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A Thesis Proposal
Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements
for the Bachelor Degree

Fitri Esa Ulva Mima
Npm : 1911040343

Study Program : English Education



A. Background of the Problem ...................................................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem .................................................................................... 2
C. Limitation of the Problem ........................................................................................ 3
D. Formulation of the Problem ...................................................................................... 3
E. Objective of the Research ......................................................................................... 3
F. Significance of the Research ..................................................................................... 3
G. Relevant Research ..................................................................................................... 4
H. Scope of the Research ............................................................................................... 5


A. Frame of Theory ...................................................................................................... 6
1. Concept of Reading ....................................................................................... 6
a. Definition of Reading..................................................................... 6
b. The Types of Reading .................................................................... 6
c. The Purpose of Reading ................................................................. 7
2. Concept of Reading Comprehension ............................................................ 8
a. Definition Reading Comprehension............................................... 8
b. The Strategies for Reading Comprehension .................................. 8
c. The Component of Reading Comprehension ............................... 9
d. Instrument of Reading Comprehension ........................................ 9
3. Concept of Teaching Reading ...................................................................... 10
4. Concept of Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension ..................... 11
5. Concept of Method........................................................................................ 11
a. Definition of Method ..................................................................... 11
b. The Alternative of Method ............................................................. 12
6. Concept of Look and Say Method .............................................................. 13
a. Definition Look and Say Method................................................... 13
b. Technique to Teaching Look and Say Method .............................. 13
c. Teaching Principle of Look and Say Method ............................... 14
d. The Advantages of Look and Say Method..................................... 14
B. Frame of Hypothesis ................................................................................................ 15


A. Place and Time of research ....................................................................................... 16
B. Research Design ........................................................................................................ 16
C. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique .......................................................... 17
D. Data Collection ......................................................................................................... 18
E. The Technique for Collecting Data ........................................................................... 19
F. Variable ..................................................................................................................... 20
G. Research Instrument .................................................................................................. 20
H. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 20
I. Hypothesis Testing .................................................................................................... 22




A. Background of the Problem

There are four skill in language teaching and learning : speaking, writing, listening,
and reading taught in the English language learning process. Moreover, reading is
regarded as the most important skill among all. Reading has become one of the four
language skill in English that must be learned because it is a source of knowledge that
student can use as input in the learning process.
Reading is essential aspect of learning English because it allows people to develop
their vocabulary as wells the writing skills. It is supported by Harmer statement “
Reading is effective for language development “. It means that by reading, student can
develop vocabulary and learn a lot about other languages. However, student occasionally
struggle to read and comprehend English text1. Through reading this is allows students
to comprehend and understand what they have learned, so reading plays an important
role in student’s academic achievement. It is supported by Nunan’s statement that
reading is the most important2. Reading can be a source of reading comprehension and
can make a significant contribution to second English proficiency. Both oral and written
performance are covered by the competency.
This is to be one of the primary goals of any educational program is designed to help
students in developing strong reading skill. Student can enhance their vocabulary and
learn about the world by reading. Reading is also essential for spelling and writing
success. Becoming a faster and effective reader is important not only for curriculum
learning, but also for achieving deadlines and doing a well on standardized test.
Based on the opinions expressed above, it is possible to conclude that reading is critical
skill for student to possess. Reading is a complicated process for conveying a message or
information. Reading would be able to improve reader’s knowledge. People who read
will be able to get information and learn a new things from reading.
Based on preliminary research done by MTs Al-Karomah on Desember. With Mr
Sulaiman, S.Pd., as English teacher in that school, the researcher was ask the teacher by
giving some question related to the topic. He stated that eighth grade students struggle to
learning reading because the student have a limit vocabulary. When the teacher give a
text to read the student ware not interesting to read, especially for the reading text. They
do not understand the meaning of vocabulary. So this is make they are difficult for to
understand and comprehend the content of the text.
Following asking the teacher, the researcher also ask the first semester studnet to
learn about their point of view on reading comprehension. The researcher conducted
asking with the student in the eighth grade at MTs Al-Karomah. Almost all student
struggle to understand and be understood the text from every reading material, because
they have a limit vocabulary. This is make they are struggle to understanding each word

Jeremy, Harmer. How to Teach English, ( China : Longman Pearson, 2007 ),p.99
Nunan, David. 2003. Practically English Language Teaching. Singapore : The McGraw Hill Companies.

