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Improving Students' Reading Comprehension Through Porpe

Strategy At The Eleventh Grade Of SMAS Al –Ittihidayah


A Proposal

Submitted to Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of State Islamic

University North Sumatera (UIN-SU) Medan as a Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for S-1 Program


Indah Permata Sari Daulay





Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Porpe

Strategy At the Eleventh Grade of SMAS Al-Ittihidayah


A Proposal

Submitted to Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of State Islamic

University North Sumatera (UIN-SU) Medan as a Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for S-1 Program

Indah Permata Sari Daulay


Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, S.Ag, M.Hum Ernita Daulay, M.Hum

NIP. 19750622 200312 2 002 NIP. 19801201 200912 2







A. Background of Study ……………………………………………………………………. 1

B. Identification of Study …………………………………………………………………. 4

C. Limitation of Study ……………………………………………………………………. 5

D. Formulation of Study …………………………………………………………………. 5

E. Objective of Study …………………………………………………………………….. 5

F. Significance of Study …………………………………………………………………. 6


A. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………………….. 7
1. Definition of Reading………………………………………………………... 10

2. Purpose of Reading …………………………………………………………. 11

3. Reading Comprehension……………………………………………………. 11

3.1 Definition of Reading Comprehension …………………………………….. 11

3.2 Level of Reading Comprehension …………………………………………. 14

3.3 Process of Reading Comprehension ……………………………………….. 15

3.4 Difficulties of Reading Comprehension …………………………………… 17

3.5 Factors of Reading Comprehension ……………………………………….. 19

3.6 Principle Teaching Reading Comprehension………………………………. 21

3.7 Assesment of Reading Conprehension…………………………………….. 22

4. Analytical Exposition Text ………………………………………………… 23

4.1 Definition of Analytical …………………………………………………….. 23

4.2 Purpose of Analytical Exposition…………………………………………… 24

4.3 Generic of Analytical Exposition ………………………………………….. 24

4.4 Language Feature of Analytical ……………………………………………… 25

5. Porpe Strategy ……………………………………………………………… 27

5.1 Step Teaching in Porpe Strategy…………………………………………… 29

5.2 Procedure of Porpe …………………………………………………….. 32

5.3 Advantages and disadvantages …………………………………………… 34

B. Related Study ………………………………………………………………... 35

C. Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………… 36

D. Actional Hyphothesis …………………………………………………………… 37


A. Research Setting ………………………………………………………………… 38

B. Data and Data Source …………………………………………………………… 38

C. Research Method ………………………………………………………………… 39

D. Technique of Collecting Data …………………………………………………… 42

E. Technique of Analyzing Data …………………………………………………… 45

F. Truthworthiness of Study ………………………………………………………… 47

References ……………………………………………………………………….. 50

Appendix ………………………………………………………………………… 51



A. Background of the Study

Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined into

words.1 Language is a tool of communication used by people to relate one another. By

language they will be easy to express their ideas, opinions, feelings, etc. There are

many languages in the world. English is one of the languages used as international

language. As an international language, English is very important and has many

interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. Therefore,

language has a role in students social and emotional development.

In learning language especially English, there are four skills should be mastered by

students, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading is one of the most

important activities to get information from every reading passage in any language

teaching and learning classroom. It is not only a source of information but also as a

means of extending knowledge of the language. Grabe and Stoller says that, reading is

the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information

appropriately.2 It means that, reading is a process to get meaning of the text, the reader

recognize and use their knowledge of the structure of language.

Reading comprehension is a good way to develop and understand English. In

reading comprehension, students should be able to read English text effectively and

efficiently. In reading comprehension, the students do not read the text only, but they

SolihatulHamidah Daulay. (2011). Introduction to General Linguistics,.Medan : La-Tansa Press. P.11
Grabe, W., Stoller, F.L. 2011. Teaching and Researching Reading. Great Britain: Pearson
Education Limited.

want to know about the content of the text. To become a good reader, students should

have a particular purpose before they interact with the text. In reading comprehension,

students are expected to have knowledge and ability to understand about the content

that has explained in the text.3 It means the students need to learn a considerable

amount of information of a text. Therefore, students need some abilities to understand

and remember main ideas as well as number of details that elaborate the main and

supporting ideas in the text. They also need to link the text to their knowledge base.

The competency standard of reading for Senior High School at grade eleventh of

curriculum 2013 expects that the students were able to comprehend the short functional

texts such as recount, narrative, descriptive, analytical exposition and procedure text in

the daily context. It means that after learning reading, the students were expected to

comprehend reading text easily including the meaning, the generic structure and the

language features of those texts. Furthermore, it was also supported by the expectations

of school where students learning reading, the score that must be obtained by students

at least 75. For Indonesian students, reading is still a big deal. The national research

held by Petrus on English language teaching in 358 senior high school in 26 provinces

and he found out that the result of the national examination of English both

reading comprehension (35 multiple choice items) and listening comprehension (15

multiple-choice items) were discouraging : 66,75 students had scores below 6.0. The

result of this research shows that the students’ reading skill in Indonesian is still low. In

addition, Medan Bisnis found that people of North Sumatera were definitely weak in

reading comprehension and have no interest in reading activity.

Harrison, Collin. 2011. Understanding Reading Development. London: Sage

In this research, the writer focuses in reading analytical exposition text. According

to Rita Suswati stated that exposition is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the

phenomenon surrounding.3 Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is

important matter. The aim of Analytical Exposition Text is to understand about the text.

Based on my observation at the XI grade students of SMA Al Ittihidayah found the

problems in reading comprehension. The problems are, some of students still confuse

about grammar. The students have limitation vocabulary because it was limited their

understanding. Teacher didn’t use exact strategy in teaching reading.

There are many factors that influence the students’ failure of comprehending a text.

It might comes from the students’ side such as lack of interest or concentration, lack of

understanding words and sentences. And many teachers usually orients the students to a

textbook in teaching reading. Teacher just teach the students by asking them to read the

text book and answer the questions provide in the textbook. Therefore, the students

become passive in teaching learning process and they cannot comprehend their reading


Based on the explanation previously, it was need to provide various strategies in

teaching reading. Strategy plays an important role to achieve the teaching learning

goals. In using strategy, it make teaching-learning in reading more effective to improve

the students knowledge. There are many kinds of reading strategy that can be applied

by teacher . One alternative strategy that can improve students’ reading is Porpe


According to Simpson PORPE is study to assist students in learning content

material. Help student in the process construction in the meaning and build their

knowledge.4 The student more active in learning process, those automatically train
Simpson Michle L. (2003). PORPE: A writing strategy for studying in the laerning for content areas.
students more understand about material. In addition, there are five steps to apply this

strategy, consists of predict, organize, rehearse, practice, evaluate. So, the researcher

was motivated to applying this strategy.

Based on those explanations, the researcher wants to conduct a research by the title

"Improving Students' Reading Comprehension through Porpe Strategy At

Eleventh Grade Of SMAS Al – Itthidayah Medan ”

B. Identification of Study

Based on the background of study above, there are some problems faced by

students in reading comprehension:

1. The students’ lack of interest or concentration, lack of understanding

words and sentences

2. They lack of vocabularies and they were unable to read and build

sentences well.

3. Teacher don’t use strategy

C. Limitation of Study
This study focuses on improving students’ reading comprehension through

Porpe Strategy. The limitation of the study is only to find out whether of Porpe

strategy was effective to improve students’ critical thinking in reading


D. Formulation of Study

Based on the background of the study and on the description above, the

statements of problem in this research are:

- How can Porpe Strategy improve students’ reading comprehension at

Journal of Reading, P. 407

eleventh grade of SMA Al Ittihidayah in the Academic Years of


E. Objective of Study

To describe the process students’ improvement in reading comprehension

through Porpe strategy at the eleventh grade of SMA Al – Ittihidayah Medan in

Academic Year 2020/2021

F. Significance of Study

The researcher hopes that this research gives some benefits for teaching

learning English both in theoretically and practically benefit.

1. Theoretically

Related to this research, the researcher hopes that this research can be used as

reference for other researcher who wants to conduct research about reading

2. Practically

The researcher expects that the results of the study would be useful for:
a. Teachers, to provide the English teachers a plan and to conduct a better and

interesting learning process, used as an alternative strategy

b. Student, the research can be useful inputs for students in improving their

reading comprehension

c. For researchers, the research can give practices in developing their

knowledge and skill in teaching reading comprehension



A. Theoretical Framework

In conducting a research, theories are needed to explain some concept in the

resarch concerned. The concept which are used must be clarified in order to have

the same perspective of the implementation in the field. In this chapter, the writer

tries to give the clear description of theoretical framework which covers the general

concept of reading, reading comprehension, exposition text and predict, organize,

rehearse, practice, evaluate (PORPE)

1. Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the skill that help the students in understading meaning and

interpreting written discourse of the text learnt in the school. Reading intends to

comprehend the significance of printed words.5 Its means that reading is a process to

get the idea and information that serve in the text by writter efficiently and


Richard and Julian, reading is the interpretation meaning of printed word or

symbols.6 It means that the reader not only know how the reader can read the text

and can get the information from the text, but the most important is how the reader

can comprehend the text.

M.F Patel and Praveen M. Jain, English Language Teaching (Methods, Tools & Tecniques),
(Jaipur: Sunrise Publisher & Distributors, 2008), p.113
Jack C. Richard & Julian Bamford, Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom,
(Edinburgh: Cambridge Language Education, 2010) p.12

According to Daniel R. Schwarz, reading is dialogue between reader and writer;

readers bring their imaginations, memories, thinking processes, moral and social

values, historical knowledge, and prior experiences to every text. 7 It means that

reading is a process that is carried and used by readers who want to get the message

delivered by the author through the medium of words or written language.

According to Daiek, reading is an active process that depends on both an authors

ability to convey meaning using words and your ability to create meaning from

them.8 Based on theory of Daiek, reading is a process that depends on the skill of

author to explain or convey the meaning in a text by using the words and how the

author delivers the opinion to create new word or meaning of sentence and then

explore it to be sentences or paragraph.

In addition, by reading the students open their mind and refresh their knowledge

every time, every where and also not only the parents to teachers at school who

asked the students to read Allah also tells to us to read says in Alqur’an surah Al-

Alaq verse 1-5 as follows :

Daniel R. Schwarz, In Defense of Reading Teaching Literature in the TwentyFirst Century (India:
Pondicherry,2008), p.7.
Anter Nancy, (2010), Critical Reading for College and Beyond, (New York: Mc Graw Hill), p.

The meaning : “Read! In the name of your Lord Who has created (all that exist),

He has created man from a clot (a piece o thick coagulated blood). Read! And your

Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen, He has taught

man that which he knew not”.9

The first word of these verse is ‘IQRA’ that means Read. This has a big meaning

for us Allah’s creature, frstly however we are the human come to this world can not

read everything, but with our ability the permit from Allah finally we can read

everything what we want. Therefore, to know the information in this world, we must

to read, because by reading we will get so many informations. By reading, we do not

only get the mean what we read about, but also by reading we can increase our


From some of informations above it can be concluded that reading is an activity

to obtain information from written material through an interaction between the

reader with the author, represented by his writings. In the interaction of contact

between the characteristics of the reader and characteristics represented by the

researcher. Contact between the two characteristics that will give birth to the reader's

understanding of the idea of tau idea of the author. This means that reading is not

merely express written language and follow the text line by line, but trying to get the

message, the mandate and the meaning conveyed by the authors through reading

media completely and thoroughly.

Reading is an active process that depends on both an author ability to convey

Muhammad Taqi-ud-din Al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Translation Of The
Meaning Of The Noble Qur’an In The English Language, Madinah: King Fadh Complex
For The Printing Of the Holy Qur’an, P. 842.

meaning using words and your ability to create meaning from them. To read

successfully, you need to constantly connect what you already know about the

information to the information to the words the author has written.10

According to Iser, reading is not simply a text-based activity, but an interactive

(transactive process) in which reader and the text both contribute to the meaning that


Based on the explanation above, reading is not easy activity, reading must always

be a meaning getting process and connect what the information words has the author

written, the teacher can quite students in reading and get the main idea in passage

they are reading.

