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1.-Hi Tom. I was just thinking about you because I remember last
week when we were talking about which activities could for Earth
Day and I’ve thinking about it, and it seems to me that we could
plant trees (tree planting event) in the field outside the school, so the
community could participate too this would be a good way to
contribute to the environment. It would be perfect.! What do you

2.-Well, I have mixed feelings about you idea. Yes, On the one
hand, I agree that it can be funny, however, on the other hand, have
you considered that its likely to rain, moreover, as you know, it’s
cold. In my opinion, a better idea could organize a public park

1.- Well, that is true, it’s a factor to consider. However have you
considered apply for a scholarships? It can be a good option, I’d
love to speak Gaelic and learn how to play Celtic music

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