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Three Components of Understanding a Programmer’s Manual:

Verbatim, Propositional, and Situational Representations


Universitiir Heidelberg. West Germmy

It has recently been proposed that in addition to verbatim and propositional text represen-
tations, a reader also forms a cognitive representation of the situations addressed by the
text. This theoretical position was supported in three experiments which examined en-
coding processes, the cognitive products, and retrieval processes of the verbatim, proposi-
tional, and situational processing components: The degree of propositional and situational
processing was successfully manipulated by varying the subjects’ study goals. As a conse-
quence of these differential encoding processes, subjects who studied for text summariza-
tion remembered more propositional information while subjects with a knowledge acquisi-
tion goal remembered more situational information. It was found that the situational en-
coding and retrieval processes proceeded faster than the respective propositional processes.
In a sentence recognition task, subjects more strongly relied upon situational than proposi-
tional information, demonstrating the importance of situational representations in text com-
prehension. 0 1986 Academic Press. Inc.

While psychologists have investigated in be acquired without reading a text, for ex-
some detail how subjects remember texts ample through exploring and learning by
(Kintsch, 1974; Kintsch & van Dijk, 1978; doing (Anzai & Simon, 1979). Thus, stu-
Sachs, 1967; Schank & Abelson, 1977), in dents’ cognitive representations of a partic-
real life texts are often studied with a com- ular text and their respective domain
pletely different intention. For example, a knowledge may obviously differ in content.
student studying a computer science text- Recently, van Dijk and Kintsch (1983)
book or a car mechanic studying a repair have provided several arguments that this
manual is more interested in acquiring distinction between text representations
knowledge about the respective subject do- proper and the mental representations of
main as opposed to merely remembering the (real or hypothetical) situations ad-
the wording or meaning of a particular text. dressed by a text may be very important for
In order to successfully interact with a psychological theories of text comprehen-
computer, the student must develop some sion. Just as philosophy and linguistics dis-
mental representation which provides de- tinguish between meaning and reference,
tailed information about the respective van Dijk and Kintsch’s discourse theory
system. Such domain knowledge may also differentiates between the cognitive repre-
sentations of a text and the representation
This research was made possible by a travel grant to of the situations which are addressed by
the first author from Deutsche Forschungsgemein- the text. This latter representation which is
schaft. We thank Walter Kintsch for his thoughtful a representation of a specific domain has
comments concerning this work, and Peter Polson. been termed the mental or situation
Alice Healy, and the Institute of Cognitive Science at
the University of Colorado for permitting us to use the model.’ It is to be distinguished from ver-
Computer Laboratory for Instruction in Psychological batim and propositional text representa-
Research (CLIPR) as well as the subject pool. Reprint
requests should be addressed to Franz Schmalhofer, ’ The term “situation model” has been used in this
Psychologisches Institut, Universitat Freiburg. Nie- paper instead of “mental model” because it better de-
mensstr. IO, 7800 Freiburg i. Br., West Germany. scribes the content of information represented.

0749-596X186 $3.00
Copyright PC 1986 by Academic Press. Inc.
Ail rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

tions, which people have been found to macro- as well as the microprocessing of a
construct when reading a text (Kintsch, text. These subjects should therefore show
1974; Miller & Kintsch, 1980; Ratcliff & different reading time patterns than sub-
McKoon, 1978). Unlike a situation model, jects who study the same text in order to
which may even be constructed in the ab- acquire knowledge about the respective
sence of a text, a propositional text repre- subject domain (knowledge acquisition
sentation is inherently tied to the (reader’s (KA) subjects). Whereas the reading times
perceived) meaning structure of a text. A of subjects who read a text for text memory
propositional textbase, which consists of a have been shown to be longer for text seg-
micro- and macrostructure, thus represents ments which are located high in the text hi-
the meaning of a particular text and its gist. erarchy (Cirilo & Foss, 1980), subjects who
A verbatim text representation would be study a text for knowledge acquisition are
even more closely related to some given expected to spend relatively more time pro-
text. Since texts can be remembered by cessing those subordinate paragraphs
their wording (Keenan, MacWhinney, & which present crucial information about
Mayhew, 1977) as well as by their meaning the subject domain itself.
(Kintsch, 1974), the psychological rele- As a consequence of these differential
vance of the distinction between verbatim encoding processes, TS subjects are pre-
and propositional representations is rather dicted to show better propositional text
well established. memory, even for micropropositions, than
Although it has been shown that domain KA subjects. On the other hand, KA sub-
knowledge, which is supposedly encoded jects should develop a more accurate situa-
in a situation model, affects the construc- tional representation than TS subjects.
tion of a text’s meaning representation However, if the formation of a situation
(Spilich, Vesonder, Chiesi, & Voss, 1979). model is an integral part of the text com-
it also needs to be investigated how (or prehension processes (Garnham, 1981),
whether) new domain knowledge can be even TS subjects could develop stronger
acquired from studying a text. Van Dijk situational than propositional representa-
and Kintsch (1983) have suggested that tions.
readers encode such domain knowledge by The information retrieval from the two
building (or updating) a situation model cognitive structures may also be quite dif-
when studying a text, in addition to con- ferent. While a textbase may be searched
structing verbatim and propositional text until some propositions match the proposi-
representations. The formation of an ap- tions of the text sentence, the situational
propriate situation model may be of partic- information may be retrieved faster. Sup-
ular importance for utilizing the informa- porting evidence has been presented by
tion presented in the text in order to per- Reder (1982) who argued that subjects
form a novel task in the respective subject more efficiently judge a test sentence by its
domain, such as verifying a computer pro- plausibility, which is supposedly based
gram after having studied a manual upon situational information, than
(Schmalhofer, 1982). searching memory for an exact proposi-
Since the textbase and the situation tional match. If, however, TS and KA sub-
model may be constructed by presumably jects did not differ by their development of
interacting, but nevertheless separate, a situation model, no structural differences
mental processes, it is expected that sub- in the encoding processes, cognitive struc-
jects who study a text in order to write a tures, and retrieval processes would be ex-
summary thereafter (text summarization pected between the two subject groups.
(TS) subjects), would emphasize proposi- In order to examine the construction of
tional text encoding by enhancing the verbatim and propositional text representa-

