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Gramatyka opisowa – morfologia i fonologia

COMPOUNDING: schoolchildren n. children attending school: She had been working

with disadvantaged schoolchildren in Los Angeles – BBC News, 2020

COMPOUNDING: sunburn n. reddening and inflammation of the skin: Sunburn is an

acute cutaneous inflammatory reaction that follows excessive exposure of the skin to
ultraviolet radiation – Medscape, 2018

REDUPLICATION: tick tock n. the sound of a large clock ticking: Tonight, I’mma fight
‘til we see the sunlight, tick tock on the clock but the party don’t stop – Kesha, 2009

REDUPLICATION: heebie-jeebies n. a feeling of anxiety: The actress, who is of Puerto

Rican descent, follows Lauryn Hill’s lead as she repeats these lyrics:”I can do what
you do, easy, believe me/Fronting n****s give me heebie-jeebies.” – Yahoo News,

PHRASAL NOUN: shout-out n. phr. when you publicly praise someone: Shout out to
my ex, you’re really quite the man, you made my heart break and that made me who I
am – Little Mix, 2016

PHRASAL NOUN: let-down n. phr. a disappointment: Playing less than 48 hours after
their rout of DePaul, the Cardinals were probably due for a bit of a let-down –
StarTribune, 2020

SUFFIXATION: sickness n. the state of being ill: The sickness has become a relative
form for me. I think of it now as more a general wearing out process – The Notebook,
film, 2004

SUFFIXATION: development n. the process of developing: In September, a six-seat

plane took off from its research and development facility in Cranfield, England –
CNN, 2020

INFIXATION: un-fucking-believable adj. [SLANG] very unbelievable: Un-fucking-

believable. All of them. Every fucking girl in my life – Goodfellas, film, 1990

INFIXATION: every-fucking-day phr. daily: Every-fucking-day you pass me by in the

hallway like I ain’t shit! – The Purge, film, 2014

PREFIXATION: unavailable adj. not possible to get or use: Police, fire and emergency
medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. when the
Purge concludes – The Purge, film, 2014
PREFIXATION: rearrange v. change the position of something: Spill my words and
tear me down until there’s nothing left, rearrange the pieces just to fit me with the
rest – Shawn Mendes, 2020

PHRASEOLOGY: cherry on top phr. a feature that is perceived as the finishing touch
to something: I gotta say, watching the police search my house was really the cherry
on top of the fantastic year – Mean Girls, film, 2004

PHRASEOLOGY: be on the same page phr. to have the same opinion about something:
We’re on the same page. I don’t look for relationship right now either, let’s just say
that – Bridesmaids, film, 2011

PHRASAL VERB: get on v. phr. entering a bigger vehicle: If I get on this plane and you
don’t honour our agreement, when we land I go to jail for the rest of my life –
Inception, film, 2010

PHRASAL VERB: get along v. phr. to ask how someone is doing in a particular
situation: Aw, don’t tell me we only got that powered stuff with cream again. I hate
that stuff! You guys getting along alright? – Men in Black, film, 1997

CLIPPING: adorbs adj. [INFORMAL] adorable: When we were 9, I tripped on the

playground during PE so he would fall into a mud puddle. We were both adorbs –
Dynasty, Netflix-TV series, 2018

CLIPPING: deets n. [INFORMAL] details: Were you sunning in Capri or sinning in

Croatia? Give me the deets – Gossip Girl, Netflix-TV series, 2007

BACK FORMATION: diagnose v. diagnosis: A company has started selling the first
blood test to help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease – Yahoo News, 2020

BACK FORMATION: donate v. donation: The NHS wants people who have recovered
from coronavirus to donate their blood plasma – BBC News, 2020

BLENDING: smog n. smoke and fog: The country has been under strict lockdown
since March and experts say this closure of factories and airports has resulted in a
dramatic reduction in smog pollution – BBC News, 2020

