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Name: Mina Rezaei Total: /14

Listening Assessment

Please listen to the conversation and answer the questions below. Provide
answers in the following spaces – you do NOT need to use complete sentences
but you do need to provide enough information to show your comprehension.

Questions Answers

What is the main topic of How much they love they job and who
this conversation? inspire them to do this


Do Mauran and Peter have Must of the conversation they were

similar or different agree to each other both have people
opinions? How do you inspire them for their job, both love
know? teaching English, Mauran he is an
mucians,Tacheanig role all the time,
Logicality this is where he see his self
being ,Teaching in his blood. Peter used
to study philosophy in English, but his
passion was to teach English, teaching
language is so different of other type of
teaching, language teaching is more to
teach people who to understand its
totally different from other content,
but they also have different opinion
about they accountant peter is best
friend with his accountant, but mauran
said that his accountant was just his
Mauren also talked about that he is
understand the French language
because he has a cosine in France but /4
peter he used to study French in high
school but he didn’t understand
anything like real conversation he just
learnt about some grammar.

How do Mauran and Peter They mostly understand each other

indicate that they understand because they have the same passion
or do not understand each about teaching English they asked each
other? other would you say this the best job for
you? when did you understand this was
your thing Mauran asked peter? he had
a really inspirational teacher, he’s name
is Patrick, sometimes he asked peter to
feed his cat, he had him over for dinner,
he really liked his style of teaching, he
was a good model for him I would
staving for what is he doing, non-stop
teaching machine that guy.This person
loves his job.

What is one surprising detail Peter said that After went to the high
from this conversation? school. He worked in retail like best buy
Why is it surprising? less than a year, he worked for Seasonal
work selling iPods, restaurants jobs and
university radio station then his
understand that this is not his passion.
he wants to teach,
I also surprised that Mauran is a
musician, he plays , he has this passion
since he was 16 or 17,

Briefly sum up the main Peter has neck issue these days he might
points of the conversation. think it’s because his immune system
problems, He just did the taxes may be
that Couse of the stress.

How peter come to this job?

He doesn’t want to studying
philosophy, he talks to his drama
his teacher said work for a volunteer

The education industry is more

desirable. Like other languages more
desirable to teach they need more
people to teach in high school other
He had people inspire him for his job,
he really loves what is he do. Mauran is
so combatable to do this job he is happy,
to teaching someone how to lean new
language is very important.

They also talked the taxes they think

because they love they job they don’t
mind paying the tax.
Mauran was teacher he is musician
Teaching was his role all the time.
Logicality this is where he sees his self
being. Teaching in his blood


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