tions on the one hand, and representations paragraphs, differences in the cognitive
of the situations referred to by a text on the processing of TS and KA readers can be
other, three experiments were performed. assessed by comparing the reading times of
Rather than investigating the structure of different text segments. TS readers suppos-
some fully developed knowledge structure edly emphasize macroprocessing in their
for expert programming, the present study construction of a textbase, and should
investigates how verbatim, propositional, therefore spend more time reading the sen-
and situational representations are formed, tences of the Level 1 paragraphs than the
when people without prior domain knowl- other paragraphs (Cirilo & Foss, 1980). KA
edge study a programmer’s manual for the readers, on the other hand, are assumed to
first time. By instructing subjects to study emphasize the construction of a situation
the manual either for text summarization or model and therefore should spend rela-
for knowledge acquisition, the first experi- tively more time on the lower level para-
ment investigated differences in the en- graphs than on the level 1 paragraphs. Con-
coding processes of text and situational in- sequently, a hierarchical text level by sub-
formation, while the second experiment ex- ject group interaction is expected. No
amined differences in the resulting prediction, however, can be made, as to
cognitive structures. In order to test the which group will show longer overall
different information retrieval speeds from reading times: If the construction of a
verbatim, propositional, and situational macrostructure is relatively more time con-
representations, a speed accuracy trade-off suming than the development of a situation
analysis was performed in a third experi- model, the overall reading times of KA
ment. The three experiments thus investi- readers would be faster and vice versa.
gate the encoding processes, the resulting
cognitive structures, and the retrieval pro- Method
cesses of three components of text under- Subjects. Sixty-four University of Colo-
standing. rado undergraduates, who did not have any
knowledge about LISP, participated in the
EXPERIMENT 1 experiment in order to fulfill an introduc-
In order to investigate the construction tory psychology course requirement.
of propositional and situational representa- Material. A short programmer’s manual
tions in a realistic but controlled setting, (742 words) which introduced LISP data
subjects who did not know anything about representations (atoms and S-expressions)
LISP were given part of a LISP program- was constructed based upon the first
mer’s manual to study. This text was well couple of pages of McCarthy, Abrahams,
suited for investigating the initial construc- Edwards, Hart, and Levin’s LISP 1.5 Pro-
tion of situational representations during grammer’s Manual (1965). The hierarchical
text comprehension. The experimental text structure of the text thus obtained is shown
has a clearly identifiable hierarchical struc- in Figure 1. In this figure, each paragraph
ture which is shown in Figure 1. Whereas of the text is represented by a node at one
the paragraphs at the highest level (Level 1) of the four different levels in the text hier-
in the text hierarchy expressed the text’s archy. The three paragraphs at the highest
macrostructure, substantive LISP informa- level (level 1) consisted of an introduction
tion, which is needed for the construction which motivated the reader to study the
of a situational representation, was pre- text, an outline of the material to be pre-
sented at the lower levels of the text hier- sented, and a summary of the presented
archy. Since the most important informa- material. These three paragraphs, which
tion for constructing a textbase and a situa- presented the text’s macroinformation, oc-
tion model were contained in different curred as the first, second, and last para-



lU.621 V4.‘46)


Il.111 IU. 671


13. Y71 11.22) l2.551 S-EXPRESSIONS
IY. 731


16.671 (6.721 16.761 (6.921

FIG. 1. Hierarchical structure of the paragraphs of the LISP programmer’s manual. (The two
numbers under the paragraph headlines refer to the number of sentences and the number of words
contained in the paragraph, respectively.)

