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Exam Schedule: 4Yrs B.Ed., B.B.S.& B.Sc. 4th Year-2079

h1r{ t<lr<t{qrdq ,qften Ffiavr 6rqiqq, {"SdRr erttr qtrrr qsrrfr q-$c lore1 qTnrqr rT=rrnr;r
d s{ FIITFF ird q1q] qffi Rrert s1rs, q{elrT{ {4'rq ( F{ar{ aqr ckftr 3{rrfi (sr{ (s.+'r
" rfl H
cfts{rffilt+\ t.rq +r{a-cr{qR qten r5qrqr
Frqfue stftr+ TfteIr d
rr\r+tfr {qt{rd
qH qmorffi qrftr d 6rfrq r€rftTd rrft\'2fr 6 |
vtm rrrq-kfl 11:oo ri tfu i:oo Ti(q
4 Yrs B.Sc.IV Year

Date Subiects/Code No.

2o7e/7L/L0 Code No.408; Computational Course

2079/77/72 CodeNo.401; Bot./Chem./Env.Sc./Geolory/Meterolory/Math./Microbiology/


207e/11./74 CodeNo.403;Bot./Chem./Env.Sc./Geologz/Metrology/Math./Microbiologr/


2079/71./15 Code No.404; Mathematics

2079/L7/L6 Code No.405;Bot./Chem./Env.Sc./Geology/Meterolory/Math./Microbiolory/


2o7e/17/L7 Code No.408; Math(Mathematical Economics ) Code No.409;Math.[Mathematical

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2079/11/18 CodeNo.407;Bor./Chem./Env.Sc .
/ Geolog / Meterology/Math./Microbiolgy/

2079/17 /L9
Code No.402;Mathematics

rtw qrq-fuam s:oo {i ?&. lo:oo {fr(q

4Year's B.B.S.IV year

Date Su Code No.

2079/77/70 ACC.-25OAccounting for Banking/FIN.-250

Fundamentals of Corporate
Finance/MKT.-250 Fundamentals of Selling/MGT._250.Entrepreneurship

and Small Business Management

2079/71/12 MGT -220 Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

ACC-2 5lAccounting for Business/FlN_251 Commercial
Bank Management

/MKT.-251 Customer Relationship Management/MGT-25 1


MGT-227 Business Research Methods

2079/7t /77 ACC-252 Advanced Financial Accounting/FIN.-2

52 Foundations of
Financial Institutions and Market/MKT.-252Foreign
Trade and Export
Management in Nepar/MGT.-252 Management
of Industrial Relations

207e/17/t9 ACC.-253 Advance Auditing/FIN._253.

Fundamentals of Investment/MKT._253
Fundamentals of Advertisi MGT.-253 Produ ctivi M ement

.:l ?tan
hollet o\

2079/7r/21 acc.-254 Budgeting andcontrolling of profit/FlN-254

Insurance and Risk
Management/MKT-254 Fundamentals of Services
Markeiing/M GT._ZS4
Quality Management

vtm lTrq-k<r lt:oo Ti ?fr. i:oo T+{'q

4Year's B.Ed.IV Year

Date Sub ects Code No,

207e/77 /70 compulsory subiects (Ed.-442 [crassroom InstructionJ

Ed.-,t43.rcr in
Edu'/sost'Ed'443(Economic Dew. Regi.Diver.and
Nepar)/Hist.Ed.-,t44(ICT in
Hist.Edu.)Math.Ed.-4441 ICT in Mathe.Edu.)/Sc. Ed._44i

(lCT in Science Edu.J

2079/7L /72 Maior Subjects(Code No.Ed.-44S) Nep.Ed.(qc*m kfbJ/Eng.Ed.(Research

Methodolory in Eng.Edu.)/Math.Ed.(Linear Algebra

& Vecror AnalysisJ/Sc.Ed.
(Chemistry IyJHp,Ed.(school Health progam
& Communiry Health Survey)/pop.Ed.

[Fundamentals of Ageing)/Geo.Ed. (Geo.of Envirovmen,Hazard & Disaster

Mgmt'l/Eco.Ed.(Managerial Eco & Research in Eco.Edu.JHist.Ed.Dawn

of Democracy
in Nepal (1950 to & 2006)pol.Sc.Ed.Human right
& Social Justicel/Ed.pM.