BLENDING: workaholism n. work and alcoholism: Researches found workaholism

was statistically linked with anxiety, depression, OCD and ADHD – FoxNews, 2016

INITIALISM: NHS n. National Health Service: NHS bosses have warned Boris
Johnson that relaxing Covid restrictions over Christmas could lead to cases spiraling
out of control yet again fears a new crackdown could hit the festive period –
Dailymail, 2020
INITIALISM: OD n. [INFORMAL] overdose: The show kept it out of the news. They
even hid her OD a couple of days ago – Lucifer, Netflix-Tv series, 2016

ACRONYM: NASA n. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: This week,

NASA released several downloadable posters showing astronomical topics as vintage
science fiction films in their Galaxy of Horrors – Forbes Magazine, 2020

ACRONYM: UNESCO n. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization: South Korea’s celebration to mark Buddha’s birthday is now an
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage – BBC News, 2020

COINAGE: aspirin n. any mild painkilling drug: Nearly one-quarter of Americans

over the age of 40 have reported taking aspirin daily even if they don’t have a history
of heart disease or stroke – Sciencedaily, 2019

COINAGE: xerox n. to make a copy with a photocopy machine: Hey, anybody need
anything copied? I’m going down to the xerox place – Friends, Netflix-TV series,

ONOMATOPOEIA: shoo interj. a word to frighten or drive away a person or animal:

Okay, yeah, that’s enough. Now I’m telling you to go. Shoo! – Gossip Girl, Netflix-TV
series, 2008

ONOMATOPOEIA: poof interj. used to describe a sudden disappearance: And like that,
poof, he’s gone – The Usual Suspects, film, 1995

EPONYM: cereal n. a roasted grain, typically eaten with milk: Cereal fans who
indulge at breakfast, have a bowl for dinner or reach into a box for a midnight snack
need to be careful about their choices, nutritionists cautioned – Today, 2020

EPONYM: jacuzzi n. a large circular bath which is fitted with a device that makes the
water move around: You can alternatively stay on the 85ft superyacht, which
accommodates up to eight guests overnight and comes with amenities like a four-
person jacuzzi – Forbes Magazine, 2020

VERBIFICATION: suspect v. to have doubts of: It works on everyone. Everyone except

for Chloe Decker. And I suspect it’s somehow related to my recent bouts of humanity
– Lucifer, Netflix-TV series, 2016

VERBIFICATION: volunteer v. freely offer to do something: Ooh! Do we get to kick in

the door? As your self-sacrificing partner , I volunteer to go first – Lucifer, Netflix-
TV series, 2016
NOMINALIZATION: mess n. a situation that is full of problems: Then I hear he’ s
marrying a supermodel this weekend. And I’m jealous. Oh, God, I’m a mess –
Lucifer, Netflix-TV series, 2016

NOMINALIZATION: change n. an act or process through which something becomes

different: My life is change. „ The same thing over and over”, that’ s your boring
motto – Lucifer, Netflix-TV series, 2016

LOANWORD: paparazzi n. photographers who follow famous people around, trying

to take interesting and shocking photograps of them and sell to a newspaper: A
paparazzi agency that took photos of Meghan Markle and baby Archie near their
home „unlawfully invaded” her privacy – The Daily Beast News, 2020

LOANWORD: typhoon n. a tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western

Pacific oceans: Tropical storms and typhoons mostly hit during the summer months
and autumn, while few originate in winter – Taiwan News, 2020

LOANBLEND: coconut n. the large oval brown seed of a tropical palm: Coconuts
seemed a good starting point for a business. Indonesia is the world’s largest coconut
producer of coconut plantations – Monaco-Tribune News, 2020

LOANBLEND: iceberg n. a large floating mass of ice: The iceberg could screech to a
halt on the shallow underwater shelf that surrounds the island and not collide with
dry land – National Geographic, 2020

LOAN TRANSLATION: rainforest n. an area of tall, mostly evergreen trees and high
amount of rainfall: South Amercia’s Amazon rainforest will be wiped out 2064 by due
to deforestation and prolonged droughts from climate change, a scientist predicts in a
new paper – Daily Mail, 2020

LOAN TRANSLATION: credit card n. a small plastic card that can be used as a method
of payment: A credit card is embedded with strategically placed digits, every single
one of which represents a vital piece of information to allow for accurate
transactions – Forbes, 2021

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