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○ SCENE 1:

- Teacher (Thùy) : today we have had a brief look at Vietnamese national

holiday, right. I have a question for you. What important national holiday falls in
- Students: it’s April 30
- teacher (Thuy): right. So what is its name?
-Student: Liberation Day/Reunification Day
- teacher: Well done. Liberation Day/Reunification Day is a very important day
in Vietnamese history. What you have to do at home is : study April 30 with its
meaning. Let’s do this assignment in groups of 10 students.
- Students: What is the deadline for this assignment?
- Teacher: The deadline is Saturday, 16 April.
- Students: yes, teacher
-Teacher: remember your homework. Goodbye
-Student: goodbye. See you soon
○ SCENE 2:
- Hs1: Hey hey, what should we do with this activity?
- Hs2: Hmm, I think, we need to prepare carefully for this exercise, especially
when the occasion of April 30 is near. Anyone has an idea?
- Hs3: Maybe we can find some information in the History book of grade 11.
- Hs4: it sounds a good idea but I think it’s a bit boring.
- Hs5: Let’s go somewhere with a lot of historical information.
- Hs1: That's great idea!
- Hs5: But..where can we go?
- Hs6: What about the library? There's also a lot of historical documents..
- Hs2: But we need a place with specific illustrations.
- Hs3: What about museums? It is full of information, pictures, exhibitions.
- Hs 5: There’s no doubt about it.
- Hs 4: so, what time is suitble?
- Hs 6: let's go at 3pm on Friday.
- Everyone: Ok
○ SCENE 3: at the museum
- Hs1: Wow. I haven't been to the museum for a long time. So exciting (being
- Hs2: Let's go inside.
(Go inside, they meet the curator of the museum)

- The curator (Vinh): Hello guys, welcome you to the museum. What can I do for
- Hs3: good afternoon. We come here today to find out about April 30, the day to
liberate the South and unify the country.
- The curator (Vinh): It's great that you, young generation, want to learn about
this great event. My name is Vinh, the curator of this museum. Let me take you
guys around
- Students: Yes, thank you very much.
(Students walk while listening to Vinh's story)
- Vinh: At the end of 1974, when the battlefield situation had many changes in
our favor, the Politburo held a meeting and came to a decision to liberate the
South in 1975. The order "Faster, more daring, take advantage of every hour
every minutes to the battlefield to liberate the South, decide to fight and win" that
the Commander-in-Chief - General Vo Nguyen Giap on behalf of the Central
Military Commission transmitted throughout the battlefield as a wave of cheering
up the fighting spirit and determination to fight and victory of the entire
Vietnamese people.
- Vinh: Under the leadership of the Party, Vietnam People’s Army carried out the
General Offensive and uprising throughout the South and won consecutive
victories. At the end of April 1975, our troops rushed like a storm advancing to
liberate Saigon. The historic Ho Chi Minh campaign went to the final victory, the
Vietnamese home country gained a term.
- Vinh: So, in your opinion, what is the reason for America's defeat and
Vietnam's victory with the independence for our country?
- Hs4: I know I know! Because the people's consensus and synergies along with
the ingenious direction of President Ho Chi Minh have created an unforgettable
historical milestone and a free Vietnam as it is today.
- Vinh: good answer, boy. This victory means a lot to the entire Vietnamese
people. the April 30 campaign failed the imperialist plots and tricks to attack
socialism and world revolution; defeated imperialism's longest and largest-scale
war of aggression since World War II, bankrupted the imperialist new type of
colonial war strategy, and affected the America's interior.
- Hs5: In my opinion, our Vietnamese people have ended 21 years of fighting
against the American imperialists, 30 years of revolutionary war, 117 years of
fighting against imperial aggressors, wiping out invaders, regaining
independence, unification and territorial integrity of the country.
- Hs6: As for me, April 30 successfully ended the national people's democratic
revolution on a national scale, opening a new era for the nation, an era of peace
and unity throughout the country. share the same strategic mission, to advance to
socialism; increasing material and spiritual strength, position and force for the
Vietnamese revolution and nation, raising the prestige of the Party and nation in
the international arena; improve mettle, pride and save valuable experiences for
the cause of building and defending the country.
- Vinh: You guys are really knowledgeable about April 30th. Surely you are all
students who love History very much, right?
- Hs1: Yes. We see that as a history lover, the past is one of the springboards for
us to move towards the future. It is not only a dry story, but through which we
understand more about each hero, each milestone of time, and also a valuable
lesson for the future of the country. And through many different resistance wars,
April 30 is the day when the three regions converge, there is no longer the
distinction between North and South, only the S-shaped Vietnam and the two
Hoang Sa Truong Sa archipelagoes remain. So I hope that history will be more
practical in life, making it a part of us, of society.
/People is talking/
- Vinh: Thank you for visiting the museum today. I am very happy to help you,
learn about history in general and about April 30 in particular. Goodbye guys and
see you next time.
- Hs3: Thank you for taking the time to take us on a tour. We look forward to our
next meeting Mr.Vinh. See you soon!
Hs2,4: good bye Mr. Vinh!
/Waving hand/

○ SCENE 4: the meaning of April 30

April 30th, 1975 is the day that marks the fall of Saigon government,
ending the Vietnam War and leading to the liberation of Vietnam’s southern part,
gloriously ending the longest, most difficult and greatest struggle for national
salvation in the history of our people's fight against foreign aggression.
Every year since, the country celebrates this day as a commemoration to
the reunification between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the North and
the Republic of Vietnam in the South into the Socialist Republic of Vietnam as
we know today.

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