in the reading passage. Lack of vocabulary make student do not understand the meaning
of word and they also do not understand about the content of the text.
Reading is not a simple task, and learners usually experience difficulties when
describing the symbol ( word ) and meaning of the text, which is why students should
receive the best teaching techniques from teacher. In general, before mastering the
reading skill, first must learn how to read word and phrases is English as a foundation
for improving their reading ability, and one of those is through the “ look-say “ method.
Using this method, students can look and say what the teacher reads, and they can
directly memorizing the word because each word will be read several time.
The look and say methodology is a technique beginning readers to read by having
them memorize and recognize whole words rather than associating letters with sound3.
The look and say method teaches learner to study word as a whole component instead of
breaking them down into individual letters or groups of letters. Student are repeatedly
tell the name of word that have been shown in the written word, possibly accompanied
by an image or in relevant context. This method can be used by the teacher in teaching
reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is the process of construction meaning
by coordinating a variety of processes such as word reading, phrase, knowledge of the
world, and fluency4.
In Look and Say Method that are same way that can teacher used in teaching using
Look and Say Method. First, the teacher can using picture in teaching reading
comprehension. The teacher can find any picture or image related to the text and the
student can write the name of the picture in a paper. Second, the teacher can using
puzzle and essay picture. This is same with the first way, but in the second way the
teacher using puzzle and picture. The students have to look first the picture before they
write in the puzzle. This also same with the essay picture, before the student write the
essay they have to look the picture first.
Therefore, the researcher is convinced that by using Look and Say method, the
teaching learning process will be more successful, especially in teaching and learning
reading comprehension. Because the researcher choose the Look and Say Method. So,
the title of the study is “ THE EFFECT OF USING LOOK AND SAY METHOD FOR
IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 “.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem, the researcher identifies that the
problems follows :
1. The students’ have limit vocabulary.
2. The students’ did not know the meaning of the word.
3. The students’ were not interesting to read, especially for reading text.
4. The students’ were get difficult to understand and comprehend content of the text.

Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. 2001. Teaching English to Children ( Longman Keys to
Language Teaching ) : Longman,p.50
Klingner, Janette K,. Sharon Vaughn and Alison Boardman. 2007. Teaching Reading Comprehension to
Student With Learning Difficulties. New York : The Guildford Press,p.2

C. Limitation of the Problem

To prevent general discussion, the researcher will focus this research on the
look and say method in teaching reading comprehension in the first semester of the eight
grade at MTs Al-Karomah in the academic year of 2021/2022.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background and the limitation that was presented above, the
research question of this problem were formulated as follows :
“ Is there any significant effect of using Look and Say Method for teaching reading
comprehension to the first semester of the eighth grade student of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Al-karomah in academic year 2021/2022? “.

E. Objective of the Research

Followed by the problem statement, the research objective is “ to investigate
the effect of using Look and Say Method in teaching reading comprehension to the first
semester of the eighth grade student of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-karomah in academic
year 2021/2022 “.

F. Significance of the Research

The findings of this study expected to be theoretically and practically useful
in the development of teaching and learning processes. The significances of the study are
explained each follows :
1. Theoretically
The findings of this study are designed to provide information about the use
of look and say method in teaching reading comprehension in order to improve
reading comprehension abilities. Both for readers and for the next researchers.
2. Practically
a. The researcher
Writer assumed that this study will be beneficial to the readers in terms of
furthering their knowledge of look and say method in teaching reading
b. Teacher
This method makes it easier for teacher to teach reading, and it is expected to
make a useful contribution to teaching reading and provide the other way for
teacher to develop students reading skill.
c. Student
To motivate and generate increased students in the learning process,
particularly in reading instruction, will be able to create more enjoyable and
meaningful learning.
d. School
This research will help to improve education quality and develop English
language teaching in schools.

G. Relevant Research
There have been two previous research using the same method for teaching reading.
Budiana and Noviandari conducted research on the use of look and say in teaching
reading. The first research was conducted by Noviandari with the title “ The
Effectiveness of Using Look and Say method in Teaching Reading to Increase Students’
Reading Achievement for The Fourth Grade The student of MI Baiturrahman Suwaluh
Academic Year 2015/2016 “5. This study used quantitative approach with pre-
experimental design. There are 9 students as a participants of this study from fourth
grade students of MI Biturrahman suwaluh. This research consist of pretest and posttest.
And for collected the data the researcher using T-test formula with IMB SPSS Statistic
22. The result of the post-test indicate that student reading achievement was improve
after using the look-say method. The mean of post-test score ( 90.4 ) it was more higher
than mean pre-test score ( 66.7 ). Base on the result of this research, the researcher
assumed that learning and teaching process by using look-say method was effective to
increase students’ reading skill.
The second research was conducted by Budiana with the title “ The use of Look Say
As a Technique In Teaching Reading To Elementary School Student ( The Case of the
Fourth Grade student of SD Negeri Kambangan 1, Tegal In academic Year of 2010/2011
) “. This study is used action research with two cycles. There were four tests that used by
the researcher in this study there were pre-test, formative test of cycle 1, formative tests
of cycles 2, and post-test. The reading skill was improve after having the activity by
using look and say method. The result of post-test indicate average score was ( 83,89% )
it was more higher then average score pre-test ( 58,10% ). Based on the result of this
research, that the look and say was effective to teaching reading in elementary school
student can practice reading by using this method6.
All previous has shown that the Look and Say Method improve student reading
comprehension. Starting to learn using Look and Say method have a lot of opportunities
for enhancing student reading comprehension, however a number of research a number
of research studies were related to learning the Look and Say method to look for effect
to see if there is significant different of student reading achievement after using Look
and Say method.
In two previous research, the study conclude that the Look and Say Method can
enhance young learners’ reading comprehension. Furthermore, there a few differences
between the previous research and this research. In the previous study, the researcher
supposed to teach the look say method at Elementary School in the same class of fourth
grade in elementary school by using quantitative approach with pre-experimental design
and action research. While conducting this study, the researcher will done in Junior High
School eighth grade by using a Experimental Research.