graphs of the text, respectively. The subor- mode of presentation of the experimental
dinate paragraphs at levels 2 and 3 intro- materials. All subjects were told to study
duced and elaboratively refined more the LISP text in a way that would enable
substantive information about the program- them to do very well on the test that would
ming language LISP which should be most follow. The only difference in the instruc-
useful for the construction of a situation tions of the two subject groups concerned
model. The lowest level (level 4) in the text the study goal. Half of the subjects were
hierarchy presented specific examples of told that the test would involve writing a
correctly and incorrectly formed LISP data brief summary of the LISP text (text sum-
together with brief explanations.’ marization (TS) readers) and the other half
Procedure. The experiment, which was were told that the test would involve a pro-
conducted on Visual 200 terminals con- gramming task which would consist of
trolled by the VAX 1 l/780 computer of the writing and verifying LISP expressions
Computer Laboratory for Instruction in (knowledge acquisition (KA) readers).
Psychological Research at the University The LISP text was presented one sen-
of Colorado, was subject paced. tence at a time. In order to indicate the
The subjects first read the instructions start of a new paragraph, a heading which
for the experiment on the terminal screen introduced the topic of the next paragraph
in order to familiarize themselves with the was presented before each new para-
graph. The headings were presented in all
capital letters so as to distinguish them
z In the text, all five paragraphs on atoms occurred from the text sentences. When subjects had
before the paragraphs on S-expressions. Within these finished studying a sentence, they pressed
two groups of five paragraphs. the paragraphs at the a button to request the next sentence. They
higher levels were presented before the paragraphs at
the lower levels and the paragraph to the left, in had been informed that they could not re-
Figure 1, was presented before the paragraph to the turn to previously presented sentences and
right within a level. that they should not take any breaks while

studying the sentences. Sentence reading The average word reading times for each
times were collected by the computer. of the two subject groups and the different
text levels are shown in Figure 2. TS
Results and Discussion readers showed a clear levels effect with
A sentence by reading instruction the longest word reading times for the
ANOVA revealed that the sentences were highest level in the text hierarchy.
read significantly faster by KA subjects Newman-Keuls tests showed that the TS
(325.8 s) than by TS subjects (406.8 s), readers’ word reading times for the three
F(1,62) = 11.1, MS, = 191.1, p < .OOS, text levels differed significantly from one
and, as would be expected, that the 50 sen- another (p < .05). KA subjects, on the
tences yielded different reading times, other hand, showed the longest word
F(49,3038) = 64.3, MS, = 16.3,~ < .OOOl. reading times for the second text level,
Since a significant sentence by reading in- which presented substantial information
struction interaction, F(49,3038) = 1.96, about the programming language LISP. The
MS, = 16.3, p < .OOOl, was found, KA Newman-Keuls test yielded a significant
readers (who read 136.6 words per minute) difference (p < .05) only between levels 2
could not have simply applied the same and 3. Thus, unlike TS readers KA readers
comprehension processes as TS readers did not show a clear levels effect in their
(who read 109.4 words per minute) at a reading times. Although it was expected
higher speed. Since the TS readers were that KA readers would study the level 2
slower, these results suggest that TS and level 3 paragraphs approximately
readers were more thoroughly engaged in equally intensively, a significant difference
some relatively time consuming processing was observed between the two levels.
component which affected the processing Since the level 2 paragraphs introduced
of the 50 sentences differently. KA readers, some basic LISP concepts for the first
on the other hand, could have emphasized
a different processing component, thus
yielding a sentence by subject group inter-
action and overall reading time differences 700 -
between TS subjects and KA subjects. G
In order to determine which processing II 300-
components were emphasized by each of Y
the two subject groups, average word ;1500-
reading times were calculated for each Y
level of the text hierarchy. Thus, how the z4 LOO -
average reading times of the two subject x
groups depended upon the hierarchical ez 300- - TEXT SllHtlARItATION
level of the segments in the text could be
analyzed. Since the sentences at the lowest l

text level (Level 4) contained long for- E ---- KNOWLEDGE ACDIJISITION

mulas, Level 4 was excluded from the anal- 100 -

ysis. In addition to significant group differ-

ences, F(1,62) = 9.39, MS, = 0.073, p < I I I I
,005, and differences between the text 1 2 3
levels, F(2,124) = 11.32, MS, = 0.010, p < LEVEL IN TEXT HIERARCHY

.OOOl, a significant interaction was again FIG. 2. Average reading times per word (ms) as a
function of the level in the text hierarchy for each of
found, F(2,124) = 3.67, MS, = 0.010, p < the two study instructions (studying in order to write a
.05, indicating structural processing differ- text summary or studying in order to acquire knowl-
ences between the two subject groups. edge about the subject domain).

