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Definition paragraph

Topic: Sandwich
Sandwich is one of the most popular food and chosen to eat by many people for many reasons. A
sandwich is a food typically consisting of vegetables, sliced cheese or meat, placed on or
between slices of bread, or more generally any dish wherein bread serves as a container or
wrapper for another food type. The sandwich began as a portable, convenient finger food in the
Western world, though over time it has become prevalent worldwide. Sandwiches are a popular
type of lunch food, taken to work, school, or picnics to be eaten as part of a packed lunch.
Firstly, the taste of sandwich is very delicious and varied. It may be plain or be coated with
condiments, such as mayonnaise or mustard, to enhance its flavor and texture. There are both
savoury sandwichs, such as deli meat sandwiches, and sweet sandwiches, such as a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich. Secondly, Sandwich provides all the necessary nutrients for your body.
Eating a sandwich for breakfast can provide you with enough nutrients such as protein, lipit,…
Finally, Sandwich is easy to buy everywhere. It have been widely sold in cafes, railway stations,
pubs and dinners. In conclusion, if you don’t know what food choose to eat, a sandwich is a
reasonable and quality choice.

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