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Body systems WORKSHEET 2.

1. Match the words to the photo.

1 2 3 4 5

a) fertilized egg
b) embryo
c) 9 week old fetus
d) umbilical cord
e) 9 month old fetus

2. Complete the chart with the words and symbols below.

ovaries uterus sperm fallopian tubes penis fertilizes

Male Female

3. Unscramble the sentences.

a) baby vagina. the headfirst moves The down

b) and Nutrients cord. travel the oxygen through umbilical

c) The times. divides many egg

Body systems WORKSHEET 2.7

1. Match the words to the photo.

1 2 3 4 5

a) fertilised egg 3
b) embryo 5
c) 9 week old fetus 1
d) umbilical cord 4
e) 9 month old fetus 2

2. Complete the chart with the words and symbols below.

ovaries uterus sperm fallopian tubes penis fertilises

Male Female

sperm ovaries

penis uterus

fertilises fallopian tubes

3. Unscramble the sentences.

a) baby vagina. the headfirst moves The down

The baby moves headfirst down the vagina.

b) and Nutrients cord. travel the oxygen through umbilical

Nutrients and oxygen travel through the umbilical cord.

c) The times. divides many egg

The egg sticks divides many times.

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