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Software Impacts 17 (2023) 100546

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ARP Cotabato: Exploring seasonal climate and rice production in Cotabato

province through advanced data visualization and rapid analytics
Reymark D. Delena a ,∗, Marivic S. Tangkeo b , Azimah D. Ampuan a , Joseph C. Sieras a
Faculty, Department of Information Sciences, College of Information and Computing Sciences, Mindanao State University – Main Campus, Marawi City, Lanao
Del Sur, 9700, Philippines
Faculty, Department of Information Technology, College of Computer Studies, De La Salle University, Manila City, National Capital Region, 1000, Philippines


Keywords: We used Power BI and Python Script to visualize agro-climate and rice production in Cotabato, resulting in an
Rice production efficient prototype that facilitates easy comprehension of information. Based on usability testing feedback,
Data mining we enhanced user-friendliness through simplified visualizations. Our focus on analytics and visualization
Data visualization
emphasized the significance of understanding rice production and related factors. The analytical dashboard has
Agro-climate factors
the potential to aid stakeholders and policymakers in making informed decisions regarding food insufficiency
Irrigated and rainfed rice production
Analytical dashboard
and conflict arising from declining rice production. Overall, this prototype presents a promising solution to
Climate change guide decision-making and tackle crucial challenges in the region.

Code metadata

Current code version 1

Permanent link to code/repository used for this code version
Permanent link to reproducible capsule
Legal code license N/A
Code versioning system used None
Software code languages, tools and services Python, DAX
Compilation requirements, operating pandas, numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, seaborn
environments and dependencies
If available, link to developer documentation/manual
Support email for questions

1. Motivation and significance for adaptive decision-making, while also ensuring strong stakeholder
engagement and ownership within the climate services themselves [4].
Integrated decision-support systems have long been used as comp- Although seasonal climate forecasting has shown promising results
uter-based technologies for sophisticated decision-making in agricul- in agricultural decision-making, no research has specifically investi-
ture, particularly in analyzing climate threats using crop models
gated the applicability of seasonal climate forecasts on rice production
[1,2]. When making decisions on the best management methods for
at the local level in Mindanao, particularly in the Province of Cotabato,
identifying climate service-based adaptation strategies in agricultural
which is known as the granary of the nation’s rice production and
systems, decision-makers must consider both threats and uncertainties.
Climate services, in theory, convert climate data into practical applica- supply. Thus, we aim to explore the applicability of seasonal climate
tions, assisting decision-makers in making more informed and effective forecasts and rice production data in the Province of Cotabato to visu-
choices [3]. However, to achieve these results, climate services need alize and assist provincial-level decision-makers in making intelligent
to consider the reliability, accuracy, and relevance of climate data decisions using a computer vision platform. This project combines

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.D. Delena).
Received 12 June 2023; Received in revised form 3 July 2023; Accepted 3 July 2023

2665-9638/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
R.D. Delena, M.S. Tangkeo, A.D. Ampuan et al. Software Impacts 17 (2023) 100546

Fig. 1. System architecture of Agro-climate and rice production analytical dashboard.

Fig. 2. Agro-climate and rice production dashboard pages.

analytics with visualization to assess rice production in North Cotabato The development of an agro-climate and rice production analytical
using seasonal climate data and historical rice production data. dashboard holds significant value for decision-makers and stakeholders
The primary objective of this analytics project is to support decision- in the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPAg) of Cotabato. Firstly,
making by providing informative insights. Descriptive analytics and the dashboard enables the identification of patterns and trends in rice
data visualization will facilitate better decision management, improve production, empowering decision-makers to allocate resources effec-
crop output, and reduce undesirable expenditures associated with cul- tively, make informed investments, and plan production strategies. By
tivation, future agriculture, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides [5]. analyzing the relationship between rice production and agro-climatic
Additionally, this software will identify factors that have a significant factors like temperature and precipitation, decision-makers can pin-
effect on rice production, whether it is irrigated or non-irrigated. point optimal conditions to maximize yields and reduce production
By leveraging this software solution, we aim to empower decision- costs [7]. Secondly, the dashboard provides insights into the perfor-
makers in addressing the challenges of rice production in the face of mance of different rice varieties under varying agro-climatic condi-
climate change in the Province of Cotabato. tions. Decision-makers can compare yields and performance indicators
across different varieties, aiding in the selection of the most productive
2. System development model of an agro-climate and rice produc- strains and informing future production plans. Thirdly, the dashboard
tion analytical dashboard helps identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in rice production.
Through the analysis of the connection between rice production and
Fig. 1 depicts the designed system architecture of the analytical climate-related risks such as droughts or floods, decision-makers can
dashboard prototype. The data were gathered from different data develop contingency plans and risk management strategies to ensure
sources (1) from NASA POWER and (2) from OPAG Cotabato. These the resilience of Cotabato’s rice industry. Moreover, the agro-climate
data were collected, aggregated, and stored in a repository [6]. The and rice production analytical dashboard serve as a valuable tool for
consolidated was then extracted, transformed, and loaded in Power BI decision-makers, providing them with insights that inform planning,
for further analysis and visualization. investment, and risk management strategies. By leveraging this dash-
board, decision-makers can work towards ensuring the sustainability
3. Agro-climate and rice production analytical dashboard and profitability of the rice industry in Cotabato.

