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Sex Education is high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics

related to sex and sexuality. It explores values and beliefs about those topics and helps the

people gain the skills that are needed to navigate relationships with self, partners, and

community, and manage one’s own sexual health. Sex Education depends on the age and

developmental level of the student, as well as the ways of how a teacher will teach this

subject seriously without students laughing. Sex Education should be taught in school

because it can teach teenagers how the reproductive system works and how to use

contraceptives when engaging intimacy with the opposite gender.

Sex Education teaches how the reproductive health is important. Reproductive health

is the state of physical, mental, total well-being and proper functioning of reproductive

organs in all phases of reproduction. Increasing awareness about our reproductive health. It

helps in educating every youth about sexual and reproductive health, creates awareness

among adolescents about safe sexual practices, help in preventing sexually transmitted

infections, including HIV/AIDS, protect both the mother and the child from infectious

diseases and to deliver a healthy baby. (BYJUS, 2023)

Developing a healthy sexuality is a core developmental milestone for child and

adolescent health. Youth need developmentally appropriate information about their sexuality
and how it relates to their bodies, community, culture, society, mental health, and

relationships with family, peers, and romantic partners. (AAP, 2023)

Sex Education also teaches teenagers how to use contraceptives to avoid unwanted

pregnancy at an early age. Comprehensive Sex Education teaches about abstinence as the best

method for avoiding STDs and unintended pregnancy, but also teaches about condoms and

contraception to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy and of infection with STDs,

including HIV. It also teaches interpersonal and communication skills and helps young

people explore their own values, goals, and options. (AdvocatesforYouth, 2023)

By reducing rates of unintended pregnancies, contraception also reduces the need for

unsafe abortion and reduces HIV transmissions from mothers to newborns. This can also

benefit the education of girls and create opportunities for women to participate more fully in

society, including paid employment. (Turgovnik, 2017)

Sex education is the process of teaching people about sex and sexuality. It covers a

wide range of topics, including human anatomy and physiology, sexual development and

puberty, sexual orientation and gender identity, relationships and consent, sexual and

reproductive health, and sexual violence and abuse.

Sex education is important for people of all ages, but it is especially important for

young people. Young people are going through many changes during puberty, and they need

accurate information about sex and sexuality in order to make wise decisions about their
bodies and their relationships especially when they are about to hit puberty. Contact your

school and let them know that you support sex education in schools because it can help

spread awareness of how to avoid unintended pregnancy at an early age and why it is

important to know how to use contraceptives. Sex education is an important subject and part

of a well-rounded education. It can help young people to develop the knowledge and skills

they need to make healthy choices for themselves and their partners. In conclusion, sex

education is an essential part of a comprehensive health education program. It is important

for all people, but especially young people, to have access to accurate and unbiased

information about sex and sexuality.

AAP. (2023, july 14). Retrieved from Why is it important to know about reproductive health and sex

AdvocatesforYouth. (2023). Retrieved from Sex Education Programs: Definitions & Point-by-Point

BYJUS. (2023). Retrieved from Why is reproductive health necessary:

Turgovnik, J. (2017). WHO. Retrieved from Contraception:

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