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1. When an object enters water, it pushes out water to make room for itself. The object pushes out a
volume of water that is equal to its own volume. This is called displacement.(Encyclopedia Britannica,
Inc., 2023) So to get the mass of alcohol, we use this process to have its measure by finding the
difference of mass of cylinder and mass of cylinder with alcohol

2. We use the water displacement method in which we will find the difference of the volume of water
without pebbles and the volume of water with pebbles. The upward force, or buoyant force, that acts on
an object in water is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object. (Encyclopedia Britannica,
Inc., 2023)

3. Based on the data and results the volume are increasing and also the mas is increasing, it was
explained by BBC. The greater the volume of the object the greater the number of atoms present. (BBC,

4. We can see at the date results that there are huge amount of difference in trials on volume and mass
but the density are all consistent with close results and will only differ on error. An increase in mass
combined with an increase in volume, on the other hand, can result in no increase in density, which is
referred to as an intense feature. (VEDANTU, 2023)

5. If an object is more dense than water it will sink when placed in water, and if it is less dense than
water it will float. (American Chemical Society, 2023) Based on the results we can see that the pebbles
more dense than the water, the water has 1 g/ml while the pebbles has 2.56 g/ml.


1. Percent errors tells you how big your errors are when you measure something in an experiment.
(Glen, 2023). So to find the percent error we need to use the formula the (|accepted value –
experimental value| \ accepted value) x 100% and substitute our values and the result is 5.19%

2. This is done by figuring out the individual densities of each rock, adding these together and
dividing by the total number of rocks in the set (Beck, 2020). Now we will add the values, 0.780 g/ml,
0.780 g/ml, and 0.790 g/ml then divide to 3 because there are 3 values and will result to 0.783 g/ml.

3. Density is a compound measure and therefore involves two units; a combination of a mass in relation
to volume. (Third Space Learning, 2023) To determine the density of pebbles we need to use the
formula mass/volume, we well substitute the values of pebbles from the data and results. 12.52 g/4.90
ml, and the result will be 2.56 g/ml.

4. To get the precision of the density measurement for alcohol we will divide the average absolute
deviation to the mean of measurements then multiply to 100. 0.004/0.783 multiply by 100 will be
0.51%. Precision is calculated as the number of true positives divided by the total number of true
positives and false positives. (Brownlee, 2020)

5. To get the accuracy of the density measurement for alcohol we will divide the average absolute error
to accepted value then multiply to 100. 0.007 g/ml/ 0.783g/ml multiply by 100 will result to 0.89%. It is
the the closeness of the measured value to a standard or true value. Accuracy is obtained by taking
small readings (BYJU’S, 2023)

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