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2. What is means of “R” in the criminal formula?

A. Total Situation
B. Criminal Tendency
C. Temperament
D. none of these
3. The term use to refer to the adverse psychological impacts of
rape on rape victims who continue to suffer long after the
A. Sexual Anxiety
B. Rape Trauma Syndrome
C. Fear
D. Neurotic Behavior
5. The field of criminology is a multi-disciplinary science. One of its
aspect is the study of crime focused on the group of people and
society which is known today as:
A. Criminal Psychology
B. Criminal Sociology
C. Criminal Psychiatry
D. Criminal Etiology
6. In as much as crime is a societal creation and that it exist in a
society, its study must be considered a part of social science.
This means that criminology is __.
A. Applied science
B. Social Science
C. Natural Science
D. All of these
7. Criminology changes as social condition changes. This means the
progress of criminology is concordant with the
advancement of other sciences that has been applied to it. This
means that criminology is _____.
A. Dynamic
B. Excellent
C. Progressive
D. None of these
8. The theory in criminology, which maintains that a person commits
crime or behaves criminally mainly because he or she is being
possessed by evil spirits or something of natural force that
controls his/her behavior is called:
A. Devine Will Theory
B. Demonological Theory
C. Classical Theory
D. All of these
10. The Latin term POENA means:
A. Penalty
B. Pain
C. Punishment
D. Police
11. Former warship used to house to house prisoners in the 18th
and 19th C were called:
A. Gaols
B. Galleys
C. Hulks
D. Lavons
12. Public humiliation or public exhibition also mean:
A. public execution
B. social degradation
C. banishment
D. public trial
13. During the 16th up to the 18th century, a criminal may be sent
away from a place carried out by prohibition to coming against a
specified territory. This is an ancient form of punishment called:
A. Exile
B. Banishment
C. Transportation
D. public trial
14. The theory in penal science which maintains that punishment
gives lesson to the offender and the would be criminals is called:
A. Deterrence
B. Incapacitation
C. Reformations
D. public safety
17. The science, which deals with the study, comparison and
identification of weapons alleged to have been used in
the commission of a crime referred to ___.
A. Ballista
B. Ballistica
C. Forensic
D. Forensic Ballistics
18. Those that are left behind by the criminal perpetrator in the
scene of the crime, which have significance in criminal
investigation are called __.
A. Weapons
B. Criminal Evidence
C. Instrumentation
D. Crime fruits
19. The study of physical evidences such as blood, bloodstains,
fingerprints, tool marks, etc. through a laboratory work refers to
A. Criminalistics
B. Investigation
C. Interrogation
D. Police Science
20. One of the following is a vital investigative tool that has helped
in the reconstruction of crime and the identity of suspects as
well as victims because it is a factual and accurate record of
the crime.
A. Police works
B. Photography
C. Crime Scene Investigation
D. All of these
21. It refers to the collection of photographs of known criminals and
their identities that is placed together in one file. This is known
as ___.
A. Police File
B. Mug File
C. Individual File
D. Album
22. The criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization
developed and devoted primarily to the pursuit of profits through
illegal means commonly known as ___.
A. Organized crime
B. Professional Organization
C. White collar crime
D. Blue collar crime

