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Norwich University, David Crawford School of Engineering, EG 109 – Fall Semester 2023

Laboratory 2: EXCEL Spreadsheets

EG109 A L6
Brian Brennan
08 SEP 23
Illari Vihinen
W – to create a clear and legible table which outlines the speed of an object
I – use online tools and videos to aid using excel
S – follow the instructions provided by the instructor
E – a standard table was made as instructed
R – could be made quicker with more practice
W – to create a table in excel which clearly outlines a loan, its payments, and its interest over
I – try references to cells and fill to complete lab faster
S – follow the instructions provided by the instructor
E – a standard table was made as instructed
R – easy to complete with the practice from the previous problem

W – Create a table and chart that clearly describes the properties of a windmill
I – test different settings on the chart to make it as legible as possible
S – follow the instructions provided by the instructor
E – the table was made, without the secondary vertical axis because the version of excel used did
not have that setting
R – could have tried a different version to complete the assignment properly
W – to find the mean, min, max, median, mode, and standard deviation of lab #1 results
I – use previously implemented techniques to quickly complete the assignment
S – follow the instructions provided by the instructor
E – results were quickly calculated with excel functions
R – most lab results had a mass of 27,000 and 800 trucks, but wildly larger results threw off the
mean and standard deviation, but those results make much more sense when you remove the
To complete the assignment, I extensively used online videos on excel functions and the aid of
classmates to better understand the program. These resources made it much easier to complete
the lab assignment. I only had trouble creating the secondary axis because of the older version of
excel that I used. This will be easily resolved by using a more up to date version of excel.

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