 3,30 47.0 50.8 47 53
aA 71,1 77,8 74,7 1,78 2,22 2,98 66.5 71.0 66 72
c 18,8 22,8 20,7 1,27 1,42 6,86 18.7 25.7 19 24
hco 7,3 9,5 8,6 0,48 0,66 7,62 11.3 18.7 6 8
hc 20,0 26,3 22,1 1,00 1,66 7,52 14.1 16.4 13 17
H 23,5 28,2 25,3 0,96 1,32 5,20 22.0 26.9 19 26
h 9,5 13,9 11,2 0,99 1,31 11,66 8.4 10.6 7 10
Not 16
Cs 10,6 14,7 12,6 1,11 1,36 10,83 investigated 20
Ci 8,9 17,4 13,5 2,02 2,60 19,27 Not investigated
Cm 5,1 8,5 6,8 0,85 1,10 16,10 Not investigated
hco/hc 33,8 45,5 39,3 2,48 3,36 8,55 Not investigated
hc/H 81,3 93,2 87,2 2,72 3,43 3,93 Not investigated
h/H 40,0 49,3 44,4 2,94 3,51 7,92 Not investigated

Index of unfavorable state significantly varied among individuals of trout in the farm.
It varied from 0 to 2 degrees with average mean 0.6±0.72.

3.4 General assessment of the state of the catchment area and the economic
use of the river

Figure 12 - Satellite images of the Yssyk River from Google Earth

Human economic activity, which introduces significant changes in natural conditions,
cannot but affect the runoff. The creation of reservoirs causes an increase in
evaporation and, consequently, a decrease in runoff, especially in arid regions.
Artificial irrigation in the zone of insufficient moisture, creating completely new
conditions for the water regime of the soil, causes irretrievable losses for evaporation
and transpiration by plants and thereby reduces the amount of river flow.

Figure 13 - Approximate satellite images of the Yssyk River from Google Earth

Several agrotechnical measures (snow retention, plowing) carried out in the vast
territories of our country cannot but affect the change in the conditions for the
formation of surface runoff, in most cases reducing the average annual runoff.
Quantitative assessment of the magnitude of changes caused by human economic
activity is extremely difficult and at present is of an approximate nature.

Figure 14 - There is an artificial waterfall on the Yssyk River in the vicinity of the

The Yssyk valley was formed by a grandiose mudflow in 1963, or rather, an almost
new valley was created within the range from Lake Yssyk to the foothills.

Figure 15 - After the dam, the Yssyk River flows in a deep, mudflow-eroded canyon.

Figure 16 - Middle course of the Yssyk river

Figure 17 - The middle course of the river where the bazaar of the Yssyk river is

The influence of mudflows on the morphological features of the valley is noticeable

on all rivers of the ridge, but this is especially characteristic of Yssyk, where traces of
the last mudflow are still fresh. Two landslide niches up to 15–20 meters high formed
near the frontal moraine of the Zharsay River served as the beginning of a whole
series of new landforms that arose in the valley of the Zharsay and Yssyk rivers
above the lake, numerous landslides, stall niches, heaps of moraines, scree cones, etc.
The basin of Lake Yssyk was half filled with mudflow material. At the northern ledge
of the Yssyk River delta, a lot of ravines with a depth of 15-20 meters have formed
The northern slope of this dam was receding as a result of erosion of its base and
constant collapses, which still occur today. On the way to the lake, you can visit the
Museum of the Golden Man (State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum
"Yssyk"), the yssyk burial mound of the 4th-5th centuries BC and the place where
they found the Saka warrior in golden armor, which is a symbol of the country.

Figure 18 - On the way to Lake Yssyk

Circling along the mountain serpentine road to the lake, you can also see rock
paintings and bas-reliefs, for example, the rock drawing of V. I. Lenin, made for the
centenary of his birth. On the rocks you can see the pattern of leopards.

Lake Yssyk is a great place to relax, its features are clean and cool air, cold water,
clear water is an ideal place for team building and walking.

Figure 19 - Yssyk river on the way to Yssyk lake.

