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1. I intake adequate amounts of food & water each day.

2. I consume a balanced and healthy diet.
3. In the past month, enjoyed a meal without any distractions (i.e., eating without
getting distracted by mobile, TV, etc.)
4. I’m having regular bowel movements.
5. I have enough energy to carry out everyday tasks with ease.

1. I indulge in physical activities and do regular exercise.
2. I walk a lot on daily basis.
3. I find it easy to be motivated for exercises.

1. I get more than 6 hours of sleep each night.
2. I have a relaxing bedtime routine.
3. I find it easy to fall asleep.

1. I can keep myself entertained.
2. When I feel exhausted or unwell, I give myself time and allow myself to do less.
3. I make time to do the things that I Love.
4. I make time to express my thoughts or feelings through a creative outlet (i.e., writing
or drawing).


1. I make time to do important things like studying.
2. I make quiet time for myself to complete necessary tasks.
3. I am happy with what I’m doing at school/workplace.


1. I make an effort to disconnect sometimes and turn off my phone/tv/computer.
2. I am satisfied with what I have.
3. I forgive myself for any mistakes I make and let go of past resentments towards
4. I focus on the positive about myself.
5. I can control my emotions if I find myself getting overwhelmed and take time to tend
to those emotions.
6. I take proper care of myself when I'm not well. (i.e., getting required medical
attention or taking time off school/work).
7. I set aside time to be alone with my thoughts and self-reflect.
8. I am able to say NO to people and their requests.
9. I allow myself to show emotions.
10. I ask for help if I need it.
11. I unplug from harmful social media.


1. Talked honestly and openly to a loved one in the last month.
2. I take time to chat and get to know others (co-workers, students, neighbours, etc.).
3. I set boundaries in my relationships with my partner, family, and friends.
4. I strive for balance among work, family, relationships, play and rest.
5. I have good relations with my family.
6. I find it easy to interact with people and make friends.

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