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Step 1
Most people have not seen a man crying in an elevator, but we have all experienced
important moments, whether large or small. Think of a time when you have had to make
a decision, or wished you had done something differently, or had an “Aha!” moment
about a situation or yourself. It could be something like standing up to a bully or not
standing up to a bully. It could be deciding where to apply for college or university.

Jot down what you can think of in your Notebook. Consider each situation. Do you
already know why this moment or experience changed your perspective? If not, why
does it seem important now?

One of these moments or experiences can become the basis of your own Personal
Step 2
Think of the body of your personal essay first. Make a point-form outline of the main
events of the moment or experience. Perhaps you saw a parent as “only human” for the
first time. Perhaps you found a large sum of money and had to decide what to do with it.
Or maybe you discovered an ability you never guessed you had or learned something
new about a friend. Write down all the pieces.
Step 3
How did the moment or experience make you feel? Why do you think it has become an
important memory, no matter how small? Is there one main “takeaway” from this? This
could form your conclusion.
Step 4
Now it’s time to create your introduction. You have the raw material, but your reader
doesn’t know the situation. What information will they need in order to understand what
Step 5
Take your points and write them out in complete sentences. Try to choose words and
sentences that will support the tone and mood you think are appropriate for your story.
Read everything over carefully. Aim to write a short essay that is 250 to 500 words in

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