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````` ABK –SSJ Class X

Super 20 NCERT Ch-7 Control –Coordination

Class X Science Worksheet (19th Aug 2022)
Subjective Type Questions
Q1.(a)Which is the largest and most prominent part of the brain? (Board Term I, 2013)
(b) Name the part of hind brain which takes part in regulation of respiration. (CBSE Delhi 2004)
(c) Why is the use of iodised salt advisable ? (CBSE Delhi 2008, CCE 2014, 2015)
Q2.(a) Define reflex action.
(b) Define chemotropism.
Q3.(a)A young green plant receives sunlight from one direction only. What will happen to its shoots and
roots ?
(b) Name the plant hormones which help or promote
(i)Cell division
(ii)Growth of stem
(iii)Inhibits growth.
Q4.(a)While watering a rose plant, a thorn pricked Rita's hand. How would she respond to this situation ?
Provide the term for such a response.
(b)A potted plant is made to lie horizontally on the ground. Which part of the plant will show
(i)Positive geotropism
(ii)Negative geotropism ?
Q5.(a)What is meant by tropic movements ?
(b) A boy runs on seeing a stray dog. His breathing becomes very fast and blood pressure also increases. Name the
hormone found to be high in his blood and the gland which produces it. (CCE 2012, 2013)
Q6.(a) Name two components of central nervous system in humans. (CCE 2012)
(b) Define phototropism. (CCE 2013)
(c) Name one plant hormone which inhibits growth. Write its one function. (CCE 2015)
Q7.(a) Differentiate between the movement of leaves of the sensitive plant and the movement of a shoot towards
light. (CCE 2015)
(b) Mention the part of brain which controls the involuntary action like blood pressure, salivation, etc.(CCE 2015)
Q8. Label the parts (a), (b), (c) and (d) and show the direction of flow of electrical signals in Figure 7.2.

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Q9. Name the plant hormones responsible for the following
(a) Elongation of cells
(b) Growth of stem
(c) Promotion of cell division
(d) Falling of senescent leaves.
Q10. In Figure 7.4 (a), (b) and (c), which appears more accurate and why?

Q11.(a)Label the parts of a neuron in Figure 7.5.

(b) Which system facilitates communication between central nervous system and other parts of the body ? (CCE
2013, 2014)
Q12. Which animal or plant hormone is associated with the following :
(i)Increased sugar level in blood. (ii)Changes at puberty in boys
(iii)Inhibits growth of plants. (iv)Rapid development of fruits
(v)Dwarfism (vi)Goitre. (CBSE Delhi 2008 C)
Q13. What is phototropism ?Describe an activity to demonstrate phototropism.
Q14. Define hormones. Name the hormone secreted by thyroid. Write its functions. Why is the use of iodised salt
advised to us ? (CBSE Delhi 2008, CCE 2011)
Q15.State the sequence of events through a reflex arc which occur when bright light is focused on your eyes.
(CCE 2016)
Q16. Name the hormone which is released when we are in a scary situation. Write two effects of the hormone on
our body that enable the body to deal with the situation. (CCE 2016)
Q17.(a) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of neuro-muscular juction. (CCE 2015)
(b) Whatis reflex arc ?
Q18. Write the function of the following :
(a)Sensory Neuron (b)Cranium (c)Vertebral column (d)Motor Neuron. (CCE 2015)
Q19. Mention one function for each of these hormones :
(a) Thyroxin (b) Insulin (c) Adrenaline (d) Growth hormone (e) Testosterone
Q20.(a) A doctor advised a patient to go on a diet without sugar and take insulin injections also. Name the disease
he is suffering from. Why has he been given the two advices ? (CCE 2014)
(b) Explain the cause of shoots of the plant bending towards light ? (CBSE Delhi 2008, CCE 2010, 2011)

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