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Interviewer: Mr. Julius W. Saywon

Respondent: Richard Jessen
Interviewer: I want to know is this health facilities practicing RDF.

Respondent: yeah we are practicing RDF

Interviewer: From your experience are you aware of any exiting policy document regarding the RDF?

Respondent: I don’t know

Interviewer: but those it have a policy that you know about

Respondent: we have a policy when it comes to the RDF level, the policy there is when patience come
the channels they pass through to do XYZ

Interviewer: what changes have you experience at the facilities since you started implementing the

Respondent: The changes I have experience is that the inflow of patience rate have drop because this is
a new system a number of years patience have not been used to this except when they come because
it’s a free place so they say help me do this because no money, but when they come they go and register
and get their receipts and go stand in the line, so you know, more patience will rather leave and go
other nearby area, that’s why I said the patience rate have drop because they are paying small money
but before it used to be park because it was free

Interviewer: So what can you say been the overall success story of the RDF program here?

Respondent: There success story I have about the RDF is that when the RDF started, because a just took
place this year June a brought development as you can see even the entrance of the building people
normally pass around before entering the building, but the doctor open this place for people to pass and
that’s done through the RDF and start install the meeting area so patience can sit so it can be easy, and
we also have a volunteer staff that are not on payroll they also take care of them from the RDF

Interviewer: What are some of the preparation the facilities need before introducing the RDF program?

Respondent: What are known here is that those that came here like medical doctor that came here
introduce that policy, the first person that was here like the OIC when he left the other ladies that took
over base on her understanding and taking over she said that there was a need for patience to asset to
medication at first it was not like that, when patience come only prescription, she tough it wise that
instead of us been here no medication we must be able to introduce the RDF

Interviewer: What are some of the preparation the facilities need before introducing the RDF program?
Follow up,

Respondent: yeah the preparation, oh the people were inform, the HFDC Member were inform as well
as the time of the process
Interviewer: So do they carry the messages of the RDF to their communities?

Respondent: Sometime we do the message in the conference room health talk and the HFDC meeting
time we also passed the information to them

Interviewer: What was your expectation before introducing the RDF program?

Respondent: My expectation about this before it start was really came about expected people to come
plenty you know is a new system sometimes for people to get used to the system it’s going to be a little

Interviewer: So from your experiences to what extend those expectation been meet?

Respondent: The expectation have been meet because form experience now –rate have drop because
sometime people get used to free thing but this is system where if you come they tell you go to the
casher and the casher will tell you if it this patience because we everything is put into system if its
children under five their fees is less

Interviewer: So the introduction of the RDF make the availability of medicine

Respondent: Yes it make medicine available and other development

Interviewer: So base on the introduction of the RDF is there the arability of drugs on time, people are
getting incescral drugs on time

Respondent: It’s not time because our expectation on how we really look at it, because of the patience
rate have gone down so to get it available at all time there is a shortage between its not on time.

Interviewer: What do you think you need to put in place to boost the patience so our people can come
and no that the RDF is fine for them?

Respondent: Sometime it’s to do communities awareness so patience can know what is going on and
they come we explain to them what is the benefit of the RDF.

Interviewer: What are some of the challenges that the facilities are facing since the introduction of the
RDF program?

Respondent: Some of the challenges the face are paying volunteer staff from the RDF and now patience
are not coming because of money payment and those important drugs are not available

Interviewer: What do you think can be done to overcome some of the challenges that you just mention?

Respondent: That’s either we inform MOH or a partner that can help with this challenges and see how it
can be solved.

Interviewer: Does this facilities have a board a HFDC board?

Respondent: YES

Interviewer: So what is the conservation of the HFDC board from highest to lowest position?

Respondent: So for now really I can’t give you detail on that to be real.
Interviewer: So what are the power and function of the board?

Respondent: There power and function of the board there is that the is there to see into it that the
adequacies services be provided for the patience, because the facilities was meant to take care of the
patience, if this system have been introduces and its accepted it must work for the patience.

Interviewer: How do they found the HFDC board?

Respondent: The founding of the HFDC I was not really around so I can’t tell you more about it.

Interviewer: How long the HFDC members can stay in power

Respondent: I don’t know about it.

Interviewer: Now that you are practicing RDF do you receive USAID malaria drugs?

Respondent: Yes I don’t know but at the October or September we receive from the NICP.

Interviewer: So this drugs they can sent can it be sold to the patience too?

Respondent: Yes but it can be at low cost so that patience can be able to get asset to medication, we
were even told in one of our meeting that this medication that the people brought we be sold at a very
little amount so patience can afford.

Thank you so much Mr. Jessen for the time

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