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Worksheet for Week 14

Business English 2

A. Before you read the article say what you know about the following :
1. Bill Gates is a Former CEO of Microsoft and the 6th richest person in the world.
2. Steve Jobs is a Former CEO of Apple.
3. Tim Berners-Lee is inventor of World Wide Web.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. 1976 : Steve Jobs and Wozniak started their own business, The Apple Computer
1985 : Apple was the landmark of jobs career but he decided it was time to drop the pilot.
1997 : Jobs came back to Apple and making handsome profit.
2. A local company ordered 25 of the protype, the almost instant success of Apple 1 and
Apple 2.
3. Millionaire : Launched of Apple 1 and Apple 2.
Billionaire : He bought PIXAR Animations Company.
4. Steve Jobs leave Apple because John Sculley joined the Company from Pepsi-Cola.
5. Because Apple asked Steve Jobs to return.
6. Within a year.
7. Because of iTunes, the dreams of hundreds of companies has been a way to harness the
desire for music on the internet and turn it into profit.
8. Because of his knowledge in technology.
Language Review
1. Present Simple Tense.
2. Past Simple Tense.
3. Present Continuous Tense.
4. Present Perfect Tense.
A. The following words formed with a prefix are from the article on page 32:
Co-founder, renamed, underselling. Match the common prefixes from the box with
correct meaning below.
1. Too much = overproduce.
2. Better/more than = out-vote.
3. Badly = misinterpret.
4. Extremely = ultra-complicated.
5. Former = ex-president.
6. Opposite = deactivate.
7. With = co-founder.
8. Too little = underselling.
9. Again = renamed.

B. Underline the odd one out in each group.

1. Under perform / rate / charge / profit
2. Co producer / worker / boss / author
3. Re launch / engineer / locate / decide
4. Over spend / estimate / supply / lose
5. Mis manage / judge / calculate / look
6. Out perform / bid / class / win
7. Ultra efficient / cautious / modern / big
8. Ex boss / director / employee / staff
9. De merge / nationalise / regulate / grow

C. Complete the sentences with the correct word form Exercise B.

1. Underperformed.
2. Co-authors
3. Relaunch.
4. Overestimated.
5. Mismanaged.
6. Outbid.
7. Ultramodern.
8. Ex-boss.
9. Deregulated.

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