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15/11/23, 10:22 Resultados Cuestionario

 (/EducacionVirtual/CursoVirtual/415/Lecciones)
 (/EducacionVirtual/Curso/415/Foros)  (/EducacionVirtual/Curso/415/Tareas)
 (/EducacionVirtual/Curso/415/Cuestionarios)  (/AulasVirtuales)
DINAE Inglés C1 (/EducacionVirtual/CursoVirtual/415)

 Quiz units 1-3

Estudiante: Vides Perez Diego Armando

Programa: DINAE
Fecha de Inicio: 15 de noviembre de 2023, 7:55:15 a.m.
Fecha de Fin: 15 de noviembre de 2023, 8:40:31 a.m.
Tiempo Empleado: 45 minutos
Resultado: 26 / 35 (74,29%)

1 Unit: 1
Skill: vocabulary
Topic: Developments in technology
Instruction: Match the sentences with the words.


Columna A

1 If a ________ of software is popular with users, it may lead to a successful final


2 Brad wasn’t sure if the __________on his computer was Windows 8 or 10 1

3 Machines with________ can be programmed to think like a human and imitate the
way a person acts.

4 Jacob’s cell phone has________ set up on it, which means he can tell his phone to 3
dial a friend’s number.

5 When the company tested the first ___________of their robot, they realized it
needed better stability.

Columna B 1/6
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operating system

working prototype

3 voice activation

4 beta version

artificial intelligence

2 Unit: 2
Skill: vocabulary
Topic: Describing personality
Instruction: Match the sentence with the correct word. 2/5

Columna A

Max was hoping that Gary would be willing to listen to alternative viewpoints, but
he didn’t expect him to be so ________ in his thinking.

When Esther met Paul, she appreciated that he was friendly and _______. Being
really shy, she was happy to listen to his many stories.

Megan was surprised when the personality test labeled her as inflexible and 1
unsympathetic; she had always considered herself to be really _________and

When Manuel told Carmen that her dress made her look overweight, she wondered 4
how he could be __________.

Kayla doesn’t mind people who have strong opinions, but when someone is so 5
___________ in their opinions that they don’t listen, she gets really frustrated.

Columna B

1 open-minded

2 chatty

3 insensitive

4 rigid

narrow-minded 2/6
15/11/23, 10:22 Resultados Cuestionario

3 Unit: 1
Skill: grammar
Topic: future perfect or future perfect continuous
Instructions: Choose the correct form of the verb

I’ve almost finished my report. By 8 o’clock, I will have worked on it for 4 hours.
2 Next year, Josh will have been studying robotics for five years and will only have one more
year to go.
3 Next month, Paul and John will have known each other for ten years.
4 At midnight, the chess match between the robot and the human will have been going on
for an incredible eight hours.
5 On November 8, Tim and Jennifer will have been dating each other for three years. 4/5

4 Unit: 2
Skill: grammar
Topic: would
Instructions: Match the sentence with the correct use of would 5/5

Columna A

Robert was annoyed that Tina wouldn’t help him with his project.

If my sister asked, I would always help her.


I would imagine that if you work abroad your English will improve.

Would you help me with my homework?


Nathan asked if I thought the app would mine his data. 3

Columna B

1 to talk about what someone is willing to do

2 to express an opinion in a polite way

3 to report a question 3/6
15/11/23, 10:22 Resultados Cuestionario

4 to talk about what someone is unwilling

to do

to make a polite request


5 Unit: 3
Skill: grammar
Topic: past unreal conditional
Instructions: Match the condition with the results. 5/5

Columna A

If Amanda had been listening,


I would have brought more money with me


If Vicki had known it was going to rain,


If you knew the mall would be this busy, 5

Nate could have finished the painting 2

Columna B

she’d have brought an umbrella.


if he’d had more time.


if you had told me you didn’t have any.


she would have heard the instructions.


why didn’t you suggest a different time?


6 Unit: 3
Skill: reading
Topic: unlikely events
Instruction: Read the blog post. Choose T for True or F for False for each statement. 4/6
15/11/23, 10:22 Resultados Cuestionario

1 The writer initially thought the story might not have been true. T
2 The writer found versions of the story on the internet with conflicting details. F
3 The story was convincing because of the number of specific details. F
4 The Italian version of the story could have been invented. F
5 The writer finally admits that the story must be false. F 3/5

7 Unit: 2
Skill: listening
Topic: Young managers
Instructions: Listen to the podcast. Choose the correct answers 5/6
15/11/23, 10:22 Resultados Cuestionario


1. What does the host say the working situation is today? The number of people who are
older than their bosses is rising.
2. What does the woman say about her first experience of management? All her
management skills were picked up as she worked.
3. When the woman started … she had to fire a colleague who was unhappy with her.
4. The woman recommends that young bosses … work hard on improving their weaknesses.
5. Who would benefit most from listening to this podcast? young people who have started
their first management role 2/5 6/6

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