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The Bible is not a science

textbook. At the same time,
nothing in the Bible contradicts
proved science. What the Bible

PROVEN SCIENCE IS IN says is “always reliable, now and

forever.”—Psalm 111:8


By J. Barnes
PROVEN Science Is in Harmony with The Bible

Earth and light were created before the Sun and Moon
According to NASA, about 4.5 billion years ago, Earth formed when gravity [from the Sun] pulled
swirling gas and dust in to become the third planet from the Sun. But the Biblical account of
creation 1 clearly establishes that God created the Earth and light first, THEN he created the sun and
moon and stars and placed them in the heavens inside the firmament (most likely, in the “waters
above”). 2 This is supported by simply looking at the stars using a high-powered telescope (figures
below) and comparing what you see with recent scientific experiments in sonoluminescence
(creating light with sound frequencies). 3 The stars are not fiery balls of gas floating in an endless
space vacuum as NASA alleges. They are each created by a unique sound frequency, which gives
each star a unique numerical name (98 MHz, 106MHz, etc.)

Light without the Sun? How is that possible? Well, we can see a very good example in neon signs
used all over the world. Neon is one of the inert noble gases of our upper atmosphere. And when
you pass a high voltage electrical current through those gases, different colors of light are produced.
The Aurora Borealis lights in the norther latitude skies are another good example of the
electromagnetic field of the Earth producing light as it passes through streams of noble gases. 4

No such thing as “gravity”

And if the Sun was created after the Earth, then of course, the theory of gravity cannot be
supported. Recent experiments inside NASA’s largest vacuum chamber prove that there is no such
invisible force as gravity. The experiment was broadcast by the BBC. 5 The vacuum chamber
experiment proved that without any air resistance, objects of different density and mass fell at the
exact same speed. The theory of ‘gravity’ says that the larger the mass, the stronger the
gravitational pull and the faster the object will fall. Obviously, that theory can no longer be

So, if the Sun is not 98 million miles away and is actually local to the Earth and circles above us inside
the firmament, and if there is no such thing as gravity, then those two facts alone dis-proves the entire

Genesis 1: 1-19
Amos 9:6 God established his structure (“dome”; “vault”) over the Earth.
3 Frequency of the Heavens Cymatics, Bio & Sonoluminescence, actual stars
and planets
4 Let There Be Light
5 Gravity test in NASA vacuum chamber broadcast on BBC
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Copernicus/Galileo heliocentric spinning ball models of the Earth and universe which NASA has been
using to influence human perceptions since the 1950’s. Thus, such models are merely theoretical and
are not based on proven scientific fact.

The Earth Is Motionless – The Sun and Moon Move Above Us

As mentioned on the preceding page, our 24-hour day /night cycle can easily be explained by the fact
that the sun and moon travel in circular paths above us inside the firmament where God put them.
Simply trace the angle of sun-rays back to their
source above the clouds. There are thousands of
pictures showing how sunlight comes down through
cloud-cover at a variance of converging angles. The
point of convergence is of course the Sun, and is
clearly NOT millions of miles away, but rather
relatively close to Earth just above the clouds.

As discussed on the preceding page, the whole theory

of ‘gravity’ has been debunked by proper scientific
experiments. So how is this elaborate stone stacking
possible if the Earth is a spinning ball???

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The photo above was taken from the window of an airplane flying at 35,000 feet altitude. The smoke
you see is rising vertically straight up from a large power plant. If the Earth was spinning at 1000mph
as NASA claims, then what you see happening in the picture is TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Smoke can only
rise perfectly straight like that if the Earth is motionless and there was no wind blowing. If smoke is
rising from a moving object (like in the picture of the train below), then the moving object will leave a
smoke trail behind it. There is NO amount of ‘Astroturf’ propoganda that can explain that simple fact

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God Made The Sun and Moon Stand Still For Joshua
One of the most amazing historical events which proves that it is the Sun and Moon which move, not
the Earth, is the account recorded in the Bible at Joshua 10:12-14. The ancient Isrealite army came
to the aid of their neighbors the Gibeonites and had to do battle against 5 kings from the land of
Canaan. Leading the Israelite army, Joshua prayed to God and asked for the Sun and Moon to stand
still so that it would not get dark and the Isrealites could gain victory in the battle of Beth Horon.6,7

For skeptics of the Bible, this historic event

was also recorded in a secular historical
record called the Book of Jasser (Also
known as the “Book of the Upright One” in
the Greek Septuagint and the “Book of the
Just Ones” in the Latin Vulgate).8

The account at Joshua 10:12-14 says that Joshua asked for

the Sun to stand still over Gibeon and for the Moon to stand
still over Aijalon. With the flat, circular enclosed Earth model,
it is completely feasible for Gibeon to experience daylight
while Aijalon is beginning to get dark.