time, this result could possibly indicate that tion strength determines a subject’s recog-
the generation of new knowledge elements nition decision. By presenting subjects
in a situation model requires more time with test sentences which differ only by the
than further elaborating or updating al- contribution of one of the three cognitive
ready existing knowledge elements. structures, the strength of the respective
These results suggest that by empha- structure may be examined. Four different
sizing macroprocessing TS readers were types of test sentences can be constructed:
more thoroughly engaged in constructing a A sentence may be presented in the form it
textbase, whereas KA readers focused on occurred in the text (O-sentences); it may
developing a situation model by processing be paraphrased (P-sentences); its meaning
the more substantive information about may be changed while preserving its situa-
LISP. If the textbase and the situation tional correctness (M-sentences); a id its
model are indeed the cognitive products of situational correctness could be changed in
two different processing components, the addition (C-sentences). As shown in Table
information processing differences demon- I, the O-P, P-M, and M-C sentence pairs
strated in this experiment should also be differ only by the contribution of the ver-
reflected in the respective cognitive batim, the propositional, and the situa-
products. In order to test the prediction tional representations, respectively.
that KA readers emphasize the develop- Under the assumption that the accumu-
ment of a situation model whereas TS lated recognition strengths are normally
readers stress the construction of a text- distributed with equal variances, the
base, these cognitive products were exam- strength of verbatim, propositional, and sit-
ined in a second experiment. uational representations may be assessed
in a signal detection analysis by d’ (Egan,
EXPERIMENT 2 1975). The strength of the verbatim repre-
sentation may be measured as the differ-
If the verbatim memory, the textbase, ence between the response distributions of
and the situation model are indeed the cog- original and paraphrased sentences. A u”
nitive products of verbatim, propositional, value for the verbatim component will be
and situational processing components, calculated by using the hit rate to O-sen-
subjects can also utilize the information of tences and the false alarm rate to P-sen-
these three cognitive products in a sen- tences. Similarly, a d’ value for proposi-
tence recognition task. Although a recogni- tional information may be calculated from
tion task asks the subjects to examine the percentage of “yes” responses to P-
whether a sentence occurred in a text liter- sentences and the false alarm rate to M-
ally, in addition to verbatim memory, prop- sentences. Finally, a d’ value for situational
ositional and situational information may information may be derived from the per-
also be utilized for answering this question centage of “yes” responses to M- and C-
(Reder, 1982). In order to examine the rela- sentences.
tive strength of verbatim, propositional, The strengths of the three cognitive
and situational representations, a retrieval structures were examined for text summa-
model must be specified for the three cog- rization (TS) and knowledge acquisition
nitive structures. It is assumed that during (KA) readers. Possible trade-off effects of
the recognition processing of a sentence, response time and response accuracy were
the retrieval results of the three structures eliminated by determining the asymptote of
are continuously combined (e.g., added) to recognition performance for TS and KA
yield the currently accumulated recognition readers with the use of a tapping speed ac-
strength at any point in time. In addition, it curacy trade-off paradigm (Wickelgren,
is assumed that the accumulated recogni- Corbett, & Dosher, 1980).


Test sentence

Source of Correctness Meaning

information changed changed Paraphrased Original

Verbatim - - +
Propositional - - + +
Situational - + + +

Note. The ‘* + ” and ” - ” indicate whether a cognitive structure supplies evidence for a “yes” (old) or “no”
(new) recognition decision. respectively.

Method Distractor sentences were created by ex-

changing words or clauses among the 20
Subjects. Sixty-four subjects were re- original sentences, so that the distractor
cruited from the subject pool used in Ex- sentences consisted only of words and
periment 1. phrases which had occurred in the text. P-
Material. The programmer’s manual pre- sentences were constructed by replacing
pared for Experiment 1 was also used as words of the second clause with synonyms.
the text in this experiment. M-sentences were obtained by exchanging
Ten affirmative and ten negative sen- the second clauses of O-sentences in such a
tences on examples of LISP data, which way that the constructed sentences were
occurred in the level 4 paragraphs of the still correct with respect to the rules of
text, were used to construct the recognition LISP. For C-sentences, changes of the
test. Affirmative sentences consisted of LISP example which are difficult to recog-
two clauses which stated that a given LISP nize, such as deleting or inserting a dot
data example is a correctly built type of (Schmalhofer. 1982), were applied in addi-
LISP data (clause 1), with a specific ele- tion to exchanging the second clauses; thus
ment (clause 2). Negative sentences stated the resulting sentences were incorrect with
that a given LISP data example is incor- respect to the rules of LISP. In addition,
rectly formed (clause I), because of a spe- this construction ensured that the LISP
cific element (clause 2). For each of these data example was consistent with the infor-
original (0-) sentences, three distracters mation presented by the second clause.
were constructed: Paraphrased (P-). The 80 sentences thus obtained were di-
meaning-changed (M-), and correctness- vided into four different versions of the
changed (C-) sentences (see Table 2). test, with every set containing exactly 5


Test sentence Affirmative Negative

Original PSY 100 is a legal atom. BIO.-200 is not a legal atom.
that concludes with a number. because it contains a dot.
Paraphrased PSY 100 is a legal atom. BIO.-200 is not a legal atom,
which ends with a numeral. since it has a period.
Meaning-changed PSY 100 is a legal atom, BIO.-200 is not a legal atom.
which begins with a letter. since it has a dash.
Correctness- PSY. 100 is a legal atom. B10200 is not a legal atom,
changed that contains a dot. because it concludes with a number.

