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Task 1:

My best friend Andrés is reliable and calm, he is someone very carefree, he always makes others
laugh, we have been friends for 6 years before I met him, I thought he was a hateful person, he is
an ideal friend for me since we both We are similar in the order of our things, although sometimes
we are different and we fight a lot because I can't stand loud and inflexible people, sometimes he
manages to be and he is egotistical and only thinks about him, but unlike other friendships I have
had , our friendship is special because we are generous and honest with each other.

Task 2:
Two months ago I was walking through the center of the city when I heard screams and I realized
that some robbers were robbing a bank so people started running from the place to avoid getting
hurt, after a few minutes the police arrived and there was a dispute in the place where the police
had to defend themselves from the robbers because they had weapons, when more
reinforcements arrived they managed to capture the robbers, people started shouting at them so
the police took them away in patrol cars, the good thing is that there was no injured and all ended

Task 3:
visitor tips

When you visit Bogotá there are things that would be important for you to know to improve your
visit. You should divide the places you want to visit to save time and money on transportation. it is
not acceptable to want to go out without an umbrella since it rains normally every day, it is
customary to go to Monserrate and get on the different means of transport to go up the
mountain. Do not only visit the tourist places, you should also visit the market square or the small
shops that hide the magic of Bogotá. You are not supposed to expect to be robbed but in this city
you should always be careful with your personal belongings

Task 4:
I do not recommend buying furniture, I bought some furniture for the living room of my house,
when they arrived I realized that the sofas have a crack in the back, besides that it is quite dirty,
and I noticed that the chairs need to be adjusted at the bottom, they were not careful in the
transfer since they need to be painted since the paint peeled, when I saw them on the website
they looked nice but what I said is not the only problem, the sofa cushions have a small tear, they
just need to be sewn. I will tell you my experience so that it does not happen to you.

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