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Who was

Abu Ayyub

A Generous Host of
the Prophet x

Abu Ayyub
Ansari 4

Abu Ayyub Ansari’s 4 real name was Khalid bin Zaid. However he is
commonly known as Abu Ayyub 4. He belonged to the tribe of Banu
Najjar from Madinah and converted to Islam before the migration of
the Prophet x to Madinah.
Abu Ayyub 4 was one among the Ansar (meaning aiders or helpers)
of Muslim history who supported Prophet Muhammad x
and other Muslims after their migration to Madinah.
Migration to Madinah
The persecutions in Makkah were becoming more and more difficult
for Muslims. With the permission of the Prophet x more and more
Muslims were migrating to Madinah. Finally Allah T commanded
Prophet x to leave Makkah and go to Madinah, so Prophet x
along with Abu Bakr 4 left Makkah.

Madinah Longed for the Prophet x

The Muslims of Madinah got the happy news that the Prophet x was
on his way to Madinah. They began waiting for him. All the men and
women, both young and old and all the children came out of the
houses and hurried to greet the Prophet x. Their hearts were full of
joy and love.

His House was Chosen by Allah T
When the Prophet x migrated to Madinah, along with Abu Bakr 4,
every man in the city wanted the honour of hosting him. The Prophet
x was riding his camel, Qaswa. Each man was hopeful that the camel
would stop outside his house and he would have the hounor of having
the Prophet x as his guest. The people would call out again and
“Stop here O’ Messenger of Allah! Stop here O‘ Messenger of Allah!”,
but the Prophet x, without refusing or accepting anybody’s offer
simply replied that he would stay where his camel stopped and that
the camel was under Allah’s T order.
Finally the camel stopped right next to Abu Ayub Ansari’s 4 house.
As soon as the camel stopped, Abu Ayub 4 excitedly
grabbed his baggage and took it inside his house.

The Honour of Hosting Prophet x

The house had two floors. Abu Ayub 4 prepared the top floor for the
Prophet x, but he preferred staying on the lower floor as he expected
many visitors. Abu Ayub 4 and his wife moved upstairs but they felt
really uncomfortable. They felt that it would be against the respect of
the Prophet x if they walked above him.

One night Abu Ayub 4 spilled a jug of water on the floor upstairs.
Both the husband and wife mopped up the water with a piece of their
clothing and spend the night worrying that the water might drip on
the Prophet x as the floor was made from wood. The next morning
He told the Prophet x what had happened and again requested him
to move upstairs as they had been unable to
sleep even for a little while fearing
that they might have disturbed him.
At this, the Prophet x
agreed to move upstairs.

He and his wife used to send food to the Prophet x. After eating,
when he returned the food, they both would eat from the place
they thought the Prophet x would have touched the food. Their
love and respect for the beloved Prophet x was remarkable.
The Prophet x stayed with them for as long as it took to
construct Masjid Al-Nabawi. The masjid had an appartment
attached to it, meant for the Prophet x and he moved to stay
What a noble neighbour to have !
The Prophet x moved to the rooms which were built around
Masjid Al-Nabawi for himself and his family. The Prophet x thus
became a neighbour of Abu Ayyub 4. What a noble neighbour to
have had!
Participated in Battles
Abu Ayub 4 actively participated bravely in all
the battles of the Prophet x that took place during
his lifetime. He always tried to protect him.

A Generous Host
Abu Ayub’s 4 hospitality did not end when the Prophet x moved
out of his house. One day Abu Bakr 4 and Umar 4 were both
extremely hungry. While they were talking to each other about it,
the Prophet x also came by and said that he too was feeling
hungry. Together they went to Abu Ayub’s 4 house.
They were welcomed. Abu Ayyub 4 hurriedly brought a branch of
a date palm, laden with ripe, half ripe and dry dates. Then he
slaughtered a goat, cooked and grilled it and asked his wife to
bake some bread and presented the food to them. The Prophet x
took a piece of bread and put some meat on it. Then he turned to
his host and said, “Abu Ayub, take this to my
daughter Fatimah. She has not tasted
anything like this for days.”

After they had eaten their fill, the Prophet x said, “Bread, meat
and all these kinds of dates!” Then, he shed tears and said, “By
Allah T, this is the luxury you’ll be asked about on the Day of
Judgement. Whenever you get something, say,
‘In the name of Allah’ as you put your hands
into it. When you have finished, say ‘Thanks to
you, O Allah. You have provided us sufficiently,
with the best blessings.”

Abu Ayyub 4 Passes Away

Abu Ayub 4 became very ill during a battle and passed away when
he was almost eighty years old. He lived his life following the
Prophet x and hosting him whenever he could. His generosity and
hospitality is an example for all of us.

Interesting Facts
1 He is known in history for a very special honour of hosting the
Prophet x.
2 He is called Abu Ayyub “Ansari” because he was one among the
Ansar (aiders or helpers) of Madinah.
3 He was a close companion of the Prophet x.
4 His real name was Khalid bin Zaid. However he is commonly
known as Abu Ayyub 4 (father of Ayyub).

What’s so special about Abu Ayyub Ansai 4 ?

Host of the
Prophet x

Honest Truthful
Love for the
Prophet x


Friendly and welcoming to

A generous person is visitors or guests.
liberal in giving or
sharing and gives more
of something than is
usual or expected.

How can I become like Abu Ayyub Ansari 4 ?
Write down any one of your favourite qualities about Abu Ayyub 4
and set your goal to become like him.

His quality

My Goal

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