Habakkuk 3:11
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Solar and lunar eclipses
Many people think that modern astronomy’s ability to accurately predict lunar and solar eclipses is a
result and proof positive of the heliocentric theory of the universe. Globe theory says that eclipses
"work" because it's a happy coincidence that the sun is about 400 times farther away from the earth
than the moon, and the moon is about 400 times narrower than the sun, so from earth they look about
the same size. But isn't there a much more simple explanation? Such as... they are two equally sized
smaller objects which are the same distance above us? The fact of the matter however is that eclipses
have been accurately predicted by cultures worldwide for thousands of years before the “heliocentric
ball-Earth” was even a glimmer in Copernicus’ imagination. 9

Using a 223 month lunar cycle record and a flat circular

Earth model, Babylonian astronomers were able to
accurately predict lunar eclipses sometime around 700
BC. Such science was obtained by the Medes, and in
600 B.C., Thales accurately predicted an eclipse which
ended the war between the Medes and Lydians.
Ptolemy in the 1st century A.D. accurately predicted
eclipses for six hundred years on the basis of a flat,
stationary Earth with equal precision as anyone living
today. Eclipses happen regularly with precision in 18
year cycles, so regardless of geocentric or heliocentric,
flat or globe Earth cosmologies, eclipses can be
accurately calculated independent of such factors.

Another assumption and supposed proof of Earth’s ball shape, heliocentrists claim that lunar eclipses
are caused by the shadow of the ball-Earth occulting the Moon. They claim the Sun, Earth, and Moon
spheres perfectly align like three billiard balls in a row so that the Sun’s light casts the Earth’s shadow
onto the Moon. They created models showing the Sun’s light “bending around the Earth” and the
resulting penubra light/shadow is what causes the blood moon eclipses. (See figure below). But
animated graphics and mathmatical models can be created to support any viewpoint and does not
scientifically prove that their assumptions are the correct reality.

This model is actually faulty because at the supposed 98 million miles away from Earth, all the Sun’s
rays would be perpendicular to the Earth, not at crisscrossing angles.

200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball, page 23 - by Eric Dubay
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Unfortunately for heliocentrists, their explanation and models are rendered completely invalid due to
the fact that lunar eclipses have happened and continue to happen regularly when both the Sun and
Moon are still visible together above the horizon! For the Sun’s light to be casting Earth’s shadow
onto the Moon, the three bodies must be aligned in a straight 180 degree syzygy. But as early as the
time of Pliny (23-79 A.D.), there are records of lunar eclipses happening while both the Sun and Moon
are visible in the sky. Therefore the eclipsor of the Moon cannot be the Earth/Earth ’s shadow and
some other explanation must be sought.

Additionally, if the Sun were 98 million miles away from the Earth, then all the Sun’s light rays would
be perpendicular to the Earth so there would be no angled rays to create the penumbra effect.


98 million miles?

If the Sun were actually 98 million miles away, the light rays would be perpendicular to the Earth (like the figure
below right depicts) with no penumbra light/shadow effect.

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All other stars revolve around Polaris (the North Pole Star)
And one of the most telling facts
that the Earth is motionless is that
for all of recorded human history,
the North Star (Polaris) has been
stationary over the North Pole axis
with all other stars revolving
around it. If the Earth were
actually spinning at 1000 miles per
hour while at the same time
orbiting around the Sun at some
66,000 miles per hour, while the
Milky Way galaxy hurtles through
endless space at some 666,000
miles per hour, then it is
IMPOSSIBLE for Polaris to have
remained perfectly still above the
North Pole for thousands of years.

But heliocentric astronomers and NASA

try to tell a story that attempts to explain
that since 1500 B.C.E. (the oldest celestial
records that have been discovered)
several stars in the ‘Little Dipper’
constellation have taken turns having the
title “North Star”. They explain the
reason is because there is supposedly a
25,772-year cycle where the Earth’s
North Pole slowly changes its rotational
axis (“axial precession”) 10 , thus trying to
support their spinning ball Earth
paradigm. Of course, a supposed 25,772-
year cycle means that the associated
narrative can only be speculative ( a
guess) since it would be impossible for
any human to verify or dispute their

But what we actually observe is contrary to that ‘axial procession’ narrative. What we see night after
night, year after year, century after century are all the other stars moving in perfect circles around
Polaris, the north pole star. This fact was easily demonstrated with the invention of time-lapse
photography (like the photo above).


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The Science of the Equinoxes
Equinoxes occur twice each year. The Spring Equinox on 21 March and the Fall Equinox on 22
September. During the equinoxes, solar declination is 0°. Solar declination describes the latitude of
the Earth where the sun is directly overhead at noon. (The Equator, of course, is 0° latitude.)11

So, equinoxes are the only times of the year when the subsolar point is directly on the Equator. The
perceived center of the Sun’s disk (the subsolar point) is in the same plane as the Equator – which
means the sun's rays shine perpendicular to the Earth's surface—a right angle.

According to scientists and NASA, its only during an equinox that the Earth's 23.5° axis is not tilting
toward or away from the sun.

