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Veronica Daffney DG.

Vanta 11/11/23
Practical Activity pg.45

Carabao Report

The water buffalo is known by its Filipino English name, carabao. Carabao is a
symbol of hard work in the Philippines. In the seventeenth century, water buffaloes were
brought to Guam from the Philippines. They are regarded as Guam's unofficial national
animal and have gained significant cultural significance for the Chamorro people. In
recent years, there has been growing interest in the potential of carabeef as a source of
quality meat, raising questions about its viability and advantages over traditional cattle.

Once described as an inferior quality product because only aged carabaos used to
be slaughtered for meat, carabeef or water buffalo meat now tastes like prime beef due to
improved processing technology, which increases market demands. Furthermore,
carabeef holds cultural significance. This cultural affinity fuels regional demand and
offers marketing opportunities that capitalize on the sentimental attachment that
customers have to this meat.

Thanks to recent studies, the current demand for carabeef is increasing since it
showed that they are a better source of quality meat than cattle due to its high palatability,
physiochemical, and nutritional characteristics. Additionally, consumers are more drawn
to its unique flavor profile, leaner composition, and perceived health benefits. Many
health-conscious individuals are trying it out since experts have said that it contains 40%
less cholesterol and 55% less calories while it has 11% more protein and 10% more
minerals compared to beef, leading to them choosing carabeef as a healthier option than
other cattle meats.

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