D. none of these
48. A system of coordinated activities, group of people, authority
and leadership and cooperation towards a goal is called
A. Formal Organizations
B. Informal Organizations
C. Police Administration
D. All of the above
49. An indefinite and unstructured organization that has no definite
subdivision and comprised of unconscious group feelings,
passions and activities of individuals is referred to as:
A. Formal Organizations
B. Informal Organizations
C. Police Administration
D. None of the above
50. The study of the processes and conditions of the Law
Enforcement pillar that is also called “police in action”:
A. Police Management
B. Police Organization
C. Organizational Structure
D. Police Administration
51. The ability of police administrators in winning support for
departmental programs from people with in the department as
well as the citizens is called
A. Community relation
B. Police Leadership
C. Police planning
D. Community Policing
52. The extent to which an authority is concentrated or dispersed is
A. Unity of Direction
B. Centralization
C. Scalar of Chain
D. Unity of Command
53. The principle of organization suggesting that communication
should ordinarily go upward and downward through establish
channels in the hierarchy is
A. Chain of Command
B. Unity of Command
C. Span of Control
D. Delegation of Authority
54. The principle of organization that results from the division of
force into separate units to perform individual task is called
A. Specialization
B. Chain of Command
C. Organizational Structure
D. All of the above
57. The placement of subordinate into the position for which their
capabilities best fit them is referred to as:
A. Staffing
B. Organizing
C. Directing
D. Planning
58. A theory underlying the system of our criminal law, of which
Rafael Garafalo and Enrico Ferri, including Dr.Cesare Lombroso,
were the greatest exponents, that crime is considered as
essentially asocial and natural phenomenon.
A. Juristic or classical theory
B. Positivist or realistic theory
C. Punitive theory
D. Non- punitive theory
59. One of the characteristics of criminal law, where penal laws do
not have retroactive effect, except in cases where they
favor the accused charged with felony and who are not
habitual criminals.
A. Retrospective
B. General
C. Territorial
D. All of the foregoing
60. Are those crimes committed against the society which produce
direct damage or prejudice common to all its members.
A. Private crimes
B. Public crimes
C. Felony
D. Infractions
61. Are those crimes committed against individuals, particularly
against their chastity, but which do not produce danger
or prejudice common to other members of society.
A. Private crimes
B. Public crimes
C. Felony
D. Infractions
87. When an investigator finds a tool a the crime scene, he should
first of all:
A. pick it up for closer examine taking care not to jar it.
B. Compare the cutting edge of the tool with the
impressions to determine if this was the tool used in
the crime.
C. immediately collect it and always send it to the crime
laboratory for scientific examination
D. wait until the crime scene has been sketched or
photographed and measurements taken before he
collects the evidence
88. A wall designated to prevent the spread of fire having a fire
resistance rating of not less than four hours with sufficient
structural stability to remain standing even if construction on
either side collapses under the fire conditions.
A. Wood rack
B. fire wall
C. post wall
D. fire trap
89. The presence of the symptom of alcohol intoxication with out
smell of alcoholic breath is a sign that the suspected person is
under the influence of:
A. Amphetamine drug
B. Barbiturates
C. Hallucinogens
D. Narcotics
90. In a state of agitation and dullness of the mind as a result of
drug, the dependent becomes careless and losses
concentration on his job. This may cause to:
A. accident in the home
B. accident at work
C. dependence to family resources
D. Withdrawn forgetfulness
77. Are those who continue to commit crime because of deficiency of intelligence and lack of self-control?
a. Active Criminals
b. Passive Inadequate Criminals
c. Socialized Delinquent
d. Habitual Criminals
78. Are those who commit crimes due to aggressiveness?
a. Active Criminals
b. Passive Inadequate Criminals
c. Socialized Delinquent
d. Habitual Criminals
79. Are criminals who are normal in behavior but defective in their socialization process or development?
a. Active Criminals
b. Passive Inadequate Criminals
c. Socialized Delinquent
d. Habitual Criminals
80. Is one who commits crime acted in consonance of deliberated thinking? He plans the crime ahead of time.
They are targeted offenders.
a. Active Criminals
b. Passive Inadequate Criminals
c. Chronic Criminals
d. Habitual Criminals
81. Are those who commit crimes due to aggressiveness.
A. Active Criminals
B. Passive Inadequate Criminals
C. Socialized Delinquents
D. Habitual Delinquent
82. Are those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by reward or promise.
A. Active Criminals
B. Passive Inadequate Criminals
C. Socialized Delinquents
D. Habitual Delinquent
147. Mr. Freedy, son of a serial killer, on a drinking spree celebration killed Mr. Doy because the latter provoked
Mr. Freedy telling that he went swimming that is why he was absent in the class, according to the types of
criminal set by Lombroso. What type of criminal is Mr. Freedy?
A. Criminaloid
B. Atavistic
C. Insane Criminal
D. Atavism
148. PO1 Nandy was born from a criminal family and he was always looking for a pleasure in life but do not
take any want risk and avoids pain. PO1 Nandy is a great representation of a:
A. Rational Calculator
B. Atavistic
C. Hedonist
D. Criminaloid
1. According to this theory, potential delinquents and criminals master techniques that enable them to
counterbalance or neutralize conventional values and drift back and forth between illegitimate and
conventional behavior.
A. Differential Association Theory
C. Neutralization Theory
B. Labeling Theory
D. Social Learning Theory
86.Which of the following should be done for the community will cooperate and support programs of the police
A. The police must beg for the cooperation and support of the community.
B. The police should perform their task according to the demand of the commander.
C. The police should win the cooperation and support of the community by compensating them.
D. The police should work efficiently to respect human rights to win respect and cooperation.
87.police must beg the willing cooperation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure
the respect of the public.
A. True
B. False
C. Confused
D. Doubtful
88.what should the police maintain at all times that give reality to the historic tradition?
A. Good rapport with the community
B. Good relationship with the community
C. Establish community relations with the community
D. All of these
89.police should always direct their actions strictly towards their functions and never appear to usurp the
powers of the judiciary.
A. True
B. False
C. Confused
D. Doubtful
90.which one is an example that the police usurp the powers of the Judiciary?
A. The policeman act as a judge
B. The policeman act as a prosecutor
C. The policeman meddle and settle commission of crime between the suspect and the complainant
D. The policeman do nothing
91.the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police actions in
dealing with it.
A. True
B. False
C. Confused
D. Doubtful
97.The actions undertaken by the police that best cited as an example of reactive measures/
A. Preventing crime to happen
B. Investigating commission of crimes
C. Apprehension and arrest of law violator
D. Both b and c
98.actions undertaken by the police immediately upon the observance or reported crimes.
A. Reactive
B. Proactive
C. Inactive
D. On-active
99.for the police to be proactive, they should do the following except:
A. Prevent the commission of the crimes through patrol system
B. Public information as to how avoid victimized by the commission of Crimes be undertaken
C. Investigate crimes and arrest all criminal offenders to be incarcerated.
D. No exceptions
100. Law enforcement officials may use force only when strictly necessary and to the extent required for the
performance of their duty.
A. True
B. False
C. Confused
D. Doubtful
101. Matters of a confidential nature in the possession of law Enforcement officials shall be kept confidential
A. Revelation is necessary in the performance of duty
B. The needs of justice strictly require otherwise.
C. Court of justice so requires for its revelations
D. All of the above
102. Law enforcement officials shall ensure the full protection of the health of persons in their custody and, in
particular, shall not take Immediate action to secure medical attention whenever required.
A. True
B. False
C. Confused
D. Doubtful

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