2. Purpose of Reading

Reading is process to find out the information and to understand a meaning. The

purpose of reading is to get the idea and message in paragraph text. The essential

focus in reading is comprehension. Anderson in Cahyani stated the purpose of

reading. The first explanation about the basic purposes of reading. Reading for

detail facts is aimed to know the discoveries that have been done or to solve the

problem that creates by character. Reading for main ideas, this reading activity is

aimed to find out main idea or topic from the reading text. Reading for sequence or

organization. This reading activity is meant to know the sequence or organization of

occasion or story that occurs in the next.Reading for inference. This reading activity
Deborah Daiek, Critical Reading for College and Beyond, (New York: McGraw Hill,
2004),p. 5
Flippo, and Rona F, Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research,
(London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc,2008),p.150
Cahyani Isah, Hodijah.2007. Kemampuan Berbahasa Indonesia di Sekolah. Dasar.
Bandung: UPI PRESS. P.99

is meant to conclude the content in reading reading passage.

At the end the purposes of reading activities. Reading for classifyThis reading

activity is meant to classify the story in the next. To find something that is fact or

not.Reafing for evaluateThis reading activity is meant to evaluating the contents

contained in the text. Reading to compare this reading activity is meant to compare

the phenomenon on the text and occurs in fact.

3. Reading Comprehension

3.1 Definition of Reading Comprehension

Comprehension is the center of reading. Comprehension is the ability to

understand completely and be familiar with a situation and fact.13 According to

Caldwell, comprehension is not a single unitary process. It starts from the moving of

words on the page to meaning in the mind, the recognizing of individuals words by

using memory and knowledge of letter and sounds patterns, matching the resulting

pronunciations to meaning, and finally connect these words into idea units. 14 It

means that comprehension is ability of someone to make sense of the context

based on what he or she reads or hears. It is way in which someone interprets the


Reading is not separated from comprehension because the purpose or the result

of reading activity is to comprehend what has been read. Reading without

understanding what has been read is useless. In reading comprehension as one of

Karen Tankersley, Threads of Reading : Strategy for Literacy Development,
(Beauregard:Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, 2003), p. 90. 7 Joanne Schudt
Caldwell,Comprehension Assessment a Classroom Guide,(New York: the Guildford press, 2008),
p. 5
Karren R. Harris and Steve Graham, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning
Difficulties, (London, 2007), p. 2
integrated skill attracts many experts to highlight their opinion about the definition of

reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension is complex skill that requires an active interaction

between text elements and the reader. The reader is an active participant with a text

and the reader makes sense of how ideas based on the text relate to one another by

interpretive interactions between what the reader gleans from the text and what the

reader already knows. From the statement, it is clearly understood that

comprehension is the most important in reading. Since comprehension of the text is

the ultimate goal in reading. Understanding comprehension processes is crucial to

the study of reading.

According to Grabe and Stoller, reading comprehension is an ability to

understand or to gain the information from a text. Furthermore, Partnership for

reading defined reading comprehension as the understanding of a text that is read, or

the process of constructing meaning from a text. 15 It means that a reader must be able

to interpret what the meaning of the text well.

Goodman states reading comprehension is as an interaction between thought and

language.16 It means that an interaction in reading, it can produce a thought and then

we are thinking, and we has a question for asked to someone, that called is language.

Petel and Praveen M. Jain state that reading comprehension involves

understanding the meaning of context, vocabulary, grammatical structure and

Parthenership for Reading. Http://”. Accessed on January
5th 2017
Otto, Wayne, 2001. How to Teach Reading. (Philippines: Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Inc). p. 70
concepts. Reading reinforces the vocabulary.17 It means that reading comprehension

purpose is to efficiency of reading.

Moreover, Danielle S. McNamara defines reading comprehension is a complex

task that draws on a range of skills and processes. 18 It means that readers need

reading to take meaning contained or conclusion in the text. In other words, reading

is not a simple process because it needs many steps that should be done.

William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller explain that reading comprehension is

composed of a combination of word recognition abilities and general comprehension

abilities (typically measured by listening comprehension). 19 It means that reading

comprehension are two abilities combined to make it easier to understand the text.

Based on the definition of the experts above, it can be concluded that reading

comprehension is process in looking and know the word to get information

suggested from the text or written language. Therefore, the readers understand all of

the reading text selection.

3.2 Level of Reading Comprehension

According to Thomas Barret in Brassell and Rasinski state there are three types

of action with his three-level taxonomy of reading comprehension. 20

a. Literal Comprehension

Dr. M.F. Petel and Praveen M. Jain, English Language Teaching (Jaipur: Vaishali Nagar,
2009) p.133.
Danielle S. McNamara, reading comprehension strategy (New Jersey: Marwah, 2009),
William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading, … p.28
Danny Brasel and Rasinski Timothy. 2008. Comprehension That Works. CA: Huntington Beach:
Shell Education.

In this level, the readers get information and ideas that are explicitly statedin the

text. Literal comprehension requires a reader to be able to retell or recall the facts or

information presented in a text. Literal comprehension focuses on ideas and

information explicitly stated in the selection.

b. Inferential Comprehension

Inferential comprehension refers the ability of a reader to take in information that

is inferred or implied within a text. It is stimulated by purposes for reading and

teacher’s questions which demand thinking and imagination that goes beyond the

printed page. In this level the student uses the ideas and information implicitly stated

his intuition and personal experiences as a basis for conjecturing and hypothesizing.

c. Critical Comprehension
Critical comprehension involves a reading making critical judgments about the

information presented in the text. Critical comprehension refers to the ability to

make judgment about ideas and information a writer offers. Competent reader will

measure them against what they already know accepting or rejecting them in whole

or part or with holding judgment until confirmation is reached.

3.3 Process of Reading Comprehension

According to Klingerand Vaughn, reading comprehension involves much more

than the readers’ responses to text reading comprehension is a multi component,

highly complex process that involves many interactions between readers and what

that bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as variables related

to the text itself. There are five basic comprehension process that work together

simultaneously and complement one another micro process, integrative processes,

macro processes, elaborate processes and metacognitive processes.21

a. Micro Processes

Micro processing refers to the reader’s initial chunking of idea units within

individual sentences “chunking” involves grouping words into phrases or clusters of

words that carry meaning and requires an understanding of syntax as well as

vocabulary. For example : Michelle pouts the yellow roses in a vase. The reader does

not picture yellow and roses separately, but instead immediately visualize rose that

are the color yellow.

b. Integrative Processes

As reader progresses through individual sentences, he or she is processing more

than the individual meaning units within sentences. He or she is also actively making

connections across sentences. This process of understanding and inferring the

relationship among clauses is referred to as integrative processing. In integrative

processing include being able to identify and understand pronoun referents and being

able to infer causation or sequence. For example : Michael quickly locked the door

and shut the windows, he was afraid. The good readers know automatically that he in

the second sentences refers to Michael in the first sentences.

c. Macro Processes
Ideas are better understood and or easily remembered when the reader is able to

organize them in a coherent way. The reader does this by summarizing the key ideas.

He or she may either automatically or deliberately select the most important

Klingner, Janette K and Sharon Vaughn. 2008. Teaching Reading Comprehension to students
with Learning Difficulties. New York: the Guilford Press.

information to remember and delete relatively less important details.

d. Elaborative Processes

When we read, we involve it into prior knowledge and make inferences beyond

points describes explicitly in the text. We make inferences that may or may not

correspond with those intended by the author. For instance, in the two sentences

provided about Michael, we do not know why he was afraid. But we can predict that

perhaps he was worried that someone had followed him at home, or maybe a storm

was brewing and he was concerned about strong winds.

e. Metacognitive Processes

Metacognitive is the reader’s conscious awareness or control of cognitive

processes include rehearsing (repeating information to enhance recall), reviewing,

underlining, important words or sections of passage, note taking, and checking


3.4 Difficulties of Reading Comprehension

According to Nuttal, there are four aspects of reading comprehension which the

students should comprehend a text well, such as determining main idea,

understanding vocabulary, making inference and detail information. These aspects

are regards as difficulties that the students encounter in comprehending the text.

1. Determining Main Idea

Main idea is one of the important reading comprehension skills that measure

whether the students can understand about the topic or not. Carter stated that main

idea is the someone’s ability in arranging the information and the important point of
the topic. In addition, main idea must be general to cover all the supporting details.

Farrell stated that in finding the main idea of the passage is more challenging. As the

result, the reader need to combine several strategies such as predicting, prior

knowledge, knowledge of text structure, skimming, scanning, and recognizing topic

sentences. Based on the discussion above, main idea is the main topic of the

paragraph that discussed of reading text.

2. Understanding Vocabulary

The student expands their knowledge of vocabulary while he is reading a passage,

such as by finding out new words meaning in dictionary and guessing the meaning

from the context. Context helps students making a general prediction about the

meaning. It means that making prediction from the context will help students

understand the meaning of a passage without stopping looks up every new word in a

dictionary. In fact, one of the problems readers have difficulties in understanding

material is that they have lack of vocabularies.

3. Making Inference

In making of inference, the students are expected to comprehend the text to find

the conclusion of the statements in the text. Readers need to practice combining clues

from the text with their background knowledge in order to make inferences. It means

that the clues in the text will help students to build assumption and draw conclusion.

So they can answer the questions. These questions are often stated in one the

following form:

“From the passage, we can conclude that ..”,

“It can be inferred from the passage…”,

“what the meaning of the statement above?”

Therefore, sometimes the students are difficult to find the conclusion of the text

because the meaning of the statement is not written on the text.

4. Detail Information

In reading comprehension, the students have to find out the detail information of

the text. Riyanto said that the questions of detail information consist of who, what,

where, when, and how of the story. In finding the detailed information of the text, the

students can do the scanning.22

In addition, to find out the answer of detail question, the reader can note or

underline the key word in the question and then scan the passage for that words


3.5 Factors of Reading Comprehension

Clarke states five factors which influence the students’ score in reading

comprehension :

a. Language skills
Language skills can be derived into four areas: phonology (the sounds of the

words), semantics (the meaning of the words), grammar (the structure of words and

sentences) and pragmatics (the social use of language).

Riyanto, S. (2008). A quick and effective strategy to prepare the TOEFL test. Yogyakarta:
Pustaka Pelajar
Nuttal, C, Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language, (London: Heinermann Educational
Books, 1982)p. 20

b. Understanding the meaning of words
Student’s understanding of individual word meanings is closely related to their

ability to understand connected text. Understanding word meanings is often

measured by student’s ability to define vocabulary items.

c. Working memory
Working memory refers to the ability to hold information in mind while simultaneously

performing other attentional demanding activities. Working memory processes may be

important for text comprehension, because reading involves holding information in mind

about what just been read while continuing to decode upcoming word and to integrate this

new information with what has gone before.

d. Working with text

The ability to draw an inference and thereby link pieces of information together

in a text is critical to successful reading comprehension. Students must not only

integrate information in a piece of text but they also use their knowledge of words to

support understanding

e. Environment influences
Motivation and enjoyment are key influences on the development of reading

comprehension skills. Motivation to read can be linked to a number of environmental

influences including teaching methods, reading at home and exposure to a range of books.24

3.6 Principle in Teaching Reading Comprhension

There are some principles behind the teaching of reading proposed by Harmer,

They are:


1. Reading is not a passive skill. Understanding the meaning of the words,

understanding arguments and working out for the agreement of the statements

are included as active occupation in reading,

2. Students need to be engaged with what they are reading. Harmer considers that

students can get more benefit from reading if they are engaged and interested in

reading text.

3. Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not

just to the language. In this principle, the point is that students should have

opportunities to respond to the message of the text and thus provoking personal

engagement of the students.

4. Prediction is a major factor in reading. The fourth principle is about the

students’ expectations and active process of reading is ready to begin when they

can get the hints of the text so they can predict what’s coming in the next

segment of a particular text.

5. Match the task to the topic

Choosing the good tasks for students in reading is important since it can

undermine boring and inappropriate questions so the reading activity can be more

exciting and challenging for the students. 25

The five principles behind teaching reading propose some important points that

need to be considered by the teacher in teaching reading, such as it is important to

make the students engaged with and have the abilities to respond to the texts. The
Harmer, J, (2006), How to Teach English: An Introduction to the Practice of Language
Teaching, England: Longman, p. 70.

principles also highlight that predicting is crucial in reading since it is related to the

students’ active process of reading. In addition, choosing the good tasks is one of the

considerations to make the reading activity be more exciting and challenging. By

referring to those principles, the teacher and students can be facilitated to attain a

good- quality of reading process.