sentences of each form so that each of the ther press the “yes” or the “no” button.
20 original sentences was represented in Contrary to the method of Wickelgren et
each version by one of the four different al., no confidence ratings were collected;
forms (0-, P-. M-, and C-sentences). that is, for every response signal a subject
Procedure. The entire experiment was had to press only one button. Since the
controlled by the Vax 111780 computer. subjects gave their first response in the
Subjects were told that the experimental form of a guess, which caused a test sen-
session consisted of two independent ex- tence to appear on the screen 1 s later, sub-
periments: A general knowledge test and jects’ recognition responses were collected
an experiment on text comprehension. In 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 s after the presentation
reality, the general knowledge test served of the test sentence.
as a practice of the speed accuracy trade
off procedure which would later be used in Results
the recognition test. Since a performance asymptote was
Both subject groups, TS and KA reached approximately 5 s after the presen-
readers, read the instructions and studied tation of a test sentence, relative fre-
the LISP text, exactly as in Experiment I. quencies of “yes” responses were calcu-
Then they reviewed the text, paragraph by lated by pooling the responses which had
paragraph, until they had studied the text occurred at least 5 s after the sentence pre-
for a total of 9 min. Thus, differences in sentation. For TS readers, the relative fre-
overall study times between TS and KA quencies of “yes” responses were 0.726
readers were eliminated as a confounding for O-sentences, 0.732 for P-sentences,
factor in the recognition test. Although the 0.489 for M-sentences, and 0.165 for C-sen-
overall study time was held constant at 9 tences. For KA readers, the respective fre-
min, the individual paragraph reading quencies were 0.760 for O-sentences, 0.636
times, which were controlled by the sub- for P-sentences, 0.564 for M-sentences,
jects themselves, could vary. and 0.161 for C-sentences.
Recognition test instructions and the rec- For every subject, d’ scores for the three
ognition test directly followed. In the rec- cognitive representations were calculated.
ognition test, subjects had to determine The mean d’ scores of verbatim, proposi-
whether a test sentence had occurred ver- tional, and situational representations thus
batim in the text. In order to provide a obtained for TS and KA readers are shown
warm-up and to increase the proportion of in Table 3. A 2 x 3 reading goal by cogni-
old sentences, the test began with four filler tive representation ANOVA revealed dif-
sentences. The actual test consisted of one ferences in the strength of the three cogni-
of the four test versions. Each test version tive representations, F(2.124) = 13.64,
was presented to eight TS and eight KA MS, = 1.58, p < .OOOl, as well as a signifi-
readers. The order of presentation of the cant interaction between reading goal and
sentences in a test version was newly ran- cognitive representation F(2,124) = 3.23.
domized for each subject. MS, = 1.58, p < .05. The two reading
The procedure for the recognition test goals did not produce overall performance
was modeled after the tapping speed accu- differences, however, F < 1. Newman-
racy trade-off method of Wickelgren et al. Keuls tests showed that the interaction ef-
(1980). With this method, seven old-new fect was due to the two reading goals pro-
responses were collected for each sen- ducing significant effects in different direc-
tence. The subjects’ responses were tions for the three memory representations.
probed by response signals (tones) which Newman-Keuls tests furthermore revealed
occurred 2 s apart from each other. For that for TS readers, the strength of the ver-
every response signal, a subject had to ei- batim representation differed significantly


Processing goal Verbatim Propositional Situational

Text summarization -0.10 0.84 1.15
Knowledge acquisition 0.38 0.25 I .42

from the propositional and the situational the end of the study phase, TS and KA
representation, which were not signifi- readers may therefore have differed with
cantly different. For KA readers, only the respect to the verbatim information held in
situational representation was significantly working memory that was relevant for the
different from the verbatim and proposi- recognition test. The fact that the test
tional representations, which were about phase followed immediately after the study
equal. phase in this experiment may thus have
caused KA readers to correctly reject
Discussion about 10% more paraphrased sentences
Since the two subject groups performed than TS readers.
about equally well overall in the sentence
recognition task, the differences in their
performances cannot be explained by one In order to eliminate the influence of
reading goal simply causing a semantically short-term memory and to further examine
deeper level of text processing (Craik & the speed with which information is re-
Lockhart, 1972) than the other reading trieved from the three cognitive structures,
goal. Instead, the significant interaction be- an experiment with an interfering task be-
tween reading goal and cognitive represen- tween the study and the test phase was
tation shows that TS and KA readers em- performed. Since in a recognition task a
phasized different components of text pro- textbase must be searched for a proposi-
cessing. Whereas TS readers developed a tional match between the test sentence and
better propositional text representation, textbase, the information retrieval from a
KA readers emphasized the construction of textbase has been predicted to be relatively
a situation model. By demonstrating how time consuming (Reder, 1982). In compar-
the development of cognitive structures de- ison, situational information, which may be
pends upon a reader’s processing goals, used to judge a sentence by its plausibility
these results provide additional evidence with respect to the situations described by
for the distinction between a propositional a text, may be accessed more directly
text representation and a situation model. without elaborate searching. For example,
Contrary to the experimental predic- in a recognition task the information of a
tions, however, KA readers showed better situation model may be utilized by trans-
verbatim memory than TS readers. Al- lating the test sentence into its situational
though this result is surprising, it could representation and comparing it with the
be explained by KA readers having studied situation model. With a consistency check
the example sentences more extensively. (Johnson-Laird, 1980, 1983) a person may
Since, the sentences employed in the rec- thus judge whether the test sentence oc-
ognition task provided examples of LISP curred or could have occurred in the text.
data, they were more relevant for the con- Because of these possible differences in the
struction of a situation model than for the cognitive representations of the textbase
formation of the text’s macrostructure. By and the situation model, it is predicted that

