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Discuss the significance of understanding the virtue of ethics in everyday life. Specially in your chosen
career, family relationships and community welfare participation.

- Virtue of ethics is more on character and personality of a person rather than their capability of
following existing rules or responsibilities. It is an innate nature to do good. It is important in an
individuals everyday life because it is composes their personality and affect how they behave in a
community especially in a workplace. How an individual personally handles or reacts to a
situation will impact their workplace or relationships either positively or negatively and this will
also impact them personally. Being in the hospitality industry, if one isn’t patient and are easily
angered it will impact how they treat or accommodate guests especially it is an industry full of
complaining clients and guests fond of berating staffs as they think highly of themselves, so if
one can’t handle the pressure or can’t stay calm it will affect not only the mental state of the
individual but also the image of the establishment they are working for.

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