3.7 Assesment of Reading Comprehension

According to Brown, there are some ways or assessment design of reading. It is

designed based on the several types of reading. Based on the types reading can be

divided into four, namely : perceptive, selective, interactive and extensive.

Assessment of basic reading skill or perceptive reading may be carried out in a

number or different ways. They are reading aloud, written response, and multiple

choice. Assessment of selective reading which is focused on formal aspects of

language (lexical grammatical, and few discourse features) may be carried out in

multiple choice (for form-focused criteria), matching tasks, editing tasks, picture

cued tasks, and grap-filling tasks. Assessment of interactive reading may be carried

out in cloze tasks, impromptu reading plus comprehension question, shortanswer

tasks, editing (longer texts), scanning, ordering tasks, information transfer for

reading charts, maps, graphs and diagram. Assessment of extensive reading which

involves somewhat longer texts like journal articles, technical reports, longer essays,

short stories, and books may be carried out in skimming tasks, summarizing and

responding, note-taking and outlining.

4. Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical texts is a kind of texts that is intended to explain why and how

something happens by using compare/contrast, problem solution, speculations about

cause-effect and research. Analytical exposition texts is also defined as a kind of

texts that presents one side of an issue in a form of arguments. It is social function is

to persuade the readers that the idea is an important matter. That is why this texts

often uses expert sources and personal experiences as evidences to support the

arguments being made. The logical evidences are going to be the proofs that the

issue is a crucial thing to be discussed further, in conclusion, analytical exposition is

a text that is intended to persuade readers by showing an issue, arguments and

logical evidences.

Wahidi in Efa Silfia, Mohd. Ansyar, M. Zaim explain that, analytical exposition

is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomena surrounding us to

convince the reader that something is the case. Then, Gerot and Wignell defines that

analytical exposition is a text that is used to make the reader or listener believe that

something is the case.26

Thus, it can be conclude that analytical exposition is one of expository texts that

uses compare/contrast, problem-solution and cause-effect to present thesis and

arguments to persuade readers.

4.1 Purpose of Analytical Exposition

According to Martin in Painter , the purpose of analytical exposition text is to

explain some aspects of the world and bring the addressee to share the writer’s point

of view. In addition, Coffin states that analytical exposition text is used to put

Gerot, L and wignell, P. (2002). Making sense of functional grammar. New south wales: gerd
stebler in An Analysis Of Cohesive Devices In Analytical Exposition Text Written By The
Eleventh Graders Of Sma N 1 Magelang In The School Year 2016/2017

forward a point of view or an argument. To make it clear, the researcher made the

purposes in two points: 27

1. To persuade the reader or listener that there is something that, certainly, needs to

get attention

2. To analyze a topic and to persuade the reader that this opinion is correct and

supported by argument.

4.2 Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

Gerot and Wignell (in Nilam Sari, Dwi Winarsih and Sri Sarwanti ) defines that

the generic structures of analytical exposition begins with thesis, thesis has always in

the first paragraph, it consists of position and preview part.

Next is argumentation tell about point (restate main argument outlined in

preview part), elaboration (develops and support each point/argument). And the last

reiteration (it is commonly called as the conclusion).

4.3 Language Feature of Analytical Exposition Text

Gerot and Wignell defines that languagr features of analytical exposition text are

as follow:28

1. Focus on generic human and non-human participants. A participant constructed

by the grammar as referring to all members of class. It can be a person, people,

male, female, animal, etc.

2. Use of simple present tense. The simple present shows that the thing is a general

truth or something happens all the time

Coffin, Caroline, 2001, Arguing about How the World is or How the World should be: The Role
of Argument in ELTS Test.
3. Use of relational processes. Relational process is a process oriented to the type of

relationship between participants. These can be divided into being and having


They are classified based on their functions whether they are being used to

identify something or assign a quality to something. For example: to be, consist

of, function as, to be classified into,etc

4. Use of internal conjunction to stage argument Internal conjunction is to connect

two words, phrases, or clauses together.

It consists of addition (in addition, furthermore, moreover), comparison (in

contrast, on the other hand), consequence (therefore, thus, hence), and time

(finally, first,etc.)

5. Reasoning through causal conjunction or nominalisation. Causal conjunction is

used to link or join cause relationship between clauses. For example:because,

because of, since, for, and as.

Example of Analytical Exposition


The amount of homework given to students needs to be reduced for several

reasons. In short, time is limited in many students’ lives. At the same time, other

students are showing alarming levels of obesity due to sedentary lifestyles.

Lastly, family disharmony has increased as a result of stressed parents trying to

get their children to do their homework.

Firstly, time is limited. Many students don’t arrive home until 6pm. This is

because they have chosen to play sports which require a few hours training

each week or they engage in cultural activities, which are often taught after

school. By the time they have finished dinner, showered and finished jobs it is

8pm. If they have homework, then it is too late to start. Therefore, it is fair to

say there is not enough time after school to complete quality homework.

On the other hand, many other young people are recording high levels of

obesity because of their sedentary lifestyles. Why sit still at night when students

have been sitting still in classrooms all day? This is not good for their health

and contributes to the high level of obesity seen today.

Finally, homework places huge amounts of stress on already stressed-out

families. In many families both parents are working and the last thing they need

is to fight with their children at the end of a stressful day.

In conclusion, homework should be reduced. We must recognize that

students’ time is limited, sedentary work contributes to the high levels of

obesity and finally, homework can cause an increase in family disharmony. The

wellbeing of students is far more important than excessive amounts of


From the example of analytical exposition text above, we can see the

structure of that text. The first paragraph is introduction thesis or writer’s

opinion. Second to fourth paragraphs are the arguments of the writer with

supporting evidences. And the last paragraph is the conclusion or thesis revised.

Moreover, from the text above we also found that the writer used formal,

clear and persuasive language. The writer also focused on group not individuals

eg “students”. In addition, the writer used present tense to describe current

events and used the verb ‘to be’ e.g ‘is’ and ‘are’. Last, writer used causal

conjunctions eg ‘if students have homework’ and used words to tie arguments

e.g ‘firstly, finally.

5. Porpe Strategy

Anthony Manzo and Ula Manzo stated that PORPE’s five steps guide the

students to behave like effective readers who have awareness and control of their

own cognitive activities while they read and study. There are five steps (Predict,

Organize, Rehearse, Practice and Evaluate that have to conduct in Porpe Strategy.

Each step is connected to each other. This strategy is easily adaptep for independent

studying , helps student monitor comprehension and provides a ready made study

guide for further use.29

According to Simpson PORPE is study strategy that can be used in any content

area course that uses the essay exam to measure learning or any test format that

encourages higher levels of thinking such as synteshis, application, and evaluation.

Another Simpson statement states that “PORPE” is an independent study strategy

which opertionalizes the cognitive and metacognitive processes that effective readers

engage in to understand and subsequently learn content area material. 30 It means that

Porpe is the conduct of independent learning process. In PORPE strategy, learners

carry out activities that are related to cognitive and metacognitive processes, such as

remembering, understand, analyze, synthesize and evaluate reading material.

According to Brunner, PORPE is study to assist students in learning content

material. Help students in the process constructing the meaning, build knowledge.

Anthony Manzo and Ula Manzo. 2010. Content area reading. Available online
Simpson Michle L., Stahl, N., & Hayes, C. G. 1988. An Initial Validation Of A Study Strategy
System”. Journal of Literasy Research, 2, XX, p. 149.

Students more active in learning this process, automatically train students more

creative to understand reading material.31

Porpe is based upon the work of Baker and Brown describe effective readers as

individual who process the following mwtacognitive skills.

1. Clarify their purpose of reading by understanding the explicit and implicit

demands of the task

2. Identify the important aspect of a message

3. Focus attention on the major content

4. Monitoring their on going activities to as certain wheter comprehension is


5. Enggage in self-questioning to determine if ther purpose is being achieved

6. Take corrective action when failure in comprehension are identified.32

From statement of expert above, it can be conclude that Porpe is active and

independent learning strategy for understanding and learning a text. The strategy

is said to be included in active learning in the process of learning, Porpe consist

of the active ways of exercise done by learners, namely Predict, Organize,

Reherse, Practice and Evaluate. All the learning stage carry out by the participant

students’ and teacher only act as facilitators, so that learners are trained to learn


5.1 Step Teaching PORPE Strategy

Based on Newtons there are five steps that are applied in teaching Porpe as follows :

Anthony Manzo and Ula Manzo. 2010. Content area reading. Available online
Baker L., Brown A. L. 1984. Metacognitive skill and reading. In Pearson P. D. (Ed), Handbook
of reading research New York: Longman. Available online @

1. Student will predict at least two essay question that could possibly be on the test.

Teacher will provide students’ with keyword to use in forming their question

( explain , discuss, compare and contrast)

2. Students will organize or highlight the important points in the text. They will

outline answers to the predicted questions

3. Students will recite (rehearse) key information out loud and quiz themselves by

listing all of the facts they can remember

4. Students will answer the questions they developed during the prediction stage of

PORPE (practice). This can be done in outline form or with complete answers

5. Students will evaluate the answers to their questions. They need to be sure they

have enough information and examples in their answer. They should ask

themselves; Am I ready for the test? Is there anything else that I need to study?33

According Brunner , purposed the procedures of PORPE as follow :34

1. Divide class in to small group

2. After studying unit content, ask students to predict possible essay question.

3. Ask students to share their possible question with classmate

4. Tell students to organize possible answer to the essay question by

brainstorming individually or with a friend

5. Instruct students to rehearse the possible answer until such time as it goes

into their memory

6. Have students practice recalling the answer to the possible essay question

Newton‟s First Law. EDUC 575: Study Skills Project. General Science Journal of Development
Education, 16(1).Retrieved April 23, 2020, from e.htm. 2001.
Brunner, J. T. 2012. Now I get it! Differentiate, engage, and read for deeper meaning. New
York: Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, Inc.

7. Tell students to self-evaluate the quality of their essay answer.

According Simpson, et al, to make the step of PORPE more understood,

steps of PORPE, as follows:

1. Predict

After reading the text, students predict some possible essay question

from the information in the text. The students can use the WH questions to

predict potential essay questions to guide their studying.

2. Organize

Organize, summarize, and synthesize the key points of the text using

their own words. In this step students should be able to summarize by using

their own words. Therefore, they will comprehend the whole things in

reading text, for example, the students can find the factual information, the

main idea, the meaning of difficult word, indentify reference, etc.

3. Rehearse

Recite aloud the information. After they had summarized some key

ideas, the students have to recite the information that they get from the text.

4. Practice

In practicing, students answer their predicted essay questions. Students

can sketch an outline of the essay or prepare a complete answer.

5. Evaluate

Students evaluate their own work by asking the following questions: Did

I answer the question directly? Is my answer complete and appropriate? The

students do this before their tasks are collected to the teacher.

The researcher chose the teaching step according to Simpson to be used as

guidelines in the learning PORPE method in SMA Al-Ittihidayah Medan.

5.2 Procedure of Teaching Reading Comprehension by Using Porpe Strategy

In this research, it is very important for the researcher to express the procedure of

teaching learning process by using PORPE method; the procedure can be forwarded

as follows:

a. PORPE is explained by the teacher to the students what porpe is and what the

advantages of using PORPE in reading comprehension is.

b. The teacher has some procedures or steps in teaching PORPE as follows:

1. Predict

After reading the text, students’predict some possible essay question from the

information in the text. The student can use Wh question to predict potential essay to

guide their studying

2. Organize

Organize, summarize, and synthesize the key points of the text using their own

words. In this step students should be able to summarize by using their own words.

Therefore, they will comprehend the whole things in reading text, for example, the

students can find the factual information, the main idea, the meaning of difficult

word, indentify reference, etc.

3. Rehearse

Recite aloud the information. After they had summarized some key ideas, the

students have to recite the information that they get from the text.

4. Practice

In practicing, students answer their predicted essay questions. Students can

sketch an outline of the essay or prepare a complete answer.