Noviandari, N. 2017. The Effectiveness of Using “ Look and Say Methode “ in Grade The Student of MI
BAiturrahman Suwaluh Academic Years 2015/2016. Sate Islamic Institute of Tulungagung.
Budiana, Angnes. A. 2011. “ The use of Look Say As a Technique In Teaching Reading To Elementary
School Student “ in Grade student of SD Negeri Kambangan 1, Tegal In academic Year of 2010/2011. Semarang
State university.

H. Systematic of the Research

The scope of the research as follows :

1. Research Subject
The research subject was the first semester of the eight grade student at MTs
2. Research object
The research object was the use of Look-Say method in teaching reading
3. Research Place
The research place was conducted at MTs Al-Karomah.
4. Research Time
The research was conducted at the first semester of eighth grade student in
the academic year of 2021/2021



A. Frame of Theory
1. Concept of Reading
a. Definition of Reading
There are numerous definitions of reading from experts. The process of
constructing meaning from written text is known as reading. Reading is describe as a
message gathering, problem solving activity that gain power and flexibility as
practiced. According to the definition by Nofiandari cited in Clay, M definition,
language and visual perception responses are purposefully directed by the reader in
some integrated way to the problem of extracting meaning from cues in a text in
sequence, so that the reader brings a maximum or understanding to the author’s
Reading is a necessary skill that all students must have. It would help them in
comprehending the meaning of the text learned in school, as Tarigan state that
reading is a process of obtaining the writer’s message through written
languages8.According to Cline et al., reading is the process of decoding and
comprehending written text. Decoding entails converting writing system symbol (
together with Braille ) into the spoken words that they represent9. The purpose for
reading the context, the nature of the text, and the reader’s strategies and knowledge
all influence comprehension. The process of construction meaning from written texts
is known as reading.
Reading with young learners usually entails a variety of activities in addition
to the reading itself. We read the images, read the text aloud, retell the story in our
own words, and engage in a variety of text-based activities. A beautiful image of the
book is not enough, language teacher require additional material to support their
reading programs and ensure their success.

b. The Types of Reading

1. Choral reading
Despite the fact that the choral reading is relatively amazing in
modern language classes. This type of reading is still useful in helping
student improve their pronunciation. Working in groups will make students
feel more confident to correctly pronouncing a word, and practice is highly
recommended in this method10. Choral reading improves students’ fluency,
self-confidence, and motivation. Student who would normally be self-
Noviandari, N. 2017. The Effectiveness of Using “ Look and Say Methode “ in Grade The Student of MI
BAiturrahman Suwaluh Academic Years 2015/2016. Sate Islamic Institute of Tulungagung.
Tarigan, henry. G. 2008. Membaca : Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa. Bandung : CV.
Cline , F., Jhonstone, C., & King, T. 2006. Fokus Group Reaction to Three Definition of Reading ( as
Oriiginally Developed in Support NARAP Goal 1 ). Minneapolos, M.N.; National Accessible Reading Assesment
Ag. Bambang, Setiyadi. 2012. Teaching English as a Forein Language. Jakarta : Graha ilmu.

conscious or nervous about reading aloud have built-in support because they
are reading aloud together.
2. Silent Reading
Silent reading is reading done by student is the silent way. The real
reading can begin when the students have learned the word and how to
pronounce them. That is, through silent reading. Reading silently improves
students’ comprehension because it allows them to focus on what they are
reading rather than individual word pronunciation. The teacher can also
check to see if the student understand what they have read and put them to
the test by giving them exercise based on the text and summarizing the text.
3. Intensive Reading
Intensive reading requires students to read in depth with specific
learning objectives and tasks11. It means that intensive reading can be
contrasted with extensive reading, in which students read text for enjoyment
and to improve their general reading skill.
4. Extensive Reading
Extensive reading is silent reading, but it is done outside of the
classroom. It means that extensive reading entails reading widely. The aim is
to cover as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. The object
should cover as much as possible. Furthermore, the material that choose foe
extensive reading must have a lower level difficultly than intensive reading.
The aim of extensive reading will be teach the student to read directly and
fluently in the target language foe pleasure, with the assistance of the teacher.
5. Supplementary Reading
Supplementary reading is also done in out class. Students are free to select
their own reading material12. It is made up of magazines, bulletins, or
newspaper written in the target language. It means that when the students
study outside of the class, they can choose a reading book based on their

c. The Purpose of Reading

Grabe and Stoller stated in language learning, there are four primary skills.
They are speaking, listening, writing, and reading at the same time. Reading is one of
the skills, and reading serves many function. When people read something they have
their own reason. This is the following purpose of reading stated by Grabe and
Stoller :
1. Reading to search for simple information
2. Reading to skim quickly
3. Reading to learn from the texts
4. Reading to integrate information
5. Reading to write ( or search for information needed for writing )
6. Reading to critique text

Ag. Bambang, Setiyadi. 2012. Teaching English as a Forein Language. Jakarta : Graha ilmu.
Caroline T. Linse. 2005. Practical English Language Teaching : Young Learners. New York : McGraw-
Hill Companies

