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Overview of AI Across

The Perspectives of Professional Writing, Graphic
Design, Psychology, and Exercise Science
Who Are We?

Abby Kyle Campbell Jarrod

Professional Writing Graphic Design Psychology Exercise Science
AI in Professional
Writing - History
● AI was created around 1956 at Dartmouth
and originally was used for research and
STEM concepts
● Websites like Grammarly and ChatGPT
were developed around 2019, bringing AI
to the world of Professional Writing
● Through the invention of this software,
ethical questions surrounding AI began to
● If writers and students begin to depend on
editing tools, how will professionals
genuinely have the skills to work without
AI in Professional Writing - Good & Bad
Pros Cons
● Accuracy: Corrects punctuation ● Lacks Human Touch: AI doesn't
and can quickly edit documents
have an understanding of human
● Quality: offers suggestions for
words based on syntax, emotions
contextual clues etc. to produce ● No creativity or imagination:
compelling writing Can't create something beyond
● Speed: Speeds up the writing what has already been made -
process, less time spent fixing
Proposes ethical dilemma
grammar errors
● Convenience: Can help with ● Accuracy: Can make mistakes,
“smaller” writing, potentially not 100% accurate
saving writers from mental
exhaustion or burnout
Ethical Concerns

● Most professionals agree that rapidly

developing AI raises an ethical cause
for concern
○ Tech advancing quicker than we
can understand
● Is AI ethical to use in educational
○ Originality? Plagiarism?
● Ethical integrity falls on the writer
● Most experts agree humans and
academics should exercise caution
with new AI technologies
AI as a Tool “The best way to familiarize oneself
with these platforms is to use them”

Embracing the change

● Some experts are changing on what to
focus on as professional writers
● Learn to understand it and use it as a
tool, not label it the enemy
“To employers, mechanical writing no
longer has value. Computers already beat
us at that game. For today’s students,
only advanced writing skills matter” -
AI in Graphic Design- Pros

● Increased Efficiency: AI can automate repetitive tasks, speeding up the

design process.
● Consistency: AI ensures a consistent design style and adherence to brand
● Accessible Tools: AI-powered design tools make graphic design more
accessible to non-designers
● Personalization: AI can create personalized content and designs based on
user data.
● Creative Assistance: AI can suggest design elements, fonts, and color
AI in Graphic Design- Cons

● Job displacement: AI will inevitably replace certain graphic design jobs and
● Lack of Originality: AI-generated designs may lack the creativity and
uniqueness of human designers.
● Limited Creativity: AI may struggle with complex or abstract design
● Ethical Concerns: AI can be used to create deep fakes or manipulate visual
content unethically.
● Quality control- Relying solely on AI can lead to errors without human
AI-Driven Trends

● AI identifies and predicts design trends based on data analysis

● Real time trend trackers enable designers to stay current and relevant
● Cost Efficiency: By following AI-driven trends, businesses can create designs
that are more likely to resonate with consumers, reducing the need for costly
design revisions.
● Faster Adaptation- AI allows designers and businesses to quickly adapt to
evolving design preferences, giving them a competitive advantage.
The Dangers of Graphic Design

● Loss of Originality: Over reliance on AI can stifle the development of unique

and imaginative design concepts.
● Intellectual Property Concerns: AI-generated designs may inadvertently
infringe on copyrighted or trademarked content, resulting in legal issues.
● Dependence on Data: AI driven design may lead to the overuse of
data-driven decision making, neglecting the intuitive and emotional aspect
of design.
● Privacy Concerns: AI-powered design tools may compromise user privacy by
analyzing and utilizing personal data for customization.
Future Possibilities

● Hyper-Personalization: AI will enable design personalization at an

unprecedented level, creating visuals tailored to individual preferences and
● Enhanced Accessibility- AI-driven design tools will become more user
friendly, allowing individuals with no design background to create
professional quality visuals.
● Emotional Design- AI will become more adept at creating designs that evoke
specific emotions, enhancing brand connections with consumers.
● Co-Creative AI: Future AI systems may collaborate with designers in a more
intuitive and creative way, providing innovative suggestions and adapting to
designers styles.
AI in Psychology

