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My favorite year in the school is the 2016, I consider it my favorite year because at

that time was in fifth of secondary and also because I had a good time with my friends
since was my last year at school. One of my anecdotes was when with my friends we
pushed the girls to a pool was very funny at that moment that occurred in the promotion
trip and one of its biggest celebrations was the school anniversary that year.

My favorite courses were communication and CTA since they were very easy and
also because the teachers were the maximum and the courses that were a nightmare
were history and mathematics, the other courses were already something without concern
but the teachers of those courses were a bit exigent, my English teacher was great
because she gave support in the course and the math teacher was very drastic and
serious in the course.

At school, my best friend was someone I could trust hundred percent, his name is
Miguel, he was like a brother to me, one of his qualities was that he always helped others
without asking for any in return and one of his faults was that he resented and one of its
defect is be resentful,

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