5. Evaluate

Student evaluate their own work by asking the following questions: Did I

answer the questions directly? Is my answer complete and appropriate? The

students’ do this before their tasks are collected to the teacher

5.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Porpe Strategy

There are advantages of PORPE (Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, Evaluate :

1. To increase the depth of students’ understanding

2. To use metaphors to link areas of substantive knowledge, and

3. To increase understanding about a particular topic or issue

4. To increase divergent thinking &problem solving skills

5. To promotes collaborative work, study skills

There are disadvantages of PORPE (Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice,


1. Average and below average students, especially from rural background,

find difficulty to understand the things taught via this strategy.

2. This is an expensive method as the teachers is to use some aids for teaching

3. For this strategy, competent teachers must be there, but there is the dearth

of good English teachers in the country

4. In the early stage of learning, this strategy is good. But the teacher must be

able to modify it for the benefit of the whole class.

B. Related Study

In this study, the researcher takes a review from several previous studies that

conducted by other researchers. These are the studies that the researcher serves in


The first previous research was conducted by Soemarni in her thesis entitled

“The Effect Of Using PORPE Method In Increasing Reading Comprehension Of The

Second Year Students At SLTPN 4 Sabak Auh, Siak” Porpe strategy has given

theoretical and practical in comprehending a reading text. Porpe strategy guide the

students to do the some steps in reading process in order to comprehend the text. The

implementation of Porpe strategy is very useful in teaching reading and it increase

the students contribution in teaching learning process by doing the five steps of

Porpe strategy. The strengtheness of Porpe strategy are placed in the five steps which

make the students become active and effective readers.

Second previous research was conducted Budiyanto, Porpe strategy is one of

promising strategy that can be applied in teaching reading process. The research held

by him in Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta for 20 college students found that the

applying of Porpe strategy increase the students’ score in reading some text in

Bahasa from 6,20 to 7,25. He found that the use of porpe is able to improve the

lecturing process. In the process, students become more enthusiastic and excited.

The Porpe strategy activities train the students to express ideas (oral and written),

expand discussion, as well as reinforce the ideas through examples and new facts.

The last one was a research conducted by Feriwijayanti in SMA Pawyatan Daha

Kediri about the effect of porpe method on students reading comprehension at the

tenth grade. The research was quantitative research especially uses pre-experimental

design in the form of one group pretest posttest design. The technique of collecting

data was used a test. The result of test was analyzed by using t-test. The result shows

that t-score was 9,58 at the degree of freedom of 27, t-table was 2,052 at the level of

significance of 5%. It means that t-score (9,58) > t-table at the level significance of

5%. So, there is an effect on students‟ reading comprehension between the students

who are taught and who are not taught by using PORPE method at the tenth grade

students of SMA Pawyatan Daha Kediri in the academic year 2016/2017.

Based on the resources it can be concluded that Predict, Organize, Rehearse,

Practice, Evaluate (PORPE) strategy can improving the students’ reading

comprehension. The porpe strategy can also help the students comprehend the text

easier and makes the students know what steps they have to do in order to

comprehend a reading text. The porpe strategy is a promising strategy that can be

implemental to make the student become an active and effective reader.

C. Conceptual Framework

Reading is a process of activating prior knowledge to help a reader in

understanding certain text. Reading comprehension is the mental process by which

reader take the word encoded by a researcher intended to convey. As reading is one

of the language ability that should be acquired by the students.

In learning reading, there are many problems that are faced by the students. The

problems are the students get difficulties to understand the text because they tend to

translate reading material in advance before they answered question and when they

read text, they will find difficult words that make students’ difficulty to understand

the content of the text. Second, the students find the difficulty to understand the text

when the text in different context, for example when they face the text in English

major, they can understand but when they find the text related to other aspect or

major by using English, they cannot understand easily.

Therefore, it is necessary to find an effective strategy in teaching reading

comprehension in order to let the students achieve better undserstanding in reading

text . One of the strategies in this study is Porpe (Predict, Organize, Rehearse,

Practice, Evaluate). In teaching learning process, when teacher uses porpe, it means

teacher gives a chance and new ability to the students to be active in the reading

process. So that the students have a role act in the group work. When they find

difficulties in getting the unknown concept or vocabulary, they can discuss it with

other group. Therefore porpe can be a good ways to gain their comprehension about

text. This strategy also has many benefits for the students or teacher.

D. Actional Hyphothesis

Based on the explanation of the theoretical framework above, the hypothesis of

this research is the students‘reading comprehension can be improved by using Porpe




The research setting, research method,procedure of research, data and data

source, technique of collecting data, the technique of analyzing data and

trustworthiness were will be discussed in this chapter.

A. Research Setting

The research was conducted at SMAS Al-Ittihidayah Medan. The subject of this

research was the eleventh grade students. There are five classes of seventh grade, XI

IPS 1, XI IPS 2, XI IPS3, XI IPS 4, XI IPS 5. In this research, the researcher was

taken only one class of five classes. The subject of this research is XI IPS3. The

reason why the researcher chooses this class, because the researcher know students’

ability in reading still low and the researcher found student problem in reading.

B. Data and Data Source

In this research, the data would be used are quantitative data and qualitative data.

The qualitative data was analyzed from the interview sheet, observation sheet and

diary notes to describe the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension.The

quantitative data was collected by means of administering test, pre-test and post-test.

This researcher got the data from teacher and students when teaching learning

process activity (1) Students is a learner, in this research students are the important

object as a source of the data. (2) Teacher as a collaborator, the collaborator assisted

the researcher in conducting the action research.

C. Research Method

The research will conduct by applying classroom action research (CAR), because

the study focuses on a particular problem and a particular group ofstudents in a

certain classroom. According to Arikunto Suharsimi, classroomaction research is an

action researchwhich is carried out at the classroomaimed to improve learning

practice quality.35

Mills defines an action research has any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher

researchers, principals, and school counselors in the teaching and learning

environment to gatherinformation about (a) how their particular school operates, (b)

how teachersteach, and (c) how well their students learn.36

Based on the definition above the implementation of classroom action research is

enable to give improvement of the quality of teaching and learning of school in

education since it can diagnose and solve the problem in teaching learning activity.

Furthermore, clasroom action research is a sequence research activity, that has

purpose to improve social quality, that is done by collecting data or information

systematically through four steps: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

Therefore, there are elements in classroom action research: (1) Research is an

activity to improve an object by using an appropriate methodology rules for getting

data and information and then analyze to solve problem. (2) Acting is an activity that

is done for certain purpose, in cycle sequence form activity. (3) Class is group of

students when at the same time, receive same lesson from their teacher. 37

Classroom action research procedures that used in this research based on

Kemmis and McTaggart scheme. In this classroom action researh, the researcher

Classroom action research procedures that used in this research based on Kemmis

Arikunto Suharsimi, (2009). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara), p. 58
Mills E Geoffrey. (2005) Action Research: A Guide for The Teacher Researcher. (2nd ed), (New
Jersey: Merril Prentice Hall), p. 30
Kunandar. (2008). Langkah Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Sebagai Pengembangan Profesi
Guru, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada) p. 45

and McTaggart scheme.

In this classroom action researh, the researcher collected the data by conducting

two cycle. Every cycle consist of four stapes : they were planning, action,

observation and reflection. Kemmis and McTaggart has developed a simple model of

the nature of the process cycle of action as shown in figure 3.1.

The procedure of this action research as follows :

1. Planning

Planning is the beginning process of research to conduct treatments

or after making sure about the problem of the research. Researcher

prepare some materials that used in research process. Such as lesson

plan based on teaching material, choose the theme, prepared the

material and media that needed in the learning process , and prepared

checklist for observation and sheet

2. Action

Action is the process of doing things. It is the implementation of

planning. The researcher should be flexible and welcome to the

changing situation in school. So, the action should be dynamic, need

immediately decision for whatwas done and complete simple


3. Observation

Observation is purposed to find out information of action. Such as

thestudents attitudes even the obstacles that happen. So, it is collected

as the data which were used as a basic of reflection. The

observing must be done carefully

4. Reflection

Reflection is an activity to evaluate all of the action that happened

by analyzing the data. The purpose of this stage in order to determine

the alternative steps that are probably made to gate the final goals of

the research.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the data are collect by using quantitative and qualitative

data. Quantitative data are collect by computing students’ scores through

vocabulary test. Qualitative data was conduct to know the situation of the

students including the background of the problem in vocabulary. The

qualitative data consisted of observation sheet, interview, and documentation.

1. Quantitative

In quantitative data, it will conduct by reading test. There are two kinds of

test will be give by researcher to the students. They are pre-test and posttest.

Pre-test or initial reflection was intended to assess the pre- existing reading

comprehension of the subjects which was administered in the first meeting

before the researcher conducted the research by applying Porpe strategy in the

classroom. The post-tests were administered in the end. The function of

administering post-test was to evaluate the effectiveness of Porpe strategy in

teaching reading comprehension. Pre- test and Post-test were in the form of

multiple choice items which was consisted of 15 question of Pre-test and 15

question of Post-test. The expected answer were A, B, C, and D. Each correct

answer had 1 point and incorrect answer got 0 point.

The purpose of pre-test conducted was to find out initial condition of

subject in reading comprehension. Meanwhile the post-test would reflect the

effectiveness of Porpe strategy when it was applied in English at seventh grade

students of SMAS Al-Ittihidayah Medan.

2. Qualitative

The qualitative data described the situation and condition during teaching

learning process. In collecting qualitative data, the researcher used:

1. Observation

The observation was done to get the information that was needed. The

researcher collected the data by observing the class situation and condition in

the teaching learning process. English teacher as observer. English teacher

observed directly the researcher when teaching and learning process such as
opening and closing the lesson, the sequences of activities in teaching process,

researcher’s attitude, etc. then, observation sheet for the students when

learning process. The researcher observed the students’ activity such as

students’ attention, enthusiastic, selfconfidence, motivation.

2. Interview

The interview was done to know the effectiveness of the actions. The

researcher interviewed the students and the English teacher about the activities

in the teaching and learning process. In this case, the researcher held the

interview with the English teacher and the eleventh grade students about the use

of Porpe Strategy in reading class. The researcher asked the teacher some

questions related to class activities, class condition, students behavior and the

students’ proficiency level in reading. For example, the researcher asked the

teacher to tell her how she explained the material to the students. The

researcher also interviewed some students by asking them questions about class

activities. For example, the researcher asked the students about their difficulties

in understanding the text. The information was recorded into interview


3. Diary Notes

Diary notes is used to record the students’ achievement while research is

taking place, by having diary note, the researcher had some notes about what

happen in the classroom when research took place and how the students’

achievement improved in every cycle.

4. Documentation
Documentation used to show the teaching and learning process by using the

photograph. The researcher took the picture when they were studying. It can

show them that are serious or not when learning and teaching process and

document in this research.

E. Technique of Analyzing Data

In doing data analysis, the researcher uses qualitative technique and

quantitative technique.

a. Qualitative Data

In qualitative descriptive, the researcher conducted some steps by Miles and

Huberman. Qualitative analysis defines as consisting of three activities: data

reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. Those can be explained as


1. Data Reduction

The first step in analyzing qualitative data involves data reduction. Data

reduction means summarizing, choose the basic things, focusing on important

things, look for themes and patterns.

2. Data Display

The next step in analysis the data is data display. It is an organized,

compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and

action. By displaying the data, the researcher will easy to understand and to

analyse what will happen with the data presented. In this study, the researcher

will use essay in displaying the data, because it is most common data display
will be used in qualitative research.

3. Conclusion drawing and verification

The last step is Conclusion drawing and verification, in this step was drawing

conclusion and verification. From the start of the data collection, the qualitative

analysis is beginning to decide what things mean- is nothing regulations, patterns,

explanation, possible configurations, causal flows and preposition. The conclusion in

qualitative research was discovery that can be an answer of the research problem.

The conclusion was in the form of description of the object of this study. Finally, in

this step the researcher get the result and the conclusion of the research.

b. Quantitative Data

While quantitative data obtained from observation of the implementation of

classroom action research then analyzed by computing the test results of the learning

outcomes in the form of a frequency distribution table. Furthermore, for doing test the

hypothesis that the actions proposed research conducted by analyzing the results of the

first cycle to the second cycle of learning outcomes by looking at the average difference

obtained by the students.

