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Date: October 2, 2023

To: Managing Supervisor

From: Leah Bush
Subject: “How to Write Text on a Path” Instructions
Reference: Request for usability test
Action Required: Please review and recommend changes
Distribution List: Adobe writing and editing departments

I conducted athree usability tests for the instructions, “Writing Along a Path in Adobe
Illustrator” on October 2. This memo will describe the usability test, report on my findings,
andfindings and offer recommendations for change based on the results of the tests.

The users in the usability study felt that the instructions were straightforward and easy to
follow. They were able to perform the task without any trouble. However, they noted that a
user with little experience with Adobe might find difficulty performing the first task. In addition,
if the user wanted to change the look of the text around the path, they might need further

I created a one-page document detailing the instructions for creating text on the path of a circle
in Adobe Illustrator. After reading peer reviews, I made one change in the opening description
that clarified the instructions. I then performed athree usability testtests with two different

Both All users expressed their appreciation of the instructions and felt like they accomplished
their goal of placing text along the path of a circle. However, the tests revealed a few issues
that can be easily corrected.

Finding 1: Hidden Tool in Step OnePositive Comments

One user noted that when she tried to click on the ellipse tool in step one, it was buried. This will
happen if the user has recently used the line segment tool, the rectangle tool, the polygon tool, or the
star tool recently.
Finding 2: Circle Differences in Step Two
One user noted that her circle did not look like the one in the figure in step two. She had black fill
selected as she drew the circle. If any fill color is selected when drawing the circle, the circle will be filled
with that color until after step four is completed.

Finding 3: Repositioning Text

One user wanted to know how to adjust the placement of the text after she finished typing.

Finding 4: Overall Design

All users felt that the one-page design was easy to read, and the instructions were easy to follow. They
also said the images were helpful and the colors worked well with the instructions.

Suggestion 1: Note for Hidden Tool

Based on Finding 1, I suggest adding the following text box to the document below Step One. It will help
users to find the “Ellipse Tool” if it has become hidden on the toolbar.

Note: If you do not see the ellipse tool on your toolbar, click and hold or control click
on the Rectangle Tool and select “Ellipse Tool.”

Suggestion 2: Note for Circle Differences

Based on Finding 2, I suggest adding the following text box to the document below Step Two. It will
clarify to users that a different colored circle will not change the look of the text.

Note: If you have a colored fill selected, your circle will look different than the image
on the right, but the fill will disappear when you add the text on a path.

Suggestion 3: Note for Repositioning Text

Based on Finding 3, I suggest adding the following text box to the document below Step Four. It will
explain how to rotate the text along the path to achieve the desired position.

Note: To rotate text along the path, select the path with the direct selection tool

, move the cursor to the outside of an anchor point. When you see the
rotation arrows , drag the text to the desired location.

 Steps are easy to read and follow

 One page design is nice
 Design looks nice and clear
 The images beside the text are helpful
 Colors work well with the instructions
 The direction to hold the shift key down when drawing a perfect circle is helpful
 Instructions made it easy to find the “Type on a Path Tool” even though it was buried
Negative Comments
 Ellipse tool was hidden in step one
 The circle drawn in step 2 looked different for one user because she had a black fill
 One user wanted to know how to adjust the placement of the text after she finished
 No instructions for how to change font style and size
 One user wondered if the instructions would be different for writing along other types
of shapes or lines

User Suggestions
 Provide instructions in the first step to find the ellipse tool if it is buried
 Provide instructions on how to reposition the text along the circle
 Provide instructions on how to change font style and size

While both all users in the usability tests felt that the document accomplished its goal well, the
tests offersoffer insight into possible improvements. The test showed that the overall design,
including colors, font, positioning, and images, is successful. In addition, having the document
on one page makes the document easy to follow. However, the test also showed that the
document could be improved with the addition of some clarification in step one and adding a
few more advanced instructions.

Based on the usability tests, I recommend keeping the current length and style for the
document and adding in some helpful hints or notes. I also recommend creating a series of one-
page documents for other simple concepts in Illustrator so that users can learn other notable
features of the program. Below are the notes I recommend adding to this document:

Under Step 1:

Note: If you do not see the ellipse tool on your toolbar, click and hold or control click
on the Rectangle Tool and select “Ellipse Tool.”

Under Step 2:

Note: If you have a colored fill selected, your circle will look different than the image
on the right, but the fill will disappear when you add the text on a path.
Under Step 4:

Note: To rotate text along the path, select the path with the direct selection tool
, move the cursor to the outside of an anchor point. When you see the rotation
arrows , drag the text to the desired location.

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