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Module 8 Exercise


Crack and Calibrate

If you have been continuously practicing these exercises so far, Keep up the good
work. So far you have understood how to enter in conversations and stay in them.
You now have the courage to expose yourself to conversations.

In this exercise, I need you to crack a joke. In the next few conversations, you
expose yourself to crack a joke and observe the room. Did people laugh? Or are
they shooting you daggers? Understand where you are at and calibrate upwards or

Tips -
• Most jokes hit home when you say something contextual and time it
• Use puns (not to an extent where they are annoying)

If people laughed, congratulations, you have established comfort. Now use this to
ask deeper rooted questions, get to know people more. If they did not, and you can
see that, figure out a way to ease the discomfort. Ask safer questions. Calibrate

All the best, Sher!


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