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Diviyanshi - Knowledge, no doubt, has a role to play.

Without knowledge, creativity

does not have any substance to work with. Creativity puts together already
available information in a manner to come up with new solutions to new problems.
Without the 2 working in tandem, nothing further could have been created.

Ishika – Albert Einstein also said - Any fool can know, the point is to understand…
Life without knowledge is just like a ship that sails adrift. In today's competitive
environment of cutthroat competition, knowledge is oxygen to enable us to survive.
Creativity is a branch of knowledge that lifts up the deals and peeps into the
mysteries and new provides new looks, views, approaches, etc.

Aditi -
You acquire knowledge through education,experience, and other forms. The more
knowledge you have the better you are able to handle different situations. A creative
person puts something into action by developing new ideas,and those ideas to be
successful need knowledge. But if you don’t have enough knowledge to support your
creativity,you can easily miss your target.

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