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From: Faith Falato


To: (Manager Name)

Email: (

Date: October 5th, 2023

Subject: Revisions from the “How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich” instructions

Dear (Mangager Name),

I am writing to provide you with an update on the results of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich
instructions project. After providing the instructions to workers from a sandwich company, I received
feedback from five participants. Three of the participants bestowed a high rating of five, signifying their
perception that the instructions were highly accessible, comprehensible, and easy to implement.
Conversely, one participant expressed a slightly less enthusiastic view by assigning a rating of four,
signifying that they perceived the instructions as somewhat more challenging than straightforward.
Additionally, the final participant's rating of three indicated that they encountered significant difficulty in
comprehending and adhering to the provided instructions.

Based on the feedback I received, I have made several recommendations on how to improve the
1. The instructions should be more detailed and include more step-by-step instructions. This will
help ensure that all participants can understand and follow the instructions without any confusion.
2. I recommend that the instructions include visuals or diagrams to illustrate each step. This will
help provide a clearer picture of how the sandwich should be made and will make it easier for
participants to follow the instructions.
3. Going forward, I plan to conduct another round of testing with revised instructions. This will
provide me with another opportunity to receive feedback and make further improvements if
necessary with other companies.
4. I will also be conducting a survey to gain more insight into the participants' experiences and
perceptions of the instructions to make it perfect and comprehensible before the publication's due
I hope that this update has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Thank you for your feedback

Faith Falato

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