the information of a situation model is re- p < .OOOl. Since neither subject group nor
trieved faster as well as more accurately. interaction effects were significant, TS and
This prediction will be tested by examining KA readers showed about the same re-
the speed accuracy trade-off relation of trieval performance of propositional infor-
verbatim, propositional, and situational re- mation. Situational information was also
trieval components in the recognition of reliably remembered, F(6,372) = 29.3, MS,
sentences. = 0.86, p < .OOOl. Although no significant
group differences were found, a significant
Method interaction, F(6,372) = 2.36, MS, = 0.86,
Sixty-four subjects from the same sub- p < .05, demonstrated differences in the re-
ject pool, the same materials, and the same trieval of situational information between
procedure as in Experiment 2 were used. TS and KA readers. As seen in Figure 3,
The only difference was that in the present these differences are mostly due to KA
experiment subjects were given an interpo- readers showing a higher final level of ac-
lated task between the study and test phase curacy than TS readers. In summary, the
of the text. The interpolated task, which three analyses demonstrated that instead of
took about 15 min, consisted of a study and verbatim information, subjects based their
test phase with an unrelated text. recognition decisions mostly upon proposi-
tional and situational information, and that
Results and Discussion KA readers retrieved more situational in-
Table 4 shows the percentage of “yes” formation than TS readers.
responses for the two subject groups and Comparison of the propositional and the
the four sentence types. The average d’-re- situational retrieval components. In order
trieval scores of verbatim, propositional, to compare the relative strengths and the
and situational information3 which were time characteristics of propositional and
obtained for the different processing times situational information retrieval, d’-dif-
are shown in Figure 3. For each of the ference scores between propositional and
three information retrieval components. situational d’ values were calculaed for
separate subject group by processing time the retrieval results at 1, 3, 5. 7, 9, and 11 s
(2 x 7) ANOVAs were performed upon the after the presentation of the test sentence.
respective d’ values. In these analyses, the Whereas KA readers retrieved more situa-
first level of processing time, which con- tional information, F(5,155) = 2.51, MS, =
sisted of the subjects’ guesses before they 2.01, p < .05, a one-way ANOVA did not
even saw the specific test sentence, may be show a significant processing time effect
used as a baseline for evaluating the re- for TS readers. However, for both subject
trieval strengths at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 s groups, the relation between the accuracy
after the presentation of the test sentence. and the retrieval speed was different for
Comparison of subject groups. For ver- propositional and situational information.
batim memory, neither reliable main effects KA readers had retrieved significantly
nor a significant interaction effect was ob- more situational than propositional infor-
tained, demonstrating that, after the inter- mation after 5 (t = 2.18, p < .05). 7 (t =
fering task, verbatim memory was very 2.81, p < .Ol), 9 (t = 2.59, p < .05), and 11
weak or had vanished. Subjects, however, (t = 2.65, p < .05) s. Even TS readers had
showed reliable memory for propositional retrieved significantly more situational than
information, F(6,372) = 8.59, MS, = 0.67, propositional information at 5 s (t = 2.31, p
< .05). Since for TS and KA readers, the
3 Rather than incremental d scores (see Wickelgren
maximum difference score occurred at 5
et al.. 1980). the more widely used d’ measures were and at 7 s, respectively, rather than at 11 s,
employed throughout this research. it may be concluded that both subject


TS readers KA readers

Pr(yes) 0 P M C 0 P M C
After 1s 0.711 0.637 0.664 0.589 0.781 0.744 0.713 0.658
After 3s 0.722 0.706 0.638 0.333 0.805 0.745 0.681 0.419
After 5s 0.738 0.675 0.550 0.181 0.794 0.709 0.603 0.219
After 7s 0.776 0.695 0.484 0.164 0.802 0.723 0.586 0.138
After 9s 0.800 0.665 0.467 0.146 0.813 0.716 0.558 0.125
After 11 s 0.800 0.651 0.430 0.150 0.813 0.730 0.552 0.106

Note. 0, P, M, and C refer to original, paraphrased, meaning-changed, and correctness-changed sentences.


