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4. Kazakhstan during the era of Mongol rule

4.1 The emergence of Genghis Khan's empire

Temujin- son of the Mongol leader tribe of

the Kiyat family - BorjiginsYesugei-
Bahadura (1155-1227)

20-year struggle for dominance in Central


Spring 1206Proclamation at the Onon River

Temuchin as the supreme ruler under the name
Genghis Khan
1206– publication of a codified code laws
"Yasy"- centralization of the state

Diagram 14. The emergence of Genghis Khan's empire

4.2. Economic, social and administrative-territorial structure of the empire of Genghis Khan

Farm– extensive cattle
- Between the Orkhon and Kerulen rivers; Capital- Karakorum
- From the middle of the 12th century. – from
Baikal, Yenisei and Irtysh, to the Gobi Desert

Military administrative division

Social stratification: barungar Dzungar cool
- the dominant part is noyons; (right wing) (left wing) (center)
- dependent pastoralists - Oirats 38

"tumens" "thousanders" "centurions" "foremen"

Scheme 15. Economic, social and administrative-territorial structure of the empire of Genghis Khan

4.3 Genghis Khan's campaigns of conquest

Table 16. Genghis Khan's campaigns of conquest

Cause Military Invasion on Ulus system in Consequences of conquest
hikes territory result
Central Asia and conquests (1219-
Kazakhstan 1224)

- necessity - 1211-1215 - - 1210-1211. Jochi: from Irtysh - Mass extermination of people, undermining
in expansion Northern Key under power to Volga, northern economic foundations;
borders and tai; Mongol crossed part of Semirechye, - Decline of cities and urban culture;
pasture - 1218-1219 - ruler Eastern Dasht-i- - Decline of agriculture, destruction
land; peoples of Siberia, Karluks in Koya Kipchak to Nizhny of irrigation systems, trampling of
- increase Yenisei lyke Arslan Khan; Volga region, Khorezm and fields, reduction of cultivated land;
tax Kyrgyz, - 1217g. – western lands;
taxable Uyghur and vassal Mongol Shagatai: Southern - Destabilization and slowdown in the
population, Turfan became a ruler and Southeast process of ethnic unification;
reserve for principalities; Karluk Kazakhstan, - Conservation of other forms of
waging wars; - 1219-1220 - Almalyk region East Turkestan feudalism;
- suppression captured the territory Buzar; and Transoxiana; - The formation of the Kazakh nation has
internal Iran's rhetoric - 1218– in Ögedey: North slowed down;
strife and Afghanistan, led by Zhebe- East End - Decline of spiritual culture;
civil strife Northern In- noyon Semirechye, Western - Increasing the tax burden on the
diy, Caucasus; destroyed the Mongolia, regions conquered population;
- 1223 – battle on manov in Semir- upper Irtysh and - Introducing the idea of
the Kalka River, for whose; Tarbagatay; centralization in the Euro-Asian
grip of the southern - 1218g. - surrendered Tuluy: actually space, encouraging international
outskirts of Rus' without a fight Mongol lands economic and cultural ties;
Balasagun city; - Introduction of postal and mail services;
- September - Preservation of culture (language, customs and
1219 - February traditions) in the conquered lands.
1220g. - siege
4.4 Formation of the Golden Horde

1227g. – election of 1235g. - 1236-1242. - Western
Batu Khan in the Pan-Mongolian Dasht -i- conquered
Jochi ulus kurultai accepts Kipchak, Volga
decision to go to Bulgars, Russians
Europe principalities, Poland,
Hungary, Czech Republic

Golden Horde

1243 – mid-15th century.

Territory Ethnic composition–

From Altai to the lower reaches of the Capital– nomads: Kipchaks, Kanglys,
Danube, including Crimea and the Saray-Batu Karluks, Naimans; settled
North Caucasus, the lands of the Jochi (later Sarai- population: Bulgars,
ulus, part of the territory of Khorezm Berke) Mordovians, Russians;
and Western Siberia and all in the sources they call
lands conquered in the west ethnonym – “Tatars”

Scheme 16. Formation of the Golden Horde

4.5 Structure of social order in the Golden Horde

Khan- Supreme ruler

Sofa– the highest executive

body organ
(led by the vizier)

Becklerbek– army, Baskaki– assemblers Daruga-beys– Nayons, beks,

diplomatic taxes governors over Bahadurs-
communications conquered lands military leaders

Kurultai– general
political meeting

Diagram 17. Structure of social structure in the Golden Horde

4.6 Political history and reasons for the decline of the Golden Horde

Mohnke(1266-1280) The heyday of the state
Berke(1256-1266) An independent state with stva; Adoptionis-
Finding developed economic relations lamaas a sovereign
independence and (commodity- national religion;
monetary - minting coins) centralization

(1227-1256) Zhanibek
Political Golden Horde (1342-1357)
Political history The period of powerful
pan-Mongolian stva - centralized
go han bathroom state

Mid-15th century - collapse of

the Golden Horde. Power grabMamaem
Governing body
The emergence of Ak-Orda, March to Rus'. Defeat
Tokhtomysh. Set it on fire
Nogai Horde, from Russian troops (led The era of the "Great"
Moscow in 1382
by D. Donskoy) on troubles" 1357-
Siberian, Kazan, Fight with Timur
Crimean and
Astrakhan Khanates