7. Reading for general comprehension13

2. Concept of Reading Comprehension

a. Definition Reading Comprehension
Reading can be defined in a variety of ways. Linguist define reading in a
variety of ways. They say that reading is the process of acquiring, comprehending,
and understand the content of the reading. They also state that reading is a process of
comprehending a written text, which entails extracting as much information as
possible from it. Smith defines reading as a creative and constructive activity with
four distinct and fundamental characteristic : it is purposeful, selective, anticipatory,
and based on comprehension, all of which require the reader to clearly exercise
Reading comprehension, as shown by Serevallo refers to reading for
meaning, understanding, and entertainment15. It requires increased thinking abilities
and is far more complex than simply understanding specific words. It means that
reading comprehension is knowing what is in the text, getting the true meaning in the
text, and understanding the text if you know the word of meaning in the text.
Based on the statements above, it is possible to conclude that reading
comprehension is an active process of obtaining a message from the author’s written
text, as well as a process of comprehending the text’s context, vocabulary,
grammatical structure, and concept.

b. The strategies for Reading Comprehension

There are some basic strategies for reading comprehension, according to
Brown cited in Elnanda. The following are the primary strategies:
1. The readers have to identify your purpose in reading text.
2. The readers have to apply spelling rules and conventions for bottom-up
3. The readers have to use lexical analysis (prefixes, roots, suffixes, and others)
to determine meaning.
4. The readers have to guess at meaning of (words, idioms, and others) when
they are not certain.
5. The readers have to skim the text for the gist and main ideas.
6. The readers have to scan the text for the specific information (names, dates,
7. The readers have to use silent reading techniques for rapid processing16.

Grabe, Wiliam and Stoller, Fredericka. 2011. Teaching and Researching Reading. Britain : Pearson
Smith, F. 2004. Understanding Reading : A Psycholingustic Analyis of Reading and Learning to Read
Sixth Ed. New Jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,.p.3
Jennifer Serravallo. 2010. Teaching Reading in Small Groups Differentiated Instruction for Building
Strategic, Independent Readers. Heinamann: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc, p. 43
Brown, H. D. 2000. Principle of Language Learning and Teaching (4thed ). New York, NY : Longman

c. The Components of Reading Comprehension

There are six major components of reading comprehension, according to
Donald cited in Elnanda. They are as follows:
1. Decoding Knowledge
Knowledge is used to determine the oral equivalent of a written word.
Decoding knowledge is important for comprehension when determining the
oral equivalent of a word to help a reader. Identifying meaning is frequently
true and relatively unfamiliar with printed of many word in spoken but are
relatively unfamiliar with printed word.
2. Vocabulary Knowledge
The knowledge is what one has about word meaning used to
Determine the appropriate meaning for a word in a particular context.
Vocabulary knowledge is important at all grade levels, but is particularly
important aspect of reading instruction as develop and Explore less familiar
subject offers with somewhat specialized.
3. Syntactic Knowledge
Knowledge of the order rules that determine grammatical function
sometimes the meaning and pronunciation of word. Syntactic knowledge
includes understanding word order rules that exist within sentence and
4. Discourse Knowledge
Knowledge of language organization at units beyond the single
sentence level includes knowledge of the structure organization of different
type of writing.
5. Readiness Aspect
Referring to the distinctive concept, traditionally, reading can be the
capability of the pupil to gain from initial reading instruction.
6. Effectiveness Aspect
Reading comprehension includes both interest and attitude; and these
increase motivation and facilitate reading comprehension. Thus, to facilitate
comprehension, always make reading and reading Instruction as interesting
and enjoyable as possible. Affective aspect is essential to consider at age and
grade level17.

d. Instrument of Reading Comprehension

There are some covers comprehension of these features based on Brown's the
ory in language assessment:
1. Main idea (topic)
2. Expressions/idioms/Phrases in content
3. Inference (implied detail)
4. Grammatical feature
5. Detail (scanning for a specifically stated detail)

Donald, J. Leu, Jr and Charles, K. Kinzer. 1987. Effective Reading Instruction in Elementary Grades.
United States : Merril Publishing Company.

6. Excluding fact not written (unstated details)

7. Supporting idea(s)
8. Vocabulary in context18

3. Concept of Teaching reading

Before they are learned a reading lesson, students should understand why
they are reading. So, before teaching students to read, first teachers should inform their
purpose to the student. This is the important one that they have to know, because this is
necessary for them to understanding the purpose of reading. This can allows them to
focus on what they want to read effectively. The teacher should make a strategy and
activity in which students can identify the main idea and supporting ideas, rhetorical
frames, and help students activate their background knowledge when teaching reading.
Brown defines teaching as “guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the
learner to learn, and establishing the conditions for learning.19” It means that teaching is
a process that allows students to gain knowledge from their learning activities. Teaching
reading can be used for a variety of other purposes. Any exposure to English (provided
students understand it to some extent) is beneficial to English students.
In other words, by teaching students to read, they will be able to comprehend
the text. It is important to teach students reading activities. Students are aware of what
they read and how they read. Reading classes provide students with multiple chances to
learn a language, including vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the structure of
sentences, paragraphs, and texts. In reading comprehension classes, the teacher follows a
few rules. The principles can be used as a parameter restrict of the teachers from
teaching reading. Furthermore, the teacher must be aware of the principles that can be
used as a parameter in teaching reading. Harmer's principles for teaching reading are as
Reading Key principles
1. Principle 1: Encourage students to read as often and as much as possible
2. principle 2: Students need to be engaged with what they are reading
3. Principle 3: Encourage students to respond to the content of a text (and
Explore their feelings about it), not just concentrate on its construction.
4. Principle 4: Prediction is a major factor in reading.
5. Principle 5: Match the task to the topic when using intensive reading texts
6. Principle 6: Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full.20

