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Shelte for Life Interna onal

Badakhshan Sub Office

Monitoring and Evalua on Department
Date: / 21 / 11 / 2023
The SFL organiza on M&E department conducted that how the food commodi es’ cartons
PLW-LNS and WSB are marketed in Badakhshan province and how the people can accessed to
them to verifying the sources.
The World Food Program (WFP) is His name is Saifuddin, a residents of Kabul province, the picture have been taken while he
an interna onal organiza on within was transpor ng the various cartons of WFP from 404 border to Bahark city of Badakhshan
the United Na ons that provides food
assistance worldwide. It is the world's
largest humanitarian organiza on and
the one of the provider of food
assistances especially in Afghanistan.

So, SFL (Shelter for Life) is one of the

organiza on that who implements
the WFP’s projects based on food
assistances in Badakhshan province.

Therefore, regarding of the WFP/SFL

policies, vending of WFP’s food
commodi es are certainly not
allowed in the markets and the LNS-
PLW- WSB cartons even their bags are
not being used or be available in the

Furthermore, it’s men onable that the SFL’s colleagues be er

know the rules and procedures of WFP-UN to not distribute the
assistances with cartons although they trained to how
conduced the process at the target distribu on points.

On the date of 21 November, 2023 SFL organiza on assigned

Monitoring Department to various districts of Badakhshan
province indeed, to Shohada, Baharak, and Kishem districts for
percep on of the WFP cartons, why their amounts are
increased or what the people used thoroughly of them in their
daily ac vi es at the men oned districts.

So, as the M&E team assigned and considered the men oned
process, more numbers of the cartons were traded in the
targeted markets and realis cally as sufficiently WFP’s cartons
and bags have been seen in various spots of the anamnesis

Prepared by: Ahmad Ershad Mahir

Shelte for Life Interna onal
Badakhshan Sub Office
Monitoring and Evalua on Department
Date: / 21 / 11 / 2023
Based on The M&E inves ga ons and delibera ons with shopkeepers and had séance with district governor of the
men oned district about underhung issue that the monitoring team had visited the field and inspected the process
to found the sources or how the cartons being appears and marketed in the different parts of the city.

Prepared by: Ahmad Ershad Mahir

Shelte for Life Interna onal
Badakhshan Sub Office
Monitoring and Evalua on Department
Date: / 21 / 11 / 2023

For instance, the district governor of Baharak district argued that “it’s the third months that the process of food
distribu on is not happening in this district and in previous periods while the process of food distribu on ended, the
SFL site’s supervisor destroyed and burned all the commodi es’ cartons.

And he added that, the empty cartons who are accessible in this district are not refer to as, and he also con nued
that, actually I am frankly telling that, lots of the empty cartons as we are onlookers, related to the clinics and they

Prepared by: Ahmad Ershad Mahir

Shelte for Life Interna onal
Badakhshan Sub Office
Monitoring and Evalua on Department
Date: / 21 / 11 / 2023
imported from other provinces to here based on needs and over and over as sufficiently enough cartons are coming
for transferring the seasonal fresh’s fruits for other provinces.

On the other hand, Gul Mohammad is one of the Shopkeepers who had involves in this profession and some mes
transfer the fruits thoroughly out of the provinces said, exchanging of the cartons as generally are got increased in
various provinces of Afghanistan and the one who needs it, with no any interdic on can by it or order from other
places. The majority of provinces that we request the cartons are Mazar e Sharif, Kondoz, and Kabul and they are
the main sources of WFP’s cartons juice up the markets.

In conclusion, based on M&E observa ons as who had considered and accomplished the process of trading of the
WFP’s cartons and bags over Badakhshan markets, overtly can statements that they are not pertaining anywise to
Badakhshan province. It’s indicated that there are other ins tu ons who may have the WFP's projects to circulate
the process of WFP's evoke cartons in the markets.

Some basic suggestions are bellow to help the process for decreasing of the WFP’s
cartons in the markets
1. The implementers or CPs who have projects of WFP organiza on, especially in rela on food assistances,
should destroyed or make useless LNS- PLW- WSB cartons at the end of the distribu on process with presence
of WFP-TPM and DEFACTO authority’s and reported.
2. It’s definitely not be allowed to distribute the food commodi es with cartons or bags for the beneficiaries
through the CPs and got awareness.
3. It must be coordinated via WFP- Monitoring department with the government of Afghanistan to inform the
people in order to avoid from buying and selling of the WFP’s assistances in the local markets.
4. It should be announced through the Medias for the people that WFP’s assistances are not permi ed for the
daily businesses and the one whoever is involved in this theorem, should be punished.

Prepared by: Ahmad Ershad Mahir

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