To know the students’ score mean for each cycle, the research applied following


X= x 100 %

Next, to categorize the number of master students, the researcher continued it by

applied the following formula:

Where X: The means of the students’ score

∑X: The total score

N: The number of the students

F. Truthworthiness of Study

It is important to establish that the findings of the study are validity. There

are various ways to establish a sense of trustworthiness and validity. According

to Lincoln and Guba, the trustworthiness consists of the following components

credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. 38 But in this

research, the researcher only used credibility that related to this research.

1. Credibility

Credibility is was qualitative research means the results of a qualitative

study were believable and trustworthy from the perspective of a participant or

subject in the research itself. Credibility contributes to a belief in the

trustworthiness of data through the following attributes: (1) Triangulation,

triangulation was accomplished by asking the same research questions of

different studyparticipants and by collecting data from different sources and by

using different methods to answer those research questions. (2) member checks,

member checks occur when the researcher asks participants to review both the

data collected by the interviewer and the researchers’ interpretation of that

interview data. Participants are generally appreciative.

Y. S, & Guba, E. G,Naturalistic inquiry. (Newbury Park: CA Sage, 2007) p. 290

2. Transferability
Transferability is another method used by qualitative researchers to

established trustworthiness. In qualitative studies, transferability means

applying research result to other contexts and setting in order to get at

generalizability. Qualitative researchers use this method to provide a detailed

description of the studies site, participants, and procedures use to collect data n

order for other researchers to assess weather or not applying the results of one

study is a good match, and makes sense to generalize. To be transferable, this

research was achieved through deep description of the research process and

finding. The description is called sending context. This context would help the

readers think whether the result can be transfered to difference setting or

receiving context.

3. Dependability

Dependability is a method qualitative researchers used to show consistency of

findings. Qualitative researchers describe in detail the exact methods of data

collection, analysis, and interpretation. This is so the study could be auditable to

describe the situation, and for another researchers to follow the study. The following

are ways to show dependability. It establishes the research studys findings as

consistent and repeatable. Researchers aim to verify that their findings are consistent

with the raw data they collected.

4. Confirm ability

Confirm ability refers to the degree to which the results could be confirmed or

collaborated by others. The researcher can document the procedures for checking

and rechecking the data throughout the study. Confirm ability entails full revelation
of the data upon which all interpretations was based or at least the availability of

the data for impaction. In other words, the researcher should be able to examine

the data to confirm the result or interpretations. The researcher only limits of the

triangulation, namely: source triangulation and methodological triangulation.



This chapter is broken up into two sections: the first presents the findings of

the study, and the second discusses the findings. The results of the study

encompass a description of the outcome of data gathered via testing, which may

be addressed in the next section of the report.

A. Findings

The outcomes of this study focus on the categorization of the pre-test and

post-test responses provided by the students. The researcher used a test that was

administered not once but twice in order to get an answer to the issue posed in the

prior chapter. There was a pre-test administered before treatment to determine the

students' current reading ability, and there was a post-test administered after

treatment using the PORPE strategy. The results of the post-test for this research

can provide an answer to the question that this research seeks to answer, which is

whether or not using the PORPE strategy is capable of improving the students'

reading ability in the eleventh grade at SMAS Al-Ittihidayah Medan.

1. The students score in Pre-test

Prior to putting the PORPE plan into effect, a pre-test was carried out. It

took place on the Wednesday the 6th of June in the year 2022. The pupils were

handed the preliminary exam to complete. The researcher discovered the findings

of the study of the students' pre-test based on the score of reading before offering

therapy that used PORPE approach, which analyzed and resulting in the

information that is displayed in the following table:

Table. 4.1 the Students score in Pre-test

Pre-Test of the students

No Students CLF
Score X1 Score X2
1 Aninda 65 4225 Enough
2 Amar 50 2500 Less
3 Aswita 70 4900 Good
4 Azriandi 45 2025 Less
5 Azpimasita 30 900 Bad
6 Bagus 25 625 Bad
7 Benny 35 1225 Bad
8 Dian 50 2500 Less
9 Denny 60 3600 Enough
10 Doni 70 4900 Good
11 Kartika 65 4225 Enough
12 Trisnawati 45 2025 Less
13 Susilawati 35 1225 Bad
14 Suhardi 45 2025 Less
15 Zenni 50 2500 Enough
16 Zoanna 65 4225 Enough
Total 805 43625

Firstly, the researcher calculated the mean score of the pre-test:


x= = 50,3125

Therefore, the average score on the pre-test (X1) is 50,312. The results

showed that the mean score for the pre-test is 50,312, which can be deduced from

the outcome of the pre-test. Resulting from the analysis. Because the majority of

the kids improved their scores, it was possible to deduce that the reading skills of

the majority of the 16 pupils remained subpar. The second step in the study

process was determining the pre-standard test's deviation:

(∑ X ) 2
∑ X 2−

( 805 ) 2


√ 43625−40.502

√ 3123

SD=√ 208 , 2 = 14,43

Therefore, the outcome of the pre-standard test's deviation is 14.43, as was

expected. After doing some calculations, it was found that the mean score (X1) on

the pre-test was 805, and the standard deviation (SD) of the pre-test was 14.43. It

was clear that strengthening children' reading abilities did not rank high on the list

of priorities.

Table 4.2 The frequency and rate percentage of the students’ reading ability
of Pre-Test.
Classification Score Predicate
Frequency Percentage (%)
Very Good 80-100 A - -
Good 66-79 B 2 12.5%
Enough 56-65 C 5 31.25%
Less 40-55 D 5 31.25%
Bad 30-39 E 4 25%
Total 16 100%

Before receiving the treatment of the Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice,

and Evaluate (PORPE) strategy, not a single student obtained a very good score,

and only two students (12.5 percent) obtained a good score. The data presented in

the table above indicated that rate percentage of the pre-test shows that this. There

were a total of five students (31.25 percent) who received enough, five students

(31.25 percent) who received less score, and four students (25 percent) who

received terrible category.

According to the table with data from 16 pupils, seven of the kids who

earned less in each area had taken an English class at the elementary level.

Therefore, they were unfamiliar with the meanings of a few terms in the reading

material. However, not a single person received an excellent or very good score.

It indicated that the children' reading levels were not much improved.

2. Score of Post-Test

Table 4.3 The Students’ Score in Post-Test

Post-Test of the students

No Students CLF
Score X1 Score X2
1 Aninda 85 7225 Very Good
2 Amar 75 5625 Good
3 Aswita 85 7225 Very Good
4 Azriandi 75 5625 Good
5 Azpimasita 70 4900 Good
6 Bagus 75 5625 Good

7 Benny 65 4225 Enough
8 Dian 70 4900 Good
9 Denny 75 5625 Good
10 Doni 80 6400 Very Good
11 Kartika 70 4900 Good
12 Trisnawati 65 4225 Enough
13 Susilawati 75 5625 Good
14 Suhardi 60 3600 Enough
15 Zenni 80 4900 Very Good
16 Zoanna 65 4225 Enough
Total 1170 84850

The first to get the mean score of the post-test, used formula:

X= =73,125

The data demonstrated that the result of the post-test revealed a mean score

of 73,125, and the result of the post-test was based on that data. As a result of this

analysis, it became clear that the reading ability of the majority of the 16 kids was

extremely strong, and they all had high scores. The second formula, which was

used to determine the post-standard test's deviation, was as follows:

(∑ X ) 2
∑ X 2−

( 1170 ) 2


√ 84850−85556

√ 706

SD=√ 47 ,1 = 6,86

Therefore, 6.86 is the value of the pre-standard test's deviation. After

doing the calculations, it was discovered that the mean score (X1) on the post-test

was 73,125, and the standard deviation (SD) of the post-test was 6,86. It was

clear that enhancing children' reading abilities fell into the extremely favorable


2.1 The Result of the Pre-test and Post-test were Presented in the Following

Table 4.4 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Pre-test and Post-test

Test Mean Score Standard Deviation (SD)

Pre-test 805 14,43

Post-test 1170 6,86

2.2 The Frequency and Rate Percentage of the Students’ Score of Post-test Shows in the

Table Below

Table 4.5 The Frequency and Rate Percentage of the Students’ Reading Ability of Post-test
Classification Score Predicate
Frequency Percentage (%)
very good 80-100 A 4 25%
Good 66-79 B 6 37,5%
Enough 56-65 C 6 37,5%
Less 40-55 D - -
Bad 30-39 E - -
Total 16 100%

The results of the post-test indicate that after the students were taught the

PORPE (Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, and Evaluate) reading strategy,

their overall reading strategy score was able to be rated as satisfactory. This is

seen in the table that can be found above. There were four out of sixteen students

who received the very excellent classification, six out of sixteen students who

received the good classification, and six out of sixteen students who received the

adequate classification. Therefore, the researcher was able to reach the conclusion

that the students' performance in the study of English improved when they were

taught using the PORPE technique.

3. The T-test Value

Table 4.6 The Worksheet of Calculated of the Score Pre-test and Post-test of reading Ability

NO Pre-test (D) D²
1 65 85 20 400
2 50 75 25 625
3 70 85 15 225
4 45 75 30 900
5 30 70 40 1600
6 25 75 50 2500
7 35 65 30 900
8 50 70 20 400
9 60 75 15 225
10 70 80 10 100
11 65 70 5 25
12 45 65 40 1600
13 35 75 40 1600
14 45 60 15 225
15 50 80 30 900
16 65 65 0 0
Total 385 12225


¿ =24 , 1

√∑ D 2−¿ ¿ ¿

N (N −1)

24 , 1
√(12225)−¿ ¿ ¿


24 , 1


24 , 1
√12 , 34

24 , 1
¿ =6 , 87
3 ,51

A T-test was employed in the study so that the researchers could determine

whether or not there was a significant difference between the mean score on the

pre-test and the mean score on the post-test. The value of t, which is the outcome

of the T-test, is 6.87. Use the following formula to get the degree of freedom (df)

associated with the research:

df =N–1

df = 16 – 1

df = 15

For the level of significance (p = 0,05) and df = 15 then the value of the table

= 1,753 Thus the value of T-test greater than the variable (6,87 > 1,753) it meant that

there is significant difference in reading ability after doing treatment by PORPE

(Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, and Evaluate) strategy in students’ reading

ability at the tenth social grade students’ of SMAS Al-Itthidayah Medan.

4. Hypothesis testing

The hypothesis was tested by using the t-Test statistical analysis. The result

as follow:

If the t-Test value was greater than the t-Table value for the level of

significance 0.05 with a degree of freedom 15, thus the alternative Hypothesis

would be accepted. The data analysis result is the t-Test value (6,87) was greater

than the t-Table value (1,753). So, the Alternative hypothesis is accepted. By this

result, it is concluded that there was a significant difference between the students’

reading ability that was through PORPE (Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice

and Evaluate) strategy.

B. Discussion

1. The Improvement of Students’ Reading Ability through PORPE Strategy

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not the PORPE

technique, which is used to educate students in the tenth grade of SMAS Al-

Itthidayah Medan how to enhance their reading skills via the reading of narrative

texts, is effective in doing so. The researcher determined the students' reading

ability by calculating the students' mean score on two different examinations,

known as the pre-test and the post-test. The average score on the pre-test, which

was taken before therapy, was 55, while the average score on the post-test, which

was taken after treatment, was 71.25.

In the pre-test, three (18.75 percent) of the students got a good score, five

(31.25 percent) of the students got enough score, and seven (43.75 percent) of the

students got a lower score. In the post-test, six (37.50 percent) of the students got

a very good score, five (31.25 percent) of the students got a good score, and three

(18.75 percent) of the students got enough score. The data that was provided in

the classification The researcher drew the conclusion based on the findings that

the pupils' reading abilities ranged from adequate to very excellent categorization.

In addition, the researcher used a t-test to calculate the results, and the

results showed that on the t-test value 6,87 was greater than t-table value 1,753

table (6,87 1,753) with degree of freedom (df) 15. This was done so that the

researcher could determine which hypothesis had been accepted between the null

hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha). It means that the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) was that PORPE was able to improve the students' reading ability

at the tenth social grade of SMAS Al-Itthidayah Medan. This conclusion was

reached after testing the hypothesis. The opposite, known as the null hypothesis

(H0), was shown to be incorrect and this hypothesis was chosen instead.

