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Revision Practice

Climatic Region of the World

Q.1 Describe the features of these climatic zones:

1. Cold 2. Arid

Q.2 Fill these blanks

1. The climate of tropical regions is _________________.

2. Mediterranean climate is highly favourable for the production of ____________ ,
________________ and _____________.
3. Arctic and Antarctic are the _________________ regions.
4. Approximately ___________ agricultural area of Pakistan needs irrigation for growing crops.
5. _____________ type of climatic zone experience little or no rain.
6. Monsoon season occurs between ________________ and ___________________ months.
7. Arid climate _______________ sufficient water.
8. Tundras host ___________ Plants ,while grasslands are dominated by _____________and
scattered trees.
9. Deserts have very ___________rainfall.
10. ____________ refers to the long term weather patterns over a period of thirty or more.

Q.5 Look at the diagram below and answer the questions:

90° N

Polar Zone
Temperate Zone
Tropical Zone
Temperate Zone 23.5°S

Polar Zone 66.5°S

90° S

1) 66.5°S ____________
2) 23.5°N ____________
3) Which is the coldest Zone? __________________________________
Forest of the World
Revision Work Sheet
Q1. Define these:





Q2. Fill these blanks.

1. Coniferous trees grow on hilly slopes of ________________areas.

2. The World Wildlife Fund calculates that deforestation takes away ______million acres of

forests per year.

3. Most of the conifers are ___________and their wood is used to make houses, furniture,

and paper.

4. Evergreen keep their leaves across the year and mainly occur in _____________climate.

5. _________________________ grows without the interference of humans.

6. Evergreen trees provide__________________________wood.

7. _____________ trees lose their leaves in the autumn or dry season.

8. Mangrove forests are found in tropical ______________areas.

9. Alpine habitat needs high altitudes and ______________climate.

10. ____________forestry is planting protection and care of trees in cities.

Q3. Label the diagram:

Revision Practice
Topic: Mountains,Plateaus,and Valleys
Q.1 Fill these blanks.
1. A ______________ is a relatively flat ,table shaped highland platform,that occurs
above the sea level.
2. A valley is usually created by _____________________ .
3. In Asia examples of fold mountains are ________________ and ________________
4. In Pakistan ________________ and _______________ are situated on the
Potohar Plateau.
5. Corrasion is ________________ force.
6. Wide plateaus or tablelands are known as _________________________ .
7. Forces that are below the surface of the earth are called ____________________
8. A ____________________ is formed when a large amount of melted rock
pushes up through the earth’s crust.
9. _______________ are external forces on the earth .
10. _______________ is the national animal of Pakistan.

Q.2 Put these words in appropriate column.

Long flat severely eroded pushing or folding magma

Dome Mountain

Dissected Plateau

Fold Mountains


Q.3 Define the following:

Revision Practice

Topic: Indus Valley Civilisation

Q No 1.Fill in the Blanks?

1.The Indus vally Civilisation houses built of ________

2. The Great bath of IVC is found at _________

3. The Harappan did not know the use of _____

4. UNESCO Stand for _____________

5. There are _________Current world heritage site in Pakistan.

6. Harrapan made toys of _________

7. There were ___________ letters in Indus valley Civilisation alphabet.

8. They didn't use Coins ________ System may existed.

9. Mohenjo- Dare declared world heritage site in _________________

10. Harappa is in Province of __________ and Mohenjo daro is in __________

Q No 2 Define tha following terms?



3.Early Harappan______________

QNo3. Write the appropriate date of the following?


Late Harappan|___________.
The Persian Civilisation

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

1. The Achaemenid Empire got its name from _____________________.

2. The Achaemenids were defeated by ______________________.
3. Cambyses II ruled successfully for ______________________ years from 530-522 BCE.
4. Cyrus II died in ______________________.
5. Persians also had. _______________ lifestyle.
6. Cyrus loved peaceful, beautiful gardens and created the ______________________.
7. Yakhchal are ______________________ with a large dome above ground and a cavity
below ground.
8. The Persian Empire is also called the ______________________.
9. Achaemenid culture was based on the writings of ______________________.
10. ______________________ supported the costs of rebuilding 'the Second Temple' (of
11. Cyrus II established his capital in ______________________.
12. Zoroastrianism was the state religion of the ___________________ empire.
13. Th _____________________ is an ancient Persian irrigation technique.
14. Darius I also known as ______________________.
15. Yakhchal and ice-pits were built on many locations of Persia during the rule of
Q 2. Who am I?

1. I got the title "King of Kings" ______________________.

2. I founded Zoroastrianism. ______________________.
3. I carried a proclamation that people are free to worship as they wished.
4. I am the third ruler of Persian Empire. I expanded my empire to Iraq, Egypt, and Greece.
5. I ruled from 486-465 BCE. I extend Persepolis and leave a stable empire.

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