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In the domain of science
fiction, superheroes possess super strength, the ability to fly, and impact lives
positively. While in the real world, we humans may not be able to fly and run
super-fast, every individual has a unique gift that could impact lives
positively. I believe my unique ability or my superpower at this youthful age of
mine is creativity. In this essay, I will delve into the profound impact
of creativity and how it can pave the way for innovation, problem-solving, and
a positive influence on a global scale.

Individuals in their youthful age are blessed with the ability to think outside the

box and create out-of-nothing extraordinary results and furthermore bring them
to life with the already present resources (the internet, sophisticated devices,
etc.). It is essential to understand that
creativity is a product of thinking and thinking outside the box. As Albert Einstein
rightly said - " Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one
else ever thought.". We can further say creativity is a phenomenon of
the mind. The inability of an individual to relax their mind, plan
and think will lead to a lack of creativity intentionally. A
creative mind is able to approach and see certain problems or challenges in
a whole different way. There are different ways in which creativity can positively
influence the world and they are explained below. 

Firstly, let us take into consideration the attributes of innovation. Innovation is the

practical implementation of ideas that result from something which has been
properly visualized and is ready to be dispensed into the world. The conspicuous
ability to innovate comes solely from personal creativity. This is because
critical innovation is simply creativity coming to
life. Innovation is an important aspect of our lives because the advancements in
the world require the ability to actually implement useful ideas within
the boundaries of the mind in order to make a significant difference. Before
moving further, take to mind that innovation may not necessarily mean creating a
whole new object from scratch, it may mean working on an already created or
implemented idea in order to further enhance it with your own ideas. The creative
set of youths can shine a new light and breathe better life into innovation which
will surely be a factor that will enhance the world and its inhabitant.

Another attribute produced through creativity is 'problem-solving skills'. People

who are creative are able to view problems from a whole different angle and as
well find unique solutions to them. Truly, the main aim of creativity and
innovation is to solve problems. Every device or idea which has been
implemented has aimed at solving one problem or the other. Let's take into
consideration, the 'Applications made to break down the barrier of
communication' - we have WhatsApp, Twitter, WeChat, etc. These few
applications are the innovations of highly creative people that have
truly solved problems. The presence of creative youths is an important factor that
will help in the solving of certain problems and most importantly solving them in
a unique and outstanding way.

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