The findings of this study indicated that the PORPE technique is quite

useful in the process of instructing students in the reading competence required

for narrative texts. The PORPE technique, which was used in the teaching and

learning process in the classroom, had a positive impact on the reading ability of

the pupils. Students were more engaged in the process of teaching and learning

when the PORPE strategy was presented in the reading class. This is because the

activities that are offered by the PORPE strategy have relevance to the

characteristics that are shared by the majority of senior high school students, who

are curious and enjoy being in dynamic situations.

In addition, by using the PORPE technique, the majority of the kids actively

engaged in each activity. In order to keep up with their reading activities with

their assigned partner, they had to put in additional effort by asking questions
about vocabulary words in English, particularly those that appeared in narrative

texts, that they were unfamiliar with. They still completed additional reading

drills despite the fact that the instructor was not monitoring their progress.

Because of this, the students showed a high level of interest in the process of

learning. This is due to the fact that they are able to freely share their ideas with

one another, which results in the classroom becoming more active.

The researcher came to the conclusion that there was an improvement of

employing the PORPE approach in reading ability at the tenth grade level of

SMAS Al-Itthidayah Medan based on the facts that were presented above.

2. The Ways of Implementation of PORPE Strategy to Improvement the Students’

Reading Ability

According to the findings presented at each treatment meeting, the

researcher came to the conclusion that the students liked the class, and they report

feeling more confident in their ability to read as a result. It's possible that they

have a good grasp of reading since they read a book in five stages. 1. Anticipate:

Once you've read the chapter, think forward to some of the straightforward

questions that may be derived from the material in the book. 2. Arrange the

information; using your own words, organize, summarize, and synthesize the

most important topics from the chapter. then proceed to provide an outline

response to the anticipated queries. 3. Practice by reading the facts out loud to

yourself. 4. Practice: when you practice, you answer your anticipated essay

questions from memory. You may also write a comprehensive response, sketch

an outline of the essay, or both. 5. Analyze your work by asking yourself, "Do I

have enough specific examples?" in order to evaluate your own work. Is

everything I've said full, correct, and pertinent to the question? The PORPE

technique did help the children improve their reading abilities, which was a

positive outcome. In point of fact, in light of the findings, the fact that the result

is positively indicating that there is positive impact of applying the PORPE

technique in teaching reading ability is favorably suggests that there is positive

effect. It is clear to observe from the comparison of the students' scores on the

pre-test and post-test that there was a considerable increase in their overall

performance. It indicated that the therapy was effective in enhancing the pupils'

level of reading comprehension.

There were four meetings held for the purpose of performing the treatment

of this study using the primary material (narrative text), and PORPE was

recognized as a method in the teaching process. Before the students were given

the therapy, they were given a pre-test to complete. The goal of this exam was to

determine the students' current level of reading ability before administering the

treatment. The second stage of this test consisted of the researcher beginning the

process of brainstorming in order to capture the students' attention and pique their

interest in carrying out the subsequent instructions given by the researcher.

Before administering the pre-test, the researcher had some of the students read

the assigned material. The researcher then proceeded to administer a test after


At the very first gathering, which took place on Thursday, May 6th, 2022,

the researcher encouraged the students by speaking to them about how simple it

is to learn English. Following the presentation of the material or of one of the

strategies that can be used to improve reading ability, namely the PORPE strategy

(Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, and Evaluate), the researcher gave an

illustration that PORPE is a strategy to study textbook materials in which the

students create and answer essay question. The researcher also described the

activities to the students before giving them the material. After then, the

researcher offered the opportunity for the students to ask questions on the topic

that they did not comprehend. The PORPE technique generated a lot of

excitement and enthusiasm among the pupils as they learned to read. It was

because the instructor never used the PORPE approach in the course of teaching

reading ability in order to keep the attention of the pupils.

The second meeting was place on Saturday, June 4th, 2022. During the

second meeting, the researcher was provided with material regarding

"Misunderstanding" in order to determine the degree of the level of

understanding that students had in reading text prior to the implementation of the

PORPE method (Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice and Evaluate). After that,

the researchers will walk you through the PORPE strategy's stages. Predict The

PORPE technique begins with the first step of projecting possible essay questions

based on the content that will be used to direct the subsequent lesson. The next

step is to organize all of the material such that it may be used to answer the

question posed in the prediction essay. Through the use of a concept or outline,

summarize and synthesize the concepts. Rehearse and practice using an organized

framework of a concept map, populating it with crucial concepts via active

memory. Practice During this level, students practice what they have learned by

writing the answers to the prediction questions using the technique of

remembering. Stage practice consists of actively involving students in the process

of writing their own work from memory that responds to the questions they have

predicted. Learners assess the writing output by filling out a checklist of the

completeness, correctness, and applicability of the essay after completing the four

steps that make up the PORPE approach.

At the third meeting, which took place on the ninth of June in 2022, the

researcher administered a test in the form of PORPE. The goal of the test was to

determine whether or not pupils had improved their reading abilities. At this

particular gathering, the students were split into two groups, each consisting of

only one student, so that the researcher would have an easier time carrying out

the procedure. The researcher gave the students a piece of writing to read and

instructed them to work on it using the PORPE approach. After then, the students

watch one another reading the material and ask questions about anything that is

not understood. Finally, each student presents the outcome of their work to the

rest of the class and explains it. After that, the researcher provided his companion

with a set of lists to examine in order to analyze his friend's response. It was

much simpler for the pupils to comprehend and retain the reading material once

they had been exposed to it.

The fourth gathering took place on the 16th of June, 2022, on a Thursday.

Before we started this meeting, the researcher handed the students another exam,

but this time it was based on a different text. In this meeting, as opposed to the

meeting that had taken place before. This meeting was held outside of the

classroom so that the students could freely accept the material in a relaxed

manner and quickly absorb it. The researcher used the PORPE strategy in

combination with the game so that the students would not become bored while

they were in class. The game that was used by the researcher had a relationship

with the students' reading ability.

The researcher administered a post-test on the 19th of June, 2022, which

was the last day of the study. Before that, the researcher led the students in a

brainstorming session in order to capture their attention and concentrate on

something else. After receiving therapy, the students provided answers that were

based on the information they had gained. The researcher did not hand the

student's work back to them at any point throughout this process. It was for the

objective of determining whether or not this therapy had risen.

The application of the PORPE approach transformed the circumstances in

the classroom as well as the learning process from the very first meeting all the

way through to the very last meeting. The students had a higher level of

motivation, and they expressed enjoyment in class. Additionally, the students

were more involved in class, asking questions regarding the course and

expressing confusion when necessary. According to Simpson's statement,

"PORPE" is an independent study method that operationalizes the cognitive and

metacognitive processes that good readers participate in to comprehend and, as a

result, learn topic area information. This is based on Simpson's statement. When

the researcher requested the students to participate in the PORPE method in the

classroom, they offered more replies.



This chapter gives the conclusion and proposal of the study concerning

enhancing students' reading ability with the PORPE (Predict, Organize, Rehearse,

Practice, and Evaluate) method. The research was conducted on improving

students' reading ability.

A. Conclusion

According to the findings of the data analysis and the discussion of the

findings in the chapter before this one, reading is a process that is used to grasp

the text and the content as well as to acquire information. Reading is a great way

for kids to improve their knowledge, as well as their vocabulary and their ability

to use grammar correctly. On the other hand, if pupils don't read, it will be much

more challenging for them to develop other skills such as listening, speaking, and

writing. The learner was able to acquire the content in an easier and more fun

manner after it had been presented using the PORPE approach. They have an

easier time comprehending the material, including the ability to locate factual

information and recognize the book's core theme. Therefore, the researcher came

to the conclusion that using the PORPE technique in the classrooms of SMAS Al-

Itthidayah Medan's tenth-grade students may increase their overall reading ability.

Students' levels of motivation and participation in the learning process

increased while the PORPE technique was being implemented. After learning

reading using the PORPE approach, they had a highly optimistic attitude (Predict,

Organize, Rehearse, Practice and Evaluate). It indicates that there is a discernible

improvement in the reading skills of the kids after therapy has been administered.

The results of the study demonstrated that the kids' reading ability improved as a

consequence of the intervention.

B. Suggestion

In light of the result reached, which was discussed before, the researcher

has a few recommendations to make, which are as follows:

1. In order to teach English effectively, instructors need to have a strong command of the

linguistic abilities and structures that make up English, and they must be aware of the level

of their pupils.

2. The instructor should take an active role in providing feedback to students in order to

include them in the teaching and learning process.

3. The PORPE technique should be used by English instructors in order to enhance their way

of teaching reading ability and ensure that their pupils can grasp what they have read.

4. The students should constantly be practicing their read a book with develop their thoughts

to write in English, and they should always be enhancing their vocabulary in order to make

it easier for them to develop their ideas.

5. The PORPE approach may be used in the English teaching and learning process, notably in

the effort to improve the reading skills of the pupils.


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School : SMAS Al-Ittihidayah

Class : XI IPS

Subject : English

Topic : Analytical Exposition

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Core Competencies

KI 3 : Understand, apply, analyze factual knowledge, conceptual,

procedural, based on curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and
humanities with a vision of humanity, national, state, and civilization-
related causes of phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural
knowledge on specific fields of study according to their talents and interests
to solve the problem.

KI 4 : Processing, reasoning, and all present in the realm of the concrete

and the abstract realm associated with the development of the learned in
school independently, and is able to use the method according to the rules of

B. Basic Competency

1. Analyzing social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic

elements in the expression of opinions and mind, according to the
context of use.
2. Responding the meaning in the text of Analytical Exposition about the
hot topic discussed in common.

C. Competency Achievement Indicators

1. Students can analyze the social function, the structure of the text, and
linguistic elements of analytical exposition text about the hot topic

discussed generally according to the context of use.
2. Students can respond the meaning from analytical exposition text.
D. Learning Materials

Cars should be banned in the city

Thesis : Cars should be banned in the city. As we all

know, cars create pollution and cause a lot road
deaths and other accidents.

Arguments : Firstly, cars as we all know, contribute

to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a
deadly gas that cause illness such as bronchitis, lung
cancer, and triggers of asthma. Some of these
illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander

everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the
city, which causes them to die. Cars commonly hit
pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars
today are roads biggest killers.

Thirdly, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or

concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to

Reiteration : In conclusion, cars should be banned

from the city for the reasons listened.

E. Learning Method/Technique
Porpe Strategy

F. Teaching and Learning Activity

Meeting Students Time

1 (Cycle 1) Initial Activity 5’

1. Pray
2. Greeting
3. Check students attandance
4. Open learning activity
5. Explain the learning objectives /
themes to be implemented.
Core Activity 70’

1. Students look at a variety of analytical
exposition text that shown by the teachers in
slide powerpoint.
2. Students observe the social function, structure
and linguistic elements.
3. Students identify the main idea, details and
specific information from the analytical
Under the quidance and direction of teachers,
students ask questions about the main idea,
details and specific information from the
analytical information.

1. Students try to answer the questions from the

teacher together.

1. The teacher give the correct answer for the
Teacher ask students apply Porpe Strategy

Closing activities
1. Learners and teachers reflect on their learning

activities and benefits.
2. Learners and teachers give each other feedback
on the process and learning outcomes.

G. Media and Source of Learning

1. Media

a. Laptop, CPU b. Analytical expositionText

2. Source of Learning

a. English text book eleventh grade. b. Analytical exposition text article. c. Internet

H. Appraisal

Assessment Technique : Reading Comprehension Test

Form Instrument : Reading a text about Analytical Exposition Test in PORPE

No Kinds Lines Instument/Activity

1. Assignment Activity Observation and
Activity Observation and
Activity Observation and
2. Exercise Test Multiple Choices.
Exercise will be
provided in the
form of multiple
choice totalling 20

Scoring of the test:


School : SMAS Al-Ittihidayah

Class : XI IPS

Subject : English

Topic : Analytical Exposition

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Core Competencies

KI 3 : Understand, apply, analyze factual knowledge, conceptual,

procedural, based on curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and
humanities with a vision of humanity, national, state, and civilization-
related causes of phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural
knowledge on specific fields of study according to their talents and interests
to solve the problem.

KI 4 : Processing, reasoning, and all present in the realm of the concrete

and the abstract realm associated with the development of the learned in
school independently, and is able to use the method according to the rules of

B. Basic Competency
1. Analyzing social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements in the
expression of opinions and mind, according to the context of use.

2. Responding the meaning in the text of Analytical Exposition about the

hot topic discussed in common.