(Social. Mgt.Practices)

Maior Subiects(Code No.Ed.,446) Nep.Ed.(qraft+ tq? d,n
/Eng.Ed.(Literature for Language Development)/Math.Ed.(Adv.Calculus)/Sc.Ed.

@hysics IV)/HP.Ed.Sport Traning in physical Edu.)/pop.Ed.(project

work & Seminar
on Pop.Edu./Geo.Ed.(Geographic Techniques)/Eco.Ed.(population


/Hist. Ed.Reseach Meth odology in Hist. & Hist.Writi nClPol.Sc.Ed.(Election Politics

in Nepal)/Ed.PM.(Social Justice Edu.)

2079/71,/t6 Minor subiects (code No.-,t49)Nep.Ed. ( qaft+ ie-{ aqr s*'.r )/Eng.Ed.(Literature
for Language DevelopmentJ/Math.Ed(AIgebral/Sc.Ed.(Animal SciencelV)p.Ed.

(Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/pop.Ed.(project Work & Seminar

on pop.Edu.l

/Geo.Ed.(Geo.of Environment Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.)Eco.Ed.(population

Economics)/Pol.Sc.Ed.(Election politics of Nepal) Ed.pM(school Mgmt.practicesl

2079/72/18 Minor Subiects(Code No.-448 Sc.Ed.(plant Science IVJlH.Ed.(Scohool Health

Program & Community Health Survey) Hist.Ed./ Sost.Ed.44g(Economic Devt.

Regi.Diver.and Nepal)


1) sqttr qten orfrqr{gR ctenqr qlckd d cfteTrfi-f,€+r htrt gr. er+1 q-+en rrfti &{ r

il $ arrmrftn t+<r q-{ qrqqr ch h.k+} f4 Wr fc-<r cftsrr strd rrfti Aa r

i) TftHI fufli stTst d frqq qr r{ qten Erfffiqr q-{i Er Etx rrgcr website qr rdrf}rf,
.+qr+t fuR s ffirr r{r orriqflil d-qir qmfirft is-t
cfB r q-"qqr c+ or{ffiE{TR qfteTr
Eia r

y) T*rna{6 qterr+r qft 3n-Bnd :pnsrcrrn qe-S trqd-m r

{) qfter+1 flftr qrt6i qrr }Td, rhqRr d-qt, rnrFr trr, qrJ 3nt( srcFt-rt cfte{rfi qr+n qri
+<rtan+1 T{ ffid H r,tq rrffi 1

q) tqt<+, qftefi ffiF\r+1 I ctr{r Fri {qftrd {rq[n tr+{n-.T+, aqr qr<rfto {qto-++i qten
(qq rrt eTkTtE s.I.irqr Erffi qFRr4 tlrqr qq orqiqqqr S.5.r{ [qcfu r

st qfteTr srq-nFrt d-{Ed cn-{, srt qrq,

<qq, Ekrq crqft q{dr qfteTrqr Frqfhd sl1r{ (rTrn

M qn cr$t&{ r q-qqr +.qrrqri iq-fir sr+rrt qq.r rrt q-{id r

c) FteTr 3{r+fi rrrq r+ Yq-{r qTsR h.frq-d?rtr6r hqrrt <qr crQ3_ffin ats q*tqr-+r
q-fren qra<q cnTsqr
Et urat rftm furq ai6 q-{ d fi qt+_{ lk
crt Tftetr ffid | {firft 3rqqT
Cq.rCqr +nERr ET iq_srfi H{q fur++R qi-gr I

1) TftHr +-q sri+ Bi-q +-qq-qre sfteTr frqqr

Bm.qfteTr En:a{ Ei_g I

frq* ,,q (.€r.n ert** seq qm<v-e-+i qr-*rr.rt cftHT

10) Tftsn
wr *-q*r.rrd
$q-d.rft-€ r +iFre ffif, qfterrffi a-{lil \ei su-c Frd_+} qrftr+rt_+
+t-c rcrftrd Rril-ffi 3ilqr.qr qrt qe +drqT rt-6 cftHr Fernft T{-sa q+6 1


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