There are six principles in teaching reading that can be used to guide teachers
through the process of teaching and learning.
Based on the explanations, it is possible to conclude that teaching is a process by which
learners obtain information from their learning activity. It is important to teach students
reading activities so that they can understand what they read and how they read.

Brown. H. D. 2003. Language Assessment Principle and Classroom Practices. Longman: California,
Brown. H. D.2003. Language Assessment : Principles and classroom Practices. Longman : California,
p. 206
Jeremy Harmer. 2007. How to Teach English New Edition. New York: Longman Impression, p.102

4. Concept of Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension

According to Hasibuan cited in Elnanda, the following strategies can help
students read more quickly and efficiently:
1. Previewing
Reviewing titles, area heading and photograph caption to get a feel of
the structure and contact of reading selection.
2. Predicting
Using understanding of the subject matter to make prediction about
content and vocabulary and check comprehension, using knowledge
about the text kind and purpose to make prediction about discourse
3. Skimming and Scanning
Using a shortly survey of the text to get the main idea, identify text
structure, confirm or question prediction.
4. Guessing from context
Using prior knowledge of the subject and the thoughts in the textual
content as clues to the meaning of unknown words, instead to stopping to
seem to be them up.
5. Paraphrasing
Stopping at the stop of area to test comprehension by restarting and
ideas in the text21.

5. Concept of Method
a. Definition of Method
Method is used to carry out the plan that has already been prepared in its
activities is order to achieve the goals that have been set. This means that the
method plays an important role in learning activities, the successful
implementation is dependent on the partner learning strategies teacher use
instructional methods for learning strategies can only be implemented through
the use of learning method22. Method that are related in such a way that learners
can study the teaching materials presented by the teacher with ease. Efficiency in
in method selection has the potential to create conducive conditions for learning
fun, so learning activities ( instructional activities ) can take place effectively and
efficiently in facilitating learners to achieve expected learning outcomes. As a
result, the method is a critical component in providing the condition for learning
activities. Method can also be defined as “ the process of planning, selecting, and
grading language Material and items, teaching techniques, and others23.
Base on the definition above that in doing everything there will always be the
way. In teaching learning process, the teacher who wishes to deliver the lesson
should be able to select the appropriate method of teaching. Because method of

Hasibuhan, Kalayo & M. Fauzan Ansyari. 2007. Teaching English as a Foreign Language ( TEFL ).
Pekanbaru : Alaf Riau Graha UNRI Press.
Directorat Tenaga Kependidikan. 2008. Strategi Pembelajaran dam Pemilihannya. Jakarta : Depertemen
23 M.F. Pate and Praveen M. Jain. 2008. English Language Teaching. Jaipur : Sunrise Publisher and

teaching can influence the teaching result. In other words, by using an

appropriate method, student will be able to better understand what the teacher is
saying, and the students will be more motivated to learn the material that the
teacher is teaching.
The characteristics of the method are likely to facilitate learners when
process learning, among other :
 Allows the creation of conducive for learning
 Makes it easy for learners to learn in teaching material during the
learning process.
 To motivate learners to participate actively in all activities learning.
 Allow learners acquire learning experience that includes all the
potential in hi equally.
 Allows learners to reflect freely again the learning experience gained
while interacting with their surrounding ( Physical and Social ).
 Encouraging the growth and development of personality of students,
especially that attitude open, democratic, self-discipline,
responsibility, and tolerance commitment to the values of the socio-
cultural nation24.

b. The Alternative of Method

1) Inquiry
Inquiry is defined as a process that necessitates high-level interaction
between teacher and student, as well as between teachers, learners, and
the subject matter environment. The most important part of this
inquiry’s process is the interaction between teacher and students, who
are both inquirers , seekers, answerers, and analysts.
2) Discovery
Discovery teaching method is teaching procedures with emphasize
individual studies or analyze , manipulation of object and experiments
carried out by learners before drawing a conclusion.
3) Cooperative learning
Cooperative learning is a strategy or an approach where the student
work together in small group to learn those materials and concepts in
order to achieve a common goal.
4) Mastery learning
Mastery learning is a complete learning that emphasis on how the
system bases its proper teaching so that teacher do with the
determination of the learners learn best.
5) Problem solving
Problem solving is not just a method of teaching, but also a method of

Rianto. Milan. 2006. Pendekatan, Strategi and Methode Pembelajaran. Malang : Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional.p.9

