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UNAM FES IZTACALA Departamento de Idiomas

Student’s name: Carreño Centeno Luis Arturo Date: December 01st,


Activity name: U5

We’re going to celebrate Mother’s Day!

Instructions: Go back to the Pre-writing task forum and read two of the entries your
classmates wrote.
Make a comparison between your plans to celebrate Mother’s Day and your classmates’
plans to celebrate this special occasion. Look at the example:

My family and I are going to travel to Puerto Vallarta for Mother’s day, but Maria José is going
to travel to Michoacán.
Julio’s brothers are going to go to a restaurant, but my sister and I are going to cook a special
meal for my mom.

TIP: Recuerda utilizar Mayúsculas, signos de interrogación y puntos finales.


Guadalupe and her family are going to swim but my brother and I are going to dance salsa with
my mom and grandmother.

I’m going to play videogames with my family, but Yulissa is going to prepare breakfast to start
the day right.

Nayely and her family are going to celebrate in a restaurant but I’m going to celebrate in
Mother’s house.

Alin and her family are going to eat lasagna and a cake but I’m not going to drink beer and eat
UNAM FES IZTACALA Departamento de Idiomas

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