C. Competency Achievement Indicators

1. Students can analyze the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic
elements of analytical exposition text about the hot topic discussed generally
according to the context of use.
2. Students can respond the meaning from analytical exposition text.

D. Learning Materials

Cars should be banned in the city

Thesis : Cars should be banned in the city. As we all

know, cars create pollution and cause a lot road
deaths and other accidents.

Arguments : Firstly, cars as we all know, contribute

to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a
deadly gas that cause illness such as bronchitis, lung
cancer, and triggers of asthma. Some of these
illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander

everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the
city, which causes them to die. Cars commonly hit
pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars
today are roads biggest killers.

Thirdly, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or

concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to

Reiteration : In conclusion, cars should be banned

from the city for the reasons listened.

E. Learning Method/Technique
Porpe Strategy

F. Teaching and Learning Activity

Meeting Students Time

2 (Cycle 1) Initial Activity 5’

6. Pray
7. Greeting
8. Check students attandance
9. Open learning activity
10. Explain the learning objectives /
themes to be implemented.
Core Activity 70’

1. Students look at a variety of analytical
exposition text that shown with PORPE
2. Students observe the social function, structure
and linguistic elements.
3. Students identify the main idea, details and
specific information from the analytical
Under the quidance and direction of teachers,
students ask questions about the main idea,
details and specific information from the
analytical information.

1. Students use PORPE strategy

2. Students practice finding the main idea,
details and specific information from the
analytical Exposition text.
3. Students in groups red text analytical
exposition by observing the social function,
structure, and linguistic elements to

4. Students read the text of the exposition to a
friend by using the appropriate linguistic

1. In pairs students analyze some text
exposition focusing on the social function,
structure, and language element.
2. Students gain feedback (feedback) from
teachers and friends about the results of the
analysis presented in the working group.

1. Students create a report in the form of notes
of reading.
2. Flocking, students exchanged stories about
text exposition with attention to social
functions, structure and linguistic elements.
3. Students present in the classroom.
Make a written self- evaluation report on
their respective experiences in the search for
text exposition during the learning process
inside and outside the classroom, including
constraints experienced.

Closing activities
3. Learners and teachers reflect on their learning
activities and benefits.
4. Learners and teachers give each other feedback
on the process and learning outcomes.
5. Students receive assignments through the
implemental of PORPE strategy

G. Media and Source of Learning

3. Media

a. Laptop, CPU b. Analytical expositionText

4. Source of Learning

a. English text book eleventh grade. b. Analytical exposition text article. c. Internet

H. Appraisal
Assessment Technique : Reading Comprehension Test
Form Instrument : Reading a text about Analytical Exposition Test in PORPE Strategy.

No Kinds Lines Instument/Activity

1. Assignment Activity Observation and
Activity Observation and
Activity Observation and
2. Exercise Test Multiple Choices.
Exercise will be
provided in the
form of multiple
choice totalling 20

Scoring of the test :

English Teacher

( )


Cars should be banned in the city

Thesis : Cars should be banned in the city. As we all

know, cars create pollution and cause a lot road
deaths and other accidents.

Arguments : Firstly, cars as we all know, contribute

to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a
deadly gas that cause illness such as bronchitis, lung
cancer, and triggers of asthma. Some of these
illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander

everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the
city, which causes them to die. Cars commonly hit
pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars
today are roads biggest killers.

Thirdly, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or

concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to

Reiteration : In conclusion, cars should be banned

from the city for the reasons listened.

1. What type of the text above?

a. Narrative.
b. Report
c. Analytical.
d. Explanation.
e. Description

2. What one of the diseases caused by pollution ?

b. Bronchitis
c. Liver
d. Important
e. Cholera
3. What tense is mostly used in the text?
a. Past tense
b. Simple present tense
c. Simple perfect tense
d. Present continuous tense
e. Past continuous tense
4. We usually call the last paragraph as………
a. Resolution
b. Reiteration
c. Conclusion
d. Recommendation
e. Twist
5. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to persuade reader about the Cars Should Be Banned In The City

b. to explain the characteristics the Cars Should Be Banned In The City

c. to inform readers about Cars Should Be Banned In The City

d. to describe Cars Should Be Banned In The City

e. to entertain readers about Cars Should Be Banned In The City

6. The following sentences are true, except …
a.the cars contribute the most of pollution in the world.
b.the cars are very noisy.
c.the cars can also cause many deaths and other road accidents.
d.the car cans accelerate the transport.
e.the cars today are our roads biggest killers.

7. What the title text above?

a. Cars Should Be Banned In The City
b. Cars cause pollution
c. Car giant killer street.
d. Car facilitate transportation.
e. Cars cause noise of the city.
8. Which paragraph is called arguments?
a. I and II.
b. IV
c. All paragraph
d. II, III, and III
e. I and IV
9. Is the car also cause pollution?
a. No.
b. No, he is.
c. Yes, it’s
d. Yes.
e. No, it’s not.

10. Is the car also cause noise ?

a. Yes, It’s
b. No, It’s
c. No
d. Yes, he is
e. Yes , isn’t
Read the text and answer the question 11-15
Developing information technology enables cell phone manufactures to compete
by releasing more sophisticated phones. This fact may trigger people to buy the
latest cell phones. What about you? Are you one of those people? Let me tell you
something. Don‟t be hasty when buying cell phones. There are many things you
need to consider.
First, you can start by asking yourself about the usefulness of the equipment.
The question might be, “Do I want it for prestige or its usefulness?” Be honest with
yourself. Then, you should make a choice on the type of cell phone. There are
various choices in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs
and whether you can afford it or not.
The consequence of using a cell phone is its high operational costs. You have to
pay more for a cell phone compared to a fixed telephone. Besides, since u can use a
cell phone to access the internet, then you should obtain the internet data which is
costly. Therefore, you have to provide an extra budget for it. Considering the above
statements, you should think further before deciding to buy a cell phone. Remember,
be reasonable before making a decision.
11. The writer wrote the text to …
a. Explain tips when buying a cell phone
b. Inform the readers about a newsworthy topic
c. Discuss a topic from at least two points of view
d. Mention the reasons why we should buy a cell phone
e. Persuade us to think wisely when buying a cell phone
12. What is the text about?
a. The various types of cell phones
b. How to use a cell phone effectively
c. The advantages of using cell phone
d. The consequences of using a cell phone
e. Points to think further before buying a cell phone
13. Which of the following is the most important thing to consider before buying a
cell phone?
a. Its type
b. Its use
c. Its price
d. Your choice
e. Your prestige
14. “Remember, be reasonable before making a decision.” Which word may replace
the underline word in the sentence?
a. Reliable b. Sensible c. Moderate d. Possible e. Cooperative
15. “Therefore, you have to provide extra budget for it.” (paragraph 3). What does the
word “it” refer to?
a. A cell phone
b. A fixed telephone

c. The internet access
d. The internet data
e. The internet website

Read the text and answer the question 6-9

The popularity of mobile devices has had some dangerous consequences. We
know that mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted
driving which results in injury and loss of life. The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration reported that in 2010 driver distraction was the cause of 18% of all
fatal chases with 3,092 people killed and crashes resulting in an injury 416,000 people

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging creates a
crash risk 23 times worse than driving while not distracted. 11% of drivers aged 18 to
20 who were involved in an automobile accident and survived admitted they were
sending or receiving texts when they crashed. Distracted driving endangers life and
property and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable.

16. What is the main ide of the passage?

a. The warning of texting and driving

b. The debatable issue of texting and driving

c. The involvement of mobile devices while driving

d. The risks of texting while driving

e. The consequences of not paying attention traffic

17. What does the passage tell us about the writer‟s opinion on the issue at hand?

a. Text messaging creates more risk than undistracted driving

b. Mobile communication doesn‟t have relation with accident

c. Many people lost their live because of injury

d. Distracted driving is still safe for the drivers

e. Only adult drivers involved in the accident

18. From the text we know that ...

a. The mobile phone should be banned in the street

b. Distracted driving makes accident more rarely to happen

c. Most of the accident caused by the condition of the road

d. 18% of fatal crashes were caused by unnoticed street signs

e. Drivers involved in car accidents admitted they were texting when they crashed

19. Distracted driving endangers life ... it is not an acceptable action

a. As

b. If

c. So

d. And

e. Yet

As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other
accidents. Firstly, cars as we all know contribute the most of pollution in the world.
Cars emit a deadly gas causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of
asthma. Some of this illness is so bad that people can die from them. Secondly, the
city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians
in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly,
cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or
concentrate in your homework, and especially talk to someone. In conclusion, cars
should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

20. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To persuade reader about the cars should be banned in the city

b. To explain the characteristics the cars should be banned in the city

c. To inform readers about cars should be banned in the city

d. To describe cars should be banned in the city

e. To entertain readers about cars should be banned in the city


Social Issue

The act of bullying seems to be an unnoticed act we commonly find in our society,
especially in school environment. Bullying as the act to dominate the subordinate person
as a mean to harass and to belittle the person is an urgent issue to be overcome. The act
of bullying will bring a great damage to the targeted victims which impacts on their
future and even results in suicide act.

1. From the paragraph above, we can infer that the purpose of the text is....

a. to give explanation about the negative effectof bullying to one’s

b. to describe the types of bullying in social life.
c. to inform readers about the negative effect of bullying to the
subordinate person.
d. to persuade readers to agree and support the idea to prevent and to
stop bullying
e. to persuade readers to look for solution to lessening the damage
created by bullying.
2. “Bullying as the act to dominate the subordinate person as a mean to
harass and to belittle the person is an urgent issue to be overcome.”
The statement above concludes that the definition of bullying is....
a. overcoming domination
b. harrassing and belittling someone
c. raising an urgent issue
d. dominating someone
e. finding a subordinate person
3. The victim would perceive the destructive behavior as the acceptable
and normal act. The continuous harassment and physical abuse to a
person, especially children and teenager, will impact on their self-esteem,
self- hatred, and long-term traumatic impact. If the damage grows in the
victim is not seriously taken care under professional therapy, the trauma
would destruct the victim's life. In some cases, the victims of bullying
would commit suicide.

From the passage, we know that professional therapy to the victim of bullying
a. Lengthen the victim’s long term traumatic impact
b. Prevent the victim’s life from long term traumatic
c. Construct abusive behaviour
d. Increase the victim’s trauma
e. Bring continious
4. Second reason to take precaution and to stop bullying act is that
bullying can escalate to violence and be considered as a crime. This is
not only permanently damaging the victim‟ s psychological aspect, but
also has become a criminal issue. A bullying act leads the children and
the teenager to construct destructive behavior. This is obviously a
serious problem for our society.”

Choose the correct statement according to the passage.

a. Bullying act an can acuumulate into a criminal issue

b. Bullying can be considered as a crime
c. Violance can escalate into bullying
d. Bullying can construct favorable behavior
e. Not every bullying is considered as violence or crime
5. “Bullying phenomenon is a common act that we can find in our society.
It is an irony that most of this kind of acts happen in school. The act of
bullying to elevate the self-esteem by continuously harassing the victim
is a cowardly act that could damage one‟ s future. Therefore, we should
commit to ourselves to take action, to prevent and to stop the bullying
act from our closest surrounding.”

The passage contains an irony. The irony emerges in the passage is...
a. We can stop the act of bullying from ourselves.
b. The act bullying elevates the bully's self-esteem.
c. We can't do anything to prevent and stop the act of bullying.
d. The destructive act such bullying happens in educational environment

6. Read the text below and answer the question.

Reconsidering TV Programs

Television has become a widely used electronic device to entertain the viewer.
Almost everyone from different level of age can access various program of television.
However, have we ever considered that the programs in the television are appropriate
for us to watch? Nowadays, many programs in our television are inappropriate that
bring the negative impact to the viewer. Therefore, we must reconsider TV programs
that run today.
The TV programs should be taken under evaluation for its negative impact to
our society, especially for the children. Today, TV program often views the variety
shows that full of slapstick act, the abusive cartoon, and dramas with improper moral
value. Those programs mostly gain a high rate and run in a prime time. In the prime
time, everyone from any level of age, including children, can access the TV
programs. The programs give inappropriate models to the viewer, especially children.
The social problems emerge as the impact of the inappropriate model of the program
such as abusive behavior, ethical issue, life style, etc.
As the media to give both entertainment and information, television can be
accessed by many people. The inappropriate programs will shape wrong mindset and
behaviour. Therefore, it is essential for us to reconsider the programs that are run in
television and wisely choose the proper program to watch.
The first paragraph of the passage concludes that....
a. Eceryone can access tv program
b. Television is media of entertainment
c. Televesion only entertaints a small scope of people
d. Many inappropriate programs that give negative impact are shown in television
e. The programs that are presented in the television today have been appropriate for
any level of age

7. Television has become a widely used electronic device to entertain the

viewer.Almost everyone from different level of age can access various
program of television.” According to the statement above, the viewers
of the television are....

