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I stumbled upon a TEDx talk by Mikael Fogelström, describing something as the "ultimate

material" we've been playing with since the early days of using a pen. Little did I know that this
material, mentioned briefly in my O-level chemistry book, would become the lodestar of my
burgeoning scientific odyssey.
To me, engineering means freedom—an escape into the world of creation. My passion for this
began when I made a bionic arm from cardboard for a 4th-grade science fair. In my academic
and extracurricular journey, graphene has captured my imagination with its thin yet strong
qualities. It's not just a material; it's the potential for a tech revolution, from energy storage to
motorsport. Graphene has become the guiding star of my dream to pioneer its applications.
My curiosity found solace in the intellectual haven of conversations with my physics teacher.
Despite my knack for inadvertently triggering capacitor explosions during practical classes, he
embraced my unwavering quest for knowledge. This mentorship became a crucible for nurturing
my innate curiosity and refining my critical thinking skills.
Beyond the confines of science and engineering, I've explored the creative realm through street
photography, capturing raw emotions in everyday moments to heighten my perceptual acuity.
Arabic and Hindi music, resonating with the cultural tapestry of my upbringing in the United
Arab Emirates, serve as wellsprings of beauty that shape my multicultural appreciation and thirst
for learning. Transcending the conventional label of a prospective student, I am an individual
propelled by an unwavering passion for creation, a curiosity invigorated by challenges, and a
commitment to fostering a positive and resilient mindset. My exploration extends beyond the
realms of graphene, encompassing diverse facets of engineering—architecture, civil, and
biomechanical—contributing to my holistic approach in tackling complex challenges.
In my relentless pursuit of knowledge, I've delved into the intricacies of advanced
supercomputers, fostering a comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge technologies. My
academic horizons extend far beyond the confines of a singular material, exemplifying a
dedication to a multifaceted comprehension of the expansive landscape that engineering unfolds.
The prospect of contributing my unique perspective and skills to the ever-evolving community of
engineers, particularly those devoted to assisting individuals who've lost control over certain
body parts due to accidents, fills me with excitement. With a robust foundation in computer
science and engineering, I envision the creation of efficient bionic limbs capable of transforming
lives. This is precisely why I am drawn to the study of this field.
Embarking on this journey, I anticipate linguistic hurdles, fierce competition, and homesickness.
However, armed with the belief in hard work's rewards, I pledge to face these challenges with
resilience. The prospect of joining a community with kindred spirits propels me. Prepared for
intensive research, I aim to elevate my understanding of computer design. From crafting a bionic
arm, my vision has evolved to conceptualize an arm offering a renewed lease on life. My
ultimate goal is to play a pivotal role in developing innovative solutions for those in need.

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