Scientists and NASA also explain that after the March equinox, the subsolar point migrates north as
the Northern Hemisphere tilts toward the sun. Around June 21, the subsolar point hits the Tropic of
Cancer, (23.5°N). This is the June solstice, after which the subsolar point begins to migrate south. After
the September equinox, the subsolar point continues to move south as the Southern Hemisphere tilts
toward the sun. Around December 21, the subsolar point hits the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S). This is
the December solstice. In the diagram below, the red line is the equator.

So how is it possible for the Earth’s Equator to be perpendicular to the center of the Sun’s disk when
the Earth’s axis is ALWAYS tilting 23.5 degrees? Well, scientists and NASA use diagrams like the one
below to explain how that is possible.


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However, diagrams like the one above lead people to believe that the Sun is standing still, and the
Earth simply moves in a circle around it. That over-simplified heliocentric model is misleading.

According to NASA, the Earth is supposedly spinning at 1,118 mph while it revolves around the Sun at
67,000 mph as the Sun is moving through the galaxy at approximately 492,000 mph. 12 A scientist
writing for Forbes magazine put it this way, “When you add all of these motions together: the Earth
spinning, the Earth revolving around the Sun, the Sun moving around the galaxy, the Milky Way headed
towards Andromeda, and the local group being attracted to the over-dense regions and repulsed by
the under-dense ones, we can get a number for how fast we're actually moving through the Universe
at any given instant. We find that the total motion comes out to 368 km/s [823,193 mph] in a particular
direction.” 13

So, with all that ridiculous high speed helical motion, it is impossible for the center of the Sun’s disk
to shine at a perpendicular right angle with Equator like the first diagram on the preceding page

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Here is the temperature data from 2019 transposed onto a Mercator projection map.14

21 March 2019

21 June 2019

22 Sept 2019

21 Dec 2019


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But the data presents a problem for scientists to explain because the data does not indicate that
‘Antarctica’ gets significantly warmer during the late December solstice (when the North Pole is
pointing away from the Sun). The data also does not indicate that Antarctica gets significantly colder
during the late June solstice (when the North Pole is pointing towards the Sun). But the data does
show that the North Pole gets much colder during the December solstice and much warmer during
the June solstice.

So here is the temperature data transposed onto the Earth with its supposed 23.5 degree tilt:

Their spinning ball model

simply does not work

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Now here is the same temperature data transposed onto the Azimuthal Equidistant projection map
(what the flat, circular Earth really looks like):

The temperature data only makes sense when you consider that we live in an enclosed system with
the Sun localized to the Earth and moving in circular paths above us. 15


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So why does a false reality prevail?
First and foremost, it needs to be clearly understood that for a few thousand years before
Copernicus devised his heliocentric model of the solar system, cultures around the world believed
that the Earth was a flat, circular enclosed system and the sun, moon and stars revolved in circular
paths above them in the sky. And it should be noted that whereas the Bible does not teach that the
Earth is flat or a spinning ball, there is nothing about a flat, circular enclosed Earth model which
contradicts the Bible. So we are left with making conclusions based on what we actually observe,
and also on the results of true scientific experiments. To simply believe a theoretical model or idea
just because that is what we were shown since childhood and told was the correct perspective is a
personal choice, but it does not make the theoretical model or idea a scientifically proven fact.

For example, as early

as 1927 (long before
any “space” rockets
were launched off the
Earth), people’s
perceptions were being
programmed to believe
the whole Copernicus
spinning ball Earth
theory. In 1927
Universal Pictures
started using the
spinning ball Earth in
their movie

So, it wasn’t until the 1930’s when companies like the George F. Cram Company in Illinois started to
mass produce the infamous spinning ball globes.

16 Universal Pictures movie intro history
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Many people like to refer back to Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician/philosopher who, in around
250 B.C., conducted his stick and shadow experiment in the city of Syene, Egypt to determine the
circumference of the Earth. But in reality, all that Eratosthenes experiment concluded was the
circumference of the circular path of the Sun travelling above the earth. In no way does that prove
that the Earth is a spere, and actually supports the flat, circular enclosed Earth model. The simple
truth is that the same 7.2 degrees of shadow Eratosthenes experienced can be created if the Sun is
localized within the flat, circular enclosed Earth.

3000 miles
Using simple geometric equations and measuring the angles of
the Sun’s rays, it can easily be assumed that the Sun is actually
localized to the Earth at a distance of approximately 3000 miles.

Since the time of Copernicus when the Catholic Church commissioned him to create the heliocentric
spinning ball Earth model, the foundations of belief, empires and economies have been built around
that model. Thus, for nations to now inform the world that the Earth is actually a flat, circular enclosed
system would mean global economic regression and the fall of stock markets around the world. There
would be emotional and moral chaos around the world because believing in a flat, circular enclosed
Earth where there is no such thing as “outer space” would mean that the Earth is God’s special
creation. And people would have to acknowledge that there is an Almighty Creator and that we are
all accountable to Him.

That is why billions of Dollars are spent each year in producing movies and seemingly endless other
Astroturf propaganda 17 to perpetuate the whole spinning ball Earth and endless outer space

17 Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TED
University of Nevada
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