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Name of School :- Computational Science

Name of Program :- SY Btech

Name: Nilesh Babar

Roll no : 24
Div : C
Sub : CPS
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming
our world, affecting nearly every aspect of our
lives. From healthcare and transportation to
finance and entertainment, AI is automating
tasks, making predictions, and even generating
creative content. In this presentation, we will
explore both the advantages and disadvantages of
AI, giving you a balanced perspective on this
powerful technology.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
• AI is the simulation of human intelligence in
• It allows machines to learn, reason, and act
• There are different types of AI, including:
• Machine learning: Learns from data without
being explicitly programmed.
• Deep learning: A type of machine learning
that uses artificial neural networks.
• Natural language processing: Enables
machines to understand and generate human
Narrow AI: Narrow AI also known as Weak AI or Narrow
AI. Narrow AI is designed and trained ona specific task or a
narrow range tasks. Personal Virtual assistance like Alexa or
Siri, recommendation systems, image recognization
software and other language translation tools.
General AI: It is known as Strong AI. It refers to AI systems
that have human intelligence and abilities to perform
various tasks. Super AI: It is known as Superintelligent
AI that surpasses intelligence of human in solving-probem,
creativity, and overall abilities.
Advantages of Artificial Intelligence
• Increased Efficiency and Productivity: AI can
automate tasks and make decisions much faster
than humans, leading to increased efficiency and
• Improved Accuracy and Precision: AI can
analyze vast amounts of data and identify
patterns that humans might miss, leading to
more accurate and precise results.
• Enhanced Innovation and Creativity: AI can
help humans brainstorm new ideas and generate
creative content, such as music or writing.
• Personalized Experiences: AI can personalize
experiences for individual users, such as
recommending products or tailoring news
• Better Decision-Making: AI can help humans
make better decisions by analyzing data and
providing insights that might not be obvious.
• Automation: AI automates tasks, freeing up
human time and resources.
• Enhanced Accuracy: AI analyzes vast data
, identifying patterns humans might
miss, leading to more accurate results.
• 24/7 Operations: AI systems can operate
continuously, unlike humans, boosting
Disadvantage of Artificial Intelligenc
• Job Displacement: AI could lead to job
displacement as machines automate tasks that
were previously done by humans.
• Bias and Discrimination: AI algorithms can
perpetuate bias and discrimination if they are
trained on biased data.
• Privacy Concerns: AI systems that collect and
analyze personal data raise privacy concerns.
• Safety and Security Risks: AI systems could be
hacked or misused, leading to safety and security
• Reskilling and retraining: Workforce adaptation
becomes crucial to transition displaced workers
to new job opportunities.
• Income inequality: Job displacement could
exacerbate existing income disparities if new
opportunities aren't readily available.
• Ethical considerations: Responsible AI
development requires careful planning to
mitigate job displacement and its associated
societal impacts.
• Lack of Transparency and Explainability: Some
AI systems are difficult to understand and
explain, which can raise ethical concerns.
Artificial intelligence presents a complex and
multifaceted landscape, brimming with both
potential and challenges. While its advantages hold
immense promise for efficiency, innovation, and
improved quality of life, its disadvantages raise
critical concerns about job displacement, bias,
privacy, and safety. As we navigate this rapidly
evolving landscape, it's crucial to approach AI
thoughtfully and responsibly. By fostering open
dialogue, prioritizing ethical development, and
actively mitigating potential pitfalls, we can harness
the power of.

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