6. Concept of Look and Say Method

a. Definition Look and Say Method
According to Edhitin cited in thesis by Noviandari look and Say method is a
method that be used for teaching reading to children about how to spell words in
English25. The Look and Say technique basically teaches children to recognize
words apart from stories. Children should learn to read words in their entirety
rather than in parts. This method is the result of more than three decades of
research with both normal and brain-damaged children. The look and say
method, also known as the whole word method, was developed in the 1830s and
quickly became a popular method of teaching reading. By the 1930s and 1940s,
there was a strong emphasis on using this method to teach children to read.
However, in the 1950s, it was harshly criticized in favor of phonics-based
instruction stated by Stephanie cited in thesis by Endriani.
The Look and Say method is regarded as a highly effective method of
children’s learning and development. It is founded on the finding of guilt that
learning is a natural instinctive motivation in young children that is frequently
curtailed by abuse or lack of exposure through education system. The look and
say method teaches students to read words as whole units rather than as
individual letters or groups of letters. Children are repeatedly told the word name
while viewing the printed word, which may be accompanied by a picture or
placed in a meaningful context.
The look and say method is a method of teaching beginning readers to read
by having them memorize and recognize whole words instead on connecting
letters with sounds. The Look and Say teaching method focuses on teaching
children to understand complete short sentences. This is accomplished through
the use of picture flash cards, where parents can read each word on the card
while the child repeats it. If a picture card can not be used, the child will guess
what is on the card, which is not the intended outcome; therefore, picture cards
must be used.
Children will begin to learn each word by pointing to it as the parent reads
the sentences. After going over many cards, and hopefully with the help of other
techniques such as the Phonetics Method, children will eventually begin to
understand written language. Look and Say can be used in pre-schools, boarding
schools, integrated educational institutions, or the early years of primary school
for individual or group sessions or classes.

b. Technique to Teaching Look and Say Method

According to Nofiandari, the look and say method is learned by showing the
students the word and saying it while pointing to the object. The word must be
repeated by the students. This occurs several times for each word. The
introduction of the word takes only a few minutes and is over quickly, so the
teacher may spend some time on it. At this stage, there are numerous word

Edhitin, G. 2000. Developing Reading Skill for EFL Students. Jakarta: Departmen Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Indonesia.

recognition games that can be played. Matching words and pictures, pointing to
the object on the card, guessing which word, and so on26.
In this study, the researcher chose matching word or sentence from reading
passage with picture in puzzle and essay picture as methods of look and say.
There were a few steps to apply in look and say.
 The first step is to provide material in the form of text on the theme of
daily activities.
 Second, provide a picture in the form of sentences related to the puzzle,
and then students have to write words into the puzzle based on the
 In the third step, invite students to read all of the words that are
accompanied by their definitions.
 The fourth step divide the students into three groups, with one member
from each group taking the stage in front of the class. Then the teacher
read the text randomly, and the students should pay attention of which
sentence that the teacher read. And then the students should repeat the
sentences with correct pronunciation and match the sentence to the
 In the final steps, students should correctly answer one question.

c. Teaching principle of Look and Say Method

New words are introduced to the kids by allowing them to see, hear, and see
a picture that relates to the word. Flashcards are commonly used with single
words and are followed by a picture. The flashcard is shown to the kids several
times until the word is memorized.
Progressive texts are used in conjunction with strictly controlled vocabularies
that contain only the words that have been learned. Initially, the child may focus
on memorizing a few hundred words. Once these have been mastered, new words
are gradually added to the repertoire. In his or her first three or four years of
school, a child should be able to recognize 1.500 to 3.000 words.

d. The Advantages of Look and Say Method

According to Noviandari there are some advantages of Look Say Method
6. To become fluent readers, all children, even those taught initially using
phonics-based methods, must potentially be able to recognize whole
words. Literate adults use whole word recognition to read all familiar
7. Using the look and say method, a child can learn to recognize any word.
In comparison, many words in the English language are not phonetically
regular and cannot be learned solely through phonetic means. These

Noviandari, N. 2017. The Effectiveness of Using “ Look and Say Methode “ in Grade The Student of MI
BAiturrahman Suwaluh Academic Years 2015/2016. Sate Islamic Institute of Tulungagung.

“tricky” words are oftenly high frequency words that children experience
on a daily basis while reading and writing.
8. Because it is based on words rather than individual sounds, this teaching
method is simple for parents to understand. Learning sounds and their
blends, as required in phonics-based methods, can also be more
interesting for the child.
9. This method is especially suitable for teaching infants and young toddlers
to read. They have been observed participating in such activities.
10. Children who are learned the look and say method have higher reading
levels than children who are learned phonics because they learn to
recognize a limited number of words automatically. Although later tests
show that the look and say method performs less as well as children learn
longer and more complex words27.

B. Frame of Hypothesis
Based on theories and assumption above, the researcher formulates on the
Hypothesis in this research will be:

Ho : There is no a significant effect of using Look and Say Method for teaching reading
comprehension to the first semester of the eighth grade Student’s of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Al-karomah In Academic Year 2021/2022.

Ha : There is a significant effect of using Look and Say Method for teaching reading
comprehension to the first semester of the eighth grade Student’s of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Al-karomah In Academic Year 2021/2022.

Noviandari, N. 2017. The Effectiveness of Using “ Look and Say Methode “ in Grade The Student of MI
BAiturrahman Suwaluh Academic Years 2015/2016. Sate Islamic Institute of Tulungagung.



A. Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-karomah In Academic
Year 2021/2022.
For the location I choose Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-karomah as a research place.
First and the most important thing is , the tittle has not yet been examined in this location.
Second, the location is appropriate for my abilities, time and financial constraints.
Aside from that, the researcher discovered a problem with the students’ ability in this
school, particularly in reading comprehension. As a result, it was necessary to determine
whether the Look and say Method can be used to teach reading comprehension.

B. Research Design
According to Cresswell, research is a series of steps used to collect and analyze
information in order to gain a better understanding of a topic or issue28. This research was
conducted by applying experimental design that would be researched in order to test and
prove a hypothesis by giving treatment to the sample. This experimental research will show
whether using Look and Say Method is a better method study. Experimental class and
Control class would teach by using different method. It can be seen from the following
Table 1
Research Design
Experimental Class = T1 X T2

Control Class = T1 O T2

Note :
X : Treatment by using Look and Say Method
O : No treatment
T1 : Pre-test
T2 : Post-test29

In this research, the researcher gave pre-test to know student comprehension and
understanding in reading comprehension. After the researcher gave pre-test, the researcher
gave treatment to experimental class and control class. Treatment by using Look and Say
method will be used to experimental class and control class when teaching reading
comprehension. At the end of the research, the researcher gave post-test in order to know the
Look and Say Method is effect student in understanding reading comprehension.

Creswell, W. Jhon. 2008. Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and
qualitative research. USA: Pearson Education.
Cresswell, John W. 2012. Educational Research. Boston: Pearson Education.

C. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

1. Population
According to Gay, the population is the group of interest to the researcher,
the group to which the study’s findings should be generalizable30. According to
Creswell, a population is a group of people who share similar characteristics31. The
population of this research was the first semester of eighth grade students of
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Karomah, which total number of population is 97 students,
which consist of 3 classes. It can be seen in the table below :

Table 2
The total number of the Eight Grade Students of Madtasah Tsanawiyah

No Class Genders Total

Male Female
1 VIII A 13 17 30
2 VIII B 17 19 36
3 VIII C 15 16 31
Total 45 52 97

2. Sample
According to Creswell, a sample is a subset of the target population that the
researcher intends to study in order to generalize sampling32. The sample will be
chosen using the total sampling method. According to Creswell, convenience
sampling occurs when participants are convenient to the researcher and available for
the study. It will correct itself when the time, situation, and location are
Choosing a sample is a critical step in conducting a research study.
According to Arikunto, the sample is a part of the population of the object research34.
Sample is also a method by which the researcher selects a number of individuals to
represent the population as a sample. A sample, according to Ary, is a person from
the population35. It means that a good sample should be as representative of the
entire population as possible, so that the sample can be generalized as true as the

Gay, L. R. 1987. Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application. London: Merril
Publishing Company.
Creswell, W. Jhon. 2008. Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and
qualitative research. USA: Pearson Education,p.142
Creswell, W. Jhon. 2008. Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and
qualitative research. USA: Pearson Education,p.146
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Ary, Donald and friends. 2002. Introduction to research in education. USA: Wadsworth Group.

Based on the statement above, the researcher used two classes of the eighth
grade as a sample in this study, VIII B as a experimental class and VIII C as a
control class.

3. Sampling
L.R Gay defines sampling as the process of selecting a number of people for
a study in such a way that the people represent the large group from which they were
chosen36. According to Gay, the purpose of sampling is to gather information about a
population, rarely is a study conducted that includes the entire population of
In this research, the researcher applied cluster random sampling technique for
choosing experimental class and control class because the population is in groups.
Cluster random sampling is similar to simple random sampling except that groups
rather than individuals are randomly selected, the sampling unit is a groups rather
than individual38. The step in determining the experimental and control class are as
follow :
 First, the researcher made a kind of lottery.
 Second, the researcher provide there pieces of small paper in which each
piece will have the name of each class then the researcher rolls them up and
put them into a box.
 Third, the researcher shook the box and took one piece of the paper.
 Last, the first paper as an experimental class and the second one as a control
class. The VIII B as experimental class and VIII C as control class.

D. Data Collection
In data collection, the researcher followed the procedure as following:
1. Pre-test
The Pre-test was performed prior to the treatment. A pre-test, according to
Cresswell, is a measure of some attributes or characteristics that are assessed for
participants in an experiment before they receive treatment39. The purpose of
administering a pre-test to students was to determine their analytical exposition
reading comprehension prior to implementing the Look and Say method.
2. Treatment
Following the pre-test, the researcher started the lesson for four meetings.
Teaching and learning about the objective material, as well as information about the
look and say method, were provided by the teacher.
3. Post-test
Following the last treatment, the class was given a post-test. The post-test
procedure was identical to the pre-test procedure. The post-test was administered to
the students by the researcher. The test was not the same as the pre-test. After
Gay, L. R. 1987. Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application. London: Merril
Publishing Company.
Gay, L. R. 1987. Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application. London: Merril
Publishing Company.
Jack R. Fraenkel. 2009. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education : New York.p.97
Cresswell, John W. 2012. Educational Research. Boston: Pearson Education.

teaching reading comprehension using the look and say method, the post-test
functioned to determine the students' knowledge and ability in understanding their
reading improvement. The sentence or reading passage that will be a test and
consisted of fifteen numbers for the puzzle include the picture and five numbers for
the picture essay. And the picture is related to the reading passage.
The test was given to both of experimental and control groups, in order to
find out the effect of using Look and Say method and using not using Look and Say
method in teaching reading comprehension.