Figure 20 - Lake Yssyk

The surroundings of the lake are a wonderful place for year-round outdoor activities
and tourism. Especially popular among tourists who prefer outdoor activities is the
"Kremlin Wall", located near the lake, on the territory of the Ile-Alatau National
Natural Park and the Almaty Reserve.

Figure 21 - View of Lake Yssyk

The best time to visit the lake is mid-summer or early autumn. In summer, the air
temperature in the lake area rarely rises above 25 degrees Celsius, the water
temperature is about 8 degrees. Swimming in the lake is prohibited.


As a result of the conducted research, Yssyk, by studying the physicochemical

and morphological parameters of fish, such as Naked osman, Tibetan char, trout; to
assess the change in water resources, considering the influence of climate.
From June 2021 to March 2022, I made observations of the state of the Yssyk
River in Almaty and its environs, examined 5 water samples, 3 fish samples. The
objectives of the study were: to study the physical and chemical indicators of water,
the diversity of fish, the variability of morphobiological indicators of mass fish
species, to propose measures to optimize the use of ecosystem services.
The purpose of our study was to assess the ecosystem services of the Yssyk
River. Thus, the assessment of changes in the water resources of the river. Yssyk and
its large tributaries in modern conditions, in connection with climate change, is
important in solving practical problems of water use and prospects for further
development of the region. The flow of mountain rivers is used for household needs
and is also spent on filtration and evaporation. In this regard, the issue of changing
water resources in the context of climate change and increasing economic activity
and their rational use in the basin under consideration is already acute. In different
periods, based on the economic tasks, opportunities and plans of the republic, the
development of irrigation in the basin was uneven, and accounting for water
withdrawals and, in general, a quantitative assessment of the use of water resources is
not effective. The water resources of the region primarily consist of river and lake
waters. In addition, there are wetlands, glaciers, reservoirs, irrigation conduits on the
The variety of fish consists of 63 species, commans are Tibetan stone loach
(Triplophysa stoliczkai), Naked Osman (Gymnodiptychus dybowskii), trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Morphological analysis of the most common fish did not reveal significant
differences in the state of plastic and countable characters. Index of unfavorable state
was 0, that indicated rather good state of living conditions for the Tibetan stone loach
in the Yssyk River. Index of unfavorable state significantly varied among individuals
of trout in the farm. It varied from 0 to 2 degrees with average mean 0.6±0.72. In the
samples of the naked osman, all the studied individuals were outwardly healthy. The
maximum sizes of the fish studied by us did not reach the average sizes indicated in
the literature data.
As a result of physical and chemical studies, the presence of nitrate ions was
found in a water sample from the upper part of the river, where the farm is located.
Nitrate ions have been found even in the water where the fish grow, which can
adversely affect the growth and condition of farmed fish.
The results of the study showed that the Yssyk River has great importance for
the preservation of native fauna and flora. Also, the Yssyk River is actively used for
recreation in the summer. Ammonium contamination occurs in the middle section. In
order to preserve natural biodiversity and efficient use of water resources, it is
necessary to develop a long-term sustainable nature management project. Moreover,
the vicinity of the city of Yssyk, which was involved in anthropogenic factors, is
currently cleared of garbage. Recreational areas for residents are located on the river,
which allows improving tourism in the area.
Based on the obtained data, the current ecological state of the Yssyk River is
assessed as satisfactory, since only in the upper part of the river there were cases of a
high concept of nitrate - ions, in the middle and lower parts of the river, where the
population is most, the concentration of nitrate and ammonium ions did not exceed
the maximum allowable concentration.
In connection with the transformation of the city of Almaty into a multi-million
metropolis, the natural ecosystem services of the Yssyk River have been transformed.
Currently, Yssyk Lake is located on the territory, which is a favorite place not only
for residents, but also for tourists. In addition, to the east of the city of Yssyk and 60
km from Almaty is the Turgen Gorge. It is a well-known region of viticulture and
winemaking in Kazakhstan. There are thermal health springs in the gorge, the
opportunity to enjoy trout fishing, unique waterfalls and forest spaces, which in turn
has a very good effect on the ecosystem services of the Yssyk River.


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