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Part 3 – Ch.

1 Quiz

1. What does McMurphy convince the doctor to allow him to bring back to the ward? (3 pts)

2. What happens when Nurse Ratched denies McMurphy’s Unaccompanied Leave request?
(3 pts)

3. Who does McMurphy’s team compete against? (3 pts)

4. What eventually happens that ends the “season”? (3 pts)

5. Once the season has ended, what sort of trip does McMurphy propose? (3 pts)

6. In response, what sort of articles does Nurse Ratched beginning pinning to the bulletin
board? (3 pts)
6. Chief tells a story about some people who came to visit his village when he was a boy…
list the following about this story: (12 pts)

A) For what purpose have the people visited?

B) As a boy, Chief says the following words “I know for a fact that it’s cooler than that
school I go to and even cooler than that movie house in The Dalles…” What is he talking

C) What surprises Chief when he says the words above?

D) What eventually do the people decide about talking to Chief’s father and what does
the woman propose they do instead?

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