Diagram 18. Political history of the Golden Horde

Reasons for the decline of the Golden Horde

Internecine Performance Pursuit Emir's campaigns

power struggle masses conquered states Timur (1389,
to independence 1391, 1395)

Diagram 19. Reasons for the decline of the Golden Horde

5. Medieval states on the territory of Kazakhstan in the XIII-XV centuries.

5.1 Political history of Ak-Orda, Mogulistan, Abulkhair Khanate, Nogai Horde,

West Siberian Khanate

Ak – Horde (XIII-XV centuries)

Table 17. Ak-Orda

Education Territory Public Political history Causes

device disintegration

- founderHorde - from Altai and - khan– title Erzen(1315-1320) - growth of cities, - hikes
Ejen(1226-1280 Irtysh on ruler; trade, crafts; emir
g.g.) – eldest son east to the Volga - the territory was divided Mubarak Khoja(1320-1344) - Timur and
of Jochi, ruler and the Urals in the west, from to inheritances; official independence from the Tokhtamysh;
Cook Horde; the lower reaches - major titles Golden Horde; - capture
- in the XIV century. lands Syrdarya and nomadic nobilitybeki, - Urus khan(1361-1375) - authorities

of the youngest son northeast emirs, bahadurs; rise of the state dynasty
Jochi – Sheybana parts of the Aral - the population consisted (conquest, expansion of Sheibanids
came under power seas in the south to of Turkic-speaking tribes; territory);
descendants of Ord Ishim river, Tobol, - in settled areas – a - fight with Timur and
Edzhena, state Sarasu in the north; form of conditional Tokhtamysh; Barak khan(
began to be called - Capital land tenure and 1423-1428) - achieving internal
"Ak Orda" Sygnak livestock ownership political stability

Mogulistan (mid-XIV - early XVI centuries)

Table 18. Mogulistan

Education Territory Public Political history Causes

device disintegration

- as a result - Semirechye, - khan– head of state, Togluk-Timur(1347-1362): - fragmented-

disintegration Oriental supreme owner administrative, political and the country's
states Turkestan and lands; economic reforms; appanages;

Chagataidov; north- - ulusbek - assistant to the Ilyas Hoxha(1362-1380): period of - feuds in

- founder eastern khan; feudal fragmentation, invasion of dynasties
Togluk-Timur Part - advice of the nobility; Timur; Chagataidov;
(1347-1362 Average - forms of conditional Kyzyr-kozha(1380-1399): recognized - external wars;
gg.) Asia; land tenure; himself a vassal of Timur; - discontent
- capital - types of duties – Mohammed khan(1408-1416): masses
Almalyk military, transport, independence from Timur, introduction of instability
labor, postal; Islam, raids of the Oirats; and extortions
- private ownership of Yesen-buga(1433-1462): migration to the valley of
livestock the Chu and Talas rivers of Janibek and Kerey

Khanate of Abulkhair (1428-1468)

Table 19. Khanate of Abulkhair

Education Territory Public Political history Reasons for the collapse

- formed - from Yaik in the west to Balkhash Khan - military actions against the descendants - lack of durable
as a result in the east, from the lower reaches of Ord Ejen; connections between

Ak decay of the Syrdarya and council of the nobility - military campaigns in the southern regions; in separate parts
Hordes and Aral Sea in the south to - 1446 – conquest of Sygnak, states;
strife the middle reaches people Suzak, Ak-kurgan, Uzgend, - permanent
Dzhuchidov; Tobol and Irtysh in the Arkuk; dynastic feuds and
- founder north; - 1457 – defeat from the Oirats; strife for partition
Abulkhair - capital Cities:Tura - 50s – early 60s. XV century – territories;
(1428-1468) (1428-1430),Horda-Bazar Sultans Janibek and Kerey - discontent
(1430-1446), migrated to Mogulistan; ordinary nomads
Sygnak(1446-1468) - 1468 – Abulkhair died during a oppression, their
military campaign migration to other regions
Nogai Horde (late XIV-XVI centuries)
Table 20. Nogai Horde

Education Territory Public Political history Reasons for the collapse

- arose after the collapse of Ak - interfluve - khan – title Trade and economic Civil strife
Orda; Volga and Yaik; ruler; and political connections
- founder – Edige Khan - capital - prince – with the Russian state and
(1396-1411); Saraichik hereditary power Crimean Khanate;
- finally became isolated (military, - took part in Abulkhair’s
under Nura ad-din diplomatic, campaign to
(1426-1440); administrative); Syrdarya
- ethnonym “Nogai” on behalf of - Murza – ruler of the cities;
the leader of the army uluses; - in 1600, acceptance of
Golden Horde, grandson - Tumaks - impoverished Russian citizenship
Jochi Khan Nogai cattle breeders state part
(1260-1306) population;
- second half of the 16th
century. Broken into two
parts: large
Nogailiskaya –
east of the Volga, small
Nogailiskaya -
west of the Volga (entered
to the Kazakh
khanates, later
Junior Zhuz)


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