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From: Alexa Rodriguez (Content Creator)

To: Content Director

Date: October 4, 2023
Subject Line: Origami Fortune Teller Usability Testing

Dear Content Director,

We have conducted the usability test on the How to Make an Origami Fortune Teller website.

Overall, the testing and observing went well with the three subjects, and most wershowed

successe successful. That said, we want to add a few changes to the instructionswebsite. The

following changes being made are listed below:

 Crop pictures inputted in the beginning throughout the document at each step

 Add a last step to fold the paper in half

 Add a “How to Use” portion after the fortune teller directions

 Separate subheadings for a clearer interpretation

 Finding a better image to correspond with steps

Once the above changes have been made, we will conduct another test to see how the subjects do

with improved instructions.


Alexa Rodriguez
Content Creator
Date: October 4, 2023
To: Content Director
From: Alexa Rodriguez (Content Creator)
Subject: Origami Fortune Teller Usability Testing
Action Required: View updated origami instructions
Distribution List: Content Director, Online Content Team

Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of the results on

the usability testing for how to make an origami fortune teller. I would also like to request

approval for a few changes to the website that should be made after testing. We conducted

testing on Tuesday, October 3rd with three users. We have gained new input that will help us

improve our website for the users.


Overall, users were pleased with the website instructions. Some users have experience with

origami, while others experienced origami fortune tellers for the first time. With that being said,

there were a few changes made to the document for improvement. Users would benefit from

cropped pictures that are correlated with each step. This allows the user to see each step as they

go. We also added a last step of folding the paper in half once more, as this step was not added.

Users also suggested adding a “How to Use” portion, explaining how users can play with the

fortune teller. More changes include separating the subheading for clearer interpretation and

finding a better image to correspond with the steps. All the changes made should be helpful to

our users.

Users found that the instructions were successful but would benefit from changes. Some

observations varied per person, while others shared a common ground. "Finding 1: Figure Two

Misplacement”, two out of three of the users were confused by the second picture and step, and

had to talk through instructions and reread steps.We found that all three users talked through

instructions and would reread steps. Another finding was that two users Two users concluded

the pictures could have been displayed better. “Finding 3: Adding a Section” where tTwo users

mentioned a “How to Use” portion should be included added. Other recommendations included

adding aAnother user mentioned subheading could be useful. The last user mentioned finding a

better picture and stated, “the picture did not correspond with the steps”.


In conclusion, Wwe have taken recommendations and changed our website instructions for

“How to Make an Origami Fortune Teller”,. thThis included adding an extra step, cropping

images, finding a more detailed image, adding a portion of more instructions, and more. We

hope that these changes will improve the experience for the user!


We recommend the following changes, reflected in the linked [website].

Cropping pictures in the beginning throughout the document at each step and finding a

better image to correspond with the steps. Adding a final step to fold the paper in half, and a

“how to use” portion. For a clearer interpretation of instructions, separate subheadings.

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