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what is STL

STL means laboratory science technologies, this specialty aims to develop

scientific and technological skills.
Centered on human biology in the first place, it opens up prospects for
continuing studies in the field of health and life sciences.

What do we learn
The STL sector is focused on learning specific subjects such as knowing how
to identify bacteria, their biochemical characteristics, genetic characteristics.
In addition, in this sector we seek to delve deeper into themes such as
digestion, etc.

What is your favorite subject

I prefer biochemistry because the themes studied are more interesting than
the themes studied in biotechnology and I like the biochemistry practicals
when you mix several products which cause different colors

Why did you choose this sector

I chose this sector because I was advised by a person who told me to choose
this sector which would help me for my future profession

Do you have an idea of the job you would like to do in the

The job I would like to do later is to work in the water sector but I don't yet
know the position I will be in.

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