E. The Technique for Collecting Data

The step of data collected was undertaken by quantitative analysis as following :
1. Scoring the students’ correct answer of pre-test and post-test.

Students’ score = x100

2. Classifying the students’ score using the following scale :

Table 3
Score Percentage
91 – 100 Very Good
76 – 90 Good
61 – 75 Fairly
51 – 60 Poor
Less than 50 Very Poor

3. Computing the frequency and the rule percentage of the students’ score

P = x 100

Where :
P = percentage
F = Frequency
N = The total number of student

4. Calculating the collected data from the student in answering the test, the researcher
used formula to get the mean score of the student as follows :


Where :
X : Mean score
∑ : The sum all score
: The total number of samples

F. Variable
A variable is anything that will become the subject of the study or the influencing
factors that will be investigated. According to Arikunto, a variable is anything to which the
researcher expects to find an answer40.According to Cresswell, a variable is a characteristic
or attribute of an individual or an organization that a researcher can measure or observe and
that varies across individuals or organizations studied41.
The variables investigated in this experimental study classified into two groups:
1. Independent variable
According to Arikunto, the independent variable is referred to as the causing
variable42. An independent variable is something that is purposefully manipulated by
a researcher. The independent variable in this study is teaching reading using the
“Look and Say method.”
2. Dependent variable
According to Arikunto, the dependent variable is the effected variable43. A
dependent variable is one that is influenced by an independent variable in a function
relationship. The dependent variable in this study is student reading achievement.

G. Research Instrument
The purpose of the research instrument, which was a test, used to determine how
well students understood reading comprehension. The test consisted of a pre-test and a post-
test. The test was a vocabulary test with 20 numbers, fifteen numbers for a puzzle, and five
numbers for a picture essay, as well as a pre-test and post-test.

H. Technique of Data Analysis

The data gain statistically by using technique and step as the following :
1. Normality test
The normality test was used to measure whether the data in the experimental
class and control class in normality distributed or not.
The hypothesis formula are :

| ( ) ( )|

Ho : The data from population that have normal distribution

Ha : The data from population that do not have normal distribution

While the criteria acceptance or rejection of hypothesis are :

Ho is accepted if Lobsrved Ltable = 0.05
Ha is accepted if Lobcerved Ltable = 0.05

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Cresswell, John W. 2012. Educational Research. Boston: Pearson Education.
Arikunto, Suharsini. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
Arikunto, Suharsini. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

To test the normality data, it used liliefors test by doing some step as follows :
 Observation X1, X2, X3…..Xn are made standard value Z1,Z2,Z3…..Zn with
the formula :

( ̅)

Where the average :


And the standard deviation :

∑( ̅)

 For each standard coefficient, using absolute normal standard distribution,

the count the frequency F (Zi )=p ( z zi )
 Then count proportion Z1,Z2,Z3…..Zn which smaller equal to Zi
 Count the difference F(Zi ) – S( Zi )then determine the absolute value.
 Take the higher value among the differences absolute values, say that the
value 1…if
Lo Lt, which is got from critical value of the liliefors test at real level
Ltable = 0,05 the data distribution is normal

2. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is used to determine whether the data obtained from the sample
homogenous or not.
The hypothesis are :
Ho : The variant of data are homogenous
Ha : The variant of data are not homogenous

The variant of both sample are homogeneity, it used to variant homogeneity

Formula :

And homogeneity variant can be calculated using the formula by test F.

Formula :

While the criteria acceptance or rejection of hypothesis are :

Ho is accepted if Fobserved Ftable = 0,05
Ha is accepted if Fobserved Ftable = 0,05

I. Hypothesis Testing
To investigate whether there is effect Look and Say Method in teaching reading
comprehension to the first semester of eighth grade student of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-
Karomah. After knowing the data are normal or homogenous the researcher used
independent sample t-test to analyze the data.

Where the hypothesis of the research are :

Ho : There is no a significant effect of using Look and Say Method for teaching reading
comprehension to the first semester of the eighth grade Student’s of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Al-karomah In Academic Year 2021/2022.

Ha : There is a significant effect of using Look and Say Method for teaching reading
comprehension to the first semester of the eighth grade Student’s of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Al-karomah In Academic Year 2021/2022.

Table 4
Hypothesis testing
Comparison Hypothesis
Ho Ha
t-test t-table Accepted Rejected
t-test t-table Rejected Accepted

The table above indicates that the t-test value was greater than the t-table
value, indicating that the null hypothesis was rejected while the alternative
hypothesis was accepted. And that the test t-test value was less than the t-table value,
indicating that the null hypothesis was accepted while the alternative hypothesis was

While criteria acceptance or rejection of the test are :

Ho is accepted if t-test t-table = 0,05
Ha is accepted if t-test t-table = 0,05

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