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Croatian Syllabus

Teach Yourself Croatian

a. u hotelu in the hotel 1
forming basic statements and questions; introducing
yourself and others; identifying yourself and asking
others their identity; saying which languages you
speak; using words and expressions in greeting
b. u kavani in the cafe 12
saying what you want or like; asking others what
they want or like; asking what others want to drink;
giving and asking for personal information; saying in
and to; making negative statements
c. u gradu in town 23
expressing basic directions; asking where something
is; saying where something is in relation to
something else; saying other expressions useful in
getting about town; expressing can and have to
d. želim kupiti... / want to buy. .. 36
() using phrases and expressions when shopping for
o basic items and when in the post office; saying i
� numbers 1-20; using words for handling money;
using expressions relating to need or desire
e. u restoranu in the restaurant 50
ordering a meal; asking for and stating opinions,
preference, advice; expressing agreement; attracting
the attention of others; saying there is/are, there is
not/are not
f. dođite k meni come to my p/ace 63
giving an invitation; accepting or declining an
invitation; giving and asking for directions; giving
your address, telephone number; expressing degrees
of certainty and uncertainty
g. koliko imate godina? how old are you? 77
giving and asking for more personal information
concerning age, marital status, occupation, where
you are from, and about other members of your
h. kakav stan imate?
what kind of flat do you have? 92
describing a room, house, flat; describing your day's
routine; using more question words; telling the time;
using expressions for the divisions of the day
i. sviđa mi se plivanje / like swimming 107
describing hobbies, sports, free time; using other
expressions of time, days of the week, months of the
j. na Izletu on an excursion 118
using more phrases to express agreement and
disagreement; expressing further degrees of certainty;
expressing satisfaction; talking about travelling, the
weather, the countryside
k. povralne karte return tickets 130
expressing that things happened in the past (using
the past tense form of the verb); talking more about
travelling; asking what happened; asking how long
ago something happened
l. imam telefonski broj
I have the telephone number 144
talking about future events; asking questions about
the future; talking on the telephone; reporting on
events; making indirect questions; expressing
my/your in other ways
m. na plaži on the beach 156
expressing dates, numbers above 100 and further
expressions of time; expressing feelings, intentions
and moods; saying oneself
n. ako pada kiša ... if it rains ... 171
saying if using different levels of possibility and the
conditional; further understanding aspects; using
expressions for the weather and verbs of movement;
saying that you can see/hear somebody doing
o. kako se osjećale? how do you fee/? 185
talking about health and parts of the body and calling
a doctor; expressing degrees of forbidding; forming
comparative and superlative adjectives such as good,
better; best
p. poslovni ugovor business contract 198
using words and expressions for a business meeting;
forming complex sentences jOined in the middle by
q. u Osijeku in Osijek 209
saying more numbers; asking questions with whose;
using reflexive verbs; talking about changing money;
making general enquiries at hotel reception; revision
r. tri pisma three letters 220
writing letters and short messages for people both in
a social and in a business context; revision exercises

2. Colloquial Croatian
a. Na Putu- On the Way
b. Razgovar o putovanju- conversation about travelling
c. Dolazek U Zagreb- arrival in Zagreb
d. Svatko ide na svoju stranu- each goes his own way
e. Dolazak u hotel- arrival at the hotel
f. Razgovar o stanu- conversation about a flat
g. U restoranu- in the restaurant
h. Na ulici- in the street
i. Posjet prijateljima- visit to friends
j. Obiteljski odnosi- family relationships
k. Putni planovi- travel plans
l. Na posti- at the post office
m. U Kazalistu
n. Pikaranje- packing
o. Polazak- Departure
p. U kvaru- breakdown
q. U kupovini- shopping
r. Prometna nesreca- road accident
s. Razgovor O svakodnevnom zivotu- everyday life conversations
t. Kraj- The end

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