groups retrieved situational information STEPIT minimization program (Chandler,

faster than propositional information. As1965). A least-squares criterion was applied
Figure 3 shows, the retrieved propositional to determine the retrieval functions which
information increased rather slowly but best described the observed d’ values. The
constantly with processing time. Situa- number of free parameters was reduced by
tional information, on the other hand, was assuming that the F-parameter for each of
accessed much faster, and soon reached a the three retrieval components was the
performance asymptote. same for both subject groups. Figure 3
In order to reveal the differences in the shows the retrieval functions thus obtained
speed and accuracy of propositional andfor verbatim, propositional, and situational
situational information retrieval, the d’ information. For the propositional and
scores observed at different processing situational retrieval components, the pa-
times, t, were approximated by a func- rameters of these functions are presented
tion with speed and accuracy parameters in Table 5.
(A, P. 6): Although the interpretation of the A-, p-,
and s-parameters of the present model is
often problematic because the parameter
A(1 - exp{ - P[t - a]}), for t > 6 estimates may show artifactual interactions
d(t) =
0, for t d 6. (Wickelgren et al., 1980), the parameter es-
timates shown in Table 5 are consistent
In this function, d(t) represents the d' ac- with the statistical results reported above:
curacy at processing time t, and 6 specifies A comparison of the s-parameters indicates
the minimum processing time required for that situational information is more readily
achieving a d’ accuracy different from accessible than propositional information.
zero. A specifies the performance asymp- Also, the P-parameters are consistent with
tote and p is the exponential rate param- the hypothesis that situational information
eter, determining the speed with which this is retrieved at a faster rate than proposi-
asymptote will be approached. This expo- tional information. For reasons of com-
nential approach to a limit, X, has success- pleteness, the parameters obtained for ver-
fully been used for describing memory re- batim memory which may be artifactual are
trieval processes (Dosher, 1982; Wickel- also reported. For example, the perfor-
gren et al., 1980). mance asymptote of verbatim memory of
The parameters of the verbatim, the TS readers, A = 0.94, may be inflated by a
propositional, and the situational retrieval low retrieval rate, p = 0.0001, and a large
components were estimated by the a-parameter, 6 = 2136 ms. For KA


q - 75 READERS

I * , , , I I
0 5000 10000

Total processing time Imsecl


0 - 15 READER5




I I-

0 I , , I ,
O 5000 10000

Total processing time (msecl Total processing time Lmsecl

FIG. 3. Accuracy scores (8) at different processing times for each of the three retrieval components
(verbatim memory, textbase. and situation model) and the two study instructions (studying in order to
write a text summary (TS) or studying in order to acquire knowledge, (KA)). The smooth curves
represent best fitting speed accuracy trade-off functions.

readers, the respective values were p = In order to evaluate the goodness of fit of
0.0018, A = 0.28. Since for verbatim the six curves to the 36 data points, the per-
memory no significant effect of processing centage of variance accounted for was de-
time was obtained by the ANOVA, these termined by a measure which adjusts for
parameters should not be interpreted. the number of parameters estimated from


Retrieval Subject Intercept Retrieval rate Performance

component group (ms) td’ims) asymptote (8)

Propositional TS 1847 0.00037 0.81

KA 0.00029 0.63
Situational TS 684 0.00095 1.20
KA 0.00034 1.74

the data (Reed, 1973). This measure is de- and situational representations, the pre-
scribed by dicted pattern of results was fully obtained
in Experiment 3. Thus, the verbatim
2 (x; - f;)*/(N - K) memory scores of Experiment 2 may in-
/.2 = ] _ i,’ deed have been influenced by different in-
formation being held in working memory at
C(Xi-F)*/(N- 1)’ the end of the study phase.
i= I

where N is the number of data points xi, ii
are the respective predicted values. x is the When readers study a text such as a pro-
grand mean of xi, and K is the number of grammer’s manual, three processing com-
parameters estimated from the data. With ponents can be distinguished. A reader
an 13 = .94, the fit between the model and may process the wording and the meaning
the data can be considered quite good. of a text as well as the situations addressed
When the results of Experiments 2 and 3 by it. For each of the three components,
are jointly analyzed by a 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 the influence of a reader’s processing goal
ANOVA with the factors delay between upon the encoding processes, the cognitive
study and test phase, reading goal, memory products, and the retrieval processes were
representation, and processing time, signif- examined.
icant differences were found among the Experiment 1 showed that the goal of
three memory representations, F(2,248) = text summarization (TS) resulted in sub-
20.39, MS, = 6.96, p < .OOOl, the different jects spending most time processing the
processing times, F(6,744) = 173.75, MS, text’s macroinformation. Under knowledge
= 0.22, p < .OOOl, the interaction between acquisition (KA) instructions, however,
processing time and memory representa- subjects most intensively processed sub-
tion, F(12,1488) = 9.20, MS, = 0.98, p < stantive situational information. Whereas
.OOOl, as well as a marginally significant Guindon and Kintsch (1984) have shown
memory representation by reading goal in- that subjects perform macroprocesses inde-
teraction, F(2,248) = 2.53, MS,, = 6.96, p pendent of text summarization instruc-
< .l. With the exception that the represen- tions, the present results clearly indicate
tation by reading goal interaction was only that the intensity of macroprocessing de-
marginally significant, this analysis thus pended upon the two processing goals,
replicated the results of the individual anal- which were induced by different reading
yses of Experiments 2 and 3. instructions.
It appears that the interpolated task suc- Unlike TS readers, KA readers did not
ceeded in clearing short-term memory: show the longest word reading times for the
While the second experiment only con- paragraphs at the highest text level (“levels
firmed the predictions about propositional effect;” Cirilo & Foss, 1980). The levels ef-