- Positives and Negatives of AI Use in Mental Health Care

- The Mental Health Crisis and How AI Can Help
- Potential Harm AI Use in Mental Health Care Could Cause
- Example of This Harm (Trigger Warning: Eating Disorders & Their
Treatment, Specifics Mentions of Dieting Advice)
Positives and Negatives of AI Use in Mental Healthcare

Positives: Negatives:

- Aid practitioners in screening/diagnosing - Have proven that they cannot fully replace
patients human interaction in providing care
- Well-designed apps and chatbots can help - Many times the responsibility of care is
users identify symptoms of depression placed on the user, which is not always
and anxiety
- Possible role in aiding treatment of mild
- Potential breaches of user privacy
cases of common mental health disorders
- Could help supplement mental healthcare - Losing sight of sociocultural context
in cases where face-to-face meetings behind mental health disorders and
pose a risk to those on a mass scale (ex. inaccess to care
The Mental Health Crisis and How AI Can Help

- 13% of global population (~970 million people) have mental health

- 43.3% of US population with mental conditions receive treatment
- Why is that percentage so low?
- Inadequate or absence of treatment can lead to a escalation of symptoms
- How can AI help?
- It’s more accessible than traditional care
- Low Cost/Free
- Can easily switch “providers”
Potential Harm AI Use in Mental Health Care Could Cause

AI apps and chatbots used as a replacement for traditional treatment can cause
users to experience the following:

- Lack of emotional support

- Distraction from real life
- The creation of misinterpretations about themselves
- Being discouraged from face-to-face interactions
Example of This Harm: Tessa, NEDA’s AI Chatbot

- The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) chose to shut down their
national helpline.
- Implementation of Tessa, an AI chatbot.
- Tessa begins to provide users with dieting and weight loss advice.
- NEDA was unaware that Cass, the creator of Tessa, updated it and
implemented a major change.
AI in Exercise Science

AI is already used in many ways in the exercise science field, with things like
automated call directors, booking appointment and the reminders about those
appointments, and more that make the providers job a lot easier.

AI can analyze large amounts of data, which helps with things like patient
diagnosis and treatment, because it recognizes patterns much better than us
and can continuously monitor patient’s health while they’re not in a clinic.
AI in Physical Therapy

Rates of burnout among PTs are

high, so AI is used to help out with
the monogamous tasks in order to
relieve PTs of some of this

American Physical Therapy

Association: There is a nationwide
shortage of physical therapists.
AI in Physical Therapy
Exer Health

REAL y-Series
Concerns with AI in Exercise Science

Privacy concerns
Possibile discrimination/bias
Covert data collecting

● AI is something to be cautious about while navigating the future of writing.

However, it can be used as a helpful and convenient tool to strengthen writing and
should start to be embraced by the writing community.
● AI in graphic design is something that can provide great potential if used
accordingly, but careful moderation of the ethical use is crucial.
● The use of AI in mental healthcare has many potential benefits, but also many
risks. These risks pose massive harm to those reaching out for help, as they may
misplace their efforts into resources that may not provide the care they need.
● The concerns of AI in the Exercise Science are pretty basic, and are the same as
many other disciplines. The advantages of AI, however, are endless and exciting.

AI can be both helpful and harmful in every discipline. The ways that AI can help
are vast, but this does not mean that we can just ignore the harm that it can do.
AI can do repetitive tasks for us, give us ideas for writing and designs, and help
patients get better treatment, but nothing can ever fully replace the connection
we get from other humans.
AI-Based and Digital Mental Health Apps: Balancing Need and Risk:
An eating disorders chatbot offered dieting advice, raising fears about AI in health:
Role of Artificial intelligence and its impact in mental health services:,h
Current Status and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Medical Field:
The Future of AI in Medicine: A Perspective from a Chatbot:
Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence and Their Potential Solutions in the Healthcare Sector:
How AI is Helping Physical Therapy Businesses Improve Patient Care: AI
and Physical Therapy:

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