According to the statement above, the viewers of the television are …

a. The old age person

b. Teenager
c. Children
d. Almost everyone
e. Parent

8. Choose correct statement from the following that is in line with the
second paragraph

a. Inappropriate tv programms impact on social problems

b. Inappropriate tv programms mostly impact on adultery

c. Tv programs have nothing to with life style and mindset

d. In the prime time, most of the children have fallen asleep

e. Tv programs are not in need to be put under evaluation

9. Look at the second paragraph. Accroding to the passage, tv programs

should be taken under evaluation are …

a. Those that expose improper models

b. Those that are watched by the children
c. Those thar run in prime time
d. Those that get high rate
e. Those that everyone can enjoy

10. As the media to give both entertainment and information, television can be
accessed by many people. The inappropriate programs will shape wrong
mindset and behavior. ”

Choose from the following statement that completes the passage above.

a. Therefore, it is essential for us to reconsider the programs that are run in

television and wisely choose the proper program to watch

b. Hence, its important for us to conrol the programs that are run in the prime

c. Hence, Its important to not purchase our money to buy television

d. Therefore, its essential for us to ban the use of television in our home

e. Therefore, its important to reconsider the television as the media to give

information and entertainment for our life

Read the text and answer the question 11-13

There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides which are commonly
used may cause many problems. I think combining different management operations is
the most effective way to control pests. Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build
up as residues in the environment and in the soil which absorbs the chemicals. This
reduces the quality of farm product.
Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and
stronger ones have to be developed. Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and
animals such as fish and bees. This affects the ecology and environment as well.
So, understanding of ecology of an are helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be
chosen and applied carefully so that they don‟t affect the ecological balance and
environment. Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option
to fight pest in agriculture and livestock.
11. Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides used?
a. Plants b. Ecology c. Animals d. Environment e. Human beings
12. What can you say about paragraph two and three?
a. The third paragraph supports the idea stated in paragraph two
b. Both paragraph all tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides
c. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality

d. The statement in paragraph is contrary to the statement in paragraph three
e. The second paragraph tell about the effects of using pesticides on animals
mentioned in paragraph three
13. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is ...
a. Killing fish and bees
b. Increasing crops productivity
c. Creating balanced ecosystem
d. Causing the pests to become inactive
e. Helping reduce pollutants in the environment
14. Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. (paragraph 2)
a. Weak b. Fragile c. Damage d. Unaffected e. Unbalance
Read the text and answer the question 15-17
Smoking in restaurants is just not disturbing. It must not be allowed because it is rude,
harmful to others and dangerous for the smokers. Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite.
The smell of the smoke affects all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste
good food and not to be put off by foul smelling smoke. Another reason smoking should not be
allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to others. Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke
made by a smoker can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.

Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes cause heart
and lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants. Therefore,
smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a health risk to the smokers and
should not be allowed in any restaurants.

15. Smoking in the restaurants must be avoided because ...

a. It is harmful to other

b. It is impolite

c. Its dangerous to the smokers

d. It can cause heart and lung disease

e. All answers are correct

16. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To inform the readers to the readers

b. To persuade to the readers

c. To describe to the readers

d. To tell a story to the readers

e. To argue about smoking to the readers

16. Smoking in restaurants should not be allowed. It means that ...

a. People should do smoking in restaurant

b. People should not do smoking in restaurant

c. People must not smoking in restaurant

d. People must not smoke in restaurant

e. People should smoke in restaurant

17. The synonym of the word dangerous in the text is ...

a. Rude b. Impolite c. Health risk d. Harmful e. Disease

Read the text and answer the question 18-20

As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other
accidents. Firstly, cars as we all know contribute the most of pollution in the world. Cars emit a
deadly gas causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of asthma. Some of this
illness is so bad that people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians
wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die.
Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you
may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate in your homework, and especially talk to
someone. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

18. What one of the diseases caused by pollution?


b. Bronchitis

c. Liver

d. Fever

e. Cholera

19. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To persuade reader about the cars should be banned in the city

b. To explain the characteristics the cars should be banned in the city

c. To inform readers about cars should be banned in the city

d. To describe cars should be banned in the city

e. To entertain readers about cars should be banned in the city

20. The following sentences are true, except ...

a. The cars contribute the most of pollution in the world

b. The cars are very noisy

c. The cars can also cause many deaths and other road accidents

d. The cars can accelerate the transport

e. The cars today are our roads biggest killer

Learning English
Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix
pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to
your English progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea
why we use songs in language learning.
Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the
last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both
enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the
idea that songs work on our short-and-long term memory.
Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of
repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they
are effective makes them many times more motivating than other text. Although
usually simple, some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically and
poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other literary sample.
Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop
songs and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time
In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage
harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important
tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution.
Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as
studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs,
learning vocabulary, spelling and culture.
From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music and
songs, learning English can be enjoyable and fun.
1. The type of the text above is …
a. Analytical exposition b. Hortatory exposition
c. Narrative d. Discussion e. Explanation
2. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a. To tell the reader about the songs
b. To entertain the reader with the songs
c. To show the reader the use of songs

d. To explain above the songs
e. To persuade the reader to use songs in learning language

3. The generic structures of the text are ….

a. Thesis – arguments – recommendation
b. General statement – sequential explanation
c. Newsworthy events – background events – sources
d. Thesis – arguments – reiteration
e. General statement – arguments
4. What is the text about ….
a. Learning songs
b. Very enjoyable music
c. The phenomenon
d. Music listeners
e. Using songs in language learning
5. Based on the text, there are …… reason for using songs in learning language
a. 6 b. 4 c. 5 d. 3 e. 2
Read the text below and answer the question.
The Importance of reading I personally think that reading is a very important
activity in our life. Why do I say so? Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of
knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology. Sports, arts,
culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something
happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.
Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read
books, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short
story, quiz, etc. To make us relaxed.
The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book
about Irian Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our
From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge,
information and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly
important in our life.
6. Why is reading very important in our life? Because…..
a. By reading, we can get a lot of friends, relatives, experience, etc.
b. By reading, we can get little knowledge but a lot of entertainment.
c. By reading, we are always relaxed.
d. By reading, we are always happy.
e. By reading we can get a lot of knowledge, news, information and entertainment
7. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do?
a. buy a lot of books b. borrow a lot of books c. look for newspaper and magazine
d. sell and buy many expensive books e. Read a lot of books and other printed materials.
8. What does the text tell us about?
a. The description of reading b. The function of reading c. The importance of reading
d. The disadvantages of reading e.The purpose of reading
9. What is the social function of the text?
a. To tell a story b. To describe the reader c. To entertain the reader
d. To give information e. To persuade the reader
10. Paragraph…. In the text is the thesis.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d.4 e. 5
Circuses Should Not Use Animals
Animals should not be used in circus. The environment where they perform and
their living conditions are usually inappropriate. Tigers, for example which naturally live
in wilderness, must perform tricks on a narrow stage and spend their lifetime in a small
Besides, the living conditions of the circus animals are poor. They live in a cramped
condition most of the tim E. They actually need more space to roam. They also do not
have freedom to live with their own kind. We should ban the use of animals in circus and
their confinement there.
11. Why does the writer consider circus inappropriate place to live for animals?
a. It resembles the animal’s natural habitat.
b. It is the place where the animals are tortured.
c. It is the place to get public amusement.
d. It provides animals bad food.
e. It costs animals ill condition.
12 . According to the text, … .
a. Tigers are the most suitable animals to perform tricks.
b. Tigers are the smartest animals.
c. The highlight of the circus is on the animals.
d. The animals are the main performers in the circus.
e. Animals receive ill treatment in a circus.
13. “They live in a cramped condition most of their time (Paragraph 3).The word
“cramped” is closest in meaning to.
A. clean and neat
B. dirty and messy
C. poor and spacious
D. small and crowded
E. large and quiet
Fuel Price
Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues. People
were affected severely with the high fuel price like last year. Obviously they cut their
spending. As an example, they had to buy lower quality of rice or palm oil. There were also
fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour, or canned meat or fish.
Furthermore, the condition of low income family will become even
worse because their expenses will increase while their salaries will not. Many
companies will have to trim the number of employees because they are
incapable of managing, buying or selling price, standard wages and personal
Finally, government should not raise fuel price to overcome economic
problem but the solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own
potential and utilizing it to enhance productivity to its maximum.
14. The title of the text is ….
a. The price of the secondary commodities
b. The effect of increasing fuel price
c. Condition of low income family
d. The increasing of fuel price
e. The economic problem
15. “Many companies will have to trim the number of employees.” (Paragraph 2). The word
“trim” means ….
a. fire
b. cut
c. add

d. reduce
e. border
16. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. The government should enhance productivity to solve the economic problem.
b. The government should raise fuel price to solve the problem.
c. The government should consider condition of low family income.
d. The government should reduce the number of employees.
e. The government should decrease the standard of wages.
Space Travel

Space travel should be stopped for many reasons.

Firstly, it is totally unsafe as proven by the Colombia Space Shuttle disaster. Thousand
people have been killed in accidents.
Secondly, it costs billions and billions dollars everyday just to put fuel into rockets.
Professor Smith from the Spend Money on People Space Association agrees that space
travel is a waste of time and money.
Further, space travel is altering the world’s weather pattern as evidenced by the record of
high temperatures this summer in Cobar.
Everyone knows that if God wanted us to fly in space we should have been born with
space suits. Stop space before it destroys the earth.
17. How many reasons are stated in the text dealing with the point that Space travel should
be stopped?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. Five
18. “Professor Smith from the Spend Money on People not Space Association agrees that
space travel is a waste of time and money.” The sentence expresses….
a. Agreement
b. Disagreement
c. Contrast
d. Certainty
e. Desire

19. Which is not true based on the text above…..
a. Space travel should be stopped .
b. Space travel destroys the earth
c. Space travel costs billions and billions of dollars everyday
d. Space travel offer benefits to the earth
e. Space travel is unsafe
20. What does the text above mainly talk about?
a. Air travel
b. Road travel
c. Water travel
d. Space travel
e. Rocket travel


1. C 6. D 11. E 16. D
2. B 7. A 12. E 17. A
3. B 8. D 13. B 18. E
4. B 9. C 14. B 19. D
5. A 10. A 15. D 20. C

1. D 6. D 11. E 16. B
2. B 7. D 12. B 17. D
3. B 8. A 13. A 18. B
4. A 9. A 14. E 19. A
5. D 10. A 15. B 20. D

1. A 6. E 11. B 16. A
2. E 7. E 12. E 17. C
3. D 8. C 13. D 18. A
4. E 9 .E 14. E 19. D
5. C 10. A 15. D 20. D

Observation Sheet of

Student Cycle I

Students 1. Students come to the class on
2. Students pay attention and
3. Students study seriously
4. Students are interested and
enthusiastic in studying reading
comprehension by using Porpe

5. Students participate in learning process

6. Students ask the teacher about

the material that do not
7. Students answer the question that the
teachers gave
8. The students’ motivation in learning process

9. Interaction between teacher and students

10. Students do the test seriously


The researcher 1. Teacher comes on time
as the teacher

2. Teacher greets the students

3. Teacher absents the students
4. Teacher motivates the students
5. Teacher gives warming up to the students,
such as given students some questions about
the topic that will be discussed to the students
in the classroom.

6. Teacher tells to the students the goal of

7. Teacher prepare the material

8. Teacher gives the explanation about the

topic that will be learned
9. Teacher explain the material clearly
10. Teacher gives the students
chance to ask the teacher
related to the topic
11. Teacher gives the test to the students
12. Teacher uses the time effectively
13. Teacher concludes the material of


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