feet of reading times could thus be a result fashion, the differences among verbatim,
of the construction of a text’s meaning rep- propositional. and situational representa-
resentation and its macrostructure. tions were relatively stable for TS and KA
Whereas TS readers may have constructed goals.
the text’s macrostructure by applying heu- For a technical text such as a program-
ristic comprehension strategies such as mer’s manual, the present study thus pro-
micro- and macroprocesses, KA readers, vides an intriguing pattern of experimental
besides constructing the text’s microstruc- results for the encoding, memory storage
ture, have emphasized the processing of and retrieval of text and situational infor-
situational information. Since TS readers mation which need to be explained by cur-
studied the text much longer than KA rent theories of discourse comprehension.
readers, heuristic comprehension pro- There are basically two ways to account for
cesses appear to be more time consuming the differences in the encoding and re-
than the processing of the situations ad- trieval speeds and memorability between
dressed by the text. The encoding time dif- text and situational information.
ferences between propositional and situa- One may argue that the difference be-
tional information could be explained by tween text and situational information,
differences in the mode of processing: which were distinguished from one another
Whereas the heuristic comprehension pro- by their contents, is just that and does not
cesses which construct a propositional have any further implication with respect
textbase (Kintsch & van Dijk, 1978) are to their representation in memory. Thus
more likely to proceed mostly bottom-up, only a single (propositional) memory repre-
knowledge acquisition more directly de- sentation would be postulated. Under this
pends upon a reader’s prior domain knowl- assumption. the reading time differences of
edge (Schmalhofer, 1982), and may thus be Experiment 1 could be accounted for in
faster because of the reader’s expectations terms of the early Kintsch and van Dijk
about the situations to be introduced next (1978) model by asserting that the reader’s
in the text. goal, and therefore the schema that for-
Experiments 2 and 3 showed that TS and mally represents these goals, determines
KA subjects also differed by the cognitive different propositions as relevant for TS
products constructed during reading. and KA readers. Text summarization
Whereas TS subjects better remembered readers would consequently emphasize the
propositional information than did KA sub- propositional processing of general state-
jects, KA subjects retrieved more situa- ments about LISP, while KA readers would
tional information. In the third experiment emphasize the processing of the more spe-
it was found that accessing situational in- cific details about LISP. In order to explain
formation is faster and proceeds at a higher the results of Experiments 2 and 3 and in
speed than accessing text information. particular how situational information in-
Even for recognition decisions, situational fluences subjects’ recognition responses, it
information is more important than ver- could be postulated that inferential pro-
batim or propositional text information. In cesses would derive the respective infor-
addition to verbatim and propositional text mation from a textbase at the time of the
representations, the cognitive representa- test. Such a model, which postulates that
tion of situational information is thus an two different retrieval strategies operate
important component when acquiring do- upon verbatim and propositional memory
main knowledge from studying a text. Al- traces, has been presented by Reder (1982).
though text summarization and knowledge Supposedly, a direct retrieve1 strategy
acquisition goals influenced the three pro- searches for an exact match between the
cessing components in the predicted wording or propositions of a test sentence

and verbatim or propositional memory tween a propositional textbase and a situa-

traces. On the other hand, plausibility tion model, the meaning representation of a
judgments would calculate the plausibility text can be differentiated from the cogni-
of the test sentences which had not been tive representation of the (real or fictional)
inferred during reading from the proposi- state of affairs referred to by a text.
tional representation at the time of the test. In any case, the three experiments,
In addition, Reder postulates that the more which were performed in order to test some
consistent a test sentence is with the text, important assumptions of the discourse
the more likely it is that plausibility judg- comprehension strategies described by van
ments would produce a “yes” response in Dijk and Kintsch (1983). found that the
a recognition test: Therefore, more “yes” predictions derived from this theory are at
responses are to be expected for M-sen- least valid for the particular programmer’s
tences than for C-sentences. However, manual under study. In order to generalize
some question remains as to whether such the results obtained by the method of single
a model could really account for all aspects cases (Clark, 1973) and to further distin-
of the reported data in a straightforward guish between alternative explanations of
way: If KA readers formed a propositional the reported results, research with different
text representation which contained more types of texts and different subject popula-
propositions about LISP details, why did tions is needed.
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