Fig. 2 provides a comprehensive overview of the agro-climate and 4. Impact overview

rice production dashboard, showcasing its various components and
visualizations. The dashboard incorporates filters for municipality and ARP Cotabato has been developed to enable better decision-making
years, allowing users to customize their analysis. It includes a timeline, regarding production and its response to various factors in the agri-
special visual, indicators, stacked column chart displaying rice produc- cultural sector. The main impacts of the generated software can be
tion by year, donut chart presenting rice production and crop areas for
summarized below:
different crop types, tornado chart comparing rice production to the
previous year, and clustered chart illustrating rice production by mu- • Enabling better decision-making regarding production and its re-
nicipality. Additionally, Fig. 2b depicts a dynamic model showcasing sponse to various factors by answering most of the inquiries of the
the relationships between variables. targeted province: The software’s visualization results effectively

R.D. Delena, M.S. Tangkeo, A.D. Ampuan et al. Software Impacts 17 (2023) 100546

address most inquiries of the targeted province, enabling better

decision-making regarding production and its response to various • The software can be expanded to other provinces that possess
factors. Decision makers can now come up with a better decision their data. This can increase its impact and usefulness for decision
as to how they will proceed with production reacting to different makers in other regions.
factors. • The software can be improved to provide more detailed in-
• Allowing decision makers to understand climate change trends formation at the municipal level. This can increase its useful-
and their potential effects by generating reports quickly: The ness for decision makers at the local level and make it more
software generates reports quickly, allowing decision makers to widespread.
understand climate change trends and their potential effects. This
feature can help decision makers to make informed decisions 6. Conclusion
based on data analysis, which can lead to better outcomes for rice
production and potentially other crops in Cotabato. This paper presents a system model of an agro-climate and rice pro-
• Providing provincial-level decision makers with the ability to ana- duction analytical dashboard, showcasing its system architecture. The
lyze data related to rice production and make intelligent decisions dashboard incorporates various visualizations to analyze rice produc-
using a computer vision platform: This feature can help decision tion and climate data effectively. It enables decision-makers to identify
makers to easily analyze data based on what kind of seed they patterns, make informed decisions on resource allocation and produc-
will give to a certain area of the municipality that could stand tion planning, and assess the performance of rice varieties under dif-
with the climate weather if it has an increase or decrease effect. ferent agro-climatic conditions. The dashboard also aids in identifying
• Demonstrating its effectiveness in decision-making through us- risks and vulnerabilities in rice production, supporting the development
ability testing conducted with decision makers in Cotabato prov- of contingency plans and risk management strategies. The software
ince: Usability testing conducted with decision makers in Cota- has shown promising results in helping decision-makers analyze data,
bato province confirmed their acceptance of the software’s us- generate reports quickly, and make informed decisions. While currently
ability. Testing conducted with software users demonstrated its focused on rice production in Cotabato, there is potential for expansion
effectiveness in decision-making, and users expressed interest in to other provinces. The software’s limitations include its focus on rice
its application beyond the province of Cotabato, suggesting its production and the need for further research on climate-related factors.
potential for use by other farmers and in different crops. Overall, this analytical dashboard offers valuable insights for decision-
• Expressing interest in its application beyond the province of making and has the potential to address critical challenges in the rice
Cotabato, suggesting its potential for use by other farmers and industry.
in different crops: Testing conducted with software users demon-
strated its effectiveness in decision-making, and users expressed
interest in its application beyond the province of Cotabato, sug- Declaration of competing interest
gesting its potential for use by other farmers and in different
crops. The software can be applied to other types of crops such as The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
plants, wheat, beans, etc., and is not limited to rice crops only. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
• Being applicable to other types of crops such as plants, wheat, influence the work reported in this paper.
beans, etc., and not limited to rice crops only: The software can
be applied to other types of crops such as plants, wheat, beans,
etc., and is not limited to rice crops only. This feature can expand
its usefulness beyond rice production and make it more applicable
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