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I'm a runner working on becoming a triathlete. I run every day (streaker).

I lift 5 days, swim 2 days

and pretty soon I'll be adding biking into my workout.

Lifting wasn't part of my plan but I'm really enjoying it. Started out as a 3x a week thing and I
decided weekend workouts would be beneficial.

I use to ponder the whole "cardio vs gains" dilemma and have finally decided, I don't care. Yes I
want to get bigger but I also enjoying having a healthy heart and I like competing (mostly against

I really enjoy running and cycling. I don't like swimming, but as I get better at it, I think it will grow
on me. I like strength training, I didn't use to be but I've taken a different approach and am really
enjoying it now. Most of all I enjoy being fit.

If a half-marathon is in your future, do it. If you want to bulk up, lift weights and eat lots,
supplement with protein shakes. Even if you aren't putting on bulk you will be getting stronger and
eventually that strength will result in bigger muscles, it's inevitable.

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